first tip
don't use /do /say
when you do your input first is interpreted by AI into a /story, and then AI generates more output out of it, and AI gets it wrong most of the time so stick to /story for less retard wrangling
> you over yonder
Better: You point over yonder.
the more detailed the input the less chances for AI to misinterpret it
if you ever played a roleplaying game through the internet which involved writing emotes in that experience comes in handy (just don't use )
> just here for the ride.
When AI doesn't end it's dialogue output with a quotation mark it usually means it has more to say (Griffin is locked to 45 characters), press enter for more
> You what goods are you looking for?
it was able to grasp it from the context but less grammatically correct input = less coherent output, like I said, use /story (click the "Do" button one or two times until it becomes "Story") and describe your action like a narrator would
> "I'm from the town of Fushô."
edit AI's responses and add at least he/she says because it gets confusing not only for you but for AI as well, especially when there are more people involved and btw. use names whenever possible so that AI has a clearer picture
> "You don't want to know."
shitty output from AI, my advice re-roll
wrangle AI out of edgy mysterious attitude whenever you can, otherwise you'll end up in a conversational equivalent of a room in which there's a door, behind which is a staircase, behind which is a corridor, behind which is a room
> You turn to leave when you feel a shove in the back.
I generally edit AI doing my actions/dialogues out unless they really fit
> You swing on him.
if you want an added element of randomness use "you try to" or "you attempt" in your input
also the more you write as CYOA the more CYOA like output you'll get back with all it's narrative asspulls
> You stab.
be more descriptive and verbose or at least be precise to avoid confusing AI
if you input like that AI goes sanic on the pacing, don't ever expect a neat description or a sex scene
> You inventory.
okay Anonymous, you a inventory
but anyway don't bother too much with getting AI to keep a list of what you have and what you wear
I tried, it's possible but it wastes precious resources (limited memory) and AI forgets it anyway I'll make a separate post about /remember and WI
> You go past that tavern called the sultry siren.
capitalize what AI has capitalized to avoid confusing it and correct AI when it fucks up capitalization
Later is more of the same mistakes unless I missed something (I skimmed through it after half or so)
I made similar mistakes when I started - most of them are a result of thinking this is a game. You can treat it like that but you won't get interesting results outside of AI doing something random. Realize that AI is a cute retard that needs to be pulled into a broad direction you want it to go and then it'll follow making some nice things. Whenever it throws something inconsistent, unfitting or whatever - edit or retry. I do that for most of the outputs unless AI is on a roll.
One more post incoming.