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she should not have destroyed cewl threads, if dela posts hot pics with time stamp someone should make a thread for her, cewl threads should go back to normal and dela needs some cock to calm down cuz wtf was this hysteria tier meltdown, plain and simple female jealousy coated as "im trying to save cewl".
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> I was tinkerfag and even Doomfag at some point
You were never me. I would know.... You're a fucking retard who was obsessed as I was over Cewl...
The only difference is you weren't doing it ironically.
You got the buttmadz'd when you got bamboozilated and are doing this all now as some kind of cope.

I literally did all of this because Cewl is a shit person and I knew what she was from the start, once she dragged You know who into our drama just to hurt me the gloves came off and I shifted into maximum overtroll.

You did this because your weird attempts at keeping her safe backfired and now you're just coping and claiming it was all part of the plan *licks lips* but truth is you're just seething well the rest of us are genuinely having the time of our lives at some evil e-whores expense.

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