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"I used to write poems about this fucking brazilian girl thinking she would never read them, cause I think it was funny like, I have like a weird social disconnect from being homeschooled and I just think weird things are funny I dont things very seriously" 

emma is very cool, pretty too.

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LOL Haha
Yeh I was homeless for a while but I'm good now
I was schizoposting here and about ciara etc back in the winter and early March when I was heavily heavily using drugs and when I got out my mom kicked me out for going outside, since she has leukemia and OCD leading to paranoid delusions about covid. 

ive since got sober and yea not homeless. I don't use my YouTube as much since its embarrassing but I had fun

I have a weirdly large bone structure and masculine face because of my German heritage unfortunately. i know I look funny. But either way my money's up and im sober so hoooyeaaaa boys 

btw why no Kelly thread

who fucking cares LOL. shes a virgin but it literally doesnt matter. fucking christ i cant believe people still care about virginity. we only ever cared because we're all virgins ourselves and feel insecure. but it doesnt matter and convincing ourselves bitches are evil whores for not being sexless waifus isnt doing any good lul. 

> inb4 "hi avery" 
im not her and ive never spoken to her and im not attracted to her. although she doesnt even look like a tranny, just not my type. anyone thinking she looks trans has had their brain fucked by hentai and the internet. shes very obviously female, she just has broad shoulders and doesnt dress herself in a way that suits her.  

also avery if you see this try out different makeup and ditch the egirl thing imo. stop dying your hair so dark. i mean do whatever but i think it contributes to the trans thing and goes against your natural features instead of enhancing them

whats wrong with how I dress? i get I dress overly feminine sometimes but its cause I was a big tomboy growing up and never had major expression. on top of that i have bad body dysmorphia so i cant stand wearing loose clothes (not dysphoria which is a trans thing its just an eating disorder thing)
and yeah i just redyed my hair and im actually not as much of a fan of it. 
ive since abandoned my r9k insta for my real one and ditched that thing and honestly i cant remember the password. was on too many benzos.  

and yes its wrong since a girl can really take a hit if she panders to the type and being a tradwaifu and well you can only lose your virginity once and often these types are naive and get tricked or whatever 

good response anyway 
r u sure ur not me

anyway I miss being  a 13 year old tripfag meeting everyone like Ciara and Asteria for the first time when we had that community. but life goes on

theres nothing "wrong" with it. i think it kind of clashes with your face/body which makes your features look less natural. the people who think youre a tranny are retarded and just showing how addicted to the internet they are but i def think you could find clothes that flow better with your body's structure without being baggy or masculine. being feminine is cool but you could find cute dresses with idk a belt or cinched waist to emphasize your hips.'i think this vid  >>/3400/ is a great example of something that suits you, the one here is pretty bad  >>/2353/ bc it gives you no waist definition and emphasizes the shoulders' width against your hips

idk if you should miss meeting those people. very formative for you im sure but if you look at their lives it was far from a good influence. both were even more lost than you were and one was really violent . i get that they have soft sides but there are a lot of people who are gonna help you feel better in life and not  just wallow in misery with you 

and yeah im really glad im not  a girl. ill get called a whiteknight but i can see a lot of girls in this part of the internet becoming suicidal jsut for being normal sexual human beings.

oh yeah honestly i just went shopping and that dress was a night mare.. an autistic kid asked if i was pregnant hahahah like reee holy shit. ive come up with some way more fire fits recently..trust me. 

Im really biased with women personally and a big white knight.  It makes me feel good to open Instagram and just leave nice comments on girls posts and when i meet a girl thats like 14/15 ETC I just wanna protect her from whats gonna come. 
As for them in my eyes I just see two struggling lonely kids. Asteria is doing well and is normie now and was never a truly bad person. old trivia we edated actually. 

With Ciara i really feel for how she just mustve been so fucking lonely. She never got to have a fun life with going out for coffee and goofing off w ur girl best friends maybe smoke a joint or omg Katie brought Smirnoff 
She just had us. Till we lost her. I used to cry really often. 

anyway im trying not to respond to like anything stupid or seem attention whorey even though i literally posted a picture of myself holding racks.. but thanks for the posts anon we would have prolly beem friends if we met elsewhere.

sorry for rambling. Been isolative recently

you definitely didnt look pregnant in that dress or big in any way anywhere but the dress probably poofed out a little since there isnt  a cinch anywhere? idk. rude kid

and i dont think youre a white knight. i think you are nice and give the benefit of the doubt. kinda hard for me to think that girl was never a bad person given what we know, it was very extreme stuff and some of it involving someone else lasted years. good that shes normal now at least. 

u dont seem attention whorey at all. just open and friendly. im sure most people here wish they could be as free spirited as you. i hope you get happier and happier and stay alive

nah cause thats just a normal convo. Ppl pull the simp card cause they cant imagine a casual conversation with a woman. hot ones they would go coomer over and try hard and an ugly one youd ignore or shit on. you can just talk to women u know.. and Id know

Prolly would have made me sperg in the past but not falling for b8 Im not a kid or high anymore. Either way tho what abt her family and loved ones who suffer from it.

Yeah it was because my hipbones made an odd bump on top of the weird fitting.
oh well honestly to be fair it is a sensible perspective esp without or with personal bias. But everyone grows up someday and people honestly become totally new people slowly
yep i was just thinking about how ultimately i really dont gaf eben though im so sensitive.. thx cool anon u 2

the impact it has on her family is obviously sad, but have you seen her nudes man? they're in that ciara thread. her drug addiction, what she did to sunny, she is seriously just a gross human being, or well, was.

its almost like females arent all carbon copies of the same bone structure. go to any slavic country, youll start spinning and stuttering thinking theyre all trannies. use the internet less and look at women irl

what do nudes have to do with a human being deserving to live and get a chance at redemption? its crazy she did so many awful things, thats compltely true, but the first thing you say is that shes a whore because she had nudes. fucking deranged, youre obsessed with sex and project your damaged view of it onto everyone

how many chances does someone deserve? how many massive mistakes can someone make? she scammed people, did drugs, and distributed an underaged girl's nudes that was supposedly her best friend. having nudes doesn't make you a whore, but making piss videos on reddit and uploading your skeleton body that has been destroyed by your xanny addiction online does. you can feel free to see the videos in the ciara thread. the only thing damaged is (was) her drug filled body.

Lol, don't take it personally. She looks like an ectomorph, which are unlikely to have huge tits or hips.

The way she dresses is reminiscent of trannies (for some reason), maybe because many image board ectomorph trannies try to dress like that (for some reason). It probably all stems from anime influences.

i disagree since the ectomorph is apparently founded on a body type where you struggle to gain weight but thats not true i have to put effort in every single day to focus on losing weight. When I was in the psych ward i believe i gained like 5 pounds in a month and when i was forced to recover I think it took 3 or 4 for me to gain 23 pounds. ofc i dont have large breasts but i have ok hips if i gain weight 

she had bpd ig odds are every bpd woman is gonna do this stuff. And sunny was posting lewds on 4chan before Ciara ever leaked them and she only shared them amongst friends. Sunny was obviously groomed horrifically and no kid in the world deserves it but not as if she is a beacon of innocence
Either way may Ciara RIP. U guys cant hurt her anymore

this is a horrific photo of me where you can tell by my eyes im absolutely high as fuck. completely trashed. but all posting it does is remind me i was the lucky one to have quit and survived especially with any will in the first place. i ended up having a psychotic episode and a seizure when I quit cold turkey and went to the psych ward then struggled for a bit longer but I have a clear comscious now. yep I look strange and ive made mistakes and some people hate me. some just because of how I look or who i am.  but not everyone and even if its hard ive found people that care about me who i care about too. ill never lose at everything even if Im not winning either u kno

I am here to repeat the anon above me's sentiments. You are a special person and you deserve only the best. Please take care of yourself and try to stay away from drugs and harmful behavior. I pray for your health and happiness but only you can protect these things.

This anon  >>/3437/, not the other one. I'd also like to add that there isn't a single female online who hasn't shared a suggestive photo privately or otherwise. Emma is not a whole just a normal girl. We live in the 21st century not a nunnery

no, it's the definition accepted by most even if they try to deny it. most of these girls know that they are whores and regret it. they are permanently damaged by it and it will affect them the rest of their life. it is not something that should be encouraged, for their own good.
you honestly just sound like a child predator with your constant posting on this board about how underage girls sending nudes to strange men online and meeting up to fuck them is actually completely normal and healthy.

Most girls send nudes and almost all send lewds. Them getting leaked and obsessed over by 4chan stalkers that have a negative views of "whores" is what's damaging you retard. Literally if people like you adjusted your views, there'd be nothing damaging about what ciara, sunny, etc did. You contribute the most to the damage they regret.

aw, well you'd know better than me since you're a girl. she seems so sweet and wholesome, hard to believe that she'd try to arouse a bunch of random people. she's a human like us though. im guessing you mean her thigh pictures and such. maybe it was subconscious

> hard to believe that she'd try to arouse a bunch of random people
1. you have a madonna whore complex, google it. 
2. being sweet and wholesome doesnt mean you cant be sexual
3. i doubt she was trying to "arouse a bunch of random people." the anon you're replying to probably thinks any woman he's attracted to is a demon succubus whore trying to turn him on (as most people here do.)

all im wondering is how you make your money. I see all the BAPE too. dont listen to the assholes in this thread. help a fellow poorfag out ma'am. even if I can't do what you do the suspense is killing me

all humans are literally inherently sexual. she's not some pure untouchable asexual fantasy. and being inherently sexual doesnt = whore. she's just a normal girl lol. there aren't two possibilities of whore or trad. she just wants a bf to eventually marry. so do most women

i assumed she already had one since she had a horse. and talked about chickens. sounds like a country girl more than trad. you'd have to be into summer dresses, tea, and proper english to be trad. not dirt, guns, and explosions. interesting thought of her having kids though

why the weird dancing? and you must admit comes across as tranny; the obsession with egirls, the rail thin body, bladee and very tranny girl clothes rather than normal stuff, white knighting egirls etc, weird voice.

wow. All a lie whoever said she overdosed on fent is coping hard, she hung herself i heard because she got sober and realized it was too late. Lel. Friends ans family kept it very quiet because they had to grieve. 
RIP, at least she wrote some good poems. Obviously some things have to come to end. Its pretty ironic and funny even if sad

I'm not in the server I shared with him anymore, but he openly talked about using other drugs in the past in it. It sounds like you're setting the bar high for druggie meaning you have to be a Heroin addict.

> She's staying in a hotel and selling drugs.
She spammed me with a bunch of lies and this was one of them. I didn't even accuse her of it and she was ready to be defensive over it.
Supposedly she had a job recently, but never bothered to post proof. Hopefully she manages to keep off drugs in the end.

i really admire her strength considering all she's been through. ciara dying, both parents dying, mental illness, isolation and various addictions, so much pain.
the facts that she's still kicking and even managed to keep self respect says a lot about her character

Avery's just some anorexic skeletor that'd suck you off for a Scobie snack just like that headless horseman Bianca.
Last time I saw her messing around on live, she was in some hotel room getting high off God knows what.
Sad case, but just like many middle class E-Thots they wanna do the most stupid ass shit so daddy could pay attention again.

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