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Cewl was nice to me. I think she liked me. It was when I looked though older threads that I got weird vibes. Glad I avoided this toxicity and clamidia. I don't even think penicillin will work on me anymore. Glad she's in a better place now.

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She didn't leave Discord and we just finished a voice call.
I can say why she stopped giving attention to everything and everyone, all because of "Mako" and his attempt to dox her and extort her for money, on top of his self-hatred after fapping and being weird (not the goofy type).
I do nothing but provide her comfort and make the admin of this place a little paranoid even if I don't partake in any discussion whatsoever.

He's a big faggot. He spread one of the best rumors, that Cewl was a pedrophile and then he denied it like a bitch. And that's how he calls himself a troll lmao. He's a beta faggot, he'll never post it. stop asking for it

We try to help her improve her life. Exposing yourself and posting your nudes is not good at all. But she's a dumb bitch and just went to discord to keep doing the same thing. If you love this fugly bitch so much, go to her discord and stop fucking here

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> "Nobody gives a shit man!"
> examines every retarded thing I said to fuck with Cewl
> goes so far as to dig up an old vocaroo intended to gaslight Cewl and remind her that everything happening was her own fault
Man, I could write a fucking novel about my experiences with Cewl and every other woman I've had an intimate moment with and you mother fuckers would still buy it and leave reviews telling me that nobody cares and how you only read it ironically.

Check it out, I can do it too lul

> "Nobody gives a shit man!"
we all do, more or less, trying to stir up the drama a bit but in this case you're just our punching bag
> examines every retarded thing I said to fuck with Cewl
it's not hard to find your damage control posts... you're still here after saying you wouldn't be back, because you like the attention, probably more than she does
i almost feel bad for you but here i don't feel bad for any girl or anyone, we're a bunch of sick and random anons trying to have fun and you're the one taking the fun away because you couldn't dominate the girl for a long-term, you know why and it wasn't because you wanted to "troll", she got inside your head and rejected you or something else that made you some sort of totem we (anons) want to keep away because you're cringe, just that. pure cringe...

but if anything, you are a textbook NPD with mommy issues and chronic boredom, leading you to drink quite often and a lot

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I literally did all of this because she was going around calling me a pedro and shit for no other reason than she was butthurt of some stupid shit.

Seriously, if Cewl made a modicum of self control I would have just left her alone but nah, she had to take something I told her in confidence, twist it, and throw it my face repeatedly and I gave her a lil reality check .

I'm still here on and off for the same reason you are, I want to be entertained.
What damage control btw? I know I'm cringe, that's kind of the point here.

Getting simped on and bullied by a bunch of internet retards is its own form of payment if you think about it.
Also, Cewl told me he comes from money nd it's obvious her parents never taught her the value of a dollar

Oh shush, I know Cewl is the main character in this little theatre troupe, I just like to add my own little flair and I was a fairly large part of that drama and gossip for a while but I had my 15 minutes of shame.
It's just that Cewl, by herself isn't very interesting.

doxxfag knew her IRL because of university so doom did nothing compared to what that other guy did back then...
i think this time it's really over, and it wasn't even because of doomed guy, she was just acting different

I'm still convinced that is some weird tranny LARP in a desperate attempt to take my "victory" away from me.

I was the one who exposed Cewl, I was the one who talked to delle in private, I was the one who figured everything out when I stroked his ego and played skitzo/dumb and got him to overplay his hand so I could be sure with what I was dealing with, I got him to reveal he was logging ppls ips(I knew he was on here, I didn't realize he was on the discord server) and when I pushed harder he had a bit of a melty well trying to stick to that cool and calm edgy hackerman persona but failed horribly.

I mean, maybe he's the reason Cewl fucked off, but she kinda went AWOL around the time ppl were giving her shit for liking BBC and the few simps she had lost any respect they had for her and after that Delle started popping his head up more publicly so unless he was already threatening her behind the scenes the timelines doesn't add up.

Also, I don't think it was him that was threatening to doxx her and reveal her antics to the general public at the time, that was another anon who hates her.

Delle is just some weirdo who tried to be a whiteknight and managed to fumble everything. That or a professional troll.

I have no idea who the fuck cyan, doom, elliot or whatever other retarded namefaggot there is or what their role is with her, I'm just thankful this annoying junkie brown slavshit whore fucked off from the internet which made the board's 100x times better

It's not hot, if you'd actually spend money on her you're retarded. It's just a vid of her fingering herself and afterwords showing a closeup of a little puddle of piss.
Her idea of squirting is just being wet enough to leave a little puddle under her.

Fair enough, there are several and few of them aren't bad. Like if she wasn't so fucking insistent/weird about it I probably would have fapped to a few of them with her instead of trying to get her to fap to literally anything else other than herself(still weird to me tbh)

Her squirt vid is kind of pathetic though lol. Like I'm not kidding her idea of a squirt puddle produced less liquid than just the wetness that leaks out of a vagina a woman who actually enjoys getting fucked but doesn't squirt. Seriously, I don't even think she's horny when she shlicks and that particular video she was actually kind of into it. Seriously, it wasn't a real squirt.

You think she made the video just for you at the moment everything was happening, right? Wrong. 
I could tell you the origin of that one but I'm not gonna to if you keep talking like a fag. And her Dropbox only had that video, so you're lying about any other material we haven't seen yet.

Go orbit Vamp and get her nudes like you were trying to. Be more productive this time.

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I mean... In some small way, sure. I saw a lot of potential for us to build a strong and fun friendship before it got weird and than she turned on me and my hands were kind of tied.
You are so obsessed with ripping me down. Like does that make you feel like a big man or something? It shows what an insecure pathetic douche you really are every time you post something like that. Based on the typing styles I estimate there are 2 or 3 of you and possibly just one....
Call me cringe but Jesus dude....
And yeah, the dropbox only had one, if you don't know about the others well than... it looks like she gave me some content she hasn't given to her other bfs. She said she had one a couple of them just for me... Maybe I really was special to her after all ^.^

Now you should probably consider suicide or therapy as nothing good will ever come out of your brand of negativity other than a few good laughs and your own misery.

I don't want to orbit Vamp, Like even if she was 18, that's still pretty young for my liking and I get the impression she's the kind of person that we would end up trauma bonding if we got to know each other in private.(Not a good thing)
I only talked to Cewl because she was chill and fun, once she got all obsessive and motherly with me I got spooked off, I don't want some emotionally complex bs like that.

From the sounds of it you're like in love/obsessed with Cewl, are you actually jealous of me something?

Guilt? A little maybe. Cewl was my buddy,, I would have prefered if she took my advice and not sat there calling me a pedro and trying to get her simps up in arms about me.
I don't actually enjoy hurting my friends, but admittedly once that bandaid got ripped off it was fun.
No, trust me. If I wanted to derail every single thread I would do so, the moderation on this board seems pretty tolerant and I'm technically not breaking any rules.
The only threads I've posted on were this one, Bees, which I inssulted her after she insulted me and I more or less fucked off, Vamps, which was mostly me just calling out the impersonators, and uhh.... Oh, Vore, but in fairness I used to know Vore a while ago. I saw her tits before the hoards of simps here on Agatha, not that that means anything ^.^
That would be an interesting twist that even I didn't see coming. Turns out Doom had dissociative identity doomorder

It is you that care so much about your image of "chad", maybe I got the right button to push, eh?
Bitches will be bitchin', simps will be simpin'. And no, there's only me, the rest are just what you asked for: trolls.
Accept who you are, lolcow.

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> instant response
> think I am obsessed with my "chad" image
> "only me"
> repeatedly call me lolcow as an insult
Holy shit you're retarded lmao. It's like you wait for me to post just so you can project your insecurities onto me.
I guess I'm glad I have you as an alog, you're very reliable <3

Did anyone ever tell you that you kind of type like Patrick Thomlinson?
You're going to prison stalker.

> nobody respects you anyway
Ok, why would I give people who dislike and don't respect me the nudes of a girl who made the mistake of trusting me with them?
Shockingly, I really don't care about hurting Cewl and I kind of doubt she'd really give a shit if I did leak them.
If anything I just like the fact that I have power over you. Isn't that what you guise said about me? That all I care about is power?
I have the vids, and as long as I don't share them I am amongst insects here.
I was going to share a couple screenshots to prove I still have them/satiate your guys lust a little, but now I guess I won't you fatphobic bully...
srsly, that one cut me so deep that bacon grease came out.

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See, I choose to keep things ambiguous. It's just more fun that way.

That being said, that's a bad read. I don't care about hurting Cewl or btfo'ing her anymore. Frankly when all this chaos started I just wanted to teach her a little lesson about respect.

Cewl: Hey guise! Look at mah naked body! aren't mah noodz sexy?
Doom: Hey guise! Look at these videos of Cewl masturbating! Enjoy your fap.
Cewl: Oh noes! I have been defeated! *dies of butthurt*
Da comrade. Doom is of Cyanide

one day someone might teach you a little lesson about respect too and I don't even like this girl but you are annoying, more than that delle guy
at least he got banned breaking no rules (which is always better)
you wont be Franz
you wont be aDelle
you will forever be our own lolcow

> See, I choose to keep things ambiguous. It's just more fun that way.
That is me, I have a lot of her videos but I don't think you have them, yet I kept pushing you into considering the cope route since you've lost access by the looks of it. Other anons must believe one of us or no one.

Luckily for you, she's into that.
> one day someone might teach you a little lesson about respect
Ok lol.
> You will fotever be our own lolcow
Neato burrito
> ywnba Franz
idk who that is
> ywnba Delle
Thank God.
> Ur our lolcow
I feel like you keep saying that to reassure yourself that you are indeed not the one being laughed at for your unlikability.
Maybe i do, maybe I don't.

Either way, I really don't intend to leak anything pornographic. The only times I've ever leaked a girls nudes was when one tried to disrupt my friend group and was sending some of us nudes in an attempt to cause us to fight and ofc I was one of the guys she sent them to so me and another friend leaked them to the guys who wanted them and also elsewhere on the web and discussed it as we were vcing with her.
She was devastated and left our group the fuck alone after that.

Also, another time a girl challenged me in the wrong way and I did just to prove a point, but I'll be honest, I was in the wrong there and I shouldn't uhh dun that mmmhmm!

Well, see, the fall of Cewl happened back when the Covenant were still a genuinely intimidating and genocidal religious cult of aliens that wanted nothing more than to eradicate humanity and not the retarded ass cartoon characters/power rangers designed to appeal to little kids like what you see in modern Halo.
Basically the Covenant found Cewl and humanity fought them off for as long as they could, but everyone knew it was over before it began, but they didn't give poise to that fact, they kept fighting to the bitter end, and because of that, humanity managed to turn the tide of the war. Cewl was lost, but not forgotten, and the countless sacrifices allowed humanity to have a better tomorrow.

Also, she was being a cunt and I tricked her into outing herself and admitting that she really likes BBC porn. It was all a massive downward spiral from there.
That is the worst cope I've ever seen.
> I only simped on her so I could bully her more! for realsies!
Also, you know in her mind she was way more important than she really was. All I did was destroy her little fantasy world.
Hell, in a way pushing her off of Agatha is probably the nicest thing a man has ever done for her.
She'll ether go back to heroin or come out on the other side stronger for the experience.

You're just some lonely dickhead afraid to make friends so your relationships are all antagonistic.
Learn how to epress your feelins better Clubber Lane.

Lol How did you trick her into admitting she likes nigger penis? I'm not surprised that was her downfall. Many anons aren't going to take kindly to that. E-girls would do well to keep that under wraps, but they just can't help themselves.

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she said she doesn't care if the person is black or of any other race, i can get the exact post if you want to
if he tricked her, that's his point of view a hoe said she likes dick, he only exposed her because of the things about pukara and some other shit he never explains because it must be really bad

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nuuu I'm more better then you guise.
Lied about having recorded her when we beat off and in an attempt to get ahead of that she said what  >>/110260/ said, but in truth she was actually pretty big into it. Cewl loves BBC.
She's definitely the type to enjoy the degeneracy of it, and I didn't really need to push that hard for her to be asking if we could watch BBC porn together.
But sure, after the fact it was disgusting and she hated it and doesn't really like any of that porn bullshit (unintelligable) illegal! This is the bad ending!
isn't that the point?

Good job, Cyanide...

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pic related
Normally she doesn't. Most women don't particularly like porn. For them it's more about the emotions and other sensations of sex and porn lacks that. That's why a lot of them shlick to erotica.

Admittedly it wasn't particularly long, but it definitely escalated quickly.
In like a day and a half it went from "I like you and I don't hate it, so I'll try it" to "You're turning me into a BBC coomer" by day three it was just...She didn't even want to watch me fapping to vids of her anymore, she just wanted BBCs fucking white women.

Like there is a world out there she respected that we needed space, we got back together, and she's gone full BBC whore and sells videos of her fucking herself with a black dildo and says all the retarded things you'd expect and draws in the type of simps that are actually willing to pay for content.
I has half fairly serious when I told her we could have seriously monetized this drama.
Do you have any idea how much some of these degens would actually pay for a video of her losing her virginity to a muscled out ape brained nigger with the iq of goldfish?

She just wanted to be a cunt though... This really is the bad ending :'(

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Weak gas lighting.
You atlesat asked yourself if I was being for cereal with  >>/110320/
That's a really funny meme that is fairly unrelated to the situation. Allow me to share a really funny meme that is fairly unrelated to the situation as reciprication for your, frankly, enjoyable sense of humor ;)
At some point we turned Cewls quest for attention into a Shakespearean play of epic proportions.

If you don't get it I'd advise you check her older threads. I think things started around thread... 16/17?

Alternatively don't bother to try and understand the lore of what is happening and just go with it. It's a lot of fun either way.

I'm a nog, of course I find it funny. I came here to (half) joke about filling her with my nigger seed, only to be told by anon she really would like that.
Thanks. I think I've seen that post.
Did you two have phone sex or a video call and masturbated that way? Either way, kind of stupid on her part. I only ever did that with a long-time friend I'd known for years, since 2010 maybe.

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I've been around junkies since I was born... I knew pretty much from the beginning what I was dealing with.
I told her that I was friends with Puka, and the way things ended genuinely still bothered me not that long before telling her I couldn't deal with her constant attempts at playing mommy/fixing me and bailing for a few days.

If you can understand why I would tell her that a few hours before drawing a hard line in the sand with her about respecting my boundaries and going so far as to cut her off for a couple days... Than everything else should make sense to you.

I even told her exactly what would happen if she did the aggressive thing and kept hating on me it would end really poorly for her. I even went so far as to tell her that someone impersonate me would contact her and make threats and she should just ignore it before making that raving post about how if she wanted to keep her bullshit up that she should know I recorded everything and I was going to "show proof about the disgusting things she was into" and she still chose to try to pass the blame off on me, like a typical drug addict, and in doing so, completely outting herself. I told her to dm me and we could sort things out in private, and she chose not to, so the game continued.

I don't need to go on, but you get the idea. I got in her head, and basically played Jigsaw in hopes she might fight her painfully predictable nature if given the proper guidance. To be blunt, she chose to play a little game, she chose a playstyle that she was warned wouldn't go well for her. I enabled her to get her shit together and stop acting like a child, or to continue this little tempertantrum and be spanked(non-kinky).
She chose the whopen.
We had phone sex... She gave me hearing aids.
It's just fun degeneracy when you're both fairly desensitized/depraved.
wut? There's someone else showing her gross things? I'll kill him!

The best part of everything the guy says is that, at the end of the day, no one cares if he was a victim or a villain, what he got, what he didn't - we're just getting him to reply ad nauseam and making jokes about him, not with him. 
I'll close this tab, update my browser, and eventually come back to see how things are if my bot fails to notify about any new 'interesting' posts, lol.
Volim da te zezam ponekad, al' zavidim ti koliko si glup, što nisi mogao da je kontrolišeš...

I mean... Yeah, if you want to take all the magic and fun out of it.
Holy shit dude, you're such an unfunny fag. Just because you're too autistic to get the joke doesn't mean that nobody else is enjoying the shit show I've managed to create. You aren't some hardcore edgy hackerman, you're some sad isolated weirdo who thinks that trolling is just saying the same thing over and over again and being a dick to people.

I'm over here crafting my own Moaner Lisa and you're making macaroni art so pathetic that even your mom won't put it on the fridge.

I wonder, if someone made a Cewl chatbot with all of the media that Mako and Delastelle have archived, would it also get bored of us and leave the place eventually? In my honest opinion, the thread was in decline even before Doom came. He was just the nail in the coffin. I really doubt that he did any psychological damage whatsoever to Cewl. Cewl posting her own pussy during the drama only confirms that she must have been sitting there giggling the whole time.

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hey guys just wanted to check on u still as schizo as before and your new egirl is a knotter and jacks off to an unrelatable thing such as a huge vlack guy fucking the women hes attracted to (legit cuckoldry)

if you have any questions id love to answer as i dont come here often. no i wont post nudes. but i got white cat ears and with my white wig i may do sum cute black hanekawa pics later , probs will post on twt

and no if you genuinely believe in that cuck (cyanide) or youre him im not answering you

also u retard i never masturbated just faked doing it because 1 i dont like saying no and 2 youre so gullible . who even gets horny on xanax plus alcohol? i just turn into a sleepy melting goo and go limp

you know i can just say my ex is abusive and is trying to ruin my life in every way right they wont fucking care if anything youre the bad person for doing that because thars an insane thing to do. literally every uni student has taken a pic of their bits
you lowlife males cant think about ONE step ahead of what is happeninf

I will probably soften up with you over time. DO NOT mistake my softness for weakness. Just because I grow to love you and am more wiling to comply with the things you want and all that doesn'tr mean I'm a bitch you can do whatever to, and hurting me will probably result in me finding a way to hurt you back and/or leaving. I do not want to get some toxic shit with anyone.
Sorry, I just like to blunt about important things.
But yeah, I can see whatever we have becoming more significant over time

😂 im not in a religious uni, its international idiot. also no its not a muslim country because its been secular since ataturk (turkish history class came in clutch)
the only one who will care would be erdogan and im in a uni that openly hates him. theres a handful of muslim people here and rheyre all arabs 😂

im not trying to make you mad. its just clear you cant think ahead as i said and there are a lot of things you dont know, like talking to a woman. probably the reason you seethe over me as a SAGE is the first to reply to me. obsessive hatred seems a lot like love in disguise

also i want this to be a Q&A just stop seething and ask me some fun questions!! i hate how curiouscat closed down so i have to do this with u guys 🙄 maybe you will get a pic as a gift

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I'm not a tranny, the FtM was a troll and I laughed, everyone did. 
I didn't and I don't dox anyone on her server, I was obviously making people paranoid in order to make them leave that place.
About Elliot: Elliot was sending CP on her server, forcing Ciara's bullshit, and he used to sell Ciara's underage pictures for $200 on another imageboard back in 2020 or so, better be quiet about that if you don't stalk these people...
And about Sosa: You're not in the server, otherwise you would know the amount of bullshit you just typed in order to make anons believe in your petty lies.

The grabber doesn't work anymore and IPs lead nowhere. Welcome to the internet, is this your first time here?
No one is active there other than close friends who play video games and share music or videos, there is not a single anon inside that server talking with us.

He's not in jail so I don't see how can someone be arrested but not quite arrested nor monitored...
And what does this have to do with Cewl or anyone for that matter? If he did that, that's on him.
His last message was him asking if someone wanted to play Roblox with Bee.
> i can't even look at her face anymore
That's on you, buddy. I kinda miss Doom, thanks for reminding me of his existence.

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are u retarded
tbh im not even interested in atrenrion if i was id be posting nudes this is more like friendship withdrawal because cyanide fucked my friendship with all of  you with his scizophrenia and cult like behaviors which induced a mass psychosis
navy blue boxers, white lines at the stitches?.. i dont know which anon but i feel like they either have plaid boxers or navy blue at least 3 are wearing things like that

LOL 😂😂 haters copium didnt upgrade since the new cewl threads egirl is cyanide and you guys started simping for him judging by the replies not mentioning me, even the hateful ones!
damn. am i right though? i feel like men wear stuff like that
now guess mine
well ofc i am but i dont want to get it by low effort stuff like nudes. i just want to feel more friendly to you guys and you get me to know better as well. im not JUST a whore, i have a personality too and yeah maybe i hid that from you by acting all bimbo but ykwim? i want this to be like how you guys like iris, more wholesome type... i guess its because my brain chemistry killed my horny cells

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he didnt doxx me, he lied about some shit, some of my friends and not my actual uni. and he has friends on his own like other losers who couldnt get in cs but chose a lowlife security thing that isnt even engineering. i dont want to hang out with a low iq moron. trust me, even if you were sub5 youd be better looking than him. and a chudlet too. and to be his friend and have to stare at him? no thanks. at least you guys like me and shit. whenever im in campus im scared hell take a creepshot of me. and if he does i will get him expelled. just because i tried to make friwnds with him in a linux class iw as taking just to learn he ruined our somewhat friendship. and he does this our of the blue when ive done nothing to him? should i have told him im an egirl? he probably jacked off to them, what was he mad about lol

> i guess its because my brain chemistry killed my horny cells
cyanide killed it now youre not getting naked to anyone, my bets are that you and the tranny went away but something broke between the 2, likely related to this
> i want this to be like how you guys like iris
we make fun of her most of the time, thats not liking

> trust me, even if you were sub5 youd be better looking than him. and a chudlet too.
Sounds like he was in your league then.
> at least you guys like me and shit.
We don't, you're a lolcow.
> whenever im in campus im scared hell take a creepshot of me.
No one wants to creepshot you, this is just your narcissism talking.
>  he probably jacked off to them
He probably threw up.

When are you going to start spreading your beef curtains for attention again, you gutter whore?

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ohai bb gurl...
> xanax and alcholo makes you not horny
Weird, xanax and alcohol always made it easier for me to do degen shit and the few times I mixed them together I still did dumb shit like that.
> The grabber doesn't work anymore
sure... Are you still too stupid to realize the ip you grabbed from me wasn't actually my ip or did you figure out I know basic opsec and ip layering?
I fucked off for like 2 or 3 days, I've been doing shit irl, and sorry but life comes before internet degeneracy and lulz.
That obviously wasn't me lmao... well, most of it atleast.
> cyanide fucked my friendship with all of you with his scizophrenia and cult like behaviors which induced a mass psychosis
You know that I, and most of my uhh... cohorts?, yeah, cohorts did all of it just to fuck with you, right? Be a better person Cewl... Learn from your mistake or you're uhmm... Doom'd, to repeat it.
This man understands wat truly matters. Do it Cewl, because I won't and these poor blue balled bastards really, realy want to to see them... I mean it.

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> Are you still too stupid to realize the ip you grabbed from me wasn't actually my ip or did you figure out I know basic opsec and ip layering?
You and your buzzwords, trying to sound somewhat less dumb... I never intended to get your IP; that was to scare off tech illiterates and unwanted orbiters. This place is my playground for PsyOps, and you've fallen for it—replying to the wrong people, messing with other girls after taking my baits. You're fun to play with until you get paranoid and frustrated.

And leave Vamp alone. She's just a kid and hasn't done anything to you, but you went as far as posting her leaked nudes here on Endchan. In case you deny any contact with her:

> she's just a kid and hasn't done anything to you, but you went as far as posting her leaked nudes here on Endchan
That did not happen. Ie. that's a lie.
Lying and confusing people with your lies is not a psyop. It's just lying.

It happened, but things got out of control. Her thread was derailed twice, filled with creeps asking for her nudes, until you had to step in and remind everyone it’s against the rules. Stop putting things under the rug, Shiban. I have it archived, but I can't quote one of her previous threads because it got deleted.

There's no good reason to keep you around. SnakeDude is probably dead and made the mistake of creating this place. One/Odili had some faith, helping at the start of Endchan, and I was here to see that mess. Now he's the only one maintaining it, fixing issues here and there because he thought it was worth helping. This was once an "extension" of 8chan, and now it's just another forgotten corner with people like you, playing king over a small empire of autistic anons.

you guys are so boring... noone treating me like a princess... then youre shocked why did i leave because youre sucking cyanide cock over a cute gril like me...
i also cut ny bangs, see it on twt

open an onlyfans
> hahahaha really? none of you are getting my nudes anymore, i will never reply cutsie stuff, i will never adress you in streams, i will never answer to pic/joi requests from you freaks, and ill spoil my silly robots. ill still be an egirl, just not yours. so, its clearly your loss. womp womp

youre worthless now

because i have dignity on how i dont want to gatekeep them. i used to do it out of passion and monetizing them and creating a barrier felt very weird and not nice. i just wanted to have fun with people

> turns out the girls that go on chans arent supermodels and pornstars that are tens and dont look after themselves like a normie money hungry brainless influencer that every american woman is these days
can you believe that?! im sure the men here arent any better. do some constructive thinking before you spat out the shit out of your barely human sized brain. 
if you want to defy this, post face and body. lets settle it with real comparisons instead of seething behind a keyboard

> My playground for PsyOps
You really live in a fantasy world don't you? Like I do this all for funzies and don't actually have nearly as massive of an ego as I display but with you I sometimes have to wonder...
You're either a talented troll or a complete retard in denial, and either way, you're doing Gods work son.

You call me skitzo but you seem to think that I'm multiple anons who are clearly not the same person.
I wasn't the one who leaked that image, the fact that that user was banned and the fact that I'm still here, still namefagging, still being a tumor on Cewls threads, kind of supports that claim. Also, just like... Derp.
That vocafag sounds pretty based though.

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That was the first ever sexts on this board and the fact it was a soyjack in a Cewl thread really says a lot about what you can expect from this website.
Cewl, I want to be honest with you, for real this time. I'm sorry for everything that happened, I take full accountability. You were my best friend, and I ruined that with my secrets and inability to just tell you the truth about how I felt about you. So here it is. The honest to God truth of why I really felt so close to you...

I had a service dog, a beautiful Collie, her name was Lassie, and she had such an amazing personality for a dog. I'd take her for walks, and she's do typical dog stuff like chase sticks and bark at the mailman, and all that.
Well, see, just like you, she had a naughty and dominant streak, if she didn't like something I did she'd piss on the rug well making eye contact with me and when I'd yell at her and say no she'd just bark mindlessly at me. But when she wasn't doing that she was very loving and just wanted me to be happy and safe, in a way she fixed my PTSD. Well, one day... One day I was taking her for a walk, no leash because I knew I could trust her and I'm not a control freak like that. Well, she was running around having the time of her life and without any warning she ran right into the street and got hit by a cement trcuck... She was immediately transformed into a pile of viscera an fur and the guy just opened his window and yelled "Sorry" before driving off like nothing happened...

That dog was my rock, and she made me feel warm in a world so cold, and in a moment she was taken from me, and the trucker driving off is like a metaphor for the indiffernce of others when they hurt someone, and the way you were defiant, and the way you "squirted" on the floor and insisted I watch it and if I had been there I know you would have made unbreaking eye contact, and just how you're samart but not quite at a "human" level of intelligence, and the way you wanted to comfort me and "fix" me was just like how she made the nervous twitching go away...

See Cewl, everyone here points out that you're a stupid bitch, but I'm the only person here who wants you to be my stupid bitch <3

im not reading all that you zoophile. we know why you attached an image of a dog there. why are you the most active person itt even when im gone? youre fucking insane. also gtfo of vamps threads, dont try to break a CHILD. oh are you a pedro as well?

I can't ruin it; it would be tragic for both of us if you still want to dance. What if they were me? I know you tried getting me to reply but I let the others play. Things got fucked when you or your impersonator posted the photo. You claim it wasn't you based on being able to post here but I'm posting as well and I broke rules that aren't even listed anywhere on the board rules or the whole website. Don't bullshit a bullshitter.

Epic roast.
You said you wouldn't reply to me or anyone who agreed with me, that was the first lie.
The second was when you said you didn't read my little shitpost that was pretty much just a heartfelt "you're a stupid bitch lole"/pseudo backstory(100% real).
I know you love my bullshit, you can never get enough of me Cewlio... That is the real reason you came back after all, attention. I'm I'm giving/getting you all of it <3

You can't ignore my girth Cewl.
> I was banned but I still post here
Yes, but you don't namefag. If you want to believe I LARPed that entire thing just so I could could troll a 17 year old in a way that could actually ruin my life in a way that could ruin my life, go for it, but I know my limits.
I'm probably already on 9001 watchlists for the blunder that was my friendship with you know who.
I assure you, it's several trolls going back and forth and creating chaos because this brainrot site needs a little excitement. Cewl is just the best ragebait for so many reasons.

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oh, just to refute your points,
1)The majority of "my" posts on vamps two threads aren't mine. I literally said one nice thing to her in a different thread and trolls latched onto that and I guess I just went with it.
2)I was trying to make Bees thread the next place we infested, but whatever the fuck it is we're doing at this point seems to be more democratic than fascist and I have little say in the matter other than to fuck off and I won't do that.
3)I'm not a zoophile, you admitted you were curious and I just went with it lmao. Stop projecting
4)I don't think Vamp actually gives too much of a shit. The one remotely nasty thing she said to me was 99% the same troll that asked me to tripfag so I could get framed for what happened right after.
5)You liek bbc lul, ur opinion is invalid cuz ur a coalburning hoar
pic rel

I almost believed it was really her... The way you came back to the scene all nonchalant, the fact she immediately mentioned me and said you wouldn't respond to me but did pretty much immediately... 
You almost had me, almost.

If it's really you, than you know what I look like.
I'm not ugly and I clean up nicely if I actually want to be presentable. Unlike you I have the common sense not to post my face online when I attention whore.

Tbh, you and the trolls here kinda ruined /r9k/ for me(ironic, I know) Like this place is way more entertaining than modern 4chan.
I'm less (you) farming and more just enjoying the brawl.
A month? No. I couldn't see it. Even if I backed off you'd still remind us all how much of a fucking nutter you are.
Hell, I'm tempted to readd you on discord just to see if you accept, that being said I kinda rather not have my main discord be made public.

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> show us what you look like
Here's a body shot featuring the my beardo. I call him Stinko man because when I rescued him he was covered in his own feces and smelled horrible. Nowadays if I sniff him he kind of smells like cinnamon and I refuse to call him that because it's too sweet and wholesome.
Call me fat if you want, at least I'm not a socially retarded drug addict who doesn't understand that my actions can have consequences. ^.^
Either it's ragebait intended to make me upsetti spaghetti or it's genuine.
If it's genuine than I am in fact the one baiting the poster I replied to with my aggressively low effort retardation.
If he's just trying to piss me off than it is extremely blatant and can't even be considered trolling.

Either way, when I mindlessly shout "bait bait bait!" my bases are covered. Like just as well, we're all still here, just wasting our free time, energy, and lives on this dumb shit because this is what qualifies as fun these days. In a way we're all falling for the bait that is online social interactions.

Oh, also I just like the meme.

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You know what? I can actually see that... 
In fairness I've always liked couches with that aesthetic that wouldn't feel out of play in a 60-90 year old womans house, I've had that lamp since I was like 24, and that blanket looked way less pink in the picture when i bought it.

You could argue it's closet homo/tranny thing but I think I just know what I like and am not afraid to embrace my more feminine tastes.

if she wasnt dumb she would do something actually cool or interesting like agatha used to do, or be mildly interesting like kennedi, or simple like these girls doing simple things and interacting like normal people:

but nooo, she wants to get naked, use drugs and bring useless drama in a not-so-organic way because she has no substance other than heroin
nothing to add other than blogging her pitiful life here with her r9k boyfriends

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a drawn thing can be 17 or 18 and nothing will change about it. or 15, or 3000. i dont particularly like children. ive loved anime since i was a kid and ive grown to like some characters that were even older than me when i first watched them like natsuko for example. 
i like characters for the cute things they do, their design, they make me happy. i dont particularly have a thing for young characters but nearly every anime character is a high schooler because they are always set in one for a reason or another. this doesnt make me a pedro, i know you guys are just memeing or trying to get me mad but just cause im a weeb doesnt mean i like illegal things. my liking of a character has nothing to do with their age because its just their design and i dont find them sexy, hot; i dont fap to them.

> Calling out my race to explain how ugly I am
Good to see you're still a BBC whore :3
Wow, you don't know me at all, do you?
I'd say something like that in private, not in public. Also, not to Cewl, she's way more enjoyable as a spastic self destructive retard.

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Stop impersonating me if you're going to do that wholesomely cringe thing. Everyone(Other than double digit iq Cewlit seems) knows that's not me.

Gif related is me talking about all the things I want to do to Cewl.
I will to squeeze and suck on her tits, and afterwards I'll stick her in the gas chamber...
Yes, that is a double entendre.

It's alright. I'd ravish you in it.
That pic would be better if your panties were pulled aside and you left pretty much nothing to imagination, or if you just weren't lifting the top part.
Kind of a turn off when girls tease tbh.

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> Be me
> mildly drunk
> play Hell divers 2 with buddy
> kicking some ass and spreading democracy
> fuckyeah.freedom
> friend goes to bed
> hit up girlyfriend
> she's all too happy to see me
> chat for a bit
> become moar intoxicated
> she asks if I want to beat off with her
> We watch some fuzzy porn together
> meh, that was fun
> she goes to sleep
> think about Cewl
> miss Cewl
Maybe it's just the alchomahole in my blood stream but I've kind of realized something.... I strive for negativity. Like, I think in some fucked up way, I hated Cewl from the start, like... When I met her part of me wanted to hurt her. I've been around junkies and narcissistic retards like her since birth, and like... That's what I like in a woman, a fucking adversary, an enemy, someone I can hate and wage an emotional war with, but still feel some weird connection with...

I think I told you about my friendship with you know who because I knew you'd twist it and try to weaponize it against me, which lol, fuck you junky, ur just jelly that another female can makes friends with a guy like me and have him like her for her, you are just another annoying and worthless incel without that thing between ur legs :P

Anyway, that's my drunken bullshit, cringe, laugh, seethe, idk. I should probably get some therapy or sometihng but I know I'm not gonna do that.

Anyway, hope you're doing ok Cewl, either way, you and your trolls are fun to have this bitter little bitchfest back and forth with <3
> inb4ireadthissoberandcringe

Yeah, I'm a lot more real when I'm drunk.
I don't have the mental wherewithal to play a character and I guess she at least deserves a real explanation after all the psycho drama she dragged herself into without the fake tragic backstory or melodrama.

most of the mixed feelings I have towards her really aren't even about her personally, she just made the mistake of trying to fuck with me in a way that was... familiar. This is genuinely fun to me, and whether it is to her or not, she chose to throw everything she could at me, it's only fair that I did the same.
There is a valuable lesson there.

I really don't hate Cewl or love her. I just find her enjoyable and by feeding into it she's essentially consenting to the game. I gave her an out early on and she chose to play along and see where things went.

Anyway, check this out, it's more of a jam than it has any right to be.

Yeah, I know. People like her never learn.
It's all a game and when shit hits the fan she's the victim but anyone who has had a "Cewl" they've genuinely been in love with knows what an evil piece of shit they're dealing with the minute she opens her mouth.

I'd like to think I had some lasting effect on her, but let's be real, all I did was teach her to be a better predator because she learned the difference between an edgy autist who can't defend himself and an antisocial troll completely capable of turning her shit on her and willing to take things as far as he can for no other reason than he enjoys it.
I guess that's something.

I'd say my name might also get mentioned in her suicide note but Cewl is resilient, I can't see her offing herself any time soon. Maybe in her 30s, but I'll be nothing but a long forgotten memory by then.

why do people reply to and simp for an ugly brown slavshit whore that posts pics of her pussy online is beyond me, truly. She unironically looks like a transexual. I would literally bet this whole series of threads is nothing kore than a psyop made to make ugly tranny tier skanks like this one into some sort of standard.

Some men prefer a fine wine paired with a lobster bisque and sordfish steak. Some men prefer a 2 liter of MTN dew and a can of pringles. Cewl is the pringles, disgusting and horrible for anyone who makes the mistake of trying her but still weirdly satisfying despite that being completely irrational.

Enjoy the gross slavshit you scum.

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I dropped a joke about causing Cewl to stress eat so much she was getting fat enough that only retarded niggers would love her and then the thread immediately got nuked....

Mods have finally had enough of all of our shit, I think it's really over this time guys.
We had a good run. Cewl, it's been an honor to cause you untold amounts of stress for no other reason than you deserved it.

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