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How do you meet cute nerd/alt girls irl?

Sorry to use this board for asking questions but I think it's a lot more practical than other imgboards these days. 4chan is basically dead and any real discussion has moved to altchans like this.

I live in a large US city. I'm mid 20s and I have pretty much been just trying to cold approach because I'm not originally from this city and I don't have a dedicated social circle, let alone one with women. I have been very good with first impressions but I consistently run into a recurring problem. After the girls realize I am actually not a mysterious vampire but literally just a nerd they get weirded out... Or at least I think that's what happened. I went on a study-date with a girl I had met by cold approach a few days earlier, she looked excited to see me. But I didn't know what to talk about so I just started talking about how I'm learning hacking and I started showing her cyberpunk image boards like Lainchan and I could literally hear her voice change from an excited girl to a babysitter who just found out the kid she's looking after is retarded :/

How do I go about meeting cute Internet subculture type altgirls irl or who live near me?
Where would they hang out? And if I were to create a discord server for my city or something how would I go about that to attract like minded people but not a complete sausage fest? I do not want to use dating apps because I know people just use them for hooking up and I want a real relationship.

Be good looking. Women only care about your looks.
Spend 95% of the time talking about her and what she likes. Women only care about themselves. The 5% of the time where she actually asks, just answer but then quickly turn it around to being all about her again.
Looking for "alt" women is just setting yourself up for failure on multiple levels. 0% chance of a healthy relationship, so you might as well either aim for casual sex (don't recommend that) or jerk off to online pics (don't simp, give them attention, or send them money)

> If you don't know then how do you know he's wrong?
If he had actual experience and success with girls he wouldn't be in this cage with the rest of us.
Taking advice from an incel in the e-girl purgatory is like taking running advice from a legless cripple.

Then go ask dudes who get pussy for dating advice. They'll just tell you to "be yourself". The advice you'll get depends on how good looking the guy is, good looking guys tell you to be yourself, ugly guys tell you only looks matter. They're both right.

You're being retarded on multiple levels.
First, the r*ddit-level reliance on authority, instead of addressing anything I actually said.
Second, it's precisely from autists that you'll get any legitimate advice. Normies are too concerned about being socially acceptable to tell you the actual truth.
Third, it's precisely because someone has experience with women that they'll give this kind of advice. The men who haven't interacted much with women are the ones who can still hold up an illusion that they're pure beings. You can either love women or understand them.

Fuck it. Since you triggered my autism, I'll go even farther.
OP, you're treating them like human beings, trying to have a conversation with them and shit, but they're really just there to be stimulated. You just gotta satisfy their animal brain, without letting her human brain realize what's happening.
Romance? Love? Lmao. Think of baser needs. Food, sleep, sex. Go eat with her so she has a full stomach (don't pay for her food), let her talk about meaningless shit while acting like it's interesting, be good looking, etc.
Being rational with irrational beings is in itself irrational. It's a tough pill to swallow to realize how retarded women are, but if you actually wanna understand them, there you go.

OP here, I don't have trouble talking to pretty women, I'm not an unattractive guy, I am above average in looks, the initial conversation is not the hard part, I am specifically struggling with finding women that I click or match with or who will find my quirky interests cute, as well as wanting the same things that I want long term.

Church youth groups don't work because the girls I saw there were ugly, and even at popular tradcath churches full of beautiful women, they always leave right after church is over, only the ugly and fat ones go to the 'young adults group' where I get the privilege if meeting a bunch of dudes way more autistic than me and three or four 25+ year old fat women who look like they're 35.

Clubs on the other hand, those are gross places to meet women. Dating apps are just brothels.

Give me a place to go look and I can do the rest myself, your looksmaxxing blackpill semantics are useless and unproductive.

you guys don't get out much

looks don't matter, I have had several good looking friends who can't get laid

literally the only single factor is money.  Women only care about money.  If you have money you have a whore

oh I should mention, women are keeping track of how much money you have

they also keep track of how your politics effect their money, so being a shit-eating democrat helps, or just stealing from grocery stores they like as well

they tell eachother who to date and constantly keep a tab on every man's wallet, they will entice you into better paying positions to try and bleed the money from you there as well

if you don't hate women you are a fucking Satanist nigger.  The Bible specifically states that there is no evil on Earth worse than women (Ecclesiastes states this multiple fucking times), and if you believe they do not sell their soul for sex every day you are a fool who thinks virgins can menstruate

Not everyone wants to date some gold digger angel anon. Yes money is important but it's like a baseline. Just making six figures is basically just passing tutorial mode with some women while others don't give a shit and will marry their broke highschool sweetheart.

It's case by case, but the only constant is that they are irrational emotional creatures obsessed with appearance so if their friends date broke guys they will, if they live in the city then you better make a lot of money. Etc etc

Age plays a role too. Ironically I've noticed career bitch roasty women sometimes get higher and more retarded standards the older they get and the more men they've slept with which is gross and ironic because biologically their value is going down. I guess it's a feminist cope but if women had floating price tags over their heads dictated by the subconscious value men have for them a teenage virgin would be worth $500,000+ and the tattoo having 29 year old roasty would get a massive ego check when she looks up and sees $150

Sad but true, feminism is the cause of 99% of our cultural problems today, simply because it is unnatural and disordered and requires everyone else to go along and play pretend to maintain the cope of a bunch of cat ladies who will have a mental breakdown if confronted with reality. We are literally destroying society so that a handful of idiots can play pretend.

> you are a fool who thinks virgins can menstruate
Nigga. You know what I'm not even gonna bother. 

As someone who has dated a decent amount but remains autistic as fuck, I can say from experience that dating apps aren't just brothels. There actually are plenty of women looking for real relationships, especially on Hinge and Bumble. I have the same issue as you where I'm decent looking and have money but don't feel interested in anyone I don't have much common ground with. It's basically a game of luck. Unfortunately it will most likely have to always happen through the internet in some way since semi-stunted people like us with quirky interests who remain high functioning aren't constantly signalling our interests IRL so there's no way to find each other.

You guys clearly don't read.

You know what female fantasies all have in common?  The male does not work.  He somehow, magically has all the money when the plot starts.  The job was over for the weekend, the vacation started, but never is a realistic way to earn money ever found.  He has it though.

Male fantasies?  The woman actually wants sex and asks the male out.

Men will never find a woman who actually wants to ask them out, women will never find a man rich enough to not work.  Grow up and die like Hamlet retard

Girl here. Just be yourself and not a freak, heartless, cruel, narcissistic or scared of intimacy or being vulnerable. Or if you are, be able to talk about it and open up so we can help. Back to lurking.

> your looksmaxxing blackpill semantics are useless and unproductive.
> struggling with finding women that I click or match with
99.999% of men don't actually like the gf they're with, they just rationalize that they do, so they can keep going. I guarantee you that for 99.999% of women, if they didn't provide sex, intimacy, or anything else you can only get from women, the men wouldn't be with them. They're not enjoyable to be around.
> who will find my quirky interests cute
Women have no real tastes or opinions. Again, you're acting like they're complex individuals who think about shit. You're still not seeing it. In reality, they'll find whatever interests Chad has to be cute. Ever hear of women copying their bfs' hobbies, opinions, etc.? It's like that.
> wanting the same things that I want long term
Less than 1% of women even think about this stuff, and less than 1% of that actually reach a conclusion, and less than 1% of that actually reach intelligent conclusions.
> Church youth groups don't work because the girls I saw there were ugly
I hate to promote hypergamy, but these might be your best option. Understand that finding a woman with a good attitude is like finding a unicorn.

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> Girl here. Just be yourself and not a freak, heartless, cruel, narcissistic or scared of intimacy or being vulnerable. Or if you are, be able to talk about it and open up so we can help. Back to lurking

Yeah I'm not any of those red flags you mentioned I think I just haven't been lucky enough and found the one yet, but since you're on this board perhaps you could help tell me where a girl like you would hang out in a major US city, what type of places like cafes or other do you go to during your free time and what times would you do that? If I want to jump into someone like you how do I do it?

Quiet places I can be myself. Places that pertain to my interests. Just be yourself, seek to make yourself happy as best you can, and you will attract a woman who loves you being you. It's much harder than it sounds but it's the simple truth, and bad things do happen sometimes. Don't lose hope. Best wishes to you.

This guy dismissed genuine advice, but immediately magnetized to someone who just goes "be yourself" over and over, as  >>/113030/ predicted.
He's getting r*ddit-level """advice""", and he thinks THIS is the kind of person he wants to pursue. (Assuming the 1% chance that it isn't a tranny in the first place.)
It's like some people WANT to fail.

> instead of addressing anything I actually said
I have nothing to learn from you, your life experience is the same as mine.
Your points have no weight and I don't need to address them, in fact I don't even need to read them.
> Normies are too concerned about being socially acceptable to tell you the actual truth
Then being socially acceptable is what's truly worth learning.
I have nothing to gain from being or thinking like you, because your method leads to failure. I'd rather imitate success.
> Third, it's precisely because someone has experience with women that they'll give this kind of advice
If you had experience with women you wouldn't cling to unreachable ones on the internet, you would simply go outside and make use of your experience to get a new one.
You give advice because you're arrogant, and you're arrogant because you're ignorant. If your method really works show us your achievements fist, and then talk.

> your life experience is the same as mine. Your points have no weight
> show us your achievements fist
What a retard. You cling to indirect indicators instead of thinking for yourself. You're the kind of person to automatically believe whatever someone says just because they have a degree. Utter NPC.
Notice you again didn't claim anything I said is wrong, you just clung to your assumptions about me.
> You give advice because you're arrogant
The fucking irony of a guy too arrogant to listen to advice - to even CONSIDER it for a moment - to claim that giving advice is arrogant.

Like I said before, it's like some people WANT to fail.
"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."

> You cling to indirect indicators instead of thinking for yourself
The indicators couldn't be more direct: you're socially successful, therefore you're doing something right that is worth learning about. You wallow in the pit of despair with the rest of the damned, therefore all you can teach is failure.
> The fucking irony of a guy too arrogant to listen to advice - to even CONSIDER it for a moment - to claim that giving advice is arrogant
It would be arrogant of me to dismiss the advice of someone with real experience and success, it would be even more arrogant to claim I know better than him.
You are obviously not that person, you stand exactly where I am, which is the worst position imaginable. 
The sole fact that you know about this board indicates that you're a social outcast, the fact that you post in it too fully confirms it.
All the data points at the fact that you're just another crab in a bucket.

> It would be arrogant of me to dismiss the advice of someone with real experience and success
It would also be arrogant to assume that, just because someone isn't "successful", that it's automatically impossible for them to say anything worth listening to, and that you need to close your ears to everything they say.
This way of thinking is also retarded because a "successful" person can also lead you astray with bad advice (or outright lies), which is why you need to be able to think for yourself, see what makes sense and what doesn't, instead of relying on indirect factors.
No wonder the world is so fucked, when people go around thinking like this. These fuckers see a person in authority saying something and they automatically believe it like sheep.
> All the data points at the fact that you're just another crab in a bucket.
Pure projection. You're the one automatically dismissing advice. You're like a crab who's closing its eyes and refusing to acknowledge that the bucket even has an opening.-

lmao keep coping and seething essayposter 
op, disregard this man. he spends every day raging about women being evil and how no one should ever want them. hes been caught lying numerous times too like one time he claimed he had a wife and another time said he had a gf but for some reason also claimed they were subpar looking because hes "not shallow" and they let him sleep with anyone. then wrote fanfic about them. then pretended it never happened.

> It would also be arrogant to assume that, just because someone isn't "successful", that it's automatically impossible for them to say anything worth listening to
No, it's just rational. The most noble thing an unsuccessful person can be is an apprentice, but one that considers himself a teacher can only be qualified as a Dunning-Kruger effect victim.
> a "successful" person can also lead you astray
If someone extends his hand from above he won't necessarily lift me up, so I have to be careful, but someone who extends his hand from below can only drag me down.

You're absolutely out of your mind if you think I even skimmed through his advice instead of just reading his attempts at justifying himself.

> No, it's just rational. The most noble thing an unsuccessful person can be is an apprentice, but one that considers himself a teacher can only be qualified as a Dunning-Kruger effect victim.
Not essayposter but once again what the fuck are you even trying to get to? Looks matter, a person who is successful in dating is a person who is physically attractive. In the end that's all it will come down to and you're trying to run around that point instead of attacking it directly.
There's no point in anyone even engaging with you any further on this.

I feel like any one of you would say I'm a "freak" just for being over 30, the thing I have the least control over.

I mean what do you do if you ARE hot, but NOT under 30 and NOT a millionaire and your mom just dropped dead and you're really sad and lonely? I am not a "freak," I am as normal as they come, but I have problems, and I feel like women only ever want guys with absolutely no problems at all.

picrel is me :D 
I do not have strong advice for meeting people irl as I met my moid online (which is also very difficult), I can advise you to not listen to half the retards in this thread. 

If you are in your mid-20s and you are not financially well off it is not abnormal, and the avg woman would not care if you are a wagie at that age. There is a certain genre of women who are interested in status and money for sure, but if you're just after a cute girl with similar interests she will not be one of those. 

Not having any social media likely stunts your chances to an extent. It is not absolutely needed but it would 100% help. I know you want to meet irl, but there are many relationships formed from the algorithm recommending instagram accounts of similar people in ur area.

On the other chan you mentioned meeting the girls u take on dates at cafes, which I would probably avoid. Imo a woman who is nerdy and accepts you going on lainchan is pretty unlikely to be frequenting a cafe alone.  >>/113071/ is right, if you want to find a nerdy girl the best places would be weird little internet cafes or dweebish events like comic cons or gigs. Even if you don't find the love of your life instantly it could help you accumulate a social circle which will help you find said girl in the long run.

Someone said to not mention going on lainchan and stuff there too which I would also disagree with, there is no point in lying about your interests if you are trying to find someone who you genuinely like, who likes you, but going to normiespaces like cafes would probably not be the best place to find people who are into that.

 >>/113433/ You are retarded and cucking yourself by having a pessimistic unrealistic worldview this is so empirically false you have to have very poor analysis skills or an actual cuck fetish

> many relationships formed from the algorithm recommending instagram
What kind of pics do the men's accounts post? Thirst traps? Nice suits and cars?
> no point in lying about your interests if you are trying to find someone who you genuinely like, who likes you
This might be overly cynical of me, but I kinda doubt women actually care about men's personality, and I also find that women who have a tolerable personality (let alone a good one) are extremely rare.

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>  What kind of pics do the men's accounts post? Thirst traps? Nice suits and cars? If you want nerdy/alt women like OP, or non-sub80IQ-golddiggers then no. Some men post that stuff but it just makes you look like a bit of a wanker. They normally post pictures of themselves, cool places they go or friends. If you don't do that stuff even just having an account with a profile picture and a name linked to it helps substantially. Even posting a picture of your cat or one of your interests gives people easy grounds to start conversation with you. 
>  I kinda doubt women actually care about men's personality
I am a woman and all my friends are women and personality is very important in choosing a moid, you just need one you're attracted to with compatible personalities do not listen to the blackpillers. Why would anyone want to spend all their time around someone who's personality they don't even like?
>  and I also find that women who have a tolerable personality (let alone a good one) are extremely rare.
I mean if you don't think there is a woman you could tolerate the advice is probably non-applicable, I'm assuming OP wants nerdy women due to mutual interests but I could be wrong.
If you aren't bothered by the absence of personality or anything I would just go to tinder or hinge.

> Even posting a picture of your cat or one of your interests gives people easy grounds to start conversation with you.
Thank you for the info, but does any of this actually work if the man isn't good looking? I've had a normiebook account for like 15 years and I don't recall a woman ever starting a conversation with me.
For example, let's say there's a nerdy modest genuine cosplayer (ie actually likes cosplay, instead of just posting softcore porn) with few followers, on Instagram. If I sincerely interact with her content, what are the chances that she even acknowledges my existence, if I'm not Chad? 10%?
> Why would anyone want to spend all their time around someone who's personality they don't even like?
I don't mean to be too blackpilled, but I think 99% of men don't have a choice lol. If men stopped pursuing a woman once she showed a bad attitude or unpleasant personality, 99% of men would be 30yo virgins.
I'm not saying this to be funny or to dunk on women, but really, most men just tolerate things like mind games, tests, drama, hostile attitudes, etc. because they'd be completely alone otherwise.
Thanks again for the info.

Asociality is not normalcy, you're conflating your personal sphere with the experience of men at large. Everyone has a group of friends and a social context (school, job, hobby) where they can find new people. Men who have a girlfriend get to know many other girls through her, this is why people who have been in relationships have no issues finding new ones and lonely people only tend to get lonelier.
Social opportunities only start to decline once you reach the age bracket where everyone has kids.

That sounds like it makes sense, but how true is it? Perhaps you're assuming that above average men's experience applies to most men.
A completely average 5/10 man might have friends and get invited to a party or something, but exactly what is his chance of success with women? Surely he'd have to chat up at least 5-10 women before getting a success.
And more to the point, it's not like he has "options" of women on his list that he can choose from like a buffet. If he wants a woman, he has to actually work for it.

> You are retarded and cucking yourself by having a pessimistic unrealistic worldview this is so empirically false you have to have very poor analysis skills or an actual cuck fetish
Okay, then date me! 💢
You all say it's all fine and "oh you'll find someone," but none of you actually want to bite.

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>  I've had a normiebook account for like 15 years and I don't recall a woman ever starting a conversation with me.
I don't think a lot of people under 30 use Facebook for socialising in that way, the people I know will use it to post polished versions of themselves for family or old teachers and stuff. Also, as rough as it is, women very rarely reach out to men, let alone on facebook. I think if you're after the stuff OP is [GenZ dweebish women], instagram, snapchat or discord would be your best bets.
>  let's say there's a nerdy modest genuine cosplayer (ie actually likes cosplay, instead of just posting softcore porn) with few followers, on Instagram. If I sincerely interact with her content, what are the chances that she even acknowledges my existence, if I'm not Chad? 10%?
As a cosplayer womyn with such an account, the chances of her acknowledging you from solely interacting with her content are pretty much 0%, even if you're chad. If you message her, there is a slightly higher chance of getting a reply, it depends on how you present yourself. I would be more inclined to reply to someone with pictures on their account, of things that I also like (i.e., what the hypothetical woman cosplays), who is clearly from the same country as me. "Being Chad" would obviously help, people like to talk to people they are attracted to, however, a lot of cosplay women have bottom of the barrel moids for some reason, but they likely didn't meet from a cosplay Instagram account. Replying/ orbiting in the first place will generally deter these women as they can kinda tell you only want a cosplayer gf as a part of some fetish. Best bet is going to an anime convention and trying to start conversation (scary).
>  most men just tolerate things like mind games, tests, drama, hostile attitudes, etc. because they'd be completely alone otherwise.
If you're willing to settle for someone you are only physically attracted to it'll probably be much easier [and less fulfilling] Good luck ^_^
I have a moid and if I didn't I would not go for a cuck!

> I don't think a lot of people under 30 use Facebook for socialising in that way
Alright, fair enough, thanks.
> the chances of her acknowledging you from solely interacting with her content are pretty much 0%
Well shit. At least you're honest.
Idk if it's worth it to message women on the 1% chance that one actually replies, and on the 0.0001% chance she's actually interested.
> Best bet is going to an anime convention and trying to start conversation (scary).
I've gone to a few, but in my experience it was overwhelmingly populated by the softcore porn type of cosplayers.
> a lot of cosplay women have bottom of the barrel moids for some reason
They're probably doing cosplay because they realize they're not very hot, so they feel bad openly attention whoring online, so they use cosplay to pretend like they're innocent. Soft attention whoring.
And since they're not hot enough (for Chad), they just stick with some beta who will provide attention\resources\favors until a better man comes along. I doubt they actually like him.
> If you're willing to settle for someone you are only physically attracted to it'll probably be much easier [and less fulfilling]
Like I said, most men don't really have a choice when it comes to women's personality, so physically is all that's left. Most men already ARE settling by overlooking women's personality issues.
In my experience, I'm already settling on every aspect, and I'm still disappointed.

it isn't "empirically false" and you need to learn the definition of "empirical," but before you do that you need to admit you don't know fucking shit about anything and that women statistically do not date down economically, exceptions only prove the rule and observable realities are not built on the backs of exceptions, stupid fucking womanoid giving horrible advice and denying the actual fact of the matter as usual

NEVER take dating advice from women

I am open minded, so I always try to listen to them, but 99% of the time I am disappointed.
It's sad to say, but they simply don't understand. They start getting swarmed with attention by like 13, so they couldn't possibly understand getting none all your life.

Doesn't mean that you have to create a fictional world for yourself where 99% of men are either incels or cucks and the only ones who can have a decent, normal relationship are apollonian millionaire demigods.
Average, ugly and poor men get engaged all the time, you need to face reality.

Yeah, they get engaged at 30 when the woman is ready to let the betabucks pay for her stuff. That's not a selling point. If women in their early-mid 20s genuinely went for their looksmatch, then I'd believe you.
why are people so eager to dismiss men's problems? Why do they insist so hard that men are never in a bad situation, and when they are, it's 100% their own fault.
It's like there's a guttural hatred at the concept of men having any victimhood points at all.

> yeah they just (elaborate headcanon)
Looks and money are just the shields you use to avoid reflecting on the type of person you are and the real reasons why you're not attractive.
How can a woman possibly love a whiny excuse maker like you? Your victim complex isn't gonna get you any pussy.

Maybe if you didn’t circlejerk and whine on imageboards about women not wanting men without money you would have better observation skills regarding what women actually want. The women I know consistently date men who are financially worse off than them, no it’s not the case for everyone but the vast majority of women do not fucking care. At least below the age of 30. I promise they have no interest in you due to your abysmal personality and cuckoldry fetish, and nothing else. Please continue to take advice from other men on endchan though i’m sure it will give you great success!

> How can a woman possibly love a whiny excuse maker
There it is. Every single time.
Any time the """advice""" isn't automatically accepted, it instantly turns into hostility personal attacks. I can smell the r*ddit from here.
100%. It's just a way to convince themselves that they're above others. "I might be a 25yo virgin, but at least I'm not a stinky poopy inkwell"

You only feel attacked because you know it's true. 
You would move heaven and earth to avoid putting your personality in question, convincing yourself that it's all because of things beyond your control is just too comforting.

Not OP but I got asked to go out by a qt grill this weekend. Over Instagram. Don't really feel like going even though she's nice but I will anyway and see what happens. Just a reminder that social media is a good tool for meeting people IRL.

I'd say I'm like a 6. I have an okay job and live with 2 roommates so it's not ideal but it's enough to support myself. I don't post much except I share a lot of posts on my stories like memes and recent vinyl hauls. I guess a stranger because I followed her after seeing her comment on a post about something going on in our city and after liking each other's stories we started sending each other memes. Happened very naturally. She asked me if I was gonna go to this upcoming thing in town then asked me to go with her. Refusing to use social media is shooting yourself in the foot.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
It's kinda obvious to use social media to meet women, when you think about it. Women have been using it as a dating service, by posting pics of themselves to see if any guy bites the bait. It's mindblowing that I'm only now making the connection.

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You're telling me women care about personality? That's funny, next you'll tell me women actually have different tastes in men, like preferring fat fucks, or manlets, or ugly men, or poor men, or sub8 non-Chads of any kind.

> You're telling me women care about personality? 
Yes. Good looking men with boring or annoying personalities have an easy time finding a gf but get dumped even more easily.
> fat fucks
The amount of women who are into fat guys is genuinely staggering.

Sounds like somebody has never delved into female gooner subreddits. It's shocking how many women have the hots for fat niggas. I've also met a weird number of women who flat out tell me they want short boyfriends, not as part of a femdom kink or anything either afaik, they were normie women who just liked short dudes. I assumed it was because their first bfs were short or something but who knows.

Why must there be only one girl I can love? 😭 I need to get back to her or I will die of loneliness, yet there are all these other hotties all over the place but arbitrary retarded ruled and the wickedness of that cunt Harris have made them inaccessible.

> but get dumped even more easily
Got any examples\proof of this? I'm open minded, but I find this hard to believe.
> into fat guys
Let me guess, those fat guys are exceptionally tall, and those women are moreso into "size" in general than actually getting off to the man's moobs and gut.

> hots for fat niggas
> want short boyfriends
I find this very VERY hard to believe. Do you have any proof of this kind of stuff?
> women who flat out tell me
Yeah but women lie all the time, especially if it'll make her look good, like claiming to not be shallow, so it's hard to believe what they say.
> not as part of a femdom kink
> female gooner subreddits
Go on.
> their first bfs were short
I've noticed that in men, their first gf, or first woman they get close to, often deeply affects his taste in women, but again, I find it hard to believe it happens with women too.
The closest thing I know of is the author of FMA lol.

It sounds like you have a case of oneitis, my friend. An abundance of new women and a little wisdom will probably cure you.
You might want to emotionally distance yourself from her before you hear about her being with other men and feeling like you're being NTR'd.

No one else is going to go near a "creepy" and "crazy" girl like her. I need her back with every fiber of my being. Or I at least need the chance to go on that one date with her I missed by five minutes five years ago. If we need to depart we need to depart, but I gotta know.
(I most likely need to move far away from here because of stupid shitty gentrification anyway, though.)

No proof on hand but my own word. I was/am the type of guy that makes friends with women pretty easily (usually without being attracted to them fwiw) and they trust me so a decent amount of them would mention it every so often when talking about guys they were seeing. Still wasn't anywhere near the majority of them but enough to let me know there's no shortage of women like that, just like how men who like small tits (me) aren't the majority but there's still enough of them. Good point about the fat dudes being tall, they probably were, tho the women I've known to prefer short guys seemed to like em a little chubby. Not full on fat though. I don't think women in general get off on highly specific male features honestly, it seems like it's always about more broad things. Height instead of long limbs, fatness instead of moobs/gut, etc. Whereas men are more likely to hone in on specific body parts and clothing items and features.

These women were NOT trying to avoid seeming shallow lmao, they were still women, they just happened to like men who weren't stereotypical chads. They weren't ugly either, but they were all dorky in one way or another which def had a role in shaping their tastes I guess. 
> in men, their first gf often deeply affects his taste in women but I find it hard to believe it happens with women
I remember reading about some studies done that disproved the idea that parents shape someone's taste in the opposite sex and that the most influential thing is your first crush/love/gf/bf/whatever. I can't find it rn but I'll keep trying to look.

> a decent amount of them would mention it
I still don't quite believe women just saying it (actions louder than words), but I'll keep what you've been saying in mind. I sure wish I'm wrong about women, and that they're not utterly shallow with the same tastes.
> no shortage of women like that
Kinda hard to believe that when a ton of unattractive men are single\virgins, not to mention hypergamy.
> I don't think women in general get off on highly specific male features honestly, it seems like it's always about more broad things. Height instead of long limbs, fatness instead of moobs/gut, etc. Whereas men are more likely to hone in on specific body parts and clothing items and features.
That's a very good point, and one I hadn't considered.
> These women were NOT trying to avoid seeming shallow lmao
Women will lie even if it's to themselves, so ehhh idk.
> some studies done
That sounds interesting, I'd like to take a look at those studies too.

If what you're claiming is true, I believe it would help a lot of men out there. But only if it's true.

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