/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/84434/
> Marky rages over cute college girls and wishes death upon them
> Marky gets married to ? and remains hidden from public eye
> Rumors of her return continue to circulate amongst the most knowledgeable markyologists

Old picture collections
> 1000 dead links removed RIP :(
IRL streams in 2021 + select videos from mirrr channel:

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Heh I se you guys are still on the joke with thread numbers except you didn't get it did you?
To newfrens: second thread had number 10 aka 2 in binary, third was supposed to be 11, fourth would be 100, and so on
That makes total count 15, not 23

yes i gave up on her because she doesnt talk to us or reciprocate anything. i have to settle for closing my eyes and imagining marky when i fuck my gf. its unfair to my gf, but oh well. marky is being unfair to me.

How does marky feel about kennedi recently being a victim of prestalking? Has she spoken out on this yet? What's marky's position on prestalking and does she believe there is a hard link between prestalking and stalking? What can she tell us about poststalking?

im sorry to be a newfag, but is there a comprehensive Marky archive? or an endchan archive with images intact, cause all the ones from the first post are dead or dont have images in the archives

marky plz come back nigga. time is running out. once i give you up and start dating boring normie irl girls, there wont be any turning back. the ship is going to sail. and our love will be left back at the docks, having never been realized. that would be a tragedy.

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