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Did you ask her if Sam took her virginity?

I know she says no on her website, but in a live conversation you could get an idea if she's lying.
Mostly reminisced about back when she was popular on 4chan, because that's when I first became aware of her. Chatted a bit about her new videos, mostly the mockumentary she made about transgenders, which was very funny imo.

I didn't ask her about this because it's stupid, afaik sam didn't/doesn't even know who she is. Call her and ask yourself.
> sam didn't/doesn't even know who she is

He was posting in her YouTube comments section.

> Call her and ask yourself.

I live across the fucking ocean. If I could afford to call her - I would ask about her current bf, not Sam.

Sam took it from us.
> He was posting in her YouTube comments section.

> If I could afford to call her
US voip lines are dirt cheap. she also has an email address
thumbnail of the Lesbian Pill.mp4
thumbnail of the Lesbian Pill.mp4
the Lesbian Pill mp4
(14.17 MB, 640x360 h264)
> *Sob* nobody wants to flirt with meeee *sob-sob*
> except online. That doesn't count.

Nothing wrong with wanting to touch vagege as a woman, Ash. As I've said, it's normal. It's a female evolutionary sexual adaptation tactic called "Better homo than sub8".
> dude look at her
I did and saw peak tomboy with yummy milkies.

Men don't flirt with her in real life because they think she's waaaay out of their league.
Bro you blind? look at these milkies 
The perfect sized handful, not too small, not too big. Perfect.
Seeing as they usually have horrible domestic violence rates and are most likely to split apart, I find this funny. Two hyper-emotional beings trying to deal with each other for years on end? kek
> be ashley
> 2014
> make edgy videos on youtube
> anorexic demon worshiping youtuber posts you on /pol/
> ohshit.webp
> 2023
> neckbeard in the body of a girl
> lesbian
> can't get a girlfriend
> settle for your dog(s)
who among us can truly judge her?
All of us if your degeneracy hasn't gone too far. I don't like dogs sexually even if I can't get a girlfriend. Settle for sex toys
> can't get a girlfriend
How do you know she can't?
> All of us if your degeneracy hasn't gone too far. I don't like dogs sexually even if I can't get a girlfriend. Settle for sex toys
You must be mildly autistic, so I'll explain: she doesn't actually have sex with her pugs, it's just a joke

> How do you know she can't?
She's talked about it. Given her interests and personality it's probably true.
> It's a joke
You must be even more mildly autistic, so I'll explain: No duh she doesn't have sex with her pugs. That photo is obvious satire and I was playing into the joke. Have your fingernails ripped off.

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