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she wasn’t even an drug addict maybe she did expirment with other drugs but she literally said herself that she mostly just smokes weed you only call her that because thats what everyone else says and you can’t think of any other insults kek
Bianca cheated on guys but she wasn't that bad. And she was just a mentally ill kid. For God's sake why are people still pestering her family?

Most of us didn't look that good when we were younger, she had the chance to become a model though. And even if some people don't think she looked pretty, you can't deny that she was still above average.
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Yeah, she was literally scouted by a photographer and building her modeling portfolio before her death. She probably would've been a casual model, like for online clothing stores.
Brandon told Antimone Bianca enjoyed uppers, downers, all sorts of drugs and he supplied her with many. I don’t think he said that to make her look bad or him better (it makes him look worse).
so, if bianca was this model tier popular stacey, someone tell me WHY the guys she dated were balding incel fucking losers like brandon and marc linden, lol. why wasnt she dating literal chads?

please discuss
because she was literally on r9k and she feeded off the attention and she knew they would also give her drugs, theres plenty of conventionally attractive models that have dated ugly people (adrianna lika for example) just because they dated a bunch of ugly people doesn’t mean they’re ugly lol.
I’m basing this off of what he wrote in his letters to her. The only person I know who claims she only took Weed and Xanax was her mother who sometimes gave her the latter to manage her.
So if she got other drugs from Brandon like he claimed, it’s safe to assume she sought them out from other guys she met up with from /soc/. One of her cnc kinks/rape fantasies involved being drugged. You can’t honestly think it was merely a fantasy.
i wouldn’t trust everything brandon says he could possibly be over exaggerating or lying about what happened >>/77815/ i also wouldnt trust fully what bianca says either she was known to be a habitual lier by many people that knew her either way we’ll probably never know what actually happened between them
can somebody tell me who these fags are so i can teach them how to use the dark web? no way to know who posted the cp if it was posted on the pedro forums of the dark web
tbh she was pretty and all but so are a lot of girls. whenever i leave my basement and go to the city centre i run into lots girls as pretty as her and they are normies. to make money modelling these days you have to be a 9/10
brandon also said bianca was into masochism but if she truly was then why did reports say she fought for her life during her final moments?
i think its stupid that antimone actually thought she was some junkie madochist because she posted edgy stuff on her tumblr. I myself know girls that post edgy stuff online and they have never touched drugs in there life she would not survive being on twitter nowdays lolz
i know ive read various old posts from bianca talking about how she was in and out of the psych ward a lot. for what exactly? ive not heard anyone explain this. was she cutting/self harming? suicide attempts?
Are you actually retarded 
She was a cutter with borderline personality disorder and no impulse control who would run away from home frequently 
You cannot be this damn oblivious
She was put in a phych ward after she kept running away with her boyfriend at the time and eventually got put on house arrest. she also had a history of self harm she would post pictures of her bleeding cuts on instagram im not sure if she tried to kill herself wouldn’t be suprised
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i think its weird that she comments this on ciaras bfs account but then turns around and disrespects biancas sister on a livestream when they were both equally as bad
all of her kinks pretty much scream to me that she was definitely molsted or something very traumatic happened in her childhood. despite all the bad things she may have done i hope shes atleast at peace now
some say that it was her father, others say that it was all made up by her for sympathy points.
plenty of chronically online girls have those kinks and they have never been raped. they just spent too much time on discord with other degenerates.
kim said that bianca was never molested, but yet again if she was she either never knew or she did and just isn’t gonna tell the whole media
It all goes back to the original e-girl Eve, who lied about being molested by her grandfather.
i feel like its very likely bianca was lying about being molested by her dad because why would he just do it to her and not her little siblings too?
< she was above average 
again. i feel like we glaze her because shes dead the only pictures she looks absolutely beautiful in was when she had pink hair she looked like just an average chick in most pics
> some say that it was her father, others say that it was all made up by her for sympathy points.
Is it some or just one anonymous poster? I talked to her a lot and she never mentioned it. Nor did anyone else I knew who interacted with her, but I noticed whoever kept posting about her on /r9k/ kept mentioning it. A lot of times those sort of people will sprinkle in what they think are believable lies (like an egirl fucking her dog) to go with a few verifiable truths.
she was never molested or did hard drugs people just like to believe the men that made threads about her just because she didn’t send them nudes lol. As someone that has talked to her almost half of the information on the most popular thread circulated about her is false you guys believe it because you want more reasons to not like her for some weird reason
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Based on things i’ve heard about kim shes always reminded me of my mom in a way. She was never actually abusive but very neglectful (wich i think describes kim perfectly) she wouldn’t care that i would go to school high and did pills. She would still let me hang out with people that got me on drugs and let me go with random guys. And never cared to check what i did online looking back im lucky i never ended up in biancas shoes it really all falls back onto the parent and it shows how much kim really failed her.

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