/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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thumbnail of fuck you by donut.jpg
thumbnail of fuck you by donut.jpg
fuck you... jpg
(271.5 KB, 1982x3036)
I think donut-chan is the cutest facewise if she were skinnier and was more interesting lorewise she would be unmoggable 

Bee kinda looks like ciara facially and since she is tied to sosa she has that " old e-girl " vibe to her  

vultz is the typical beaner goth she ain't ugly but personally not my type 

tinker's lore is kinda entertaining and she kinds reminds me of a girl from a 2000s movie and her hair is beautiful I think she is pretty in a next door girl type of way

empath looks better now than she did before she looksmaxxed but people keep posting pics were she looked ugly like they do with kennedi for some reason she is not my type but she she is hot for many guys

miyoko is cute and seems to be into a more japanese fashion sense more instead of the typical western coquette 

iris could upgrade herself and maybe use braids again I think the contacts she uses to look puppy like are cute but she could try another fashion style

medoi looks the same she did last year but is in a normie twitch e-whore route

cewl looks worse than she did before
1) she's not a slut all she literally does all day is play vidya or go to school - she doesn't even barely talk to anyone anymore.
2) This shit isn't cool, funny, edgy, whatever. It's predatory no matter the motive and I hope you or whoever else get forced to get the psychological help you clearly need.

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