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Nta but i'm curious about a couple things.
one, how long and what did you talk to her about? like what was the extent of your relationship with her? 
and two, why are you implying relief at *not* losing your virginity to Audrey? you say she was free game and stuff as if you wanted to bang her and had a chance to but also say you thank god you didn't fuck her, so i'm confused here
> She is fat
A bit chubby, not obese by any metric

> mannish
More like tomboyish

> and brown
Kek now you're just making shit up. You probably simp for some retarded ugly whore and are jealous of the Audrey.
Not an Audrey expert at all here but let me give you my 2 cents on the matter:

> nose
I'd say it looks sort of Germanic, that bifid nose tip is a very prominent feature on central European faces.

> eyes

> lips
Difficult to tell for sure, but most likely a mix of amerigolem genes with hispanic/med.

> skin tone
She's got this curious thing where in some photos she looks quite tan while in others her skin looks rather pale/yellowish. 

> hair and eye color
Southern euro (Spanish/greek/southern italian). Her hair is a deep strong brown tone that's common in coastal Spain, southern Italy and across latin America which is why she almost looks latina.

In short, she's quite mixed and hence why she doesn't exactly look like a proper German, Italian, or even Latina, but an ammalgamation of them and possibly some indian blood. Quite simply she's just American, not aryan by any stretch of the imagination, and most definitely a mutt with strong hispanic admixture.

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