/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Are you a fan? I've seen you orbit me for a long time, maybe you can claim a position as a fan, I dunno... Maybe that was because you LOST someone and I'm still laughing.
I'm insane, dude. I'm not right in the head.
You should really consider getting a job instead of obsessively ban evading and posting here all day every day. Maybe then you'd be able to afford to buy a $10 game add-on for your 'girlfriend' so she doesn't have to beg for it here.
I own a food business and it makes 12k a month, of course half goes to the business so it's not much considering how much you have to pay and refill things, yadda yadda... I just sign papers and manage serious things. I spoil my girlfriend quite a lot and she isn't posting here as much as before if you can see.
Is BO totally awol now or what? He wouldn't have permitted the blatant glowie threads (Pukara) and all the lewd pics of minors (Vamp) staying up. This shit is cancer, I just want to talk about og egirls without being bombarded by pedro propaganda that's against the rules. People don't even spoiler the most nsfw posts anymore even though that's one of the few rules here too, every time I come here I have to see Cewl's flaps.
I don't really think those pics of Vamp are in themselves necessarily 'lewd' but I've gone ahead and removed them anyway, along with some comments. The Pukara thread, any kind of sexual/sexualizing or blatant pedro posts are absolutely not allowed and we've been removing them when seen. If there are any missed they can be reported and they will be removed. If that stuff becomes too much we'll get rid of those threads again. The nsfw spoiler rule, that's always been minimally enforced. It's generally not ideal to have nsfw content in the OP and I don't encourage it, but it's also not ideal to have spoilered images in the OP. This is just how it is right now. If you prefer not to see that image the thread can be hidden.
It's like the admin said. No funny business on our part.
Can we finally get Vamp's threads taken down? Recent comments on her thread suggest an organized effort to dox her and even possibly commit violence. Her threads have been unfortunately been full of people posting her child porn, and harassing her to produce more for them, and now they seem to be putting her in danger as well. Wipe them off this board.
This, mods please check the Vamp thread and lock them. Preferably delete them and put a halt on them temporarily just so there’s nothing to fuel their flames. Those posts are scary as fuck and not business as usual trolling. They’re trying to ruin her life.
Heh. I understand the sentiment. But I actually need to be able to visit here on my phone lol. Let me know how this looks though. I'm quite fond of this css myself (shoutout to /ausneets/ once again) and I think your image is a nice addition.
if vamp thread can be removed, then the zombiebeatz one needs to be locked or removed too. someone has her ssn, dln, address, phone number, and is threatening to do harm. vamp is responsible for some of it happening. its not in the thread but that is where everyone is keeping the fire going

it's also a dead meme and anons just won't accept the fact shes been gone for years and she isn't coming back and she isn't a pre-teen hiki larper anymore

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