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Honestly, if a woman is showing her cleavage, I immediately lose respect for her. Same for any level of immodesty, too.
She's trying to get social benefits out of using her sexuality. I can't respect someone who tries to manipulate others like that.
Sometimes I really do feel like a sane man in an insane world.
Every day, women choose to go outside dressed like utter whores, they attention whore online, they alter their appearance with makeup\filters\angles\poses\lighting\etc., they manipulate everyone around them with their actions and words, and everyone acts like this is normal and fine.
This isn't normal, this is fucking insane psychotic behavior. What the fuck is wrong with people that they don't see this?
Women's fucking VOICES aren't even real. they're all manipulated.
Pause to think about how fucking insane this is for a moment.
Never mind their words - their fucking  VOICE is fake. Women, in their life, have decided to learn how to modify their speech to better manipulate others. They actively change the way they speak in order to get more social benefits.
> Weak voice. (To trigger protective instincts.)
> Vocal fry. (They think this is "hot girl shit".)
> Pronounced S sounds. (See above.)
> Passive tone. (Plausible deniability.)
> The "Xanax tone". (women think that sounding bored makes you cooler than others.)
> Voice almost breaking as she speaks. (Again, to trigger protective instincts.)
> Sounding like she's about to cry at any moment. (See above.)
Not to fucking mention all the gestures and constant preening they've learned to do, and the mountains of lies to cover all of it up.
It's all fucking fake.
He's right about some points, but he's completely wrong about the definition of "Love". Instead, what he's actually talking about is men chasing casual sex, and women trying to secure a beta bucks for his resources, none of which are love.
He also ignores the fact that men genuinely care about stuff like romance, and feel love on a deep level. Well, at least they do at first, until dealing with the reality of women whittles away those desires lol.
Every fucking time I hear someone say shit like
> You both need to X
> This isn't gender specific\a gender thing\gender issue\woman thing\female exclusive thing
> Blame game\blame war
> Both genders
> Everyone
> People
> Men and women both
> Humans\humanity
> Both sides
> They deserve each other
> That's not exclusive to women
> Dating sucks right now
> Equally
> Some do it, some don't
> I know men who have done this
> This is a people thing
> Exclusively
It's extremely obvious that the woman is at fault in the situation, but the person can't blame only women due to gynocentric retardation, so they blame both. Of course, when it comes to blaming men, they're perfectly fine with singling out just the men.
This happens with positive things too. If someone says something positive about men, you'll hear shit like
> Same for women
> complain that men are violent beasts that rape women nonstop
> also complain that men are feminized faggots and that theres too many boring nice guys
its not possible to exist as a man
Women wearing heels and wanting taller men, or being "career women" and wanting richer men, is like men going to the gym and demanding an even buffer woman.
Women are just making their dating pools smaller, since they can't really date down. Pretty retarded.
I don't hate women, but you know what I do hate? Having to get an email verification when logging into an account.
All because the fucking idiots of the world are too fucking stupid to not fall for scams, and because they tell everyone their fucking "12345" password, so now everyone else with triple digit IQ has to abide by the rules for the lowest denominator.
All I did was accidentally delete all my cache history after my daily 4 hour JAV session, and now I'm logged out of my account. Yeah, that's on me, but fuck.
Them wanting my email and data is in itself fucking infuriating. These fucking leeches constantly trying to find ways to suck even more blood. As if the women weren't bad enough for that. Even worse is when they demand a phone number. Yeah, great, I really do want even MORE tracking. Fuck you.
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shruge-shrug gif
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Be honest with me. Am I retarded for wanting a woman who doesn't play mind games, doesn't "test" me, doesn't obsess over power dynamics, etc.? Who just generally isn't a fucking pain to deal with, who I don't need to "handle".
Should I treat this as something that's inherent to women and just take it?
Women have always blamed me for relationship problems.  I believed them.  Because of that, I treated this one girl way better than I should have.  She was a fat bitch who was literally only dating me to spy for my coworker fent addict.  I knew, but these people are powerless.  I treated her like an angel because I figure alright, maybe it was my fault, let us really see.

The first time we had sex I gave her a 1200$ ring.  The first time.  I also threw 1000$ on the bed and said this is my savings.  Half is yours or all if you have a good idea.  She kept the ring but let me keep the money.  I spent that money getting a 5000$ car for her.  Before the car was paid off, some problems, the one important for narration being this; it was a running joke that when I asked her to meet me she would not show but when I told her to leave me alone she came on purpose.  The last day she was supposed to meet me, she called saying she crashed the car a half state over and instead of calling a mechanic asked me to drive there to fix her tire.

Women are worse than dogs, because dogs are smaller.
I feel ya. Women blaming men for relationship issues is always a deflection tactic, since they know the real reasons make them look bad. Plus women always avoid accountability.
I guess you had to really test it out, but yeah, giving free shit to a woman who's known to be actively bad was a bad idea. It also shows how ungrateful she and women in general are.
You're better off spending that money on yourself and enjoying your hobbies, than to give it to 99% of women.
She's a shitty person, but also, bro, what the fuck man? I'll break this down for you.
> don't date fat women
> don't get serious with someone you haven't fully vetted
> don't give women you barely know money let alone a $1200 ring and 1k in cash then a fucking car
A LOT of women are shit, but dude. That bitch was not your average woman and you're not the average man. Was she your first or something? I'm in disbelief. Please say sike. I'm sorry you went through that if this is real but it also sounds like you're really autistic and need to learn to spot signs of being taken advantage of. Not trying to victim blame, but god damn.
I was thinking about how women constantly withhold good things as an "attack" or manipulation tactic, when it hit me: Women kinda make men into worse people.
They force men to become manipulative to succeed with them, like having to play retarded mind games, or various "techniques" they're forced to use on women
They force men to become colder and suppress their emotions, not to mention their own enjoyment of things.
They generally make men bitter and\or disillusioned with women and the concept of love\romance\relationships.
Isn't it kinda fucked up how women treat sex as a reward for men, but still expect the man to put in all the work to please her?
Think about it: The "reward" for men is still something that's 75% focused on the woman's pleasure. It's all a fucking scam.
It's the equivalent of working hard to get promoted at a job, and your reward is the privilege of having to do the work of 4 people. Great.
This has been going on as long as I've been alive since the 80s. Do your part. Reject real girls. There will be a time in the future when they lose attraction by men and are replaced by synth girls. At that time, they'll be begging on the streets for a mate. Homeless. Skinny. Starving. Grateful to have a roof over their head and a cock in their flesh sleeve.
I always try and treat whatever woman I'm with the best I can.  I would have preferred a better woman to spend it on, but women hate me for whatever reason.  I've been single for over a decade now, unless you count the bitch that stole the car

> she took advantage of you

Hahaha... nah.  Actually loving me would have been getting the full reward
Nothing disillusions you more than realizing the woman you love more than any living thing on Earth is completely indifferent to your existence.  Women can not feel love.  
> the righteous shall escape her

That said most of the women I met made me better to myself, but more hateful to everything else.  I would have no problem killing any person or thing on Earth any longer, I would enjoy it even
Back in the 2010s, I used to hear people talk about "haters", but it always sounded retarded and delusional at the time, but these days, I stumble across an Andrew Tate video, and the comments are filled with unsubstantiated hate. They literally cannot think of something to attack him for, so they just make shit up, just to hate.
So yes, "haters" are absolutely real, and there seems to be some overlap with Trump Derangement Syndrome type behavior.
Furthermore, there seems to be WAY more hatred directed at someone when they speak the truth, especially if it's an uncomfortable truth.
I normally hate indirect arguments, but when you see someone getting a bunch of irrational hate, and a lot of undeserved pushback against them, you should probably take a second listen to that person.
I really dislike the english dubbed female voices in anime. They always sound extremely fake, like they're trying to sound "cutetsy" to manipulate you.
I hate fakery so much, I deeply crave sincerity. Please fucking speak normally, I am literally begging you.
> implying the voices in the original japanese are any less fake
Dubs are trying to recreate what the Japanese fakeness does. Tons of anthropological studies have been done on Japanese women's voices kek they are even faker bitches than American women. The voices, the makeup, the hair dyed to be a lighter brown, the cutesy act. All fake.
What exactly causes women to hate men? I've been thinking about this for years, but haven't gotten a satisfying answer. A woman I know IRL started posting man hating shit online ever since she lost a ton of weight, which leads me to think of more cynical explanations.
So far, I've only narrowed down a few reasons why misandrist women hate men:
> Not getting Chad
> Getting attention from non-Chads
> Anti-men propaganda online
> Family pushing "gendered shit" (floabt) all her life, so now she's "rebelling"
> Some kind of rape\abuse\etc.
I'm not sure how accurate these are (except for the first two), but it's very interesting to compare these with the reasons men have to hate\dislike\criticize women, like the actual reasons, and how (ir)rational the dislike is.
Trying to understand the warped way women think is deeply fascinating to me.
Oh I just thought of another possible reason:
> They have a fetish for being mistreated by men, and so hating men """""back""""" is a way to lean even harder into the fetish, as well as some part of her genuinely believing the mistreatment is real.
Bad experiences leading to a bad opinion. Confirmation bias. There's plenty of legitimate reasons to hate or dislike men as well, such as: sexism, seeing women as objects, how they shame women for sex but are hypocrites when it comes to one night stands or their own appetite, unfair gender expectations or roles, more violent sex, more criminal sex, more men leave their spouse if they're ill and men cheat more,"thinking with their dicks", supporting sex work but then complaining about whores (strip clubs, porn, OF,)
> sexism
Too vague
> seeing women as objects
Women do that to themselves. Maybe they should put on some modest clothes and stop attention whoring. Shit, maybe they should stop using sex as a tool. Act like an object, get treated like one.
> how they shame women for sex but are hypocrites when it comes to one night stands
The men who recommend modesty and serious relationships\intimacy are not the men who just want an easy lay with casual sex. Two different groups of men. Women purposefully conflate these two to make this argument. It's only Chads who can realistically get one night stands in the first place.
> or their own appetite
It's fine to want lots of sex, but it's bad to not take relationships\intimacy seriously. That's the problem, not the frequency of sex itself. Just have lots of sex with one man and it'll be fine.
> unfair gender expectations or roles
Those "expectations" come from the woman's own neurotic anxious head, not men. Plus, it's delusional to say expectations are a point for women, when men have 100x the expectations, and are the ones doing 99% of the work. (Indirectly forced to do that by women, by the way.)
> more violent sex
Pure projection. Women are by far the biggest consumers of violent sex. The idea that men are into porn that's abusive to women is anti-men propaganda. Where'd you get that idea, Tumblr?
Fetishes like getting slapped, verbally degraded, spat on, CNC, etc. are most common in women. Women call their boyfriends "daddy", for fuck's sake.
> more criminal sex
You mean like rape? Hm, maybe. Though I'll argue that female rapists\harassers aren't often reported when the man is the victim, and the lesbian divorce rate probably has some info that can be extracted here.
But hey, men have also developed 99% of civilization. Do they get collective love for doing that? Or is it just for the negatives? Plus, women lead in other bad things, like infanticide. Is it fair to hate women for a statistic like that?
Not to mention how women are more at risk of a rape from a boyfriend, a man they chose to date, not by some guy hiding in bushes at night.
> more men leave their spouse if they're ill
I've heard this argument before, but idk if it's true. Sounds like a terrible person to commit to, though, if they genuinely do that. Why do women commit to bad men so much?
> men cheat more
Again, conflating Chads with all men. Most men don't even have an option to cheat, let alone the will.
> "thinking with their dicks"
You mean like women tolerating tons of things from Chads just because they wanna date the hot guy?
> supporting sex work but then complaining about whores (strip clubs, porn, OF,)
There's no contradiction here. It's reasonable to want to jerk off or something, while wanting the normal women to be modest. You're probably conflating two groups of men again.

Idk, it seems that if someone thinks rationally, there's not much reason to hate men.
Meanwhile, men's complaints about women are moreso things like "Lacks accountability." and "Starts retarded arguments for fun.". More personal complaints, instead of forced "systemic" ones.
Essayposter, you should get a look at Ki's threads  >>/124155/
She's good proof of a lot of your claims and I'd love to see you have a field day destroying her ego. She's easy to ragebait and responds to anons. Biggest fakest slutty hypocrite the board has ever seen. Think of this as a late Christmas gift, happy new year!

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