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What happened to our zest for inventing new and interesting things? nowadays we seem to just modify the already existing shit, in the 40's and 50's we were throwing out wild inventions left and right, what happened? I can't stand stagnation and I believe we are in a state of it right now, just perpetual modification of already established inventions.
I think there are several factors.  The first is niggers.  Niggers cannot invent anything and actually detract from the mother brain of an entire area by being ugly, stupid pieces of fucking trash constantly in the way of progress.  Another is material.  We don't make our own steel or even plastic or coal anymore.  What we make, we export to fetishists in other countries who want "Made in USA" stamps.  We need every material provided to us by chinks or other undesirables, who of course make the shit half-assed with dog shit in their stupid fucking brains and mix the stuff with as cheap trash as they can find to save a buck, the buck WE pay them because they subsist on camel piss and cum from what I can gather.  An easily recognizable factor is slavery.  Every man is so concerned with getting his own closet of an apartment to stay in that he works 45027 hours a week until his hands bleed all through the fucking carpet.  How can you invent a fucking new flavor of dick when you don't have time to cook for yourself?  So you purchase a McDonald's brand Ass Burger made with actual feces which shortens your lifespan to thirds.  You die at 23, from old age, before ever even finishing your cranial expansion of your early twenties.  Hell, you didn't even get man-shoulders before the fucking turd this country left in your brain's spare casing starved.  Trannies look way hotter around 19 because the man-shoulders haven't come in yet.  No surprise that with so little time, people are too busy not writing books at all to notice every modern one uses "But" to start half the sentences, which is grammatically incorrect.  I pray every day that I remember to that God fucking destroys every fucking nigger off this fucking planet.

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