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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riflehound

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/riflehound

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/corpsewife

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCusvnZAXhVSoaaYwWUsjknA

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/apocallisto

X: https://x.com/riflehound

Previous thread

I don't give a fuck what her thoughts in that instant were.
When she did that (if not when she whored around with other guy "friends"),  that's when a big ass, giant WHORE got tattoo'd to her forehead forever.

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I've gone and done it again. It always happens when I need to keep my cool.
During the seventh-inning stretch at the baseball game, I went into the
urinal area and pissed right into my mouth. God, it tastes so bad. I think I
got the front of my shirt all wet. I just hope we can come back from 3 runs
behind. All right, I need to get back into the stands, now that I'm refreshed.

Yes, Marky had sex with Sam Hyde and flew off to live with some Brazilian for 3 years, but at least she never literally licked ass.

Rimming aside, Marky also never met up with the random internet strangers (inb4 but i akshually knew them for a year ;) ) to do drugs and have sex with, at least not as much as Audrey has. And she never kept up a facade of being innocent and naive and acting as if she never was a whore and was repulsed by the thought of it, unlike Audrey.

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You guys are also forgetting bring up the fact that Marky absolutely mogs Audrey as an artist. I'd even say that Marky is an actual artist whereas Audrey is merely a doodler.
Pics related for reference. 

Even Marky's laziest doodles (left) mog Audreys shit she even asked donations for

Slowly I walk through the gently falling rain
I know that I will never pass this way again
Never wondering why
Teardrops chafing my eyes

Longing to be where the noted kisses fall
Lingering and still, while quietly they tell their all
Blue is the color of the sun
And nothing stops when everything is done

Now my whole world opens up in different rhymes and tunes
With highways making up the verse
And then suddenly I see the light of something called the moon
And though my path is planned, it's not rehearsed

So I move along to the next thing on the list
Knowing full-well that some of them just don't exist
But I am finally alone
And where my foot steps down is where it's home

So I move along to the next thing on the list
Knowing full-well that some of them just don't exist
But I am finally alone
And where my foot steps down is where it's home
And where my foot steps down is where it's home

I will not say who I am, she emotionally manipulated and financially manipulated me for months. She is an evil woman who is getting away with it. Make her suffer. Someone who's still got contact with her can do what's right and break her please. Please for the people who still hurt and are tortured by her. Please

Kek, she says she was groomed by ooooh scary pedro. These whores like it. They cry victim after they regret what they've done, but it was them who decided to keep talking after being "abused". Turn off your phone and walk away, dumb slut.

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It has been brought to my attention from a fellow of mine that he fingers
his asshole while he jerks off. We were talking about Ninja Turtles the
other day and he was like have you ever given yourself a Donatello? And I
had no idea what that meant so I asked and he said it was when you stick
your finger(s) in your asshole while you jerk off. So to that I say no and
ask him if he has ever given himself a Donatello, and he gives  me some kind
of faggish grin. So I call him a fag. He says it helps him get it up faster
and cum faster. I still dont quite understand, why in the hell would you
want stick your fingers in your asshole. Is there something up there
special? The farthest I would ever go is wiping my ass. I just can't
imagine, I mean I've licked an asshole by mistake once, but voluntarily
sticking your fingers or objects in your ass while you jerk off just strikes
me as vile.

Yeah I always take these kind of claims by egirls with a huge grain of salt.
They love to throw around accusations like being "groomed", or "abused" when 99% of the time they're blowing things out of proportion for the sake of drama and keep the victim narrative. Audrey's done this too, her big sexual abuse drama story is getting her tits groped by some degenerate she wanted to fuck while doing drugs with him at his place. So either she's blowing things way out proportion or she's lying.

yup egirl 101
do fucked up degenerate shit with strange people they met online and enjoy themselves or get something out of it. fallout with or ghost that person and then play victim for sympathy points and portray that person as having coerced or abused them in some way. So predictable, so tired.

How can you prove a LACK of consent? For all we know she willingly went to his house and did drugs with him. 
How can groping be proven? 
Unless they had sex and traces of his semen were found in and on Audrey, I don't see how you can prove any of it in court.

Maybe she got the restraining order granted on the  basis of some other accusation, like stalking or harrassing, which can be easily proven with DMs and other digital records.

Why do you think they deserve it? Does the helix guy, who did nothing but be friendly to her, deserve it? Does the Montgomery guy who likely killed himself also deserve it?
I'm sure you wouldn't like it if a guy/girl lied to you about everything and put on an act to pass as the opposite of what they truly are, so why wishing that upon others?

Well, people have been saying for a long time now that Audrey is especially cruel to you if you show her vulnerability and affection. Both the guys you mentioned obviously did that to her and look how they've ended up, calling her out hurt and miserable and even threatening to kys themselves publicly, even if it's attention whoring behavior but it still speaks volumes.

Then you have her ex's account in which he tells us the guy cried in front of her even after being struck with tragedy and she responded to that by becoming increasingly emotionally disconnected and even abusive physically and emotionally.

Trauma. Most people with recurring rape fetishes/fantasies have been assaulted. It's not because they actually want it, it's a weird coping mechanism and there's extensive psychological literature on the phenomenon.

It's the idea of being so wanted men literally can't control themselves. Also the lack of control of the situation, just being forced and used for someone else's pleasure with no regard for her own is apparently hot to her. If this is not "actually wanting it" then I don't know what is.

people are disgusting, evil, jews and nigger beings, making them “suffer” that little is a gift. 
and I say “suffer” because it does not even fall into the category to be called as such.
furthermore, those who received the sexual favors should not complain at all

> sexual favors
> favors
She's the town bicycle. There's no "favors" here, she likes to be passed around as a cumdumpster by these men she's met online and otherwise. She likes to lie to herself and cope by saying one of these three proto-copes: she claims to feel bad about it; she owns it up and say she's an adult so somehow it's okay to whore around; or she wipes or tries to wipe it off her memory as to not deal with it and the guilt of knowing she's become a whore.

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I'm a guy and my friend is a guy and for whatever reason I've always wanted to ejaculate in his face. 
For his birthday one year, I decided to bake him a birthday cake. 
In the middle of the baking, I decided I'll ejaculate in the
He ate the cake. 
Therefore I indirectly ejaculated in his face.

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I've gone and done it again.  
After shitting on the toilet seat I took a dab of crap and worked it into my hair.  
Now my bald spot is a uniform brown along with the rest of my hair.  
I mussed up my hair enough for it to look plausible.  
I'm back in the conference room now and no one is willing to meet my gaze.  
I have to clench my stomach to keep from vomiting.  
My penis throbs with an intense erection.

Yeh and guess what, asshole. She deliberately causes pain and suffering to a lot of people. She doesn't deserve to be rewarded with undeserved love and care and sex when she intentionally hurts people for her own gain. Go preach about turning the other cheek elsewhere.

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You know what pushes my buttons? 
You know what makes my bubbles pop? 
You know what raises the hairs on my ass? 
You know what tickles my fancy? 
You know what thaws my ice cubes? 
You know what gets my cripples standing? 
You know what formats my hard drive? 
You know what drains my fluids? 
You know what ticks my clock? 
You know what shoots my target? 
You know what neutralizes my pathogenic agents? 
You know how much I paid to get you into college? 
You little shit.

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our suffering is often heroized and overrated like a bitch. I mean, the average lobster or chicken suffers much more in its short life than the average cuck who survives to be 60 years old. 
In the end, if suffering is what counts, we are the ones who suffer the least and cause it the most.
because life doesn't suck, but people do

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I can shit post all I want in this thread but real talk my friend
Don't be cuck
I don't know what's all really going on here with all your Audi dramas and I really don't care
But listen my friend, if things that I've been reading are actually true, then don't go down that path huh
Let her be and let yourself be
Don't have any malice for other people's actions unless they were directed at you of course, and just aswell don't be a faggot cuck letting people walk on over you 
Live your life my friend, leave all this stupid shit behind cuz in reality what are ya gunna get from it all huh? 
I'm sitting here in this shit heap cuz number one I'm waiting for something, and number two I'm rather bored and most importantly I don't actually care what goes on cuz I'm not actually involved just messing around
That's how you ought to look at things too my friend
Fuck em
But don't go being a cuck for some bits and bytes on the net
That's my advice my friend, coming from someone who's been around a little while and a fellow Christian who's tried to help through Christ
You can't help those who don't want to be helped
So till that day they finally come to their own aid, you can't do shit from shinola

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I got ya, and I again idk what's really going on here
But either way what I could say is fuck em
That's not to say let people walk over you, that's not to say sit idle while they are allowed to hurt others
That would be immoral 
I try my best to help people out and I'm sure there still might be a few left on this board and yes I'm calling you guys out for still being on here if you are, you know you shouldn't!
But what I'm asking is that you don't do what you do out of hate but out of a moral duty, trust me my friend, doing things out of malice isn't the way to go, it may sound like blah blah obvious crap you've heard all your life
But I hated a girl a few years back now I truly just don't give a shit, it is what it is, we didn't get along so be it
We moved on and I would never loose my integrity, I have made promises to everyone I've ever spoken to that I'd keep their info to my self and I always have and I always will
But imagine now that I let malice take me, I would loose the trust of others and more importantly I would loose that one thing I knew was pure inside me 
If others could be hurt do your best to help them, but over all as we should all know by now people are going to do what they are going to do
They will have to learn on their own, and when the come back to you saying please forgive me I guess I really was wrong after all
That's our time to help again and hopefully this time they'll listen 
So, idk who you are my friend but I wish you the best, to help what ever it is that you need help with and at the same time help everyone who might need the same but in their own way

Dude wtf
Haven't seen that pic in ages, she posted that way back then to her instagram. And this version is cropped, iirc she was wearing a kind of ushanka or some head ornament and sunglasses. She was showing off how well she could slav squat lmao. She must have been like 16 or 17 there so it's quite an old pic.

Yes! Exactly
Think I've seen a few other photos from her alt accounts posted randomly throughout the years but there are some others pics I remember seeing in those alts but haven't seen posted anywhere on imageboards, so nobody must have saved them

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As we can see, the thread moves on as if nothing happened
People will do as they please, there is no helping those that do not want to be helped
Now I need to tell you all something

Humidity overheated my junk liberally. 
It strapped me into its ambient temperature and would not keep its offensive moisture off of me. 
It was causing many red-flag heat strokes. 
I could not believe what the fuck was going on. 
I told humidity that the Weather Network would not approve of a cool front coming out of the Gulf Stream for free.  
It doesn't help that the Humidex has been at 40% for weeks. I can barely walk straight! 
What am I going to tell my wife when she comes back from getting ice to ask why the fuck I'm toweling off my balls in the presence of our children? 
She'll make me drop trau and use deodorant in front of everyone again. There it is. 
The guy across the street just asked if anyone could smell. that.. I gotta go shower.

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Tbf some of those tunes are bangers (in incelcore I mean, not the shit she reposted lol). But yeah, the rest of what you said is true.
She once said she found shooter (negativexp) cute and wouldn't mind dating him. The hapa who "assaulted" her introduced her to most of that music and he kinda looked like him too lmao.

Not saying it is, it's just funny to me that she's dated and banged incels, has been a regular to incel communities, adopted incel aesthetics and lingo, so finding out only now that she likes incel music in like a cherry on top of the shit cake

Not that anon but it's dumb to say Audrey's not a regular to this shit lol. Maybe not outright blackpill orbiting communities like Tahlia was, but she's always been active and around incel 4chan type groups. Like her most recent drama with her retarded commander penguin/larp ted k telegram group chat.

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> There is considerable madness in [...] right-wing esotericism. For one, there is an outright rejection of modernity and technology.

> Worse, this is spiced up with an over-romanticized back to “an unspoiled nature” hallucination promising a turbo return to a reactionary, pure, and simple life uncontaminated by modernity.

> Despite their anti-technology and anti-modernity stance, people of the right-wing esoteric persuasion – rather paradoxically – still use online platforms where, so they believe, right-wing esotericism has a voice.

> Overall, right-wing esotericism is a dangerous mix of occultism, quasi-religious and authoritarian-spiritual esoteric ideologies, and right-wing extremism that reaches deep into Nazi ideology and really does enter the realm of clinical psychosis with psycopathic undertones.

Daily reminder that this is what Audrey actually believes

For a while now, Audrey's been hooked up on esotericism, occultism and cult-like mentality. David, her ex, confrimed as much when he leaked how much into it she was via a telegram group chat whose name literally was Esoteric AntiRoot Collective (later dropping the "Esoteric"), where underaged and barely legal morons sprinkled with a few boomers here and there cirlcejerked a guy called Commander Penguin and his neo-Ted K ideas. As her ex mentioned a few times, she got off to the thought of being in a cult and was disappointed in his disinterest in such groups.

The esoteric bit comes from what the funny meme arrows point out and their close association to such groups, coupled with the fact that Audrey's handle on telegram is EsotericWaffleHouse and recently shared a post on Carl Gustav Jung's, famous for his mystic and occultist affiliations, views on the death of God.

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Only one on the right side of the homosexual spectrum with an IQ over a 100 ought to understand what they're going on about
What's so curious about her?
She has phases, just as anyone.
From the more I learn about the current focus these doesn't seem to far fetched
So what, this does not take away from anything nor does it add, we know the current base of whom ever and we could follow through with obvious inside that simplistic and obvious alluring features could bring about a lust 
As I said not too early on in this thread who cares, help others where you can but don't be fooled
If you are foolish enough to fall on your hands and knees who's fault is it other than your own as a bright male individual

Those who sought beauty will find Hell and in it they will again find beauty if only they have eyes to see it
I am no fool and I feel that you have been fooled, but you have learned so there is no shame in it
Always speak what you mean and not what you hope
No one understands the beauty you have inside yourself but you, do never assume they could ever understand it

Huh. Funny. You know what's funny? It's funny that she'd try for a while to gain their acceptance while they openly and in private called her a whore, and while she also in private called their ideas dumb and those people larpers. 
As our resident schizo (but a tolerable and reasonable schizo) points out  >>/70820/, to me it all screams that she's still and forever caught up in her never ending phases of acceptance and mania. It's what's led her to fuck all those people and adopt many views that contradict each other, such as championing those larping suburban pseudo nazi survivalists' moronic circlejerks in the morning while mingling with homosexuals and ultra liberal daisies on her twitter at night, both equally important for her self esteem and terrified at the thought of being called out by anyone who sees through her bullshit.

> liberal daises
I like that 
I don't like being called a schizo but hey that's the best I got from this place since being back for abit

I like what you say but I don't quiet understand, again idk how many times I've had to say this now, but this is all new to me 
But from what I get, is what I say

What you're saying sounds right but I don't understand it, could you aswell explain just as I had the other guy do so

It's shrimple. In a nutshell: she has no sense of self; she's a total leech, hopping from group to group, changing her whole persona to fit in. A chameleon, sucking the life out of every group or person she encounters. 

One of her biggest fears is being seen as a retard and a fake, especially by them.

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Audi I'm more than certain you frequent these threads and I'm sure enough you know who I am
It's been a while and I really could care less but with all the fun I've been having as of late, I'm curious 
What's going on on your end huh

You know I'm fine, I've got my integrity, I'd never let on to anyone 
But I am either way curious, especially after our mutual friend and the few bits and pieces I've gathered from this thread 

Neither one of us has anything to loose, if you wish to keep silent I will do so aswed503e8ll, I never once thought I'd bring your voice just so I could
I am genuine in my curiosity

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I'm any body who cares
If you're too daft or too much of a newfag to knew then I really could case less
People who know, know, and those who don't couldn't understand
So it ain't for it you is
It's for Audi, I could give less of a shit for you

Hold up
Give less of a shit till I know more about what's going on

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I don't know and I really don't care
But as I said before I'm curious about her take on all this
I'm no cuck but I'm just as well no faggot that jumps on bang wagons 
You can say what you will but I'd like to hear both side
Does it really matter?
Not at all
But am I as who I am an individual with a curious brain 'curious' of what's going on
That I am
So what is it to you and what is it to anyone else 

If you'd like to shit post alongside me go ahead 
That's your God given right

> Give less of a shit till I know more about what's going on
I've seen you throw this phrase before around and I don't understand what you mean. You seem to be surprised by the existence of these threads or something, or her being discussed. I don't get what you could possibly mean by "what's going on" if it isn't self evident by reading through the threads.

Kek you'd be surprised to know "her side" of things. Just to be clear im not the guy you're replying to.
Some things she downplays (meaning that she lies as to not damage her already shitty reputation further), some other things she admits to but claims to be embarrassed about, and a few other things she will act hurt and regretful for but it's all bullshit. You should listen to her pathetic copes for a good kek. Like she's said she has an "understanding" with God and that's why she doesn't feel as remorseful when she's out sucking the dick of some dude she just met or taking it up the ass by a random incel she offered her holes to. She has many of those copes, it's really funny stuff.

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It's simple
I haven't really been reading through them
I've been here for a week again
Nothing more
I'm curious about the situation but again
Nothing more
It's not like I'm going to give anything towards it nor will I take
I am very simply, very much curious 
It's been a few years since I bopped my head around here and this is one of the first things I see
Forgive me if I don't know what's going on and how I can't jump onto the wagon and even so what that would mean

Let's say she's a whore
What of it
Let's say she's not
What of it

Why do we care about any of this huh

Expect to hear a good deal about her gigabrained super evil ex being the harbinger of misery out in a crusade against her or some retarded shit for exposing her evil, rotting, disgusting whore ass for everyone to see, instead of hearing an ounce of accountability

What pisses me off the most is that she'd act so above hookup culture all the time only for her to spread her cunt the moment she could 
Guess she not only wasn't any better than her whore sisters but turned out to be even worse lmao

girls that do this shit are either jealous of the girl they're trashing or already engaging in that sort of activity themselves and deflecting. it's like when a girl is talking negatively about a guy to you but she actually is fucking him or wants to.

The only difference between the two is clout ; Attractive women sleeping around is pretty much a given , civil society and their social circles reinforce that and treat it as normal , nerds like Audrey resent that fact while also wanting to be in that position, because they know their only pool of potential mates are equally as nerdy and appalling as them

What's crazy is that she wasn't bad looking in the first place and her hobbies and personality made her endearing, why'd she have to go and become a literal junkie cumdumpster ffs
She's not even cute any longer and that's beyond the point. She's fundamentally repulsive. If I could I'd carve a cock on her big ass forehead and the word ass and licker on each cheek as punishment

im sure these poor frail men totally wouldn’t have fucked audrey if not for a shot or two of vodka, won’t someone pity them for having consensual drunk sex they had definitely planned on and hoped for? 
if a woman was saying this about a man you’d all cry liar, because that’s what this is. retarded faggots, she has awful taste.

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> in her mouth.
I agree. That mouth especially in the OP  is extremely sexual, what with that cigar and all. Dunno if the thought of her sucking so much incel cock kills my boner or makes me harder for her sheer sluttiness tho.

What the hell is even your point here? For all we all know she spreads her legs for multiple dudes she finds online, some needing even to get fucked up in order to get them to fuck her. Don't ever forget her ex said how she'd go and meet "friends" (all male btw) all the time and refuse to elaborate and act all guilty and remorseful afterwards.

Yes that is the nature of women...why do you think they (deservedly) had no rights until recent history and still don't in countries with sane traditional roles? They need to be babysat, guided, corrected with a firm hand. look even in the bible how Eve leads Adam into sin and lies about it, gets them ejected from Eden. I've said in the past here that we shouldn't hate women for their nature. Instructions and warnings about this have all been ignored by man. Not only did we disregard nature and the word of God, but men actually created and maintain a safe space for women called civilization where they can larp as being equal to or above men instead of being the rape fodder they'd be reduced to outside their fantasy world of feminist delusion and male protection.

nta but saying she gets guys drunk before fucking so it's rape sounds gay as fuck. crazy women play those kind of consent games. those guys wouldn't be hanging around audrey's lame ass in the first place if they didn't want to hit it. no one is talking to her for the stimulating conversation lmao


Just wanna hop in and mention that she always has this funny lame excuse in hand where she says she prefers to be bold and make the first move and be dominant and hates guys making the moves with her
It's not like it's the only way anyone would ever fuck her, right lol

Yeah right, Audrey knows she takes full advantage of being a woman and a whore at that.
Hey, Audrey, do you think anyone would ever give a shit about you if you didn't advertise your whore ass to your faggot incel telegram group chat? You made it clear at every turn that you were a woman and oh so lonely tee-hee. "Sister Lynx", you can go fuck yourself along with your whore sisters and the rest of your whore family. Used up, good for nothing, useless, evil piece of shit.

what she's saying is probably true, she just doesn't have the self awareness to recognize she hates men that show signs of initiative and confidence because those men are more likely to hold her to a standard and call her on shit, assuming they'd even want to talk to her in the first place. She seeks the low confidence, low experience, desperate males that will feel lucky to even be talking to her and will let her treat them however she'd like. that's why she hangs out in telegram or wherver else meeting guys. and you could apply this to other egirls too. they don't even catch second glances from normal well adjusted men irl then they find that attention on the internet and become gluttons for it

> lf awareness to recognize she hates men that show signs of initiative and confidence because those men are more likely to hold her to a standard and call her on shit, assuming they'd even want to talk to her in the first place. She seeks the low confidence, low experience, desperate males that will feel lucky to even be talking to her and will let her treat them however she'd like. that's why she hangs out in telegram or wherver else meeting guys. 
Jfc if this is exactly her. It's even eerie how accurate this is.

> "likes a guy who can be gentle"
> treats every gentle guy like shit and lets every manipulative piece of shit fuck her senseless 
> ALSO feels disgust at these guys being ever vulnerable to her and starts looking for new cock to suck and fuck
Uhhh Audreysisters? How do we explain this doublethink?

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That's cool and all (she's been the sweetest girl in the world to a lot of guys btw), but she still tongued a guy's shitbox and had her every hole filled up in that same bed, baby boy

Maybe you can even spot the many cum stains in her shark plush rn

Yeah I was a bit drunk but it was nice, she basically plays with her clit and moans at the slightest thrust in her ass, it's like a massive fetish to her. I don't remember the smell but she was growing a bush. She has some self harm scars on her thighs too.

Oh no I'm not her ex, at least not *the* ex that's posted here before. I'm just amused by all this and figured why not let you all peek in for once.

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Hey, just to make sure I replied, this is all I'm gonna share just so you know it's me. I don't think i'm gonna answer to any further post but I wanted to make sure I replied to everyone who quoted my last post at least. 

She was funny and forward, that threw me off a bit at first but it was fun after. I wasn't the first or only one but we had our fun haha. We met online, that's all I be saying!

> Dunno if the thought of her sucking so much incel cock kills my boner or makes me harder 
I don't care. I just want to feel myself cumming down her throat.
> Also her eyes. You can just see the slut in her eyes
Imagine those eyes looking up at you why she takes you in her slut throat.

> realizing my autonomy,free will, and agency of self after a traumatic upbringing
This part particularly pisses me off. You're quick to blame your father when if it wasn't for him you would be on the literal streets like a rat. Who else would waste all that time and resources on you to fulfill your every whim had they known you'd turn out to be an ungrateful piece of shit who whores around and acts all mighty and wise, as if you had learned from your imaginary abuse instead of the pain and abuse you've in turn inflicted upon others?
> but he yelled at me
> but he beat me
> but he was mean to me after he was rendered unable to walk after his stroke
You know damn well this is all revisionism on your end to keep up your victim narrative and excuse your every fucked up decision that's got you where you are.
But go on, blame your father, your family, the kids who "bullied" you, your mom, your abusive and insane exes (what a coincidence it's literally never your fault!).
I hope you get killed.

Not him but breh
> is never comig back
> just posted a bunch of retarded esoteric shit on her telegram stoeris about new holidays to commemorate her latest simp who doesn't mind cumming in the holes many other guys have also cummed in

> her latest simp who doesn't mind cumming in the holes many other guys have also cummed in
Okay, please entertain this thought for me for a while
How can anyone ever see her as trsutworthy and girlfriend-worthy after knowing the kind of stuff she's done with other men, and even not so long ago?
Not memeing, not being a jerk, I am legitimately curious about the thought process anyone who would ever seriously consider dating her is when they know the stuff she's done.

I remember screencaps in earlier thread where a long time mod there called her out in public in that group. 

Remember, people:
In any group, women must either be the center of attention or destroy it. As we saw with her, she did both.

> sex with Audrey
Her ex's accounts on what sex with her is like is quite unsettling for some reason. Not because of him, it's more about the way she acts and "transforms" when having sex. Unrecognizable and I don't know, just strange. She'd be a dead fish most of the time then the next moment would be horny enough to stick fingers up his ass and also lick it, calling hwr sisters out for being whores yet having sex in the back of a van in public, bringing up how traumatized she is for having been raped and sexually abused yet being okay with pegging and tying up because to her it's "nothing".

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does miss audrey visit this thread?
if she doesn't and someone can contact her, can you ask her to be my friend?
and if you see this audrey can you be my friend?
i think youre awesome and pretty interesting and would like to meet you :D
sorry if this is weird or disturbing i know people here can be weird and to be honest i am a little haha but geniunely i think im harmless at least harmless to people other than myself. anyways   i learned youre an aerospace engineer which is SO COOL like unbelievable id love to hear about how your classes are and what you plan on doing in the future :D sorry for yapping

How cucked must anyone be to actively WANT to be with a slut of the likes of Audrey? I just can't comprehend the mentality behind it.
It's like wanting to date a hooker or a porn actress. Someone help me make sense of it.

they told me so on my thread
i dont know her, i never seen her be talked about because i dont go on r9k
and i wouldnt be mean to someone because of their own choices in life, because it doesnt affect me, and im not some loser man that needs to call every woman a whore because he cant get any. you people will never see happiness the more you act like this, you bring despair to yourself

its clear you dont know who i am. i geniunely reached out to get a friend because most egirls are too young to go to college or choose not to, i thought it would be cool to be friends with someone i could relate a bit to... why do you guys always assume the worst?

Who said anything about r9k, retard?
And of course you wouldn't dare to call out a whore doing whore things when you take photos of your rotting pussy and asshole for anyone to see on the internet. Doesn't mean she gets a pass and is immune to getting called out for the whore she is. 
That said, you didn't answer my question and I don't even want an answer from you.

what's there to know other than being a relatively new egirl who gets high on heroin and posts nudes to imageboards lol. also good job keeping up the everlasting theme of egirls reaching out and linking up. audrey's talked to marky, ciara, tahlia, etc. she's been around longer than you and of course you'd "relate" to a fellow ewhore. fuck off with your "but i just a fren :3 uwu" bullshit.

gtfo really, you don't even deserve the attention or time

Cewl at least delivers nudes , something ur fat pig of an egirl never has for u because u disgust her. Cewl loves us in her thread and doesn't tolerate faggots being tryhards or disrespectful. Ur egirl doesn't like you, will never respond to u, and ur nothing to her. 
Orbiting Cewl = winning

"Do sex workers deserve respect" -a sex worker

Here she is getting called out for being a hypocritical misandrist trad cath anti abortionist, who is she even trying to convince with this act anymore? Her being "so happy" about her new bf is almost so pitiful that I wonder if that was the point


> Her being "so happy" about her new bf is almost so pitiful that I wonder if that was the point
> she sees nothing wrong with kissing new guys with the same mouth that was brushing against another man's asshole and swallowing many guys' cum

Either she's gone off the deep end or she's the scummienst, most disgusting e-girl this shithole's sever seen

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WILD that not even a year ago she was sending this to someone else, then had a fling, then another, and now she's comically yapping about some other guy who probably gets off to the thought of how many times this bitch has gotten railed and filled up by other men

Yeah, I don’t get it. I guess Audrey is just the de facto egirl for anyone with a chubster fetish since all the other girls are normal to anorexic. No hate to you Audrey if you’re reading this, I don’t find you ugly. Just not my taste. Someone’s gotta fill a niche after all.

What makes her ugly isn't her looks, as some people have said it's her actions that make her repulsive. Sounds a bit gay I know, but what I mean is that a woman could be an 11/10 based ultra qt but if she has eaten ass and fucked incels in cars and all the other shit she's automatically a worthless skank.

It is unironically sad. I only looked up what had become of her last month and caught up with the threads and it killed me a little with each new revelation by her ex and other dudes and each new piece of media that showcased her nosedive from the cute plane loving cutie that I knew back then to her current skanky trashy self

One day, you check your phones notifications and see that Audrey has sent you this  >>/72245/
What's your reaction? Knowing her past and the thing's she's done sexually and otherwise, would you pursue to take things further or ignore her? Why?

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Being completely serious here, if that were to happen to me I'd be very happy at first, of course. Female attention and sex are not easy to come by, and I'd just be ecstatic about the fact that a cute girl showed interest in me.

However, and as much as I'd want to overlook it, the thought of her past would always linger at the back of my head and cast a huge shadow over the whole thing. It's not so much that I wouldn't trust her cheating on me or going away to visit male friends like she's done before (I'm a loyal person and also kind of foolish, so if someone showed interest in me I'd blindly trust they'll never betray that trust), but as many here have mentioned just KNOWING she has done the gross things she's done to and with other people is simply impossible to ignore. So ultimately I don't know whether I should take advantage of the sex and other "benefits" being with her brings to the table until her past becomes impossible to overlook, or save myself the heartbreak, disgust and emotional rollercoaster and never take things anywhere from the start.

I know some would say that what's done is done, and that being with her (being with anyone, really) means building a future and not lingering on what happened before. But ignoring the past is no true way of living, it's merely burying it, waiting for it to erupt in unexpected and destructive ways. Ignoring the past in a relationship is like trying to build a house on shifting sand with carboard foundations. It might seem stable at first, but eventually, the cracks will appear, and the whole structure will crumble. 

Thanks for reading my blog, it was a fun scenario to imagine.

it's over audreybros. i'll tell you how this ends. she pretends to be based for a bit to her telegram orbiters and whoever else while making friends with lgbts behind the scenes and immersing herself in their groomer faggot culture. but I'm telling you now, she's going to meet a tranny, they are going to take hallucinogenics and they are going to have sex in a shed. multiple inseminations. Remember this post and if you are still orbiting her please save yourself the heartache and disappointment and cut your losses now.

I don't think she takes too well to trannies tbh
Which is weird considering she likes to call and portray herself as a based tomboy of the woods or some cringe shit while as you say licking anus and being big into anal and liking gay smut

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> wignat
> fucks guys by the side of the road
> eats ass
> has a piss fetish
> has a rape fetish
> likes homosexual smut
> does drugs
> self harm scars
> abuses people
> uses people to her benefit
> makes people suicidal
> family of degenerate whores and addicts
> into femdom
> into nigger music
> massive daddy issues
> massive mommy issues
> fucks guys off social media and 4chan
Wowzers, such a nice little egirl you got there

She is in CO... sources close to her keeps me updated. She split with her boyfriend like a week ago and apparently went off the handle. She's doing some wilderness camp in CO and that's the last anyone heard

Now that I think about it she's never held a job for more than like 5 months and she's almost 24. And the jobs she's had have been menial shit or volunteer internships sorta "work". Yet she lives in a house by herself and has even housed guys to live in with her. Daddy's pockets must be reaaaaally deep.

Listen, I wish I could give more details but I don't want to rat them out. She yaps and over shares to anyone, everyone who knew her knows this. It's not that hard to get an in with her since she's so desperate for anyone to pay attention to her bullshit 

Apparently she had a mental breakdown, her dad and her are on bad terms, and he cut her off so she dropped everything and left for some wilderness camp to find herself or some womanly shit like that 

Yeah she just can't settle down lmao

Me. I think you came up with that whole story and only sprinkled it with some known audrey facts like her being on bad terms with her dad or having some sort of connection with CO to make it sound more believable

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