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I think Asteria's real mom died because her dad remarried a african muslim immigrant. What he sees in her, I have no idea because she ain't the most attractive black girl and she brought her family with her. I can't imagine how Asteria and her brothers feel. Hopefully they aren't cucked like her dad and are pissed. Asteria's dad is literally one of those people who hold up banners saying refugees welcome, not even lying.
That is sad. No wonder Asteria is sad all the time. Asteria, I will take you from all that. I can be your little gay dude on the peter pan peanut butter, whatever his name is, he looks like a faggot but he can fly though, so yeah, there is that.
if she weren't one of those people that invariably ravage the lives of those who have the misfortune of coming across them, and then simply move on like nothing happened, i would almost pity her. being devoid of personality, she's just the mirror image of everything that's gone wrong with people in this miserable world.
only someone who's either very immature, very ignorant or very cynical would find that funny. most of these girls are narcissists and have bpd, and she's not different. stop enabling them and their destructive behavior, there's nothing cool about it.

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