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Cewl threads are so worthless , why even care about bump limit when its the same 3 discord trannies throwing shit at eachother  , cewl not even being a part of it 
Is molescular level e-celeb drama really worth a whole thread?

I want to hug her and say everything will be okay and feel her bobs pressed against me and then get a boner and be embarrassed and move my hips back slightly so it doesn't poke her but she realizes what's going on and she pulls me in closer and then i wake up and realize it's a dream and then turn to the side and see her sleeping next to me except she's awake staring wide eyed towards me after all the drugs that kept her awake and then i kiss her good morning and then she doesn't want me to leave and i lay with her all day except that gets really boring so we play video games instead and we forget to eat and i compliment her on her weight loss and make her feel happy and proud of herself. i love cewl

It's ok guys. I'm here to save the day, or ruin it depending on how you feel about me personally.

Cewl. I miss you baby, let me know you're ok. But if you're still mad at me than fuck you and OD you ugly Kunt(I spelledKunt with a capital K to emphasis how much of a kunt she is) because as you know I only ever cared about our relationship and never actually cared about you as I am the most hardcore sociopath that ever hardcored his way into your life

As for Green girl... Behold my rage foul demon. I am a man of pure rage and I destroy everything I touch and right now I'm got my malicious fingers deep inside your skull and I am puppeting you and have been this entire time.
But now is the time for action, no more games, have at you!

I will save Cewl from the likes of you, or I will destroy herself, I haven't really thought about what I wanna do if I get back yet lol

Green gir's real name is Yomi, not sure if it's spelled like that, and her original online name is/was Dead or Death Master. All of you are to bow to me because I did the seggs with her first and she's probably a dyke because I left her because the streets chose me.

Cewl originaly wanted to sell drugs to get easy money but got tricked by some brown non terks into shooting up and got hooked. She ended up sucking and fucking for a fix and her current level of drug use is considered "recovering"

I don't have proof but I'm sure whatever their stories are here will support this. cewl use to talk about fucking 3 old terks that would give her drugs and money, mostly drugs while fucking, without realizing how sick it was. She also would take weird pics of elementary and middle schools. I'll dig for those. Cewl is a new name.

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I think Cewl is very right about the drama. Literally if you want drama go watch a fucking movie or something, I bet you're a plotfaggot too kek. It's pathetic. Plus Cewl can't expose herself like Ciara did for example, so there will never be much to say. We were better off before all this shit.  
Loretrannies and discordtrannies deserve THE ROPE

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Look, if you're just here to see naked sluts and fail to flirt with random women online/are a female and just want attention than more power to you but I assure you there is way more fun to be had in just letting loose and and enjoying the stupidity of yourself and others on full display

Like if you've ever gone to Walmart with a friend, gotten high in the parking lot, stumbled in and just laughed at all the fucking weirdos that shop there despite looking like a complete dork... That is a Cewl thread.
That is what we "discord trannies" have been doing. It's fun, live a little

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You know.... I'm starting to miss Cewl. Not in that I just want to hear her voice again way, she stomped those feelings into the ground the moment I reached out to her after I needed space...

Nah, hating on her, and getting her to out herself and make a bigger ass of herself than me off of my antics was actually fun, amusing, and required a level of actual thought.

There is no calculation with dela. There is no forward planning or misdirection for the sake of theatrics and there is no mystery to solve....
Dela you're really boring stupid and predictable.

I'm going back to 4chan.
See you around, space cowboys

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By the way, I am not the girl on the pic and I was not high last night but thank you everyone for the ride. I wonder what other thread or board I should shit on.

The small group of edgy teenagers mentioning "ekat" and a few others, good luck with that, masterminds of trolling.

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> We had a good thing you stupid son of a bitch! We had kino art! We had nudes for free! We had our replacement for Ciara (Cewl had a lot of flaws in that sense but she was SOLID) but nooooo YOU just HAD to bring your discord drama crap to endchan /agatha2/ and spam everything so that the slow board became very fast and at the level of your burned out dopamine receptors, typical of a discordtranny. You, and your DRAMA, and your WHORE ATTENTION! If you'd done your job of simping, known your place, Cewl wouldn't have left until she graduated and we'd all be FINE right now!

> shit on board by shit posting with us
have you learned yet there's nothing you can do to harm us? and as a day1 cewl hater you've actually done me a service so thank you. I mentioned ekat. it's sort of an inside joke but since i know you're not going anywhere I won't bother instructing you to lurk moar

I did take a pic of my shit that night. Don't remember if I was supposed to post it or if I did. She's supposed to share time stamped female proof but we probably need smoooth anon to talk to her. Smoooth anon is the only one who can get through to psychos. Smoooth anon is so cool.

cewl threads are so shit and off topic, is this part of her damage control after we found out she is a real lolicon? it seems they are trying to distract us from cewl herself maybe she paid the delatranny to shit up the threads with fake drama again.
Elliot, dela, that fat divorced man,the other discord trannies... they are all paid actors. This is so boring and forced I don't even like cewl but I miss when her threads at least made sense and she posted pics instead of this retarded namefag shit

When cewl's threads moved at a normal pace she was getting too much hate talking about her being brown, her heroin addiction and her tranny-tier body so her and her discord friends decided to start doing this instead.

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that was fucking disgusting I hope puk is ok, ofc cewl is jealous of her the pedros she sent nudes to groomed and like puka more
Bitch wanted to play a "sweet femcel lewd queen" while having a social life and attending uni  and wants to bury her e-girl past because she is afraid people find out she is a pedro and helps faggots on discord grooming kids

I'm not sure, another anon said the pc thing was a shitpost he made and no one ever posts screenshots of trannycord where all this is happening. Cewl probably did get doxxed; she has a bunch of psycho discord friends, her opsec is shit, and she's an unashamed drug addict(former)so I wouldn't be surprised if something came out of all that

She was caught larping as an entire different person two threads ago, she is not a quirky goofy retard coomer that's the ragebait persona she created to become a lolcow so she becomes more famous, im suprised no female agatha2 lurker ever talked about her on that gay ass website but I think that's her plan for some reason. Or maybe, MAYBE , cewls plan was doxxing people all along and this was all a facade " im so innocent and sad people bully me im gonna tell my simps to dox people bcs im baby :(". There is also the pedro option, she pretends to be retarded to attract pedrophiles like elliot so they send her cp

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no that's actually creepy and I am saying my honest opinion the eyeliner pic makes her look like the werewolf coming up the stairs creepypasta or some kind of demonic entity, the first pic looks like a 40 year old woman who works in an orphanage where human trafficking is practiced. She looks evil in both of those pics.

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> The villainous faggot and spammer realizes the damage he's done and that he was the only one having fun with his discord bullshit, so he stops spamming the Cewl thread in an attempt to fix things. But it's too late, the damage has already been done and is irreparable. Cewl is gone forever and very soon she will be gone from discord too.
I liked the final arc of Delastranny, bros.

*sigh* when you're right you're right.
I'm not in the simping business, I'm not in the e-girl business.... I'm in the trolling business!
Possibly by design, possibly by her just being a meanspirited cunt but this literally all started because we basically e-dated for a week before it got way too intense for me and I backed off, and came back a couple days later only for her to throw something in my face that she knew was a real sensitive subject and deliberately took what I said completely out of context and something inside me just said "alright.... Let's play that game bitch." and everything just fucking spiraled a few other ppl jumped in and it became a glorious shitshow and this battle will live on in legend for at least another thread or two.

I think it's just a matter of everyone involved hating Cewl/just wanting to fuck with her and seeing where it goes except for Dela which got butthurt when Cewl discarded her(?) and then she(?) tried to act like this was her plan the entire time.

Lol wrong

Wrong. Has anyone seen smoooth anon or dela? I bet smoooth anon is still mauling green girl's cervix. That damn smoooth anon always banging psycho hos. I bet green girl gonna come back all feminine wearing a sundress until she finds out smoooth anon don't got no love fo hos and has been banging other psycho hos in her car when he borrows it. Then it'll be attack of the psycho green girl pt 2. Smoooth anon yeeeeey

That's stupid. Everyone knows that time travel doesn't work that way. If you go back in time and take rubix cubes from the past and bring them to the present it's going to remove them from the past and isn't actually going to add weight to earth or destroy the earths mantel. What a gay retard.
Everyone knows that Mattels real goal is travel back in time and teach Hitler about nukes and other modern military weaponry so that the Germans can win ww2 we can all stop baby sitting retarded third worlders who hate us for allowing them to exist and instead we can build spaceships and colonize other worlds and clap alien cheeks. I mean think about it, we could be warhammerer 40k and sheit instead of living on this doom'd little world that just refuses to die.

You want this, I want this, the german people want this, Mattel wants this... Just let it happen... Shhhh.

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I am the schizo divorced man and I can honestly say I don't think she actually molests her cats. We fucked around and joked and we both admitted we were genuinely curious what it would feel like to get licked by an animal but would *probably* never actually do it. The screenshot regarding that was one I deliberately took out of context.
I created a narrative for our little adventure and I'm more about world building than character development. That much is obvious if you paid attention to any of my mad rantings. I gave you faggots just enough of what happened behind the scenes to understand exactly what happened without actually answering anything but the most important questions.
A good unsolvable mystery will ALWAYS be better than a thoroughly solved one.

Her fun and mine has been had, it's either a shame or a blessing she couldn't control herself or take my warnings seriously. Well I wouldn't mind going another round with her and "trying to make things work this time" I can't really see Cyanide Miami 2: Wrong Cewl coming out any time soon but who knows.
e-girl lore about the journey, not the destination.

Did you not witness anything from the older threads?
I kind of kicked off this recent round of drama. I act like a cartoon villian when I troll, tragic backstory and all. Life is more fun that way
> damage control
I'm not controlling shit. I say let it burn, I was just giving context to ppl who asked
I've been around mentally ill drug addicts my entire life. I kind of knew where things were going from the start. Once I was sure of it I fucking with her. I just was pointing out that I played fair.

idk what you're talking about. My grammer's great aside from the fact that I absentminded repeat the same word a lot type fast and rarely ever proof read anything I post in an attempt to come off as more unhinged and stupid for the sake of entertainment.

I love it when retards think I'm the retarded one cause I choose to act stupid online and they completely miss the joke.
I'd almost hazard a guess that I'm talking to Cewl right now based on the seething and piss poor attempt at insulting me.

if so, why don't you throw my dead wife and kid in my face one more time... Oh wait, that might have been a complete fabrication. You really know nothing about me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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> Everyone fucking with Cewl is one guy
You've got dela, the literal discord tranny who was trying to protect Cewl by doxxing her haters and turning on her once Cewl blocked her for overstepping

You've got Elliott, a troll/ex who likes to flame her

You've got Cyanide(me), the skitzo who writes walls of text, talks like more of a batman villain than Dela, and who got Cewl to expose herself as a manipulative whore who gaslights her simps and shlicks to BBC with toxic guys that aren't afraid to just aprrach her for e-sex

You've got smoothanon and Idek who that is, I think it's just another trolls persona

You've probably got others but tbh I kind of checked out 2 or 3 threads ago
Lol, lmao even
That would be kind of a bummer. I like seeing her get a reality check, but I'd hate to see her destroy herself over some stupid ass internet drama.
It's a decent pussy. I wouldn't mind seeing it again but could also live wtihout it.

Rolled 4, 5, 3, 2, 6, 2, 5, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4, 3, 5, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 5, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 6, 2, 6, 2, 1, 6, 5, 6, 1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 1, 5, 1, 3, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4, 3, 6, 3, 6, 1, 5, 1, 2, 1, 3, 6 = 360 (100d6) >>/102861/
> cewl isn't bad looking
ok m8
the rest is true, i think cyanide is a tranny/fag himself too and wanted some of our attention, something he craves
i think he is

> if he's as sexually aggressive as he says
I'm not actually fat, I'm actually somewhat athletic and the say that BPD sex with is the best sex you'll ever have. I would absolutely destroy Cewl if given the opportunity lol
I'm not trans or gay. I'm just kind of a depraved manwhore/theatre kid
> He wanted attention
Gee, did you figure that out all by yourself smart guy?

Anyway, I got shit I gotta take care of. I'll fuck around with you mentlegen later.

i think delastelle is doxxfag and got a second chance with cewl but cewl fucked up, the "tranny"(is that person really trans?) plan was to ruin the thread and that can also be observed with doxxfag when he appears to derail her threads...
i dont know but this looks something bigger than we know

Son dakika haberi: Sırp bir kadın, yeşil saçlı bir travesti tarafından öldürüldü. Yetkililer, cinayetin kesin sebebini henüz bilmiyorlar, ancak kıskançlık ihtimali üzerinde duruluyor!

Cewl is just a psycho who likes hanging out with other psychos and shit always gets weird between her and her close "friends". She's always had drama and more often than not it's just "Cewl got close with X, Cewl and X had a falling out, Cewl starts talking shit about X and X comes into the thread to talk shit back, they go back and forth until X gets bored and fucks off"
The only thing that's different this time around is that her friends that she pissed off managed to actually get under her skin this time. She's more addicted to the attention than she is the drugs at this point, don't worry, she'll be back. And we can all go back to degrading her and demanding that she share nudes until she manages to piss off someone new in a fun and exciting way.
Hopefully it's another BPD batman villain type but we'll see.

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> The only thing that's different this time around is that her friends that she pissed off managed to actually get under her skin this time.
That would be me, all alone. Yes, I am the villain of the story. She will not be returning anytime soon, as she is well aware of the consequences of doing so.

Have a good morning.

I wait for the right time to post or blend in with you guys and act like the rest. You can't tell how many times you might have replied to me.
No girl wants to be here unless they're selling content or trying to be edgy. Some might send a few freebies, but the edgy ones will keep them and leave you feeling like a cuck.

What happened between bee and cewl? I heard something about bee talking shit on cewl lately and leaving her discord server? Does it have anything to do with this doom guy delastelle stuff or did something else happened between those two?

Bee left of her own volition. Sosa told me she might have felt threatened or something similar, so I asked him to let her know it's not like that. There was no fight but you guys can fabricate one to further derail the threads.

Why do you think receiving replies is some sort of win or something? Anyone with any kind of retarded post can get them and people here with play along with the most retarded and obvious parts and bait just for fun or out of boredom. 

Common sense is no decent girl would want to come here, yeah. that's why they're ewhores.

That's something a terk would say. But not the cool ones. The ones that are too ashamed to say they're from Azerbaijan because they were humiliated by Armenians and Albanians. Suck on those terk titties you Baku piece of gypsy shit.

The speaker is referring to a situation where someone in the chat (referred to as "anon") claimed that a person on their stream was their boyfriend. The speaker is clearly shocked and strongly denies this, even making a dramatic statement like "I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF" (likely meant in a hyperbolic, not literal, way). They emphasize that they consider everyone watching as their "bf" (boyfriend), implying that the person in question wasn't special or significant to them.

The speaker confesses they were extremely high during the stream and can't recall what happened, so they're asking their viewers if anything notable occurred. They're especially anxious about their singing, which they think was bad, and joke about doing a "redemption" performance to make up for it. The cringe from rewatching the stream was so overwhelming that they ended up deleting it.

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same. he ruined everythinf. well, ive seen all your true faces and how you believe a random unhinged schizo over me for brownie points or some sort of "male solidarity" which burns everything to the ground as always. men have fought wars, now they fall for bait.
abd yes its actually me. cant do a timestamp rn as im outside.

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cyanide stop mascarading your teather and snap back to reality. youre a schizo and should be in a correction facility you fucking groomer of all ages (points for no discrimination)
good joke
 >>/103717/ (you)
> cewl would literally never say any of this because she clearly loves the nigger namefag, otherwise she would have already banned him
ban who? im mad at delastelle because of schizoing out but i forgive him, hes just a vandalist tbf. i only ban those who are genuinely insane and have actually done bad things. im not banning my friend because he trolled all you into believing he is a FtM and hurt your wittle feewings :C just so some randos who love me for my body only have a better opinion of me.

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That wasn't me. I'm not a groomer and you're a retarded drug addicted subhuman.
Maybe if you weren't such a shit human being people would be nicer to you.
If you believe I wasn't just trolling you from the point I readded you you're actually retarded. But sure, I'm the skitzo.
Now go shoot up some H, you deserve it.

can admins just kill all my threads? i wanna go back home so i can go on r9k. because even b is better than this. you guys are old malding fat pieces of shit, just like cyanide. no wonder u all flock to him
> photo edit

Just about broke my dick off in delawhore's tight little hole. Left him crying and dripping with my seed. When I was about out the door he whimpered
> please.    dont go...
laughed my ass off all the way to Wendy's and got a baconator with fries

people literally saw my pussy. if youre calling me ftm because i cut my hair short youre just tomboyphobic which is totally gay. i hope you suffer in agony forever
hahahaha really? none of you are getting my nudes anymore, i will never reply cutsie stuff, i will never adress you in streams, i will never answer to pic/joi requests from you freaks, and ill spoil my silly robots. ill still be an egirl, just not yours. so, its clearly your loss. womp womp

cmon, i dont want money for it, egirling is my passion
did you guys know mako gets very hateful when hes horny and when he cums he regrets it and cries like a puppy so i talked to him? last time i talked to him he started fuming like a wojak right infront of me because i said id block him and ban him from the server. he was so sad he couldnt get new pics from discord. what a funny guy, i adore him, but he was too much.

What. The. Fuck. 
I woke up to this and see my "girlfriend" calling me schizo. I give up. BO and others just make these threads poof - I don't want to see this bitch again. I'm more interested in Kennedi and her niche hobby.

close your fucking eyes if youre sad youll never get a girl like me. or even stop posting / dont enter the thread!  >>/103862/ you still gave me energy to my succubus self, you fucking little vessel. and i feel you didnt even cum much, no precum whatsoever. dont want to be mean but you were really bad at it. imagine being a guy and being bad at cumming bro hahaha ur only job and you still fail at it like everything you do ahahaha
womp womp im everyones girlfriend dont think youre special

Idgi. If your goal was truly to leave for good, then Delastelle was doing you a big favor with successfully derailing the general. And here you are calling it "your" thread. It's not yours. It's about you. You are either stupid or not honest with yourself and others. Did you want the threads to stop or just the hate?

Love you xoxo

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Hey cewl it's me, bee's buttchin, I don't have much to say since I'm just a chin. I recently found out I'm a product of mandibular prognathism so I'm kind of dealing with that at the moment but I'm doing ok. how are u?

when did e-girl drama become so fucking elaborate? I just want to see who hates who and how each girl is attention seeking. Cewl threads are like if a 13 year old wrote memento because it's impossible to keep up with any of this nonsense

cewl is so retarded to the point of thinking anons from r9k aren't orbitors who also use agatha2 sometimes and make orbiting threads, real r9k robots who aren't simps will hide your thread u dumbass bitch anyone who gives you attention is either a troll or a simp/orbitor

African sub-Saharan iq man here, AKA cyanide, AKA Doom, AKA that one retarded discord tranny.
She actually ree'd about people finding out about her "fans" finding out about me and pointed out I'm some nobody and she's a literal "microcelebrity with an image to keep". I think she actually thinks she's famous or something.

Seriously, with the right prodding this bitch could because the next female Chris Chan, maybe Daniel Larson if her heroin relapse gets bad enough.

I haven't even been trying since like thread 18/19. At this point I'm just having lighthearted fun here and there with none of the actual drama.

For the post in question I was just adding to the conversation and it seemed somewhat worth pointing out who I was given the context. Yes, Vore is a complete fucking narcissist with a grandiose self image and it's reasonable to say she's likely very out of touch with reality.

The majority of "my" posts aren't actually me, but yeah, I do like a bit of drama and I enjoy my moments in the spotlight. Who doesn't?

Cewls ex drunkenly running his mouth and giving incels dating advice in this thread
those are the two that I'm sure are him. he's clearly drunk and still thinking about cewl

I've been watching this thread and just... wow.

So, if what he's saying is true he comes from money, his dad was a high ranking politician, him and Cewl wanted to take care of each other, he was one of the top 200 RuneScape players when he was younger, and he was a paid live streamer, he's "still messed up about the relationship before Cewl but that's a total mess"

Every time this thread gets replies, it's always the same type of nonsense, almost like it's coordinated. Let it die, no one cares about her anymore. Also, no one should believe Cewl or Cyanide; they're both pathological liars caught up in their little war and impending suicide.

The last few replies in this thread don't seem made by different people. And if they were, it was definitely coordinated, likely by the same people who go into every /agatha2/ thread to stir up lies. If I'm wrong, then fine, maybe you all aren't a single person or group.
I get that the person making the next thread might need some material to fuel more fake drama, but all these 'vocaroos' do is highlight a drunk guy suffering from his own mistakes in real life and the shitty childhood he claims to have had.

> captcha: 41bbc2

Cewl, additionally a noose around the neck is still recommended because several things can go wrong with this method leading to survival. If the scene you're found in concerns you: secure a noose (preferably something thick like a bedsheet) that'll hold your ass one foot off the ground in a clear area (nothing but the noose to grab on to). Whatever drugs you use take at least double the amount you know knocks you out. Your body will fight to survive so the usual amount may be insufficient. Secure yourself to the noose, tight enough that you won't slip out. When the drugs start kicking in let your weight pull you down slowly. Stay calm, breath, think about why you're doing it. It's not the end. You'll come back a better person according to your criteria. Concentrate on retaining as much knowledge as your body drops. You should lose consciousness by now and enter that dark, cool place where you're reborn from. Don't tell anybody in anyway what you're planning. Because if you're interrupted you can just end up retarded and unable to successfully try this again. I hope all goes as you wish.

I like how people call "me" an 'ESL retard', but they're illiterate enough not to recognise my writing style and nuances.

> you're mad that Cewl has a less toxic source for validation that isn't this place now  
Yes, they are mad.
> Though, it's cewl so she may come back anyways sooner or later
I won't go into too much detail, but honestly, she just doesn't feel like having anything to do with this any more, as she told me.

So many other girls have reached out to me, asking for a simple thread derail because they can't remove their stuff from here, and it works every time. But anons like to cope with "haha, I was trolling and derailing too".

Drink something strong and give Bob a listen:

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I plan to sue Cewl and Iris for causing me severe psychological damage and suffering/torture by constantly seeing their horrible faces in the catalog.
> lol you could have hidden the threads!
I did it but the catalog takes a second to hide them.

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> I love Cewl
Cewl... has FAS, she is brown, fat, ugly, she is autistic, depressed, a junkie, diabetic, weeb, a liar, boring, disgusting, a thot, a discordtranny, an attention whore and other things that I am overlooking at the moment. 
God... she doesn't deserve to be loved but rather shot for her own good!

thumbnail of VID_20240927_082327_606.mp4
thumbnail of VID_20240927_082327_606.mp4
VID_202409... mp4
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Damn, you mother fuckers are still discussing this girl like a any of this truly matters.

I'm drunk and kind of was hoping my baby Cewlio had come back for my special brand of abuse that reminds her that she's a terrible person who deserves to suffer in a way that you weak beta trolls could never beat into her <3 but nah.... She's still gone. Oh well...

I hope you fags are doing good, the internet needs more brotherly love.
oh, btw... I almost got this 19 retarded y/o mexican chick to make a thread here so we could all get possibly get her nudes and ruin her mental health(more than it already is) for teh lulz but she didn't take the bait :(

Cewl, if you read this:
I still almost regret how things went between us. It was a lot of fun to gaslight and fuck with you, but it would have been a lot nicer if we could have just been besties with benefits and really had each others backs... At least till I got spooked again because men women and genuine love and vulnerability never go well... But like lol, you wanted to say how evil and fucked up I was, it's not my fault if I proved you right.
Hope you're well <3



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