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Well the guy admittedly called himself to be "a litte fruity" and owned up to liking that sort of shit, so if anything it says more about Audrey's sluttiness if she was willing to do something as degenerate as that. Everybody has their limits and the fact that she didn't set her own is a huge red flag, nobody does shit they know is wrong or bad or simply sick "out of love" or whatever cope they come up with. And even still... she ate ass. She put her lips and her tongue to a guy's shithole. There is literally nothing lower and more humiliating than that. She kissed ass literally lmao. She's an asslicker.
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Everyone is so cute
Real smart asses 

But who are you all huh, not a single man
Not one amongst  you all 
I am so glad I'm not one of your little zoom fruits with your sheshe ideals
I'm kind of a tourist when it comes to Audrey threads but I don't see what makes her physically ugly, she looks like a normal fat American girl.
I think the thing with her is that she USED TO BE obectively very cute which nicely complemented her interests and demeanor and sense of humor to project an aura that no other basic bitch egirl gave. 

What happened next is nothing short of a tragedy and it reflected physically on her looks as you can see in her latest photos.
Oh yeah I don't mean to say she turned into a hambeast or anything that drastic but she did gain a lot of weight and isn't as cute as she used to be. but physical stuff aside what I meant by tragic was her becoming a textbook definition of a whore when she wasn't like that at all. It's as if once she gained the least bit of independece once she got into college she decided spreading her legs for online and irl guys alike and tasting fartboxes from 4chan and drinking and doing drugs with strangers was a good idea.
But oh well, women will be women and there really are no good ones at all out there I guess.
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Hotel whore's coming in with what you left
Kitsch spiceless tramps of postulated assumption 
So typical and anemic to their own loss
A liaison  between a half way point of adventure and death
Cutie pies all around, never yearning for it's purity  

All of man had become a Jewish bedlam lively off the ptomaine poison that sustains them
I say let's. I wonder how hard it gets and if she gets pissy if you don't eat her out too often. I wonder if her asshole is super hairy too.
do you think she winced once she got the faint taste of shit on her tongue or was she a good whore and kept her cool while licking
It's insane how she can delude herself into thinking she's a refined lady with a penchant for the fine arts and a low-class butch tomboy simultaneously, desperate to appeal to both sides and failing because like you said deep down and even at surface level she's an ass licking whore and a poser.
Legit question since this got me thinking, she talks so much and pins so much of her bullshit to trauma and PTSD because of her having been raped (retroactively lol), so if the guy ended up being physically and/or mentally damaged as a result of the sex acts she performed on him, can it be said that she raped him?
She's an emotional and sexual abuser but her dumbass can't comprehend she too is capable of being that because she's a heckin' victim.
congratulations, seems like you inadvertedly stumbled upon why people here turned on her, jackass
she's been posting shit like that since forever and that made her quite special to many, til some guys outed her as a slut and her ex simply opened the can of worms by showing just how much of a sick degenerate whore she is underneath that persona
Who gives a fuck anymore seriously she's so boring and not special. Also didn't her cat die? What a psycho still skinning animals too

Is she trying to make someone jealous?
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Don't go eating a coon Audi that's a little beyond me
You want it's pelt or feed it to a dog or something sure, but eating one is like eating swine
Real bottom feeding like crustaceans sucking the scum off the bottom of the sea

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