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You aren't providing any evidence to counter this tranny shit. Why should anyone believe you? She's a tranny-loving, man-hating leftist. It's rare girls get out of that, and if they do they keep bits and pieces of that previous personality. 
I love Aggy but this is the truth. The tranny likely has had her multiple ways, probably multiple other people as well in their circle. Aggy has likely had multiple tranny cocks in her mouth and well as mental illness-ridden vagina. She's probably had a strap used on her, had her anus licked, licked anus, used her feet, explored with her hands and fingers. 
In a video she said she liked MyCherryCrush. There's no way Agatha didn't know that woman made porn. You don't think she would watch some and want to try certain things out for herself? 
But go ahead and keep calling it a tranny fetish to cope. Agatha has been used and is likely still being used.
These last few posts are a big example of why the internet (and the world) hates trannies and nonstraights.
Like the furries of the 2000s, they repeatedly shoehorn themselves in, and shit up every community they join.
People don't hate them because of what they are or who they want to bang. They hate them because they're fucking annoying to be around.
I am sincerely begging you to just act normal. If you just behave yourself, nobody will give you shit. Keep your fetish shit to the fetish threads.
that remix would be bold on rym ngl, imagine a future where agatha was a relevant artist and were asociated with PC music, her beautiful voice has the potential, sadly it would be mainstream and ruined but just imagine
Agatha my beautiful old woman, I would marry you and have many children for you, and even beyond death I would continue to love you, that authenticity that you have no other woman has ever, never ruin your beautiful destiny that our Holy God established for your life, reject stupid human ideologies that bring nothing good to unique people like you, remember to maintain your physical originality, I detest LGBTQ ideologies, something that my Holy God does not like, and as a good evangelical Christian I live a correct life.
Fuck it. 

Agatha's friend's name is Kaitlin Jaffe. I was really apprehensive about putting this out there but after seeing this fifi fucker tranny bullshit it seems she's too far gone for help. I mean, she's fucked. Its over. I've never seen the lgbt movement destroy anyone THIS badly.

Go ahead and message her. get to the bottom of this transgender shit. I'm literally SHAKING Anons.

Sick. Absolutely sick.
The thing is that I am 20 years old and she is 25, with affection and love I call her my beautiful old lady, she can still leave that horrible world of the LGBTQ community, I studied the Bible so much that I know about spirituality, and that is why I hate the LGBTQ community, My Holy God agrees with me and agrees with me, Agatha you are not a lesbian nor are you transsexual, you are a WOMAN, accept your reality, your truth, I would never want to see you ruined, I like your physical authenticity as a woman, abandon that world of LGBTQ, Agatha, I am the grandson of an evangelical pastor, I advise you for your good, and I really care about you, if I had a daughter like you I would never allow her to deviate from the correct path of goodness and holiness, sometimes the male correct can help the confused woman change her life, I wish that one day Agatha would meet you and I swear that I will change your life for the better, I forgive you for your sexual confusion, it would hurt my heart to see the woman I love burning in the Hell, never let that happen Agatha.
Agatha is gonna get a bit older and find a guy, her biological clock is ticking, she's merely scared of the thought of romance with consequences, the expectations that go along with dating the opposite sex. She's living life in the bunny lane dating women and playing in some joke of a band, but she will wise up, I've seen it happen to autistic girls before. The cute lesbian agatha phase won't last forever
Right, she will wake up when she's 30 or so. I'm sick of seeing me having to be stuck with angels who wasted their youth. What if the guy she finds wants a big family? How's that going to work when most of her eggs are gone? She'd better find someone who only wants a child or two and accepts the wager of a high-risk pregnancy.
I am the only man who really loves Agatha, I am willing to have many children with her, and I don't care if they are born sick, I said that I will love Agatha until after death, even when she is old I will continue to love her for always, sworn promise that I will keep, I fell in love with his soul, body, and spirit, from the first time I saw him, you anons only love her for her physical appearance, that is not love, I love her entire being, What I feel for her is true and authentic love, it is a shame that we are so far apart, I am in South America, remember Agatha, there is a boy here who truly loves you, my religion, which is evangelical Christianity, has given me good teachings, I am a holy man, just wait for me, Agatha will arrive in the distant future, there are many sinful men, but I am a true son of the Holy God, I am authentic and unique, Agatha my beautiful old lady, I want the best for you.
I saw Agatha at a grocery store in Chicago yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for a 耳かき or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and whispering “huh? huh? huh?” and slowly moving her head from one side of my head to the other. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle and flap her hands as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Alpacassos in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the toys and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each doll and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by whispering to her about autistic things she did that day.

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