/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Thats it. I've had enough. 

Are you telling me french-chan went to all that effort to photoshop all her pics to look exactly the same? Nah i'm not buying it especially with those out of context vocaroos and questionable room pictures.

If anyone's a photoshopper, I'd point the finger at the accuser. Funny how that fag "Dizziness" is mentioned in those telegrams, a salty fucktard who's a known pedro and groomer on discord, and now like his latest victim vamp he's trying to destroy french-chan because she rejected him. What a fucking loser.
Not even close. Your gaslighting tactics don't work on me pal. 

Giving the benefit of the doubt that you're not dizzi himself. It's not made up. Everyone knows hes very close to vore, another shitstain of life. "I don't wanna be mentioned anywhere!" Bullshit single mom excuse so she isn't held accountable.

You know what this is? This is jealousy. I'm just amused you went this far with it.
> Not even close. Your gaslighting tactics don't work on me pal.
i thought you meant the photoshopped ones looked the same as the real ones

> hes very close to vore
he wasn't even in her server until vore begged him to join. she was jealous because dizzi was in pukara's server and not hers. i don't think vore and dizzi are that close
I actually remember when Vore was first posted about and she had a mental breakdown over it. She just vented about her pathetic life on r9k up until some discordfag recognized her and leaked her. I don’t believe most “girls” who are posted here and there want to be but get tied up in the drama, gain orbiters and haters, and get leaked and impersonated. Plus all these boards are based on being anonymous and people are mistook for other people all the time. Dizziness used to be in Vores server for a long time but now I believe they are not friends idk.

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