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I wonder if a single normal picture of her exists.
I don't think she'd look ugly, but she hides under so many layers of makeup and filters and angles, it's just weird.
Same goes for her hiding her chin and making a pouty face. And then she also downsizes most pics so details get lost that way too.
It's rather sad.
Miyoko you clown ass ho. Watch when you're mom sees you on here naming yourself a miyoko she's gonna beat your dark ass all the way to El Salvador. Make you appreciate you didn't come out nappy. Miyoko slap yourself with a pupusa.
Make up your mind Watkins. You want to pretend to be Hispanic, or "Latin" as niggas like to say, Jap (not working sister). Have you gone through the phase every nigga goes through where they say they're some type of Indian (Native American)? Dark ass hoe calling herself White Crow, then Maria, now a miyoko. Anything but black. Fucken miyoko - NIGGA PLEASE
noticed she looks very cute in the 4th picture (despite being black) but the 2nd looks uncanny and almost AI generated
the first/last image looks like iris if you squint though
she should wear more dark colors

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