/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Kennedi has a man's face, and if there are anons who like her it will be because they are repressed closet homosexuals, and she is too skinny for my personal taste, even Agatha has a huge ass and big tits and if she were fat she would look very good for my personal taste, I have never liked very skinny women, they must at least have some noticeable fat, beauty is subjective and objective for certain types of people, in my case for me it is subjective, Kennedi is a wooden board haha.
Please shut the fuck up with the chubby/fat talk. You're giving guys who like (ACTUALLY) thick girls a bad name. Shit, you're even giving fuckers who like obese immobile chicks a bad rap. Are you jerking off when you write this. Just stop with these kinds of posts. If you care about nothing else, think about Agatha seeing this stuff and getting weirded out and having even LESS chances of coming back. She wouldn't like reading this.
Donald Trump is doing things right, the radical left is the great failure, how I would like them to shoot all the members of the LGBTQIA+ community, but I have mercy on them just as Holy God has mercy on them, and they can be saved by their own repentance before the Holy God, is that everything is already written in the book of life and everything will happen sequentially, I am not a Zionist, any nation where there are sanctified people are children of the Holy God even if they are from different countries, my ideologies are evangelical Christianity and the natural, exact, human and social sciences.
I already said it and I will say it again, even if Agatha were a 300 kg fat woman I will continue to love her, because I love her soul, and her carnal body is only a complement, but I also love her bodily phenotypic authenticity because that is how my Holy God created and designed her and that is how it must remain forever, I respect Agatha and I would never do something that she did not want me to do, no, I am not masturbating, for me Agatha is not just sexual love, I feel a true love towards her soul and that is the true and authentic love, sexual love is just vanity, it is as if I fucked your sister because she is a prostitute, I do not love her, I simply wanted to take away that sexual desire, the love that I feel for Agatha is something more complex, it is a subject that only a Holy man can understand.
I just want the will of the Holy God to be done in your life Agatha, that your soul be saved by our Holy God, because the Lord Jesus Christ has already paid everything, all that remains is for you to repent of your sins before our Holy God so that you may be saved, I would like to see you in person, but my desires are just fantasies now, and I feel like an idiot for begging you so much, and maybe you are already with your partner, maybe it is a man or a woman, I don't know the truth, I will continue preaching to save the souls of the anons and of anyone who sees this message, because my Holy God allows preaching in order to save the souls that manage to perceive this message, may there be peace with all anons.
I just saw and realized this image, I will not beg you anymore Agatha, that transvestite perhaps is your partner even if he dresses like a woman he is still a biologically man, and he is more handsome than me, fuck, I have no chance, I can't break that relationship, although I would like to, because if not my Holy God would get mad at me, I could only hint to you if you were single, how unlucky I am, have a happy Christmas Agatha with all your family, I just want our Holy God to save and bless your soul and that you go on the good path of good and holiness, that would be a great joy for me, and also for the Lord Jesus Christ and our Holy God, may there be peace with all the anons, and well Agatha, I will always be here giving you good advice in case you need good Christian guidance.
I love her pictures, does anyone know her cam model or how she took them/how to get a similar effect? I know she’s very pale but everything else in the pictures also has that kind of desaturated cold glow….angel aggie effect
I did not give up Agatha, I just wanted to accept the supposed truth that you have with that transvestite, although I do not know the truth, you know that that transvestite is temporary, he will never love you like me, only I will give you that true and authentic love, you will never be happy with him, only with me you will know true happiness and true love, I already told you before that what is destined to be fulfilled will be fulfilled, and everything vain will pass and will be in the past, and everything I said is true and I will fulfill all the promises I made to my Holy God will be fulfilled by his own will, just be patient and wait for me that I already promised you that I myself will go look for you, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but I swear that I will find you, I will never hurt you, I just want to give you that true sanctified love that is truly valuable.
> I already promised you that I myself will go look for you, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but I swear that I will find you, I will never hurt you
You're stepping over that line again. Please learn to appreciate her in a healthier way.
Agatha, I'm going to tell you a little about my story so you can get to know me better. My male ancestors were terrorists and served in the army too. They were evangelical Christian men, very manly, very heterosexual, very macho, true men. They have survived serious conflicts, and of course I am also a very heterosexual man. Thanks to my ancestors I learned good teachings and values, and seeing you in that photo near that transvestite makes me laugh a lot. That transvestite is not even good for the army. Hahaha. I laugh Agatha because it really is a joke to see you near that transvestite. Did you ever think that he was a rival for me? Never. Seriously, Agatha. You need urgent Christian help. You need a real man like me, not that transvestite who is a joke of a person, just another joke in the bunch.  >>/94715/
She's partly the reason why I hate jews.

Her fucking jewish genes and jewish mother upbringing are responsible for why she acted like she did, just throwing her fans away like toilet paper. If she were raised with gentiles, we'd still have her to this fucking day.

Fucking jewish cock suckers take everything away from us. I'll bet they even told her she gave too much happiness to the goyim and that she had to "shut it down".
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how autistic am I to randomly notice that this person from CB reminds me of someone, then spend 20 minutes trying to remember, and then reading up on life story of someone that I just saw spammed 5+ years ago on boards?
In case anyone wants to check out this latina version of 3milk its "rookieteam". I think there was also another "actress" that was even more similar?
You dumb fucking monkey, the board is literally called Agatha. She's a pioneer of e-girl culture and she has way more of an impact and relevance than literally who unknown subhumans like cewl or the pajeeta (that's right I know you're the same faggot simping for her in her thread) or any of the other nu "egirls".
Jeez nigga get a grip. She doesn’t know you and probably doesn’t want to anyways. You’re saying she pioneered e-girl culture as if that’s an accomplishment. If I were her I’d be ashamed. Any of these e-whores who crave male attention so desperately are pathetic anyways. At least I know I’m a loser. 
Plus, anne frank is now just another non-binary fag white girl anyways. Why yall care about her is beyond me. Move on.
A comedy video paying tribute to the LGBTIQ community from my South American friends, KEK.

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