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Some anon in the last thread messaged her about coming back. I don't know when this was but her coming back is not happening, unsurprisingly.
I've never understood the appeal for sunny other than "ooga booga an underage!!! me like little girls!!!"
She's not ugly but she isn't a Stacy either, what gives?
it’s literally a nigger nose that she definitely got from having a slave in her bloodline. all redneck white trash has that pig nose. all the most retarded inbreds at my school had it. like looking down a double barreled shotgun
> angry at she
you’re a third world ESL so no wonder you don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to american phenotypes
It isn't and you're clearly a retarded faggot who has no clue what they're talking about. And you can fuck off with your anti-white bullshit, too.

She has 0 negro blood and that's a fact. She does however have some small amount of Amerindian and Polynesian ancestry.
not antiwhite to say most poor southern americans have nigger blood. most of which have snubby pig noses from black dna mixing with euro dna. not anti white just anti race mixing as you should also be if you care about the race whatsoever. 

jews aren’t white but nice try.
No, "most" poor southern americans definitely do not have nigger blood. There was never any large scale racial mixing. This idea is a complete myth invented by Jews to denigrate and degrade whites and suppress their racial consciousness and pride by attempting to make them believe they're all tainted with negro blood and other non-white admixture anyway and that there are no pure White people. It's all bullshit.
She is ugly and looks like a pig. I would not wish those genetics on any child, male or female. Simple as. She should never breed.

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