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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/48030/

Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar [2016]
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip [2016]
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z [2018]

 >>/34653/ mirh [2010 - 2013]
 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies [2013 - 2018]

 >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/34653/ haiselnet [2019 - 2020]  >>/34556/ mirlodie [2020 - 2022]
 >>/34727/ mir_png / mirinoru / tain_pudding [2021 - 2022]
 >>/34619/ mircolat [2021]  >>/33249/ purintain [2022]

 >>/43027/ mir_png [2021 - 2022]

Twitch clips
 >>/29342/ haisel [2017 - 2018]
 >>/29337/ mirmeat [2022 (?)]

Youtube channels
 >>/24626/ mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA] - autobio vid [2015]
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA] [2016 - 2023]
 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw] [2023]
Last Youtube streams from May 2023
 >>/29663/ read description +  >>/33644/ chat log (screenshots)
 >>/28090/ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i +  >>/28092/ chat log
Marky's appearances on Alice's Room ( >>/7552/) IRL streams in 2021 + select videos from mirrr channel:

It's a dig at Audrey kek
Marky might have fucked and sucked Sam Hyde, the fat chink, the brazilian pedro, the russian dude,  a tranny in a shed, and countless other specimens but at least she never put her lips and tongue in the literal shitter fartbox of a guy like Audrey has

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Im no Chad lol, Hows Marky? Can any of you fill me in? I never met her on tinder btw we grew up together. Im a DJ come thru ill hook u all up with a gir

she showed me this a while back idk what to think but i hope im not provoking anyone rlly not trying to i was just wondering what would happen if i chimed in. please yall go easy on me. i can answers any questions but im not trying to expose her or nothin i am jc this afternoon and remembered all this.

holy lmao brad what do you make of the things you've read here about Marky? how does it feel finding you're connected to this crazy tale and has someone every recognized you or has it come up later in your life somehow? how'd you end up here?

yeah we broke up because it was only like 3 months and i felt like we had different plans and i am super social and she is lowkey. I go out like every weekend and i dj too so i am out like all the time. I was friend with her from highschool and i just saw her on the street one day and we reconnected.

Bro you're in for a very interesting story, but a lot of people here don't have the best intentions so take what you hear with a grain of salt. Marky has been something of an e-celebrity for over a decade because she posted nudes on 4chan when she was in high school then soon after had sex with the comedian Sam Hyde while still underage. Since then people have been documenting and following her often chaotic life, including when you guys dated.

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you fucking retards, stop listening to this larper. Markys ex isn't a "chad" and his name isn't brad. He is some normie manlet named Alexander Skiffington (if you google this you will find him easily). He probably has no idea what 4chan is why would he be on here of all places?

this faggot larper is posting public shit from his facebook (you can tell by the files name i.e. the file name in the pic related is also from FB). Marky had him added her on facebook before she made her friends list private. 

Anyways Marky herself said the guy was BORING and "barely taller than her". Marky is 5'5" or max 5'6" kek

> why do people still orbit this post wall roastie? she looks like a grandma. I moved on to younger better egirls like you all should

Did the same. Best decision in my life.
Let these decrepit old women wallow in their misery.

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And you didn't happen to save any rares if there were some? Rule #1 of Marky threads: backup everything before spilling your beans in here. If it weren't you two weeks ago, someone else is keeping a close eye on him:
Does the fat chick next to Hunter look like his current wife ( >>/50476/)?
Each time he speaks, face is out of frame. 3/10, almost fooled me.
 >>/65092/  >>/65098/
Very sus filename 👀️👀️👀️

> why would he be on here of all places?
this board is the first result if you google marky's name. additionally, he said she "showed him this a while back."
> his name isn't brad
he literally said that himself
> this faggot larper is posting public shit from his facebook (you can tell by the files name
? all the images and videos he posted have iphone filenames. the videos are definitely not from anywhere else other than here.

it's him and ur a retard

if it's not really brad then post the original videos without the added "fake' voice

yeah there's no way he dated marky and didn't know about the 4chan stuff at least. she probably dumped on him every detail up to and including roberto. Her later being brought up by someone in his social circle or him being curious and googling for an update are ending up here wouldn't be surprising or unbelievable

> he posted nudes on 4chan when she was in high school then soon after had sex with the comedian Sam Hyde while still underage.

your timeline is wrong, she dated hyde from dec 2012 to mid 2013 and got caught in mid 2013 around her 16th birthday in june by her mother who put her on medication. She then posted her tits on /b/ in dec 2013 (during xmas). It quite plausible sam hyde had sex with her when she was 15 or days before she turned 16. Only Marky knows but she refuses to expose him lol

all it would take is him being curious and googling his ex's name, who he would know has a crazy history on the internet. if he knows other people that knew marky in the past too then someone could have updated him or told him about the thread.

Not at all lmao
Eating ass is the most submissive and deliberately degrading act anyone can do. You are quite literally "kissing ass", putting your tongue and lips on the one part of the body where literal shit and waste comes out of, out of your own volition.
Being fucked fucked in the ass, for a girl obviously, could just be a matter of preference. Lotsa nerve endings there plus the kinky, fetishy side of it by how dirty it is. It's for sure submissive as fuck, but not as much (and especially not as degrading) as licking ass.

For a girl who lives her whole life in walking distance from warm Atlantic ocean, there's staggering absence of beach photos. Especially cozy and awkward "mom took pictures" kind.

New England beaches are generally not warm at all. Nobody goes to a New England beach for a nice vacation time. No palm trees around and usually no one even wears swimsuits. People mostly just go to them to drink and eat. The pics you posted are definitely in a warm, tropical area.

It must be weird being a relative normie no one and one day you discover you're being discussed and your photos posted in some dark corner of the web because a girl you went to school with and briefly dated had posted her tits on 4chan and fucked Sam Hyde when she was a teenager.

the thing is, if you are a single male with no wife or kids, and you have a really good job and make lots of expendable income, you want to spend it on someone. you want to spend it on your daughter or wife and spoil them and make them happy (but you cant because they dont exist)

so for the time being, marky can fill this void and be my temporary wife/daughter

do what makes you happy anon it's your money, but personally I'd rather spend money on myself or literally anything else than donate it to random e-hos. they'll just spend it on drugs or on the guys they're actually getting dicked by.

If what you imply about yourself was true, you'd would be able to buy a surrogate daughter for yourself, whole ordeal only costs around 30k Euro. But you're a lowlife hourly-salaried worker with delusions of grandeur and nothing to your name. Ability to afford a couple Steam games and a Soyflix subscription every month does not equal "lots of expendable income".

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marky, we're running out of time. youve managed to stay hidden for quite some time now, I applaud you for that, but its time for you to return now. in order for gods plan to take effect and for us to fall in love w/ each other, you need to come back.

good for her and it only took a decade of ruining her name and rep, destroying every relationship she's she's ever had with another human being in her life, and almost killing herself on a livestream to finally figure it out. but she did it, and unlike ciara or bianca she gets to live to see 27 years

Literally yes it is. She was posting here asking people how she should kill herself, started streaming soon after, talked about needing to piss then said she was gonna piss in the dirt before she went outside to do exactly that, chugged vodka, smoked weed, got so drunk she couldn’t function then got hospitalized.

get a grip you guys. I dont get why people like to exaggerate and blow the livestream event out of proportion so much. she got drunk and smoked some weed, and woke up with a little hangover. Her mom overreacted and unnecessarily took her to the ER for nothing. now she probably has some outrageous hospital bill to pay over quite literally nothing. smoking weed and chugging alcohol is a nightly occurrence for many ppl, it certainly doesnt warrant medical attention.

Shes gone and she isnt coming back.  
That era of egirls is over.
Ciara died.
Sunny left the internet and hasnt been heard from in years.
Erica got engaged and left the internet and hasnt been heard from in a year.
Tahlia left the internet and hasnt been heard from in years.

All that was left was Marky and shes finally gone like the rest.

> [2024-05-20T01:22:38 UTC] i'm done acting like "you have every right to ignore me", at this point i deserve some kind of explanation or acknowledgement or i'm going to stop this
Kek he might've been actually talking to her

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In nearly all of his tweets he is talking to/about marky and he seems to believe that she is reading them. (it seems unlikely that she is.) It doesn't appear that he even knows her personally at all but has a fixation on her. Looking through some of his tweets and things he's said it appears he may just have actual unironic schizophrenia and is suffering from severe delusions.

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Today I dreamed about Marky. We were in a park that I know well, sitting, with my head in her lap and she was playing, caressing my face with her hair. For the first time in a long time I felt peace, I couldn't see her well, she seemed to be smiling and I wanted to smell her hair but I woke up.

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i actually dreamed that a video was uploaded to Marky's YouTube channel. One in which Marky receives a ganbang and just when I was going to download it to share it hete, it was no longer there. The previous dream I described was when I finally got a girlfriend, but the girl in the dream was not her but a slightly prettier classmate. Something I noticed is that dream kisses feel better than real ones

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I have always believed that Marky's face resembles that of a guinea pig. Where I live, everyone is barbaric, cruel and disgusting (the world without exceptions is like that in reality, only the form varies). Anyway, here they eat these animals, to kill them, they smash their skulls against the pavement. According to them, quick death, I doubt it, but I am not willing to refute it... blood disgusts me. And this is where they reminds me most of Marky, dripping all crimson. I hate this fucking world so much

Yeah this is legitimate schizophrenia/psychosis. It's very common for people like this to latch onto strangers they're attracted to and think there's a connection where there isn't one. He's definitely still looking at this thread and he'll probably think we're Marky or something. 


> Delusions of reference are common, as the erotomanic individual often perceives that they are being sent messages from the secret admirer through innocuous events such as seeing license plates from specific regions.
> Erotomania is more common in women, but may be more dangerous among men due to the increased risk of violent and stalker-like behaviors.

well my goodness, isnt this remarkable. every time we unexpectedly get a 'never before seen' marky pic from days gone by, it makes me feel the same way as when a never before released, unheard beatles song finally sees the light of day. its a joyous feeling that is unparalleled

Crazy how she blamed her being on /b/ that fateful christmas day 2013 on her therapist giving her the wrong medication, only for her to willingly go and cater to /b/tards AGAIN a couple days later. I guess the medication was still makjng effect??

nta but just on this board alone I think ken is prettier. she really came into her looks and style over time whereas marky has let those things go based on what I've seen. 

ciara was prettier too imo even if you wanna compare her at her worst (strung out and wasting away) to marky's worst (post-andrei tranny era)

i'll field this one, guys. that is called an ankh. it was a special necklace given to her by her aunt, who marky looked up to a lot. her aunt was a teacher and traveled to many foreign lands, and she brought that back for her on one of her adventures. it means a lot to her.

ciara idolized marky because she was stunningly beautiful and everyone loved her, while ciara was aware of being just average and she had to constantly self post on b and r9k to remain relevant

> family/friends
> normal life
lmao that nigga was sitting in the same basement watching anime or playing an MMO with trannies and chatting on discord or something.
thinking that her not posting here or on a social media you're an accepted follower on means she's offline entirely or that she fixed her dire life situation is just delulu.

too many ferrets (long cats), i.e., "posts" to read.  But I checked the thread homeboy.  Cute lady, didn't get the Brad stuff, ADD kicking-in hard.  *plus, you need to post from same IP to link RE: to previous post?  janky website  :P

Always hated this bitch's sense of "style". She dresses like shit. The parted cowlick looks like shit on her, she should have rocked some bangs. The glasses she wore sometimes also didn't match her looks at all and looked like granny glasses. And most of all, I hate her retarded orange Mt Baker cap so much. She could have been so much more with her looks if she had just had some tasteful sense of style.

Listen here, incel. Women don't dress to cater your retarded pornbrain tastes. They do it to please Chad (me), this is what high test males prefer: earth tone colours, mid-parted hair, baseball caps, no make-up, ghoulish dark circles under eyes

20 threads for this mid girl you mongoloids are TRULY. TRULY. Pathetic. I pray that you retards have some sort of self awareness. It's been years since her departure just give up and move on losers.

so just to make it clear the above post wasn’t me i was directed here by my fans and apparently someone is pretending to be me, if you want to talk to me further i’m : toppersan on discord

so i’m pretty sure it’s michael sosa and bee pretending to be me and smearing my name, they’re pathetic enough to do it, gl with ur child born to a sex offender and the nameless ewhore d(^_^)z

i wish i could matter to her and be someone she could count on, someone she could trust and turn to when her life was hard. like if she wakes up at 3am feeling anxious from a nightmare, i would want her to text me in the middle of the night and tell me about it. is that weird? i think thats what very close friends and bf/gf do isnt it? imagine how nice it would feel to be a part of someones very innermost circle. I dont think i could ever feel anything greater than that.

> Holy shit how has he not been arrested by feds yet??
Ok I just want an answer to this shit after 10 FUCKING YEARS LOL. 
It's simple. I just wanna know:

Why hasn't Marky (or her parents for that matter) ever pressed charges if she's oh-so-traumatized by the "rape"?

would you? would you want to be the subject of a national story involving a celebrity comedian who you are accusing of taking your anal virginity that resulted in him making a comedy skit about you shitting on his dick? do you want to face that kind of embarrassment and humiliation ?

Wouldn't she have been kept anonymous since she was underaged? I mean, given if she did sue his ass before she decided it was a good idea to flash her tits to /b/, aka before anyone knew her. 

Also the way she's talked about the incident over the years makes me think she doesn't want to see him face any real consequences, as damaged as she claims to be. Like all those classic examples of abused girls always going back to the abuser or hookers never ratting on their pimp even tho they beat the shit out of them.

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Mention of jet reminded me to see what's been going on with Sam Hyde, crazy Channing and the gang lately. Apparently Channing recently wore a disguise and ambushed Sam at one of his comedy shows, equipped with a poster of young bloody Marky.

She got ejected, cried assault on sam and called the police but after talking to people on scene they found out she was a stalker and let sam go, uncuffing him on stage in front of the audience.

lmao in both senses of the word for sure! I look forward to seeing what's next for her because I don't think she is giving this battle up for as long as she lives. Channing x marky would be hilarious but chances of that were slim even before she accused marky of being a pedro to all the kiwifags.

yeah if you are not sam or marky and still don't find that shit hilarious you might be dead inside. her showing up to the null interview so fucked up she couldn't speak was hilarious too. gave null a major buttache that day lmao

I wonder if Marky knows about Sam's other girls and if so how she feels about them. Must be fucking malding. Similarly I wonder what the likes of Shinobazooka feel about Marky, obviously she knows about the whole situation. What self-respecting girl would choose to settle and breed with that ugly bastard.

no. cant you see that this is what makes her special? most adults have had their inner child snuffed out through years of being shamed and forced to conform. but she still has that childlike sense of wonder and curiosity and silliness! and i want her to never lose it. we can be child-like together and jump on the bed and play with dolls

Marky is still online, she is probably in a small discord with new online friends she met and plays final fantasy with them. I know this because she changed his steam profile picture

no exaggeration btw. the band 12 rods has lgbt themes in their music and their entire fan base is fags and trannies who listen to them due to their "queerness" and spam their videos and pages with gay comments.

Markybros, I'm not that well read on Marky lore other than the basics of her with Sam Hyde and whatnot, but could someone gimme a tl;dr on this tranny shed thing? Who's the guy and how was the whole thing found out?

i love her so much and will never give up hope. however, I dont expect her to ever come back like she has before. I dont think she will ever stream again. I imagine the comments section would be all 'tranny' this and that 'sam hyde' this and that, ppl putting a microscope on her past mistakes. I honestly think she would come back if she knew thered be no backlash, no retards in her streams. but that will never happen.

lol so she'd come back if everyone pretended she was perfect and didn't bring up anything from her past? maybe one day the internet will become a 100% safe space for pretty princesses and we can see her return then!

well its already been brought up, many times. should it be brought up forever? put yourself in her shoes. would you post here or stream if every time you showed up, ppl were bringing up how you pissed the bed when you were 13 (im just making things up) or how so and so girl rejected you last year and that youve gained weight and that you have bad acne. no one wants to hang out somewhere where ppl are just constantly harping on them about dumb shit from the past

> well its already been brought up, many times. should it be brought up forever?
Yes. Whores need to be put in their place by humiliating them for being whores. Bet she didn't care about the fallout of her actions when she was having her shit pushed in by Sam Hyde and the whole gang she banged.

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After acquiring secret blueprints in a sting operation, half a decade of reverse engineering and cultural adaptation, Brazilian federal government in joint venture with Douyin Inc. finally opens it's first production line of Marky J clones in 2022.

i wish id never seen these. it only hurts my heart more knowing that she is taking cute pictures every single day and sending them to her close circle of friends, which we will never be a part of. there is a whole world of selfies and funny witty pictures that we will NEVER be privy to. and that is devastating

It's utterly fucking INSANE to me that she spent 3 years (!!!) in Brazil. When I learned that she was there was just around the time she came back to the US so it blew my mind that this girl had just spent a considerable amount of time there.

I still don't know the specifics of why she was even there in the first place. How long had she known the guy for previous to deciding it was a good idea to fly from RI to fucking Brazil to meet up with the guy? Were they e-dating before that? If so, for how long? Why did she go be with that dude with the myriad of other, more geographically convenient options elsewhere? When did she decide that she was gonna move there permanently? How did her family take it? Did the guy even know her parents? 
And what was her day to day life like down there? I just know she was apparently "working on a game" and drinking wine, but realistically and memes aside, what did she even fill her days with for 3 YEARS there? Did she even speak the language or get a job there? Know other people? I refuse to believe she went the lengths to be with a brazilian guy just for her to be on the computer all day drinking wine and making pixel art for three entire years. What was her daily life like during that period?

Shit I realized these are way more questions than I intended to ask for a single person, but I am genuinely curious about it. So any help from a Marky schlar would be appreciated.

lets take this one by one:

1. how long had she known the guy? shed been talking to him a few months in some online game

2. she was attending college in alaska at the time, and living with her then bf charlie. i think more than anything, she did it to 'escape' her situation that she felt trapped in. she didnt like college and she didnt like charlie anymore. she saw this is an opportunity to start a brand new life in another country.

3.she basically just drew art periodically, tended to animals, worked on the game once in a while, played video games,  and sat on discord chatting.

4. all in all it was an impulsive decision that she came to regret eventually. her parents were disapproving of it obviously. she dropped out of college and moved to a foreign ountry to live with a stranger

Thanks for the input, fren. Has she ever mentioned why she was so averse to college? Maybe because of the distance to her home, maybe she didn't like her major? Seems like it was indeed a very impulsive decision for her to leave everything behind for what she saw as an escape from her life at the time, but it didn't seem that bad in the first place to warrant such drastic choices: early 20s, white, good looks, healthy family support safety net to fall back into at anytime (aren't her folks loaded?),decent art skills she could've monetized via commissions on twitter and other art platforms, charismatic enough to get any entry level job and go up the ranks  if she didn't want to go back to college, etc.

Wonder what was it that she thought was so terrible the only escape from it all was to fly down to Brazil to be with a guy she met on an mmo or whatever. I'm sure even then she must have had dozens of other men in her dms and steam and whatnot.

One persuasive factor in her choosing the brazillian is that he was older and claimed to be quite wealthy (which turned out to be a lie) so he would be able to take care of her and provide for her while she stayed at home and did nothing. also, if i recall, he or his family had a farm , which she has always wanted. she likes farms and animals.

If you look at the guys she has always fallen for, they are typically guys who promise to provide and take care of her so she can just draw and play games and chat on discord. The russian guy she fell in love with after the brazillian (after she moved back to the u.s.)was supposedly also wealthy and planning on flying her there to live with him and start a life together, but things fell apart before that could happen. she doesnt want to work, she has said this before. she wants to play housewife.

So the root of her problems is basically laziness? Maybe ennui, boredom borne out of depression, which could also be what causes the laziness in the first place. And what could've caused this depression to take hold of her brain for so long that she's made all these catastrophic life choices? I'd argue if I didn't better that the whole Xmas nudes + Sam Hyde situation really fried her brain chemistry at such a young age irreversibly, but even then, and as you point out, she was lured in by the promise of not ever working and being cared for by Hyde. So maybe she was always messed up, or lazy because of chrobic entitlement and upbringing which shaped her psyche from a young age, probably.

she sought out almost 30 year old sam hyde, cheerfully let him fuck her ass and took those nosebleed photos, dated him and did lord knows what other depraved acts, posted nude photos on 4chan and lots of other things. she wasn't right in the noggin long before her rise to egirl status

> she doesnt want to work, she has said this before. she wants to play housewife.
She could never handle being an actual housewife instead of just a bangmaid who sits around doing nothing but watching anime and sometimes getting fucked. What's the longest she's actually kept a job? I remember she would always post pictures from that one housekeeping job saying how hard it was and how much she wanted to die, when housekeeping is literally the easiest work. It's the go-to for every emptyheaded immigrant woman over 50 with arthritis without the ability to speak English. And she couldn't even handle carrying pillows and changing sheets. The food prep job she had was easy as fuck too, food prep isn't even slaving away in a hot as hell kitchen surrounded by drunk middle aged cooks who yell obnoxiously all evening. With foodprep just wash and chop vegetables for a few hours, usually quietly in a sectioned off area, either by yourself or with one or two other people who keep to themselves. 

Every job she's had has surrounded tasks she'd be expected to do as an actual housewife, but the guys she's dated haven't been actual providers who demanded kids and equal exchange from her and they probably ate takeout goyslop every day anyway. If these lowskill lowpay jobs are too much for her and make her freak out every day and quit, she could never handle being a housewife, especially since she also says she wants kids.

you don't know what you're talking about. she's been gone for over a year now which is plenty of time to get into a healthier mental space, get married and have a child, if that is even what she wants. you don't know anything about her. she could be better now and living her best life while you sit here but you want to imagine she's the same as always and failing.

She lived in Brazil for how long and did nothing.  She never learned the language, she couldn't even leave the house to explore, all she did was draw and be a sex slave to some guy 10+ years older than her.

She is lazy and I think she is just ldar right now.  As you get older you tend to do that for longer as a woman I've seen.

Its always fun to analyze her, so here goes my feeble attempt. I think why im so drawn to marky is because in many ways, im the male version of her. squandering one opportunity after another, making one bad decision after another, never learning from mistakes. Sadly I know it all too well.

I think her biggest psychological hurdle isnt necessarily laziness, but that she just isnt passionate about anything, she has no fire inside. Maybe its because of depression or anhedonia. it just never seems like she operates at full capacity, if that makes sense. she is always functioning on a quarter of a tank. she has no resolve, no dedication to anything, no committment, no will power, no desire to improve. she gives up at the slightest adversity.

Have you ever had a job and there is that one person who does the absolute minimum necessary in order to keep their job? Well, that is Marky, but with Life. she lives life on the most basic level, drifting through, barely getting by, doing just enough to survive and squeak by. she knows she has a safety net and her parents will catch her fall, so theres no real consequences for her ever. if she hates her job, she will just wake up one morning and not feel like going anymore, and so she quits. She has the freedom to do that because her mom enables it.

I hate saying this, but some ppl just arent cut out for living, arent made to thrive in this kind of world. shes not emotionally or mentally equipped to handle lifes challenges as an adult. She belongs in a cute anime world somewhere, where things are simple.

she's not mythical at all. She's nearly forgotten about outside of this board and a handful of obsessives. even the sam subject is dead as anything more than a joke thanks to Channing. 

there's no wonder or mystery there. the question of marky has been answered thoroughly.

Without her people might still be talking about boring gals like Boxxy. Without her there might not be Ciara, Bianca or other legendary figures that came after. Without her this board might not even exist. She helped changed the egirl game.

Thing is many people give her a lot of undue credit and I don't think they realize how low IQ she really is. Girls with 1/10th of her looks have managed to coast through life just fine by taking advantage of their looks alone, and I'm not even necessarily implying she should have whored out, but if she possesed the mminimum intelligence to use her looks to her advantage she would have gotten what she always wanted (virtually no work) and much more. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that exploiting whatever unique trait or gift you were born with is an easy source of income you can use to build a better future upon.

That being said, her disastrous life choices and questionable decisions again and again are also "symptomatic" of incredibly low IQ. Starting with the fact that, after she chose to expose herself to the internet with the Christmas nudes in 2013, she consciously came back online seeking the spotlight even after she was doxxed and her nudes sent to her family, school, etc. Instead of using that as a harsh but ultimately helpful life lesson, she decided that becoming a prominent figure on the same imageboards she almost ruined her life for was a good idea.

here is the egirl hierarchy:

1. original e girl was boxy
2. then came rose
3. then came ashley jones, who looked up to and emulated rose
4. then came marky who looked up to and wanted to emulate ashley
5. then came ciara, erica, bianca and other 2016-2017 egirls whoo looked up to marky and wanted to be like her
6. then we have todays current crop, who emulate and look up to bianca

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I used to go on masterchan sometimes in 2016. As I remember it the front page always had a bunch of images of 'legal' nudist images of kids, kids in swimsuits, shit like that. Like kids under 10. One of the reasons why I didn't go there a lot. Site was infested with legit pedros. Not surprisingly they lost their hosting several times. I think the site was only around a few years. As for happenings, iirc they lost their hosting once because people were posting about showing up to that Mara girl's school, posting photos they took of it, I think someone might've actually taken something from or left something in her bicycle, I can't really remember. Her dad reported the site I think, there were e-mails posted of a convo an anon had with him. That girl was posted there a lot, kind of an unofficial 'mascot' of the site. That rosetta/mac ann girl also posted there and then sent nudes to guys on kik. Ciara and Erica posted stuff there. Erica's nudes were shared there. There were also other now forgotten masterchan exclusive girls that nobody remembers.

i might be wrong on when marky showed up but i do know for a fact ciara has been around since at least 2013 because i started browsing r9k in 2011 and i remember her there very early on right after rose and agatha. i only remember seeing marky in 2016 but i guess she may have posted elsewhere before?

> rosetta/mac ann girl also posted there and then sent nudes to guys on kik
Her rich parents hired lawyers to scrub any mention of her off the internet along with every photo. There was a thread about her here but it got nuked because of that. She wiped every trace of herself from the internet, including when she faked her death. She was posting on mchan when she was only 10 years old. Went down the path of getting multiple guys in jail for fucking her until she turned 18, then a pic of her strung out on the streets covered in cuts was posted.

thanks for the bit of history. if pedrophilia was so prolific there how did it take marky 3 years to figure out roberto was a pedrophile and leave him? from what i've seen here she was active on the site and even exchanged emails with ciara from roberto's masterchan admin address.

Ciara was posting in 2015, mostly on /b/ but r9k too. I very vividly remember seeing her face all over by late autumn in 2015. Someone posted caps of old threads of her from that time a while back too.

She knew he was a pedrophile. She's said that he would make her watch cp with him and reenact it.

oh yeah i did see that discord chat she had with kennedi or whoever but now hearing how masterchan was basically planet pedro and considering how long she lived in brazil i don't know if im buying the forced part

Well, your memory is wrong. Marky infamously became known Christmas 2013 after posting on /b/ and was posting on r9k in 2015 as seen in  >>/78591/. Ciara first started posting in the second half of 2015, on masterchan, 8chan, and 4chan. And Agatha first attracted attention on 4chan in late 2016.

agatha 100% came before ciara because i very vividly remember the first days she was discovered and it was sometime after that that ciara shows up, i know agatha was the first "r9k egirl" as she was the first girl with that pale autist look that became big there, then ciara who had similar traits became the first actual r9k egirl, she was the first big egirl that posted on r9k, i know that for a fact. i don't know jack shit about marky though cause i never orbited her.

I don't think this is proof she was posting in 2014, because didn't she look completely different in confirmed 2014 pics? This looks more like 2015-2016. 

Kind of a weird question but does anyone remember seeing Ciara posted everywhere on Facebook pages in 2015?

yeah bro i have a lot of old photos of ciara too, from 2014, 2013, 2011, that doesnt mean she was posting on /b/ or /r9k/ at that time. she posted a lot of old childhood photos of herself all the time in 2016-17. if i post a birthday photo of marky from when she was 10 yrs old , that doesnt mean she was posting on b or r9k at that time. if you have an actual photo of her holding up a b or r9k timestamp in 2014 , then i will beleive you. but ive never seen one posted.

I feel like an autist for knowing this, but I remember the day that agatha first started getting posted on r9k, it was right after she made the mukbang video of her sitting on the floor and accidentally falling backwards, lol. and ppl were saying how she did it on purpose to bait creeps. so whenever she made that video, would be when 4chan first discovered her.

While girls like Boxxy or Rose are the ancient founding deities of e-girls, Marky, Agatha, Ciara, Erica, Ashley, Ken, Audrey and Sunny are the pillars of the e-girl canon. Other minor but significant e-girls like Bianca, Aasteria, Tahlia, and even Brooke rank beneath them but benefitted from standing on the shoulders of giants by coinciding around the peak of e-girl culture.

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