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She put everything in her e-girl career and could have been the first r9k girl to be successful, her looksmaxxing is also probably why she died, heroin and anorexia and shit. This is also why I don't think she's alive, where else would she be?
Crooked Ciara lost interest once she got enough to fund her little drug sex party troops. She kept remaking her youtube and social media accounts so none of them gained traction. Last year of her life looking like a heroin skeleton hurt her fame massively. 

Yes, Ciara-chan would have been huge if she had not just been a junkie.
The people who sperg about the lack of death certificate and obituary just don't know how these things work. Whether or not an obituary is published is the family's decision, and Ciara's family not only knew of Keeruh's "stalkers" and online notoriety, they also knew that she had specifically overdosed, which, for a family, is very shameful whether they say it or not. I'm sure they feel like failures and don't want that information to be public, especially since people could and would deface any obituary with troll comments. And in order to obtain a death certificate, you have to give out your ID and have information on the deceased person along with proof that you had a real IRL relationship with them.
The databases are ran by each individual county, and the rules vary by state, so it would be pretty pointless to target a specific database. Lots of work for minimal returns. I'm sure people have done it before for bigger counties (like Orange County) but otherwise there's just flat out no point, especially for something that's changing with every single day that passes. Death certificates are also highly protected because they include information on any ongoing investigations into foul play as well. 

I'm dropping all this info because an online friend of mine died and I can't get his death certificate because I don't have all the details needed and there's no obituary because he OD'd and his family didn't want anything to be public. Didn't know any of this until recently. Merry Christmas kek

the way to get access to weird stuff / documents like mentioned in US is to hire a dirty PI, and be willin to get your hands dirty. 

theres no stomach for it, and people in here dont understand how off line investigation stuff gets done. 

shes gone, everyone in her circle moved on.
The Social Security Administration holds a national Death Master File so the IRS doesn't tax dead people and ballots don't get mailed to corpses, any PI or local government has access to said file. I think even corpo credit rating services like LexisNexis have it. I'm definitely leaning towards dead, BPD chicks can't act off the grid for that long.

Sorry about your friend btw, had a similar experience with being unable to get proof of death due to "privacy concerns".
i used to check desuarchive for almost 4 years every day as part of my morning routine, seeing if there was any kind of Ciara update. now I come here and it's the same story. No news and total silence. I guess I just have to accept that Ciara is now a pile of ashes in some urn.

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