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shes the only girl ive ever seen with this unique body type that is very skinny but still looks flabby, if that makes sense. its a strange phenomenon and shes the only girl with this body type ive ever seen. maybe its an illness or a disease.
Tbh I dont understand the Wren hate, she was always so kind to me. Sure shes an egirl but theres not really anything special that makes her stand out from all the rest in terms of severity of actions
Wren got groomed and extorted for cutsigns and nudes by a balding Macedonian pedro still in his teens that has been exposed more than once for grooming girls young as 11 years old. He dated an 11 year old and wren excuses this kind of behavior but besides the point this girl is just another comwhore shilling herself for attention. Shes really like any other comwhore bitch and excuses actual pedrophilia and laughs at other girls who got the same comwhore extortion treatment package. And shes fat.
does anyone remember when wren made a thread here like two years back comparing her own pictures to ciara's and saying ciara is an old busted h4g...lol.
she's still fat and miserable, sad.

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