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▶ Source of fake Trump pee pee story found! 

Source of fake Trump pee pee story found!

S.T. Prudence, an ex member of the Disney Channel, Basingtoke, England created the fake pee pee story on Trump as a revenge for Rick Wilson getting him always banned on his Twitter page. Wilson had a pee pee fetish.

S.T Prudence took the Achmed Sukarno KGB video tape in England story and gave it a ridiculous piss fetish plot. He then sent his Golden Showers or “British Intelligence” report to a lot of shitty journalists via a word document he produced. He e-mailed it out. @juliaioffe confirmed she received it.

Context for story.

(See video posted in next post).

S.T Prudence used the Home Alone 2 Hotel which he thought about because Trump is in the movie. He added fetishes & the Indonesian KGB story to the plot and created the Trump pee pee story as a joke.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Full Movie - Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern


The fake pee pee story was then used by Hillary & co-horts to create the pee pee dossie story background and feed it to Christopher Steele, who then collected all types of material from Hillary and her sources and fake sources, to then create the fake pee pee dossie. 

It was even posted on 4 chan at the time, before Buzzfeed published it.

How the report flowed from Hillary to Steele.

Steele got the report from Jon Winer, US State Department from Cody Shearer, a contact of Sydney Blumenthal, a friend of the Clintons, who passed it to Winer. He then fed the into to the Clintons, who in turn fed it to Steele.

More connections.

From 2011-2013, Cody Sheares assisted Sydney Blumenthal and former CIA operative Tyler Drumheller in preparing a series of informal intelligence memos for Hillary Clinton with regards to Lybia. (Most likely fake Intel reports to get her off the hook).

Note: Clown actors do not want you to see this or know about this!:

/pol/ - FISA CORRUPTION: Unredacted Grassley Memo Released - Politically Incorrect – 4chan

PART II – material referenced in Part I above first post:

When the KGB tried to blackmail Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno with videotapes of the president having sex with Russian women disguised as flight attendants, Sukarno wasn't upset. He was pleased. He even asked for more copies of the video to show back in his country.


The C.I.A. Porn Movie - Sukarno complot



Published on Nov 13, 2015

Sukarno Biography: http://amzn.to/2mYTZUx In 1945, Sukarno became the first President of Indonesia. He rose to become the leading figure of a strategic region during the Cold War. It is thus that he became the target of one of the most bizarre counterespionage plots. THE CIA PORN MOVIE In the late 1950s, the agency set their eyes on Indonesia and its president, Achmed Sukarno. Known as quite a lech, America set out to position Sukarno as morally compromised, so devised a rumor that he’d bedded a blonde, white airline stewardess who was a secret KGB agent. Of course, simple words wouldn’t work, so they actually produced a full-on pornographic movie in 1957. Featuring a Chicano porn actor in a full-face Sukarno mask, the flick was titled “Happy Days” and stills were distributed in Indonesia, to no effect. 

This was the basis for the fake Trump pee dossie folks.

And more.


① Carter Page was used in 2013 by the FBI to help capture Russian spies who were trying to pump him for information.

②  Carter Page was then placed by the FBI inside the Trump administration, to spy on him and collect Intel on any possible Russia connections.

③  Then, the FBI used the fake pee pee dossie to authorize official spying on Page, one of their agents, to officialize the illegal collection of data.

④  Next, the FBI used this fake pee pee dossie to obtain the FISA spy warrants on Trump and then as a basis for the Mueller Congressional probe.


▶ Well, well lookie here! Fake pee pee dossie behind Russia collusion story! 

►  Without this fake pee pee dossie, the Mueller probe would never have initiated.

►  The same Carter Page that hasn't been put in jail and is doing media hits?

►  And this fake concocted pee pee dossie became the basis for the MSN  - CIA - FBI one year illegal rampage against the elected President Trump, the Mueller probe and all these crimes of the DOJ and the FBI in illegal spying, failure to submit documents to Congress when requested, FISA abuse, a fake Mueller investigation and much much more.


And the DOJ, Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein continue to illegally block the Devin Nunes sub-poenas for documents. The DOJ is preventing Congress from going directly to the  courts.

The DOJ is corrupt and must be shut-down.

And please have a look at this:

Ok... HRC believed it was her turn to be president. 

People like Nellie and Bruce Ohr, the Podestas, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS invented a whole lot of sleazy nonsense about Trump.

They then placed this "intelligence" with a failed Ex British spy, and aid him both via Fusion GPS and FBI to feed the "intel" to the FBI.

Meanwhile they wanted Tom's pyle on Trump, to see if there was any real dirty instead of the stuff they were inventing. 

They planted Carter Page in the Trump campaign. Page is an FBI asset and had helped FBI jail 2 Russians for spying a few years back. They told a judge that Page was connected to Russians and needed to be surveillance. Under the FISA, anyone Page came in contact with is also surveilled. So FBI and therefore the HRC campaign got electronic access to the trump campaign.


Meanwhile Papadopolous was placed in the Trump campaign and was in London. This allowed GCHQ to help with surveillance from UK.

Even after Trump was elected, they continued with the surveillance. 




>  >>/159551917/

The Shadow Government initiated the release of a fake pee pee dossie, which Hillary used in partnership with Steele and Fusion GPS - Glenn Sympson to create the fake pee pee dossie and hoax called Russian collusion and interference in partnership with Trump. It is all bull.

Fusion GPS was just a front, a cover to protect Steele, who was pushing-out the fake Hillary garbage.


Yes, it is connected to the dossie also, as the dossie names RosAtom employees as the source for the pee pee dossie. And almost all 70 employees on board were RosAtom employees. (See George Webb videos on this).

Actually, it is more connected to uranium one and an attempt to cover-up the people involved in this. Not sure if the dossie names RosAtom employees. But certainly the uranium one dealing are connected.

Jeff Sessions is not prosecuting those in the U.S. guilty of this FISA ABUSE and those who criminally signed-off on it.

Jeff Sessions is also covering-up many other crimes, probably MUCH MUCH MORE then we know of.

A list of the things he is covering-up and suppressing, refusing to prosecute.

▶ Jeff Sessions exposed.


Q agent of The Clowns in America.

Jeff Sessions, agent of The Clowns in America.

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