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I like how people call "me" an 'ESL retard', but they're illiterate enough not to recognise my writing style and nuances.

> you're mad that Cewl has a less toxic source for validation that isn't this place now  
Yes, they are mad.
> Though, it's cewl so she may come back anyways sooner or later
I won't go into too much detail, but honestly, she just doesn't feel like having anything to do with this any more, as she told me.

So many other girls have reached out to me, asking for a simple thread derail because they can't remove their stuff from here, and it works every time. But anons like to cope with "haha, I was trolling and derailing too".

Drink something strong and give Bob a listen:
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I plan to sue Cewl and Iris for causing me severe psychological damage and suffering/torture by constantly seeing their horrible faces in the catalog.
> lol you could have hidden the threads!
I did it but the catalog takes a second to hide them.
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> I love Cewl
Cewl... has FAS, she is brown, fat, ugly, she is autistic, depressed, a junkie, diabetic, weeb, a liar, boring, disgusting, a thot, a discordtranny, an attention whore and other things that I am overlooking at the moment. 
God... she doesn't deserve to be loved but rather shot for her own good!
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Damn, you mother fuckers are still discussing this girl like a any of this truly matters.

I'm drunk and kind of was hoping my baby Cewlio had come back for my special brand of abuse that reminds her that she's a terrible person who deserves to suffer in a way that you weak beta trolls could never beat into her <3 but nah.... She's still gone. Oh well...

I hope you fags are doing good, the internet needs more brotherly love.
oh, btw... I almost got this 19 retarded y/o mexican chick to make a thread here so we could all get possibly get her nudes and ruin her mental health(more than it already is) for teh lulz but she didn't take the bait :(

Cewl, if you read this:
I still almost regret how things went between us. It was a lot of fun to gaslight and fuck with you, but it would have been a lot nicer if we could have just been besties with benefits and really had each others backs... At least till I got spooked again because men women and genuine love and vulnerability never go well... But like lol, you wanted to say how evil and fucked up I was, it's not my fault if I proved you right.
Hope you're well <3


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