/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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the level of cope and reaching by delfag is insane. unrelated image and trying to prove a different context by text.
faggot if you have something to show, then do it. Don't ask others to reach out to family or do your work for you.


Go hug your mother and ask your father to beat some sense into you. 
You're in your 30s obsessing about girls on discord. KEK.
Everything because of a trannycord mod role? I don't know who is worse: The tranny exposing the girl for the 39485854333 time or the girl who couldn't just do it to keep this crap out of here.
Vore is known to samefag a lot so I choose to believe what's in front of me right now. All of this seems a bit odd, almost as if she wanted her thread to go on bump limit but like the other anon said he will just make another one, that's how the board works: drama.
Do I gather it right, that these images  >>/120067/ were sent privately but posted here "with the punitive intention to create public humiliation or character assassination out of revenge"? Sounds like revenge porn.
I also gather it was posted after a failed blackmail that happened on Discord? If this is true my advice is to report the account to Discord moderation team, that a person abusing their service, doing crimes. Frankly, all who were blackmailed by him should do this.
I'm not an arbiter, investigator, or law enforcement agent. If there is law breaking content here, please tell and I will delete.
Yes there is law breaking content including threats of extortion and public humiliation and revenge porn being posted in this thread. Its obvious. Theyre threatening to try to take her kid away over internet drama.
Where is the evidence of this? First you said she sent you nudes and you had e sex and leaked it to slander and now you are saying they were public to avoid legal repercussions. Which is it? I bet you leaked that video of cewl too and were just trying to save face.

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