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I judged based on how he looks like in OPs pic. He is the most attractive out of all of them. Marc and JT are handsome too. 
Seymour looked good in his prime years (when he was young) but now he is too old. I wonder if he used to be a pedro back then.
OK, hold on now. This is comparing someone mid (in OPs pic) and some really ugly Argentinian with BPD whose only "appeal" was making threats of suicide and whatnot in order to get what he wanted.
"Maybe" I contradicted myself but who cares? It's a fact that one is less worse than the other when it's about the looks.
He's latino. Most or many latinos are brownoids mixed with Africans. There's a small core of women who are outright racists, but e-girls are ego driven and amoral, and hold no ideals at all, and will screw their brown drug dealer. 

And although he WAS a drug dealer (which is why he's banging these stupid sluts), he had nothing to do with Ciara's death. She died from shit they bought in the ghetto in Philly. There's a vid of Ciara and JT on the bus going to buy it.

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