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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riflehound
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/corpsewife
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCusvnZAXhVSoaaYwWUsjknA
X:https: //x.com/riflehound
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/apocallisto
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/riflehound

Previous:  >>/70094/
Hadn't seen this pic before but I can tell it's not very recent. She looked like that a couple + years ago. Current Audrey looks older and much more slutty, like in last thread's OP.
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Can you see webm related and still say with a straight face that she's so ugly? 
Perhaps the only thing I'd admit is that she doesnt look like this anymore and decided to become a whore but still, she used to be objectively very cute
Ikr. Seeing stuff like that makes me depressed tho. Her video of her giving a lesson in aerodynamics also does that to me and she doesn't even appear in that video, it's just her voice.
It's very sad and evil even to see someone like that do what she's done and become what she became.
> previous thread
> thread
Nigga she's been outed since thread #1, especially after her ex showed up and let hell break loose
This is the current scoop:
> she had a mental breakdown
> she split with the bf 
> her dad and her are on bad terms
> he cut her off 
> she went to CO for a wilderness camp
cartoons and concepts are both distractions from reality. She can't have a normal conversation without projecting some idealization onto it and re-framing her daily interactions to include her flavor of the month character she's obsessed with. she seems like she can't stand herself either
look at how she is still doing this act and avoiding reality by hiding in the woods (while still posting) like she will find responsibility there, you are either retarded or trying to defend her
all men would be well served to stop idealizing these types of women and realize it's a red flag. usually they have all the worst traits of normal women but mulitplied, and they're so bitchy and whorish they can't even be around other women and will almost exclusively socialize with guys. I've met women that can be legitimately intelligent and interesting but they're not the types that try to project that "I'm so le deep and different" aura
I wonder what happened to our in-house Russian schizo friend who was posting in last thread claiming to know her
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Mind your own business huh
As I said this isn't about you or anyone else, just one person in particular and he doesn't seem like he's got any balls to do anything
He mentioned Audi in a few interactions so I was on this lovely board and as well on her thread to call him out as I have no other means of doing so, simple as that my little friend
I don't even know who this who this cool cat you're talking about is, but I'm sure he's doing real well
And I'm not a russian you son of a bitch, check yourself
Anyways my friend I have some words you'd like to hear, I know you've missed them

But of course you can get sick from eating poop. 
But you can get hurt and die in an automobile wreck, too. 
Do you plan to avoid cars in the future? 
Of course not. 
Knowledge of the consequences deters few cigarette smokers.
You can not catch any disease from the shit you eat that the donor did not have. 
My "quality control" standards have served me well and I don't even know who the donor was much less which diseases he had.
Remember, not all shit is created equally. 
Some shit really smells and tastes bad! More specifically, a harsh acrid "smoky" odor and very bitter taste I consider bad. 
If it looks bad or lacks the classic grogan appearance, I'd say lose it in a hurry. 
The problem with being a bottom is that you can not be selective about the shit, it comes prepackaged :-) Not always [usually not] the kind we'd like to have. 
If you decide to proceed anyway, the most dire health consequence is probably hepatitis, of course you can't get it unless he has it, in which case you may get it from kissing, sucking, or rimming, etc.; so don't just blame the shit. 
You can also pick up parasites and amoebae. 
If you get an upset stomach, Tumms will usually help. 
I'm HIV negative, even after all these years of eating shit from thousands of guys mostly anonymously, but I have to admit that I have had to take Flagyl once or twice, and even now, I clean myself out a couple times a year with Noroxin [one tab a day for 5 days].
If you have a problem and it lasts for more than five days or have very severe symptoms: see a doctor and don't be bashful about telling him what you did. 
It is wise to establish a good relationship with a physician before you need one! 
You can avoid a lot of expensive diagnostics by just suggesting he prescribe Noroxin or later if that doesn't work Flagyl.
A final thought here. 
Your toilet training and societal taboos are frequently sufficient to cause you to worry or feel guilty after your first scat experiences. 
This can cause you to conjure up psychosomatic illnesses limited only by your imagination. Know yourself and be aware that this maybe a problem.
> high energy low mental fortitude
> weird interests
> buckteeth tooth
I know everybody's got things they have to deal with in their lives, but honestly her "baggage" or "reasons" she gives here for being who she is seem really fucking shallow.
Her reformed people pleasing post was hilarious also the fact she is talking about her hair makes me think she's super depersonalizated right now
Yeah, a telegram story pointing out her baggage and why no one should be judgmental of her. 
> buckteeth gap
> weird interests

Oh I'm sorry Audrey, I should've known about these traumatic tragic details in your life before I misjudged you for being a piece of shit garbage person.
Why do you get so mad whenever someone points out how much of a piece of shit she is lol. You've been doing this bit for the past several threads
ikr. when was she ever a "people pleaser"? sounds more like headcanon she's been telling herself for years than anything based in reality
Even while being blasted on psych. drugs in the colorado forest and god knows what other areas in the everglades or whatever the fuck. The only thing on her mind is how other dudes view her HAIR. Absolutely mediocre whore.
Im confused. Are you under the impression that she’s trying to pose as being off the grid 24/7? That’s obviously not the case.
> What’s the point in posting this? 
Does there have to be a point? I just posted a little update of one of her socials
> my longer hair looks so much better on me than my short hair
What does long hair Audrey look like? I don't think I've ever seen her with hair  longer than shoulder length
Nigga that's not Audrey's handwriting. And judging by what it says, I'm 99% certain that's Ciara but I wouldn't know since I never cared about that whore.
> creepy vindictive delusional and deeply insecure bleeding wound disguising yourself as a normal person
Pot calling the kettle black
I am aware that I should not be here, but I cannot help myself due to the overwhelming fear I am experiencing. these issues are significantly impacting my personal life. I wish this were a mere dream or some kind of illusion, as I long to go back in time and change everything. This situation is entirely my faul,it was inevitable, but I never cared enough because I believed I was mentally stable enough to avoid such a scenario.What makes this even more challenging is my craving for validation, and now, no one can see me in a positive light. It feels as though everything is over. However, there might still be hope. If I can change my mindset and gain control over my thoughts, I can make myself not care as much about others' perceptions. After all, this situation primarily affects how people view me and not anything more serious, I hope. This whole bs has consumed my thoughts this past week and I am not functional to do anything else besides think about this.
I was supposed to block this website but I have so little controll over myself Its crazy I am so dumb. I cant even kms how do I deal with this?

If they were sluts for everybody, we would not care. They aren't, you're either in the club or you aren't, and new members are rarely allowed. Yeah its based in envy, but who wouldn't be envious in that situation?

Her mom having been a green card seeking opportunist doesn't make Audrey european lol. She speaks broken shit german and 99% of her life has been spent in dogshit ass Florida.
I'm really, seriously, unironically wondering what an Audrey rimjob must feel like. I always thought she was cute so I'd probably nut with the pressure of a fire hose the moment I saw her cute face doing something beyond kinky to me.
She's still only good as a cumdumpster tho, NEVER kiss or date sluts like her who've had their tongues and fingers in other men's assholes
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Nigga just WHY would you do that knowing her tongue and lips been in direct contact with another man's anus. 

How could you hold her hands KNOWING her fingers have also been inside a guy's asshole (they came out smeared in shit).

This has to be some next level cuck shit, not even overdosing on copium would make you any less of a supreme cuck who has an asslicker (not yours tho lol) for a woman
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>  >they came out smeared in shit
> The words of a man to never finger an asshole. Nothing comes out on the

I think we're gonna need Audrey's opinion as an expert in these rectal matters to know the truth
Just who's this mysterious Juan you niggers keep bringing up every thread
How are we supposed to engage in the drama if you never give any details
I don't know who he is either, but every egirl thread has their own collective scapegoat whenever something leaks or someone talks shit. Cewl has elliott, audrey has her ex/mexican/hapa, marky has dmitri, ika had that fat guy who posted edits with her, etc. 

Imo it's natural for simps and fanbases to come up with someone to direct their anger at even if the person doesn't even exist or their importance is greatly exaggerated.
How is that defending them lol. If anything it speaks even worse of them if those are the guys they attract. In Audrey's specific case it's weird too since she seems to actively CHOOSE to be with that kind, see where she picks her fuckbuddies off of and such.
Yeah it'd be easy to groom a teenage girl with no mom. Prime pickings 
If you hung around her 2018-2019 in her server or as friends you would see that Mexican bully everyone around her for her attention
Not defending her either but she was a teenager and groomers are manipulative
> it'd be easy to groom a teenage girl with no mom. Prime pickings
Idk who the mexican is, but isn't this just exactly what the hapa epic memester did for years? He even got to make out and get high with her and grope her tits
Yeah manipulation. Literally just:

Do you guys want a bulletproof way of getting to know and eventually fuck Audrey? Aight, take note:
That's it. When you find a way of establishing contact, steadily talk to her about shit she's known to larp about liking, such as animals or skating, but without revealing your power level too much.
Casually drop some bits here and there about a big personal tragedy until one day not long after you've established contact come up with whatever bullshit family drama, and tell her how painful it is and how big of a toll it's taken to your self esteem and mental health. Wait until she shares some of her totally-not-fake sob stories and tell her how much you understand her pain and how much you wish someone understood yours Imao.
Congrats! You're now on your way to getting into her hairy pussy in no time. It's that simple.
Idk her birthday but she was 17 when I knew her in 2018, idk the exact timeline. The Mexican was already in the picture and her friend circle when I knew her. It was weird because she would talk he would show up and rage at anyone trying to have a conversation
If the guy who "raped" her, this mexican guy, the hapa, her ex and countless other anonymous groomers and evil dudes got it on with her, there comes a time when she's got to take accountability for her actions. Didn't she even got fucked by some guys and was in a relationship with someone off her incel larp survivalist telegram too?
> call girl a whore that should own up to her retarded decisions instead of blaming others for shit she's deliberately done  
> lol yeah right that's what a groomer would say to keep ME coming back but i'm too smart ;)
Braindead foid detcted
BRO idk who you are but I was also in her server lmao. I think I remember the guy but I didn't know he was Mexican. If it's even who I think it was he mainly just sat there brooding but I don't remember any bullying. And cmon, it was filled with simps who all wanted a piece of her ass. I remember the hapa, a guy with a bat pfp, a guy who made music, and some others I don't really remember much about. We were all simping for her hard and she knew it and liked it, it'd be dishonest to say it wasn't like that. 
It was called Puma Lovers, I remember  she posted some invites on 4chan too.
Not him but how exactly is an 18 year old talking to some older guy "grooming"? Genuinely asking here. 
Is anyone who talks to someone older/younger grooming/a groomer?
Nigga what are you even talking about lmao
If a girl goes and does the most heinous whorish shit for years and to this day and sees no problem with it whatsoever then it's safe to assume she's simply a whore who has nobody to blame but herself for being a whore. It's only dumb foids like yourself who quickly point the finger at their le traumatic past to explain why they're eating ass and taking cumshots to the throat from  telegram and /soc/ guys to this day.
True. I noticed the same even with minor e-girls. They all have a scapegoat to dismiss any leaks of information as untrue who is always conveniently mentally ill or made out to be.
consensual adult sex that you’re embarrassed by isn’t rape. cry me a river, they like butt stuff, they gotta own up to it.
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> he's most likely the person that keeps these threads alive
I'm confused, I was always told anything bad ever said about Audrey came from her megamind dark triad genius manipulator ex. 
Poor girl, just how many more mysterious guys are out there smearing her reputation for no reason..........
I'm still not sure how her having been "groomed" by this previously unheard of guy/guys made her eat ass, fuck people off 4chan and telegram, develop a piss and rape fetish and cheat on guys many years later
Nevermind I remembered how stupid this was, never forget that the whole reason helix was even involved was because of the Mexican who used this immature and stupid grown man to leverage more drama because he knew this helix guy would make this about himself and play the victim for some reason, all to antagonize Audrey.
Man this gets more and more convoluted and hard to follow the more anyone just dumps info out there without context, who's the mexianon and what makes you think it was even him? You start to sound as unhinged as her when she blames you for everything out of shame, using as a scapegoat for anything like snowball in Animal Farm
It's too much to care about anymore but the Mexican guy is real but I don't know him personally but I can promise you it was him who kepts trying to contact people here through Twitter to get more info about Audrey, anytime someone's trying to manipulate more info about her it's always him. He's some Internet freak from Mexico City that has been sneaking his way into Audrey's presence since ever. It was her fault for courting these people but at this point everyone should feel humiliated for taking this so seriously.
But how do you even know that, no one ever answers that. No one knows a thing about the guy and like I said before it seems like he's being used as a scapegoat to divert blame off her or whatever, just like she uses you as a convenient fall guy
is it true she's fucking some guy from her gay telegram chat thing? did she cheat on you with those guys too when she was with you? 
I remember you mentioning she talks to and visits a lot of men so im wondering whats the type of dude she cheated on you with
She talks about him and shows screenshots, I mean I guess it could be faked but it would be too much effort to do so when her fake scapegoats are very obvious. He wasn't brought up to defend Audrey but to point out that useful idiot helix keeping being used and Everytime the thread is desperately bumped it's this third worlder. He was the only one still interested in the thread before her ex posted here too. He was probably also the one posting on Twitter trying to bring attention to this thread
> Everytime the thread is desperately bumped it's this third worlder. He was the only one still interested in the thread before her ex posted here too. 
But how could anyone know this
Sounds like headcanon since Audrey's always been one of the most populat egirls
> He was probably also the one posting on Twitter trying to bring attention to this thread
Nigga Audrey herself even called her ex out to her simps on twitter for doing that. Which again seems like a convenient scapegoat she had no way of actually proving and was simply on damage control trying to save face after the guy exposed her. Same thing here.
I mean he baited his own death, I'm sure he didn't like how close she got and then dropped him like he was nothing but he's not special compared to anyone else who knew her
If her ex is in da house, what's the latest you know about audrey? what's your opinion on her current situation and stuff?
> It was her fault for courting these people
He was 22 or 23 when he started chatting her up at 16, and used her family situation to slide in close to her. It's scummy, he's scum.
Never forget that when IP grabbers grabbed Eric's aka Mexianon's IP it was Mexico City. This has been going on for years, and it's the same guy.
Not to victim blame but she was associating herself with these people for the attention, how can you not blame her for the consequences
> he started chatting her up at 16
Didn't you say earlier they were talking in 2018-19? Audrey was 18 in that case. What's the issue here?
> she was associating herself with these people for the attention
> was
Nigger she was eating incel /soc/ ass last year and now is sucking incel telegram dick this year. She has a fetish for everything that reeks of incel, from the music to the men lmao.
Helix had a thing for her, they were actually really close from what I understand, but she was just leading him on and exploited him into buying her $800-$1200 worth of items.
 >>/74513/ she thought he was too ugly is what she told me lmao. after she found a young dude to bang and mentally manipulate she blocked him and has refused to talk to him he apparently tried to contact her like a month or two ago but she blocked him instantly. She doesn't care about him at all and actually kind of hates him because he kept trying to "help her" he's still hurting pretty bad from what I've heard. Poor dude.
posting his face here was unnecessary. 
he sounds like a naive catholic person played for attention/money.  I kinda feel bad for him.
Either a shitposter who lurks here, somebody she wronged and wants to make her eat shit, or Audrey herself being meta
Either way it's funny
See, this is exactly why I simply just can't bring myself to feel bad for her at all. She goes and does this kinda shit without feeling the least bit remorseful and sees nothing wrong with being a cheap junkie whore, but we're supposed to feel bad because some random spic talked to her in 2019 or she had her tits groped by a hapa or her friend died or whatever boohoo sob story she likes to bring up to deflect any criticism and validate her slut nature? Fuck outta here, bitch.
Don't forget even her ex who was shitting on the mysterious mexican earlier on got shat and cheated on by Audrey himself the moment he showed a little vulnerability. Fucking BPD narc whore and her braindead simps who let themselves get manipulated by her.
Audwey made helix buy her 3D printers ;3

Audwey made a bunch of guys spend money on her

Audwey went out of her way to fuck incels off social media and 4chan while feeding false hope to simps online
Wasn't Audrey Christian? You can see in her older photos and videos like this one here  >>/74404/ how she carries her cross around her neck. But ever since then, and conveniently around the time she started whoring out, no cross can be seen in any of her more recent photos. Which leads me to believe she was conflicted as to how to reconcile her actions with her fake beliefs. 
Knowing her she probably came up with some bullshit excuse to turn a blind eye to her drug use and casual sex having while not entirely denouncing Christianity despite her fucked up lifestyle.
In any case it's too late now anyway. She can never unfuck those guys or unlick those assholes.
That had to do with a fear of her parents because they were some hardline baptists or some shit, but her mom died and her dads busy contracting syphilis.
>  >Which leads me to believe she was conflicted as to how to reconcile her actions with her fake beliefs.

She was conflicted one time on whether to convert to slavophile christianity or romanophile christianity. not based on any theological disagreements but which one looked better.
> She was conflicted one time on whether to convert to slavophile christianity or romanophile christianity. not based on any theological disagreements but which one looked better.
Huh. So that explains the photo with the icon and the rifle and her fetish for slavs like her ex mentioned.
Let me gues, she "chose" to be the le epic orthodox larper that would garner her many likes from her faggot cirlcle of fellow larpers
true. that's every egirl. they don't know how to act authentically because everything is calculated based on how orbiters and other potential simps will react to it. they're playing a part, a shitty one, rather than just living life.
> If they were sluts for everybody, we would not care. They aren't, you're either in the club or you aren't, and new members are rarely allowed. 
> Yeah its based in envy, but who wouldn't be envious in that situation?
> You just wish it was you
Oh yeah for sure bro, I simply cannot cope with the fact I'm not being cheated on, treated like shit and scammed by Audrey rn
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I miss beauty
Sometimes I wish I hadn't anything in the world so I could just die in peace
As you gather more things to love in your life the harder it is to live
I would have very easily tossed my life away 10 years ago or even 5 for something so perfect but now I feel that I have too much to lose I can't give it all up for myself or a perfect beauty 
I feel stuck and my apprehension is worse than anything that could be real, or solid in its absolute  
A life being observed is prosaic and that of one being lived is a homily 
It's an illusion to feel anything at all, It's imperfect
I exist and no longer live, a curious humor that was torn away from my own indignation 
I love everyone and no one
It's perfectly humorous
That's cute my friend, but when I was saying that I was very real
Enjoy yourself my friend 
But just as everything in life
It's transient
Stupid, stupid to even think that's how it works. she never actually loves anyone enough to get trauma bonded to them and that's the point, she does that to you not the other way around. You would huff your farts if you thought it would get you close to Audrey.
> i read some books from archive.org. "Dick" after too much inhaled people can't wear gas masks

These books purposefully contain misleading disinfo. A glownigger writes it then publishes, then stupid teenagers read it and kill themselves, or if they don't then it gives the state a good amount of public hysteria to ban dangerous chemicals like 12% bleach... and guns! Of course, goy. Guns are dangerous too, we need to ban them. Think of the children! 
In short, never attempt to do anything from there books. It's most likely dangerous or ineffective.
> 12% bleach
12% peroxide I meant. Anyway. Don't trust niggers! And don't trust glowniggers who write books on how to home brew a nerve gas. 
And most of all don't trust the jews.
She gets you to stay by idealizing you, you start liking they way she thinks of you and this fantasy world you both participate in but it always ends with her leaving you because of her trauma, she recreates it in her relationships. Look at how every single of her friendships end up. That's why the guys always go a little bit crazy after she does that, you became someone else for her and then she breaks you down and you come out empty. That's why cluster B's are described as black holes, they suck you into your empty life and leave you a husk the same way they are.
> That's why the guys always go a little bit crazy after she does that, you became someone else for her and then she breaks you down and you come out empty
This actually makes a lot of sense. I've noticed she's got the most intense fanbase/exes/simps/whatever and while some might call them crazy, I don't see it that way. 
You nailed it when you described how she pulls you in, making herself your everything, only to spit you out suddenly without any warning or explanation. It's bound to leave guys heartbroken, confused, and pissed off no doubt.
yeah people are just toys and novelties to bpdemons. it's their favorite thing in the world when they first get it but inevitably they grow tired of playing with it once things get a little boring and the toy gets a little worn. so they toss it aside for something new and fresh. they love the things people do for them and being made to feel good but they do not love people in any meaningful adult way. dopamine addicts and users they are.
That and I think their constant frustration and boredom come from their denial of themselves, they are living in this almost permenant state of bad faith trying to deny who they are to avoid the malignant shame they always feel.
yeah pretty much. they'll relay their entire past to you and it's all headcanon that paints them as a victim of every bad circumstance they have put themselves in and of every person they've abused and fucked over.

the constant cycle of idealization followed by splitting and discard allows them to start fresh, present themselves however they'd like. by the time that person starts to suss out what's really going on they're already making moves to ditch them and latch onto someone else. girls like this are rarely ever alone, and when they are is when they start getting all crazy and suicidal because they can't cope being stuck with themselves. they need someone else to absorb all their bad.
God dang, these really might be the best descriptions of Audrey I've ever seen in these threads. She's made it very clear herself that ennui is one of the, if not *the*, biggest issues she deals with in her life everyday. So from that standpoint her constant need to change her looks, hobbies, and attitudes towards things can be easily understood.  
It's also natural then that this would follow with her relationships with men. As you've already mentioned she lures one in and consumes him before growing increasingly bored and out of control, ditching and moving on, but with a handful of other men on the side for the thrill of casual, no strings attached sex to keep the dopamine spikes at max levels as long as possible. This behavior is bad enough on its own but what really makes her malicious is her lack of accountability, spinning things in her head and to others to appear as the victim every time, and the comical coping with which she reconciles her actions with her alleged morality. I wonder if one day it'll catch up to her and how.
bpdtards are collectors
they take a person's interests, viewpoints, personality etc as their own and then get rid of them and turn them into fictional characters in their little story. In my dealings with them (multiple) I found that they hate all the people in their pasts and vilify them but also relay these events with a certain fondness or nostalgia and keep momentos to remind them. Not because they care about other people, but some weird reverence and glamourization of their story's narrative.
Huh that's really interesting. Now that I think about, is there anyone from her past that doesn't hate her or at best feel doesn't feel wronged by her? Because you see people coming here every week that have had some sort of relationship with her in the past and 99% of them have very negative views of her overall
the way she is will always lead to feelings of disappointment, betrayal and resentment from the other party when truth is revealed but she'll just feed off of the hatred to fuel her persecution complex.
this is what happens when men humor a girl too much because they want to fuck her. you know she is just regurgitating something she heard or read a guy saying anyway.
Surrogate activity, she loves to bitch and moan about things outside of her control. who else but her to humanize objects and objectify humans. Also what the fuck does she know about cars, VW's are cheap cars for niggers like Nissan, KIA, and even Tesla which is for stupid people with too much money and not enough common sense to not get sold on novelties. The way she said she hates being born in this time of soulless design makes it sound like she's somehow above it all. Nothing good has been made in 20 years. Some call it anti-intellectualism, I call it remembering the 90's.
> No longer do we sweat and dote on these machines that accompany us everyday,
NEWSFLASH: This has been the exact same sentiment of every generation of industrial designers since the IR.

> they are just foreign abstract objects that do a job.
NEWSFLASH: They always have been, you stupid bitch.
that training will come in handy when she comes to terms with being a lesbian. You know, with the constant domestic abuse and all.
who the fuck uses telegram anyway? is she just on it because the right wing grifters and glowies are? Is she training to join le proud boys?
> is she just on it because the right wing grifters and glowies are?
Ding ding ding
She only got it like a year and a half ago to join her retarded larp wignat groups since it's what they all use
Beautiful fucking bush. Shame about the girl it's attached to but I've probably defended Audrey more than most itt so I can't say it's not tempting.
Unlike what the other guy said, I’m not even attracted to her. I just think a lot of the loudest complaints are pretty stupid from an adult perspective. But I’ve never said she’s normal or anything. Just that I think it’s retarded to not hate her exes just as much and that I don’t give a fuck about the ass eating thing because it feels good as hell and I’m not a Christian so I don’t believe people are tainted forever by consensual physical actions. With that said, no I would not date her.
> Just that I think it’s retarded to not hate her exes just as much
Her ex was fucking abused by her verbally and physically. She used him to manipulate him to get her rocks off and then ditched him, like she does with everyone.
And he got off on it like the pegging kink sissy he is. Don’t care. They deserved each other but he couldn’t handle the shame so he came crying here.
nta but how is taking issue with her being an attention seeking lying manipulator(according to multiple anons) something that is considered retarded from an adult perspective? or any perspective other than her own?
Also while I’m at it, I think it’s telling that all the (former and current) Audrey orbiters are quick to rally behind the pegged fag with a mommy kink but have always made fun of girls on here who were abused by men in far worse, actually serious ways. Meanwhile all this guy experienced was sloppy sex with a slampig while getting his sissy fetish fulfilled. He’s a fucking man for christs sake, not a young girl. He could have left her. She’s short, chubby, and stupid. You all make her out to be a master manipulator but she’s obviously just a dumb woman with a scorned ex that has a platform for his grievances. A woman slapping you because you’re being annoying isn’t abuse. Neither is getting pegged consensually.
Maybe it'd feel good as hell to you as a faggot man, but she will always carry the shame of being an asslicking whore (among other things but that's the most humiliating title she's earned)
> A woman slapping you because you’re being annoying isn’t abuse.
> literally kicking you while you're down is not abuse
Okay, pal. And physical shit aside, what do you call treating another person like shit after being emotionally vulnerable to them after your own damn brother killed himself and all you do is immediately start losing respect for the guy? Being a good person? She's a manipulative and evil bitch, nobody here's calling her a genius master manipulator like you said, but everyone's rightfully giving her flak for being an abusive piece of shit to them while also getting outed as a big time slut.
she's just a typical dumb girl doing typical girl things to weed out weak men which is why she has a thread about her on this board like the typical girl
I think it's very shitty and she's a bad girlfriend and shouldn't be in relationships until she becomes a more adjusted person. You can be a shitty person without being abusive. You're sounding like a woman. 

Fucking exactly. 

It's telling that the current and former orbiters of a mommy dom tomboy chubster who powerlifts are weak enough to identify with her faggot ex who's crying abuse because he regrets dating the girl he was attracted to in the first place for being aggressive and overly sexual.
I have to ask bros, why did her ex say he was moving on and yadda yadda just to come back repeatedly and talk about their sex life? It doesn't add up. Why would a victim of abuse want to talk about sex with their abuser to randos on the internet? Not defending her either shes a piece of shit and a BPDemon
It's because he's just as bad as she is in his own way and gets off on the victim feeling and still thinks that it was an epic win to have fucked her, or rather be fucked by her kek. He's a submissive man, so it checks out. They genuinely belonged together imo.
> be Audrey
> meet and fuck guys off 4chan, soc, discord, telegram, et al
> meet up with said and more guys even while in relationships
> garner orbiters online on the side and use unrepentantly some of them as paypigs
> lie, abuse the trust of you and others, act the victim, shits on you for the pettiest of reasons
> eat ass, stick fingers up your ass without asking, fuck guys on the side, do drugs with and without you, have guys over, get drunk with them 

> she's just weeding out the weak men bro XD
Bruh, she literally RAPED someone and PREYS on younger easily manipulated guys with low self esteem. Then she DEFLECTS this abusive label using her """"trauma""" of her dead mom, or rape, or psycho dad, or her friends death, or WHATEVER ELSE. She is HEARTLESS and USES people. Fucking retard making excuses for a dumb slut
In his own words, because some people here desperately needed a reality check after simps like this faggot showed up in her OG thread claiming she was practically a sinless maiden who could do no wrong and defended her from blasphemy like martyrs until she got exposed as nothing but an ass eating abusive piece of shit. Then others came forward and more than confirmed it. So essentially to publicly kick her off her pedestal and take a huge stinky shit on her reputation deservedly.
Yeah and he was rightfully called a fucking faggot for it lol. Doesn't really redeem Audrey borderline raping the guy on other ocassions and cheating, doing drugs with other guys, and the whole laundry list of bullshit she did to him and to others to this day
> they're literally just as bad as each other but let's talk about him and make fun of him he's pathetic please stop talking about Audrey please btw I hate her and think she's stupid but she's also normal and filters weak men and is based on let's talk more about this other guy
Why not talk about him? It's a gossip forum, and he has been in threads himself. I don't see how talking about him is off the table when he has invited this drama by openly talking about his relationship with her on multiple occasions
He was in this same thread just a couple days ago but seemed more intent on calling out some mexican guy who had history with her way back then or something than revealing more about her or giving his opinion on recent events for some reason.
Ikr. It's just too obvious. I wonder who guys like these are tho  >>/75100/
They seemed to be triggered whenever someone mentions something embarrassing about her. Like he seethes at her having been used as toilet paper or a cumrag for many dudes out there.
I don't care if you talk about him but he has given us entertaining threads somewhat at his own expense and embarrassment. and your attempts to deflect from and make excuses for Audrey are very blatant
Where did you find this? 
If it was her ex who sent you it, why and when? 
If it's really her, got any more?

Do you know anything? I really want to talk to her.

This is from thread #2 about helix
> I'm a friend of Audrey's, he really was her ex, she's told me he was extremely abusive to her, he also brought in another friend of Audrey's "helix" into the previous thread because he hated him and would shit talk helix because he was nice to audrey while her ex bf was constantly trash talking her and trying to make her feel bad for leaving him. 

afaik Helix is framed as a guy Audrey took advantage of and led on.
> Helix had a thing for her, they were actually really close from what I understand, but she was just leading him on and exploited him into buying her $800-$1200 worth of items

Here its said he was used to create more drama by using him. Is this her ex's post? 
> Nevermind I remembered how stupid this was, never forget that the whole reason helix was even involved was because of the Mexican who used this immature and stupid grown man to leverage more drama because he knew this helix guy would make this about himself and play the victim for some reason, all to antagonize Audrey.
all that word salad narrative control, especially that last post and
> hey Audrey's friend here that guy was a total abusive JERK!!!
just lmao
Lol. Lmao, even. Since you're obviously out of the loop, Helix was actually treated like total dogshit by Audrey and did actually use him for cash and other goods she fancied. He rightfully despises her now. Which is very telling, since he seems like a decent guy, and to see someone like him getting used and abused by a heartless degenerate whore who was nothing but kind to her and even defended her from what was thought was "slander" (which was all true from the start) is sad. She then got some bordeline teenager cuck she got off telegram to harass him. It only confirms what everyone here has been saying about her for a while.
He said she said narrative my ass. What happened is pretty straighforward. Helix is simply a guy from twitter who was close to her (or at least she made him believe so) who defended her from what her simps thought were lies and slander. Fast forward a couple of months and, Audrey doing what Audrey does best, starts pulling away and treating the poor guy like shit even after he foolishly squandered a lot of money on her at her own request as if he were an ATM. She then resented him for telling her to change and that fucking all those guys and doing drugs and abusing people is maybe a bad idea. So in total Audrey fashion she was pissed off, talked shit about him to others and to his face, and blocked him. So now he, like so many other guys telling very similar stories here, now sees her for who she is.
I like how helix died then came back to life looking like Jesus and everyone just ignores this miracle
I'd bet my third nut she couldn't say why she hates EV without regurgitating some platitude she heard on her chud larp group chats
it's funny to think how in the chud telegram economy this 3/10 lezzie is probably like a 7 or 8 in the eyes of those cringe larpers
Oh absolutely. She singlehandedly destroyed the main group she was in too on account on being a woman and letting them all know that. She got laid because of it too since what else did you think was gonna happen when you put an easy slut with a fetish for incels in an incel group chat.
The belly button is probably the biggest question mark, but then again the person in that pic is lying on their back compared to Audrey's shots where she's standing, which ought to change the shape of it.
haven't been here since her twitter got banned and a bit after, I skimmed a bit whats here telegram? And a tldr of some stuff
So what the fuck is Audrey's deal anyway? She mingles with incels and seems like she wants to be a man, she works out, has a career, she's clearly trying to larp as a man and I think hangs out with incels because she wants the approval of the most fucked up woman hating men she can find to validate that she is not some inferior foid or something like that.
I guess most of her behavior can be pinned to massive daddy issues. She seems to hold a big grudge against her dad and from what I know the guy's a whore chasing neurotic fuck who was mean to her or something, so maybe Audrey becoming a whore herself is a subconscious way of gaining his approval. 

Someone a bit more cultured in psychology can probably explain this in more detail.
> she wants the approval of the most fucked up woman hating men she can find to validate that she is not some inferior foid
This is pretty spot on actually. Why do you think she's obsessed with being seen as based and as you said gaining incel approval via her ever changing views, hobbies and interests (like incelcore) and especially sex
um well you see she's really cool and interesting because she's just not like other women...

but in practice what that means is she's as slutty and catty as other women and afforded all the same privileges but has none of the good traditional qualities you'd expect from a high value woman like being kind, soft around the edges, nurturing, embracing familial and domestic duties etc
Yeah exactly, and actually trying to portray those qualities while retaining her tomboy le based persona is something she stresses over a lot because she refuses to realize they're utterly incompatible. in any case she could always drop the act and be like one of those born again christian ex porn actresses but just like them, that's not gonna make her unsuck all those dicks or unlick those assholes, so she's already fucked her worth as a person.
She quite literally gets wet from being called a whore by the incels with guns larp crowd. Many of the people in the group chat she was in called her that publicly and she just lol'd and kept at it and did what women do best, which was destroying whatever community they had, attention whore, and she got some of those losers to fuck her
False. Bet you would only mention planes and perhaps maybe guns (she doesn't actually know jackshit about guns tho) as proof of your ridiculous claims.
NTA but planes, cats, the music she likes, franchises and video games. She likes history and ik she does because we talked about it in depth together.
I meant actual hobbies and interests, as in things she has a deeper understanding than surface level trivia. Please, sure. Drawing, sure. But other than that she's a pretty shallow and fake person for reasons that have already been discussed in these threads and even in this one too a couple days ago.
God Ikr. It legit makes me so mad and angry when I think about it too much because it's just bullshit someone like her ended up doing what she's done.
body looks right and girls wearing hanes boxer shorts like that isn't exactly common. Also in the bush pic when laying down she has that heavy crease on the left side of the belly button and in the two pics confirmed to be her you can see a mark/indentation/whatever in the same spot
WAIT wasn't there a pic posted to an earlier thread of her tummy with the caption "your sweat" or something among those lines? It needs to be found to use as reference asap
I dunno about any harrassment because all that junkie turk has done is cry and seethe because "Audrey" called her life style retarded, so for the junkie turk this constitues "harrassment" somehow. Also keep that retarded drama in her own thread.
I'll give credit where credit is due... Audrey really btfo that junkie roach and shattered her ego. 10/10 meltdown
"Aubrey" joined cewl's discord a couple days ago when cewl first messaged audrey, before anyone knew about it, before any of this drama. I don't know.
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FOUND IT holy shit. So I found the pic I remembered someone posted a few threads back and included it to the other pics for reference and boy does it makes me wonder. I also mirrored the one with the blue boxers as to match the "direction" of the others for more accuracy. 
What do you guys think? Do we have a smoking gun?

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