/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Threemilk reuploads:

The Complete Threemilk’s Youtube Channel Guide:

Previous Thread:  >>/41445/
aggie was the only pure one because she was yuri only.
a mentally ill tranny took advantage of her and convinced her that girls with dicks are real girls
This is what happened to Agatha. She was barely popular online, only with 4chan niggas and now she quit social media, she's working at some jewelry store and having the delusional goal of being a musician? Or maybe she knows it's merely a hobby. I guess she's living her life but idk which direction she's supposed to be pointed in. Hopefully she doesn't age too hard. Shame we will never get cute young Aggie again. Wonder what her parents think of it all
she stopped any public activity with it because a bunch of retarded brazilian apes followed the instagram, tipping her off that we knew about it
To be honest it was a dead project from the get-go. They never released any music and the only two instagram posts are from August of last year.
I wish they actually did put out some music, I'm genuinely curious what it would sound like and I'm a fan of experimental music 
Its so over
I guarantee it would have sounded exactly like Kennedi's music at best. Really crappy dissonant synth music, created purely from an inability to write anything actually catchy or good.

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