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The Disappearance of Ciara Horan edition
Previous Thread:  >>/99974/

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 >>/24021/ grubage
 >>/34869/ morrisseyrocks
 >>/35100/ weepwah

oh im not teenage i just think ciara was cringe as fuck and i legit want to kill myself when watching her "meme" videos that appealed to incels. she's genuinely not cute and idk why she died but it was the right thing to happen i think.

and youre a grown ass man on a board about egirls.

so what do you know about her that you find so appealing? nothing lmao. you think she's cute bc she appeals to incels. her videos she made for incels were extremely extremely cringe. for example the one where she dabbed over and over.

and in top of all of that she looks like she came out of the trailer park with her fucked up teeth and gross acne. lol.

its funny because even ciara was a lot more of a crackhead than bianca was she was more into normie drugs like weed and xans and its only a rumor that she tried heroin and most of her drug related posts was just her being edgy, it’s obvious just by looking at any of ciara photos that shes a junkie especially with those crooked teeth

she did cringe stuff for them like repeat "dank menes" in videos and do extremely cringe gf simulators for lonely incels. she actually had no personality of her own and that was shown through her discord messages and actual replies to 4channers

Mods need to ban b*anca threads. These ugly ass rickety bitches keep coming, and coming, puring from deepest reaches of twitter and shitcord onto here for no fucking reason other than their hybristophiliac fantasies, then shit up all of our quality discussion space where nobody asked.
> why do these silly boys like *X_GIRL_FROM_4CHAN*, all they do is see her big bobs, ass, thighs - they must be pedrophiles or something??? oh no, why nobody gives me attention, I am so unique - my deep personality is hello kitty, emo uwu makeup no one found attractive back in 2004, and looking like oven survivor from Dachau - clearly it's the male sex's fault!!!

Bitch, nobody cares. Shut up. You want to be popular? Start raising chickens in your backyard and grow some ass.

Expect to pay ~400 for just the head
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2000 for nude full body model + rig + idle / breathing animation

(search for 'photorealistic 3d rig' comissions or check fiverr) https://www.fiverr.com/flyboitimz/3d-realistic-character-3d-metahuman-3d-character-model-3d-realistic-hair

She was getting progressively less evil the older she got. She was doing drugs and turning e-tricks, sure, but to my knowledge the constant scamming, manipulation, threats (towards herself and others) stopped. Who knows what went on with Jay though. Were they on the outs when she died or did he ever confirm she straight up cheated on him? Never figured that out.

Some ethnicities share similar facial features is my point
Native Americans Arabs and Slavs have high cheekbones
Portuguese and Niggers have fat noses 
List goes on, I just wanted to point out similarities not say she was actually brown kek

How so? She had big eyes, a curved nose, prominent cheeks and full lips - all features common to arabs. Like I said, I'm not calling her non-white or anything, I'm just saying she looks like some white-passing arabs, such as the Al-Assad family.

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> probably a shitskin

I’m pretty swarthy of Sicilian and Greek descent so I guess you partly correct. But that’s mostly irrelevant, I just have an autistic interest in human phenotypes. 
> assad's father had a lightbulb somalian head and a massive kike nose

Ciara had those features, just on a smaller, feminine scale.
I'm not saying Ciara looks particularly Arab. My original point was that some of her features give her a Levantine vibe that overlaps with some light-skinned arabs and jews.

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I have olive skin and normies consider me to be "white", but again that is irrelevant. Both Ciara and her father had the "Brunn" phenotype, the archetypal Irish phenotype best represented by Ted Kennedy. Ciara looks quite Irish, I don't deny that, but she has some med facial features that probably come from her jewish ancestry and remind me of some depigmented east mediterraneans and jews. I guess I went too far in suggesting that she could pass for light-skinned arab, but my point still stands.

> even marky who she looked up to was jealous of her.
Completely untrue, Ciara was the one looking up to Marky and constantly copying her and trying to get her attention. 

> Bianca is forced nu-egirl, orbited by females that fetishize her aneorexia and murder.
Completely true.

lol everything points to the opposite being true. ciara was the one obsessed and trying to repost marky’s nudes everywhere, get marky’s contact info, become more like her. why would marky look up to ciara who was still a child by the time marky was an adult? marky is too prideful for something like that to ever happen, she's notoriously stuck up. ciara and marky were fake friends for a few months and it ended quickly with some gay drama i dont remember the details of

I’ve been reading about it on desuarchive and apparently the police investigated it and found zero evidence she was raped. People brought this up and Ciara reflected it by claiming she wasn't penetrated and instead was dry humped. Also, it wasn't the first time she claimed she was raped (she previously claimed she was forced to perform oral sex on her drug dealer in the woods, obvious lie lmao) so I honestly have a very hard time believing Ciara.

Even if Ciara hadn’t overdosed that fateful night I don’t see her living to the present day unless she completely overhauled her lifestyle in every single way. Bitch looked like she was dying of malnutrition in her last photos no joke.

sydney sweeney has a body that appeals to men but her face is so mid. jenna ortega actually has a pretty cute girl next door look but she's not stunning like 80s/90s/2000s/etc celebrities. 

tbh there aren't many stand-out gen z celebrities in terms of looks. i would say the best we have is probably olivia rodrigo for women and timothee chalamet for men. when you compare that to older celebrities like young megan fox and young leo u can see how the importance of appearance is kind of fading

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Wait now that I read everything I think you are really her because roz is obsessed with looksmaxxing and yapping about race. Yeah ciara kinda looks med but she was very sexy and her having "a long face" still makes her attractive, you don't have to be a hyper bimbo neotenous slavic doll to be attractive, you are kinda brainrotted roz. Plastic surgery is very gay, you look weird because of the surgeries...just stop bogging yourself and sperging about ciara's race

Why do people over exaggerate biancas looks and act like she was a 10/10 just because she was murdered? she was a rough 6 and her face kinda looked uncanny in a lot of her photos like bianca could literally just wear a bag over her head and people will be like “OMG GORGEOUS SLAY GIRL”

because objectively she was around and 8/9 in the face. i remember when i first saw a photo of her when she was murdered years ago and i had the same thought that she was uniquely naturally gorgeous.

i already said this but she's way more naturally pretty than most female celebs who are/were her age. she looks good in pretty much all of her candid pics too.

No. A receding hairline is exactly what it sounds like, a hairline that's actively receding in the process of male pattern baldness that starts in early adulthood. Ciara just had a normal hairline that I guess is too wide for your tastes, so I'm assuming you're not of English-Irish descent. She was born with it and it would've stayed that way if she had the chance to grow into old age. 

This is also not a receding hairline. Most women I see wearing their hair up have hairlines like this. The only people I've seen with perfectly U shaped hairlines and tiny ass foreheads have been Mexicans. 

Why so many roasties seething over the fact that people find these dead women attractive lately? Jealousy of the dead doesn't really make sense.

ciara was only "popular with males" bc she would make extremely cringey videos for them that still give me second hand embarrassment to this day.

bianca had orbiters too the difference is she didn't make cringe videos of her dabbing like ciara did.

This board is for qurky cute demure girls who make extremely cringey videos for lonely boys and men, not any random slag who gets her throat cut by another deranged chad she felt like teasing that day. First is a 3D-waifu/egirl(dubious terminology but whatever), second is not.

Is this a hard distinction to understand? Who the fuck are those literally who shitskins I see on front page every week, do they even make videos, why are their threads allowed to stay?

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Is randytylor not mature enough for you? You object to boys and young men entertaining themselves with videos of girls they find amusing? Art is art, but suddenly you care to police other's minds?

What are mature men supposed to do? Le work hard and then "kill self", so you could live off our taxes and alimony, you dumb fucking roast?

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I'm not even a ciara orbiter but this bianca orbiter pisses me the fuck off
What's funny is Ciara and Bianca were close friends but this fat roastie has this weird fetish for pitting two dead girls against each other to get some kind of epic win on a dying imageboard 
Pic of ciara for contribution

Definitely her, she has an obsession with Bianca it's really creepy she also called ciara fat at one point because she thought her and Audrey worth the same person
The low iq repetitive posts make it obvious that it's her

who is to blame? give me names. I've just become interested in the lass and I want to exact vengeance on those responsible for this tragedy. it inspires me towards furious bloodshed that so many of you anons still love and adore ciara.

with all newly released Ai tools, anyone gonna take a crack at tryin to create new content.

i looked at it, its photorealistic but seems to cap at 5 seconds


same, i used to look at it once in a while, A WL , but it became sadder and sadder to look at it each year. i deleted so i wouldnt look at it.


she must of really loved that skirt, i noticed she did a lot of her sexy type pics in it

It seems like normiefags have found out about ciara and other egirls like marky i keep seeing pinterest accounts that literally has pictures of them that were clearly taken from this board and they always have a ton of likes

Yes, she's attention seeking and wants attention and validation, and those comments got to her. Also skellington Ciara. But she's faking the attempt at crying as a manipulation tactic. It's like 3 levels with Crooked Ciara.

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Ciara's was predictable and a bit anti-climatic to the point of 'huh. That happened.". Bianca was hilarious because she was hoist by her own petards. She had a /soc/ post that was still up after her death, with the same kind of behavior that got her killed in the first place. 

> what if a covert possessive narcissist meets a borderline slut?

Ciara's death si more like a comedy of errors with Yakatsy sax playing as JT runs around the room panicking.

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She put everything in her e-girl career and could have been the first r9k girl to be successful, her looksmaxxing is also probably why she died, heroin and anorexia and shit. This is also why I don't think she's alive, where else would she be?

Crooked Ciara lost interest once she got enough to fund her little drug sex party troops. She kept remaking her youtube and social media accounts so none of them gained traction. Last year of her life looking like a heroin skeleton hurt her fame massively. 

Yes, Ciara-chan would have been huge if she had not just been a junkie.

The people who sperg about the lack of death certificate and obituary just don't know how these things work. Whether or not an obituary is published is the family's decision, and Ciara's family not only knew of Keeruh's "stalkers" and online notoriety, they also knew that she had specifically overdosed, which, for a family, is very shameful whether they say it or not. I'm sure they feel like failures and don't want that information to be public, especially since people could and would deface any obituary with troll comments. And in order to obtain a death certificate, you have to give out your ID and have information on the deceased person along with proof that you had a real IRL relationship with them.

The databases are ran by each individual county, and the rules vary by state, so it would be pretty pointless to target a specific database. Lots of work for minimal returns. I'm sure people have done it before for bigger counties (like Orange County) but otherwise there's just flat out no point, especially for something that's changing with every single day that passes. Death certificates are also highly protected because they include information on any ongoing investigations into foul play as well. 

I'm dropping all this info because an online friend of mine died and I can't get his death certificate because I don't have all the details needed and there's no obituary because he OD'd and his family didn't want anything to be public. Didn't know any of this until recently. Merry Christmas kek


the way to get access to weird stuff / documents like mentioned in US is to hire a dirty PI, and be willin to get your hands dirty. 

theres no stomach for it, and people in here dont understand how off line investigation stuff gets done. 

shes gone, everyone in her circle moved on.

The Social Security Administration holds a national Death Master File so the IRS doesn't tax dead people and ballots don't get mailed to corpses, any PI or local government has access to said file. I think even corpo credit rating services like LexisNexis have it. I'm definitely leaning towards dead, BPD chicks can't act off the grid for that long.

Sorry about your friend btw, had a similar experience with being unable to get proof of death due to "privacy concerns".

i used to check desuarchive for almost 4 years every day as part of my morning routine, seeing if there was any kind of Ciara update. now I come here and it's the same story. No news and total silence. I guess I just have to accept that Ciara is now a pile of ashes in some urn.

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Hello, I'm actually new here, found this image board by accident.
I used to watch her youtube live streams back in the day, they were really comfy. After her death everything went private. Did anyone archived it or is it gone for good?

Also I used to exchange some messages with her on reddit, but it was another account that is not listed on OP:

Really miss her.

Ciara was pretty trashy and never held anything with any kind of reverence. She didn't have any kind of a "fetish", she was merely trying to find the best way to market her life for attention. She posted those pictures of her family also for attention. It's all the same thing.

Then with clout she could then use that to extract more money from simps for drug use. 

But fent had other plans for her. ;)

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