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Ah, another spastic internet retard with a sense of sarcasm, excellent.  Do you enjoy how you can never find what you want, because you yourself can't adequately define it, so everyone just gawks at you awkwardly?

Do you want realism in art, realism in a specific interest (guns, cars, hobbies), do you want verisimilitude in a scientific sense, or relationship sense?

I Am Hero for example employs very realistic art and backdrops, but the plot isn't very "realistic".

Golden Kamuy is realistic for it's period portrayal, and gun nerd knowledge.

Vagabond falls under these kinds of categories too, in fact half of all the titles under the "Historical" tag on Mangadex will be "realistic".

Monster is incredibly realistic.
As is Boy's Abyss.

See you almost figured that out.
Down to earth, grounded in reality, but with an ironic sense, the most funny sides of reality, not the boring and academic parts of reality.

> Do you want realism in art

> realism in a specific interest (guns, cars, hobbies)

> do you want verisimilitude in a scientific sense

> or relationship sense

only if it's true but also stupid or funny
narrowing it down to only relationships is not necessary though, just to realism in the human existence

You're taking this too seriously btw, for the board you're in. A GPT bot would have answered in a very similar way.
And also, post the pages showing realism (better if with some irony in them) not just the titles of the series.

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would Otoyomegatari qualify ?
its written by a woman so it lacks a bit of grit, which granted is only needed in small doses (not edgelord levels like Berserk)
but it does seem to rely a lot on history, without necessarily being a historical mango I think it has some level of realism

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