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2018 is believable. That was around the time Sam was rejiggering his production moving into an office and when Channing was working for him when he was asking how to wipe hard drives.  It’s possible then when things were unsettled his homespun sextapes were vulnerable and the marky photos were the ones to make it out.
Or it was earlier it would have been when he was still living in the apartment with the squat rack where the bloody nose photos were taken. Then the people he was living with are suspect for the leak (girlfriends, trapped aka Joel Patrick, who Sam had kicked out for associating with Charls who was aware of the sex shit; and maybe Emily Youcis and Channing who were friends of Sam and were the one he had help clear out his bpd ex’s stuff from the apartment, the origin of Channings contested diaper story.)
Newfags kek. They were known about as early as late 2015/early 2016.

> Emily Youcis
wew lad takes me back. If she was still friends with Sam at that point, it most likely was her behind the leak. Emily was sexually abused as a kid and she's EXTREMELY sensitive to any and all grooming, pedrophilia, etc. It's probably why she lost her marbles and went turbonazi too since she likes saying that black men raep.
I can't believe I had never seen these, thanks for posting them. Wow. It's obviously not a guarantee that Youcis was behind the leak, but I really wouldn't be surprised. 

Also was Channing the girl Sam made Marky have a threesome with or was that some other blondie? I can't really remember. I wouldn't put it past Channing to have leaked it either.
Channing was not the girl he had lined up for a threesome, its was another girl around Marky’s age. Channing met Sam off okcupid in 2009 and after she caught something from him they broke it off and kept a friendly relationship so she only heard about Marky when Sam was hooking up with her.

Channing gave her report on Ethan Ralph’s stream and brings up the threesome if you need more information.
Yeah. I wish I had known of her connection to Sam earlier. I imagine she hates him more than anyone, including Marky. IIRC Emily got assaulted or molested and couldn't cope at all and thus came Alfred Alfer. I find the PSA vid you posted really touching. I feel so bad for her.
I agree, but usually when she complains about black people, she's complaining about black men being pedrophiles and rapists, so I honestly think someone took advantage of her trauma to make her into a schizoracist who thinks all black people are rapists in the making. Is she even a nazi anymore though? Haven't heard anything about it from her since Trump's presidency.
marky's fat chink exbf charlie who she dated at school in Alaska was responsible for leaking the sam stuff. I bet she was so proud of herself when she showed/sent those pics to Charlie. I think that was part of what he used in his effort to blackmail her
In our downtime I have discovered things, pulled at more threads, and I've had some very interesting conversations with some new friends. When/if we are back after this spam attack I have quite the lore update to drop for y'allst folx about miss marky here :)
I enjoyed conversing with Kennedi much more. Marky was dimwitted. It was like messaging chatgpt if the AI was trained only on 4chan meme interests, e-drama and reddit trauma dumps. I can see why Topper dumped that complete NPC 🥱😴 💤
i think ken sort of looks at her in a pitiable way like a cute skinny girl does a fat friend. she can talk about her with a sort of condescending sympathy, knowing all the while how much better she looks whenever they're associated and compared.

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