/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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of course not, shes just so cool. shes literally awesome. shes so funny, unique and talented. some people who only know her because of onlyfans say ohhhh how is she talented all she does is spread pussy and to that i say stfu because shes so much more than one bad decision that made her lots of money. shes happy now and im so happy for her for being so creative and perfect. her style is incredible i adore it, shes so talented at makeup too. so fucking cool how she can suit any aesthetic perfectly, i would be over da moon if she started making youtube videos again
The cp stuff is weird, but being a columbine fan is pretty normal for a terminally online girl. I don't see how that's weird compared to her (allegedly) giving out cp and making videos playing with a dead octopus.

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