10/6/2024 13:30:00 No. 5092 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide Post humans want to live longer yet they'll call 40 old
10/6/2024 13:31:00 No. 5093 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post humans want to solve world hunger while going out to spend money on a new wardrobe
10/6/2024 13:32:00 No. 5094 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post humans will complain a videogame franchise is dead while giving that franchise free promotion
10/6/2024 17:57:00 No. 5097 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post they'll exert amazing energy cancelling popular people but when it comes to rallying against even worse crimes they will have no energy to do so
10/6/2024 18:00:00 No. 5098 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post e2tpgoltq59d1[1] jpeg (362.8 KB, 1334x1001)