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thumbnail of summer very mad at shinji.jpg
thumbnail of summer very mad at shinji.jpg
summer... jpg
(192.87 KB, 587x901)
she's mad at the japanese guy she fell in love with during the show is shitting on her every time. she also sells his friendship bracelets to her orbiters like Ciara did. Don't know why guys compare her to Marky when she's definitely much more like Ciara. If there's going to be a biopic of Ciara, she fits the role.
A lot of these girls imitate marky. Ciara said she idolized her. Summer is hallucinating she was buttraped by Sam Hyde and taking nosebleed pictures like she wished she was Marky. For the internet addicted clout chasing molestation victims there is nothing higher you can aspire to than to be the next Marky. One fuck away from attaching yourself inseparably to some fringe eceleb
ive seen the set of pics this was from but her hand/face dont match the pose of any of them. dont see any weird fuckery either - shadow from her hair makes sense. is this seriously not ai? where did you get this anon? i need more

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