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In a survey questionnaire thread she put that she's 20, so I'm assuming she turned 21 today. It's weird how she's been trying this since 2014 and yet told anons she wouldn't show her face a few months ago, though.

She was active in chans before, probably this is her own thread to try to get famous, the girls here didn't got famous because they selfpost in 4chan just, they have a lot more, you dont

I’m not her bro im just another random person who sees what’s going on and appreciates it. You retards are pathetic thinking because i hate bee I must be some other ewhore. I hate all internet whores and laugh at this embarrassing attempt from bee orbiters to make her look important. Bunch of retards the lot of you.

ive done my research on her, way back to her young days
she is a mega whore, thats the tldr
she will be sweet to you at first, and then leave you after max 5 days when she finds someone new, ive verified this with like 15 of her past male "muses"
talking psychologically, this girl obviously has a diagnosed / undiagnosed mental illness (not the sexy kind), which also subconsciously prevents her to study / get a job
all that to say, stay away from her to remain sane

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Anyone of her simps wanna watch this? This is live as we speak, being going on for like 3 days in the server fucking exhausting
PS: Much fucking worse shit theyre talking ab in the server idk why yall even care about this mega roastie (both pussy and her brain)

Medoi bangs a new chad every few days while simultaneously entertaining e relationships between the loneliest people just so she can cuck and drop them the minute they do or say something she doesn’t like, even if they’re just talking to another girl. It’s known and her bf groom children to strip and self harm for them on omegle and manipulates insecure little boys into transmaxxing if they fear future inceldom. She seethes at anyone who calls her out for being an ugly substance lacking slut that took coomer photos as a kid for pedophiles and using the snapchat baby filter to give people the impression she looks younger than she really is. Ugly roastie whore had her full name leaked to r9k and other boards and she claims it was her obsessive ex boyfriend trying to rid her from posting. She larps about raping kids and pretends to care about anyone who gives her agreeable attention but once they stop she goes nuts spam pinging randoms who hate her just so she has someone to talk to or about her. Comfags inside have been putting together her total e-whore death compilation so its a matter of time.

Okay,  vore. Medoi messed your brain, we got it. Shes still better than you tho Nd thats why youre jelly. And no she doesnt use filters,its called makeup. You wear that too, the difference is that it keeps you ugly. Im concerned. Don't you have a kid to take care of? KEK. What a roastie, seething over other girls on the internet, instead of being a present mother.

> and has videos licking toilets
Never seen that, but there was some posts recently on /r9k/ that outed Vore as being trans. lmao
Some dude with a big boner and her exact thigh tattoo apparently.
So the child is actually of vore's gf.

E-girls only seem to know each other as friends or absolutely hateful eternal enemies.
They know no middle ground.

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Dear Vore, say whatever you want and make up whatever bullshit helps you to cope with the fact that you're a single mother at 24 and that your baby daddy is a criminal but you can't call me fat lol. It's not my fault that you aspire to be Eugenia Cooney 2.0 but my BMI is 17, which is normal. Stop being so obsessed, I can hear your baby crying because you give me more attention than you do to your little guy...

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I heard she fucks niggers and dogs. The chat logs also have a lot of mentions of child rape or rape in general. Must be something we don’t know. Her boyfriend is just a larp and is using her for mediocre sex btw.

She has like 15 "boyfriends" online, aka dudes she gives attention to so she can feel popular for 5 minutes a day. 
Also unrelated but a few weeks ago her and one of her simps were roleplaying as Bianca Devins and her killer in a VC and Medoi was asking if anyone had Bianca's underage nudes

You did your own nails? Lmao, congrats on a man spending a few bucks on polish for you to do them your own self instead of being willing to shell out money for a proper manicure. The hand fetishist who posts here would be disgusted by your hands.

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Those are nice gel nails.
Good shape, length and color, but that you let them run this  >>/36182/ long is really offputting.
I would let you grab my butt with them, digging them into my buttcheeks, while you suck me off.
If I were your man, I'd get you to either do them more often or tell you to grow your normal nails out and just repaint those. From my experience, women are more likely to do the second.

> The hand fetishist who posts here would be disgusted by your hands.
I mean they are a mildly sausage-y, but it's not that bad.
The most sausagey is the thumb, which can be seen here  >>/30418/, but the other fingers are alright. The thumb is kinda short.

Proper care is much more important than the shape however, as long as her nails aren't deformed in some really weird way. Have you ever seen Megan Fox' thumb? Now that's a real fucking hammer. Google it, if you wanna be disgusted for the rest of the day.

Since people mentioned her earlier, vore is a good example of having really fucking weird nails. Pic related. The fuck is this shit!??

Anyway, enough of my hand autism.

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This ewhore only has a thread because she made it herself. Vore is well known on r9k and has been posted about for years. Vore has also been posted about here before in old "egirl chart" threads way before Medoi was posted here. She is far from irrelevant.

Can you imagine how vore's kid is gonna turn out? He's going to be posting on /r9k/ about how his whore mom neglected him so she could show her ugly face to degenerate men on discord... Fucking pathetic.

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Medoi attacks every other female in chat for no reason, especially if they disagree with her shitty behavior on discord and the rest of the internet. She had several alt accounts specifically made for fucking with people’s emotions and reputation and seethes at anyone who doesn’t interact with her or give her the kind of obsessive attention she’s looking for. Look at her obsession with harassing a  random chick who’s never interacted with her or spoken about her before. Something about spam pinging randoms in chat for hours on end begging for a response or reaction screams mental instability.

Yeah well she sounds fucking based to me why should I give a shit about your retarded pisscord nonsense? Fuck off faggot. I'm here to look at pics of medoi not watch you have a meltdown because some chick is cuter than your ugly whore that you worship.

 >>/36281/ >Child rape and begging for simps to defend you is based

Being you are simping for an age regressing internet viral slut one can conclude that you are either a pedophile or just a bored out of your mind faggot baiting for a response. Vore ain’t cute either. I don’t give a rats ass about either of these tasteless and unsightly cunts but quality over quantity.

>  >Child rape and begging for simps to defend you is based
> I don’t give a rats ass about either of these tasteless and unsightly cunts but quality over quantity.
Then fuck off? I enjoyed medoi's thread's on /r9k/ before you butthurt fucks started spamming the threads with your gay shit. Maybe you should be raped and murdered too.
> her future incel is taken care of
he's going to shoot his mom

kelly no one cares about your nail, your makeup or you, we just don't give a shit and you don't even deserve a thread in anyserver girl 
delete this one that you created and go to real life

I think it is funny because Medoi cries and complains at every woman for being an attention whore while simultaneously creating and posting in her own thread to fill her narcissistic desire to be popular and likable. You see how Beechan has 2 threads she probably made herself too and Vore has 0 when she can come here and make one but didn’t? We all know this entire thread is a self post begging for compliments but it backfired worse than Beechan trying to make herself look/act like bianca devins of ramona flowers, or ciara pretending to be a cute innocent girl when she was an evil  heroin addicted prostitute looney who died.

i have joined chat, tinkers a different twisted, shes just a weird coomer. but she doesnt have drama or a squeeky wholesome r9k personality like medoi and bee do. And see how you werent able to come up with anything against cewl, because shes an angel.

> Cewl is a whore that has exposed nudes and she's also a druggie
Lol so?? Neither of those makes you a whore depending on context, nudes were only posted on r9k and she's a virgin and doing drugs is r9k approved

Huh? Where did I mention her? I dont have anything against her, I don't know anything about her therefore I can't "hate her". Gilbert is just a radical friend of mine. I don't have anything to do with that drama.

Wrong, Medoi has no need to post poetic descriptions about herself when she would rather read "Os Lusíadas".

It's more likely that those FACTS were written by someone else. Remember that Medoi's niceness is manifested by her candid warmth. Her wisdom about people requires attention.

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So, and what? e-whores always try to be like sweets, speak in anime or nigger slang, etc. to win simps and that sucks ass. Even Ciara did it and now Ciara 2.0 (Cewl) does the same.
I thought about it and I think being a mean or bitch for the keks it's a plus point.

She has been whoring since 2018, she selfposted for years and is still a nobody. She's more pathetic than evil but I agree with you. What's saddest is the only reason people remember her on /r9k/ is for threatening to share child porn of another egirls baby.

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your attacks are extremely innacurate and your rethoric doesnt make any sense, you sound deeply lost, confused and more than this... hypocritical and objectively dumber than the avarage person. how are you even going to call me evil for making edgy jokes on discord while at the same time supporting a woman that dates an actual pedro that has been proved to abuse his own little sister (among other girls)? Also, it makes wonder if you suffer from amnesia or did you forget that she used to lie about being underage for several months in order to appeal to pedros? Damn that old drama sucks ass and I'm getting bored tbh. what's obvious is that you're ignoring the facts on porpuse mate!!! Also I never selfposted besides last summer btw and if youre talking about my kelly lexotan era I had a 14k+ instagram that I choose to delete by my own selfless violation because too many people where getting tricked by fake accounts and it weirded me out that my pictures were all over pinterest. get lost little budy!!!

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"Nobody is reading all that" but you managed to reply to my "14k instagram" comment that is pretty much at the very end of my big sexy text. Listen now little bitch, if I was as irrelevant as you wish I was my pictures wouldn't be all over the internet and you wouldn't be waiting desperately about being able to sweat those fat cheese crusty smelly fingers of yours typing ugly words every time I make an appearance (and even when I dont haha). Hate isn't a form of demonstrating that you dont care about someones existence dumbass, in fact, it has the total opposite effect... you care too much hehe!!!

And if you're a lesbian I want you to know now that I'm not interested in your big herpes leaking vagina, please seek treatment.

> bulbous nose 
> thin papercut lips
> crosseyed with sagging eyelids
(might have fetal alcohol syndrome?)
> grey complexion from filters to make her roasted pig skin lighter
> tries too hard
> face sagging because she’s getting old and fat
I don’t know how old she is or her ethnicity (probably south american) but lunch lady mode has been activated, it’s over for this one

there's not much to talk about with her. I do think she's cute without the glasses, and occasionally with. and that was cool how she btfo bee without even participating. on the other hand she associated with girlbert the faggotphile which is unacceptable

Medoi is the most boring girl on this board, she has the personality of a secretary and doesn't seem to do much other than make snarky comments about other girls. She needs to get on hard drugs and fuck some random guy or something.

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> please, Kelly... just... a crumb... of pussy... before I go...
> sorry, this feature is for Premium Members only. You can subscribe now for $14.99/mo.
oh, you say you're already a member? Uhhh I won't fall into your revenge porn trap Bee!

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Her pussy is probably a dark shade of purple red, nipples are definitely pale brown, she got bad genes from China and everyone knows Chinese have dark private parts, also she seems white but she is just pale you can see that cause she has a pale shade of green+yellow skin, about the shape ou if it is hairy I have no idea and I don't want to either.
Her pussy and nipples colors must probably be something like this:

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