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> Be me
> mildly drunk
> play Hell divers 2 with buddy
> kicking some ass and spreading democracy
> fuckyeah.freedom
> friend goes to bed
> hit up girlyfriend
> she's all too happy to see me
> chat for a bit
> become moar intoxicated
> she asks if I want to beat off with her
> We watch some fuzzy porn together
> meh, that was fun
> she goes to sleep
> think about Cewl
> miss Cewl
Maybe it's just the alchomahole in my blood stream but I've kind of realized something.... I strive for negativity. Like, I think in some fucked up way, I hated Cewl from the start, like... When I met her part of me wanted to hurt her. I've been around junkies and narcissistic retards like her since birth, and like... That's what I like in a woman, a fucking adversary, an enemy, someone I can hate and wage an emotional war with, but still feel some weird connection with...

I think I told you about my friendship with you know who because I knew you'd twist it and try to weaponize it against me, which lol, fuck you junky, ur just jelly that another female can makes friends with a guy like me and have him like her for her, you are just another annoying and worthless incel without that thing between ur legs :P

Anyway, that's my drunken bullshit, cringe, laugh, seethe, idk. I should probably get some therapy or sometihng but I know I'm not gonna do that.

Anyway, hope you're doing ok Cewl, either way, you and your trolls are fun to have this bitter little bitchfest back and forth with <3
> inb4ireadthissoberandcringe
Yeah, I'm a lot more real when I'm drunk.
I don't have the mental wherewithal to play a character and I guess she at least deserves a real explanation after all the psycho drama she dragged herself into without the fake tragic backstory or melodrama.

most of the mixed feelings I have towards her really aren't even about her personally, she just made the mistake of trying to fuck with me in a way that was... familiar. This is genuinely fun to me, and whether it is to her or not, she chose to throw everything she could at me, it's only fair that I did the same.
There is a valuable lesson there.

I really don't hate Cewl or love her. I just find her enjoyable and by feeding into it she's essentially consenting to the game. I gave her an out early on and she chose to play along and see where things went.

Anyway, check this out, it's more of a jam than it has any right to be.
Yeah, I know. People like her never learn.
It's all a game and when shit hits the fan she's the victim but anyone who has had a "Cewl" they've genuinely been in love with knows what an evil piece of shit they're dealing with the minute she opens her mouth.

I'd like to think I had some lasting effect on her, but let's be real, all I did was teach her to be a better predator because she learned the difference between an edgy autist who can't defend himself and an antisocial troll completely capable of turning her shit on her and willing to take things as far as he can for no other reason than he enjoys it.
I guess that's something.

I'd say my name might also get mentioned in her suicide note but Cewl is resilient, I can't see her offing herself any time soon. Maybe in her 30s, but I'll be nothing but a long forgotten memory by then.
why do people reply to and simp for an ugly brown slavshit whore that posts pics of her pussy online is beyond me, truly. She unironically looks like a transexual. I would literally bet this whole series of threads is nothing kore than a psyop made to make ugly tranny tier skanks like this one into some sort of standard.
Some men prefer a fine wine paired with a lobster bisque and sordfish steak. Some men prefer a 2 liter of MTN dew and a can of pringles. Cewl is the pringles, disgusting and horrible for anyone who makes the mistake of trying her but still weirdly satisfying despite that being completely irrational.

Enjoy the gross slavshit you scum.
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I dropped a joke about causing Cewl to stress eat so much she was getting fat enough that only retarded niggers would love her and then the thread immediately got nuked....

Mods have finally had enough of all of our shit, I think it's really over this time guys.
We had a good run. Cewl, it's been an honor to cause you untold amounts of stress for no other reason than you deserved it.

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