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ive been planning dyinng my hair for months its got nothing to do witn my mental health >:/
but im very near
> done xanax, going through wd
> i think doc refused to give me suboxone because i had xanax in my urine (??? i thought it was only opiates that made you notget subs)
> UTI because my feet are cold and i dont wear socks at home
> headache
> neighbor from the other apartment, literally like 3 meters between us, was snoring too loud woke me up, and i screamed like AHHHH to wake it up but then it went to sleep four seconds later again. im done. (roomy thought i got electrocuted)
i might just end it
oh god if u think this is edgy u dont wanna see me on my teenager pol phase ... we all had one

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Yes it's from the twilight zone get searching for that perfect episode, there's nothing better in the entire show
Start with that
It was pulled from the air for it's understanding of substance abuse 

Also about the joke
It's facetious, think of those silly emo kids backing school and when they do something edgy and stupid you say oooooh ya soooo edgy bro are you like a vampire or something
Lmao it's a joke 
You fuck with them cuz you know just how lame it actually is

well i understand the joke but now im confused. emo kids arent lamer than normies cmon!
also wym? i just saw that pics/video of people dying due to a broken FX plane explosion, with fire fx and shit.
shouldnt i start with the first episode?...

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I really don't know what you're talking about
If you were more fun I could fun myself, but I could care less now that I'm a little older than you

Obviously emo kids are likewise
Which in all honesty is very sad 
How could anyone last forever in a moonlight gaze of obvious faggotry
There's no new day to wake up to so unclouded to your type
Always another day of faggot rainbow falling down you 

Watch first only that one episode, everything else will be perfect in it's hue 
Try your best to find it, trust me my friend, idk who you think I am, but I've been around the block a few times
Enjoy yourself as I do, watch and find that episode 
It's perfect

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I've been enjoying myself for what 3 weeks now
I haven't made it any mystery, it's obvious considering I've said as much 
As I've said before I came back to deal with someone, but now I've just been enjoying myself
You're all very boring and there is no fun posting or any engagement at all tbh besides petty little women behavior
But I have a place to post what I want while feeling absolutely nothing at all 
It's rather fun and enjoyable

I'm sure I'll only be ere for a little while more but that's what I said the other week so who knows
But the fact you still remember me is pretty sad isn't it
Have fun my friend 
Try not to think about me cutie pie

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I have nothing to say 
I keep my word, I have my integrity 
I keep what others want to myself and don't ever say a damn thing to no one

I'm also very happy in my place atm, full on wife and everything that goes along with it
I'm a happy lad
All I wish was for you all to find that too
Maybe you still all can 
There is no malice on my side, I'm still just as helpful

O M G Queens
Is that a female!?
I can't believe a female is whoring herself out so cheaply 
OH MY GOSH this can't be real, sisters let's unite so why can offtake the lustful tide of male recognition which we totally don't actually care for yet simp for in our own way

I bet her family is in denial she's retarded since she's still young and probably has gotten by ok so far in a life mostly laid out for her. Eventually they'll realize she is incapable of caring for herself or living as an adult. An adult with the mind of a child is a dangerous thing, as seen by her whoring, drug addiction and almost complete lack of sentience. Without her safety net she would likely be homeless or dead.

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imagine being cewl's father
imagine spending 20 years of your life looking after your retarded daughter 
imagine spending your life savings to send her to one of the most expensive universities in turkey
now imagine she spends all her time there and the money you send her to do drugs with junkie losers and send nudes to incels
i would rope

she's retarded until she posts her transcript and proves it

she "quit" heroin by switching to an equally addictive substitute. she's still an addict but now she gets her fix from the medical jew rather than the streets. only a low iq idiot would fall into the "addiction is a disease" trap like she has. pathetic.

im aware of all this. you know, im addicted to pain killers because im pretty sure my joints are fucked up with all the comorbid illnesses that comes from having autism and adhd. but its hard to get diagnosed, especially when youre in a country youre not a citizen of.
im sure i have some deep problems, but im always thankful for my parents. they really help me a lot. im not sure what they would think of me using drugs, but im sure they would be proud now that i am not doing as bad as i was in active addiction.
sad thing is, during my most active addiction, using heroin all the time, i was doing my best. i wasnt on here using my body to socialize and minimizing my self worth to my body. i was doing my best in schoolwork. going clean really made me tired and made me 3 times slower on schoolwork than i would be doing ritalin x heroin speedballs and finish 1 paper in 6 hours just to reward myself with H.
every day, i want to do heroin, i want to do opiates, shushing myself is always hard.
im sure they would forgive me once or twice but thrice they would find out im doing drugs they would probably lose hope on me.
LOL sometimes i ask a lot of questions which makes students sigh and get angry with me and im p sure im getting bullied by some girls because they think im a "know it all" or "goody two shoes"
thats why i could never tell him...
> doxx myself just to prove something
yeah id rather just have some people not trust me. people didnt believe wren when she did anyways, it ended up being worse.
yes suboxone has worse withdrawals when you use it for a long time but its clearly not the same as heroin brah come on. im on the lowest dose (2 mg) and i do not get high from it. it just minimizes my withdrawals and cravings, and provides a tolerance that makes it so its senseless to use opiates before quitting suboxone for 2-3 days.
addiction IS a disease, you have that addiction gene and whatnot. also people with neurodivergent disorders are more likely to self medicate with drugs.
to be honest i make fun of those who get addicted to meth or weed or ketamine or coke. it has no withdrawals, when you quit, you have no reason to use again. when youre out of a baggie just wait a week and you wont be a crackhead. but noo. thats why i think being a dope fiend is based and since real crack is out of the picture and all coke addicts go homeless id say theyre cringe.
not to say in US the opioid epidemic is so bad that previously opiate prescribed sick people cant get it because doctors are told to not prescribe it as often are on the streets getting H or most likely fentanyl. rip

i remember her posting some scripts of a medical form of her diagnosis, which was autism or anxiety
anyway she censored her name but people somehow found her name from the back of the same paper
also they thought she wrote a whole ass document on her own? just for a petty internet thing... tf... 
anyway, lil girl cant get a break. its so sad really. i wish her the best but its not here because i believe shes underage but i dont have any way to prove that. its just her huge cutie cheeks...

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slowly, documenting, would cook bits and pieces before your death, we eat it together hannibal style, i make you go crazy stockholm syndrome 
no true scotsman fallacy + lemonade la la lemonade. lemonade la la lemonade
no i would look weird and cringe because i would get wrinkles in my face and would get called a angel because i dont have forehead botox

sharig some old art :3 with alcohol markers and shie

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-_- this is what im talking about bro. sorry im not using botox at 15 like my peers in serbia. sorry i dont use retinol because its a hard chemical.
just cause when i smile i have laugh lines crows feet whatever and have lines between my eyebrows when i make them angry, or forehead lines when i raise my eyebrows, doesnt mean im old.
22 doesnt make me a angel, im not sorry im more womanly then most children egirls who desperately want to get groomed somehow in marcs e harem. 
and aging isnt some devils thing. its a sign you lived and experienced more. i think its cute. id love to grow old with someone, see each other change but still love as much as day one...

Yeah getting botox is retarded, unnatural and cringe bro, unlike based heroin and hard drugs XD

> id love to grow old with someone, see each other change but still love as much as day one
I pity the cuck dumb enough to settle for your junkie whore ass

i am not, thats what im saying. im not goinng to use retinol before i turn 25.
just because i reply to sth doesnt make me insecure.
im sorry, my brain just fires 37394628 thoughts a second so i just want to type. i go on rants often.
why are people so mad ? im literally delivering. i have an objectively above average figure. thats what u guys ask of every girl that doesnt have nudes; "does she have nudes leaked, did she ever post tits?" just cause i find fun in replying to tits or gtfo, im not some blown out sex doll. people send nudes to their boyfriends. i talk to people on here and my server all day and send nudes to them just like that.

im convinced anyone who doesnt like me is gay or a jealous girl

idk if anyone made one but i share my nudes on my discord servers sexy place chcannel
im sorry i really forgot about it. i have some plans im just afraid someones going to try to talk to me when im recording or wearinf stuff... agangelghh
i dont want to become big on youtube or streaming i just want to hang out with you guys and make you happy

also, i havent used opiates in months guys, and heroin since christmas... please be considerate, or some of you guys are single because you are unable to and are apathetic disordered "people".

also heroin doesnt affect your skin like meth because itsnnot made with battery acid and its not laced at least here when i used to do it. i became really attentive to my skin care so thats why i talked about retinol and whatnot. even though when my skin is clear people think i use filters.. i use filters sometimes but its obvious, like there is edited things in the picture like a background or something on my head or face like a halo or cat ears and whatnot.

okay mr sadge, then hide the thread! its easy as that, then i wont annoy you! but you reply to me with a sage every second i post, how peculiar. do you get off to this or are you some kind of tsundere? cause you say 3 simps on every thread i dont get it. you wanna be the fourth?
< 333

id LOVE to see you pose like that. id love to see you pose your best even. lets see if you deliver as much as i do jackass

it would be so time consuming for me to upload every picture because i delete half of them after posting i have to download them then wait for my shitty weird phone endchan moment having a hard time uploading pics then make sure theyre all in order before some guy bullies me for no reason other than not having sex or talking to a real woman

I wouldn't worry about it, your skin looks fantastic. There's some weird  crazed tranny group out there that shit up every *chan* style thread everywhere for some reason, they're all human abortions. Ignore it. Too bad none of the janitors anywhere are smart enough to deal with it.

Though if you're interested in moisturizers, Vaseline "Intensive Care" is fucking amazing.

> so time consuming
Then you should start uploading quick. We're losing daylight.
> every picture
So you made a bunch. That's good.
> because
> some guy bullies me for no reason other than not having sex or talking to a real woman
I see you can handle that.

yeah im convinced they are like those unpaid reddit moderators because imagine saging the second i post like how does that even fo anything 😂😂😂 theyre always so uncreative too. its too muchc and done to every girl regardless of what they do they will be haters. so i stopped giving a fug because its the same copy and paste things like how copypastas become unfunny these dont hurt me

also i have pretty mixed/oily skin so i dont need heavy moisturizing so i use water based :D thank you so much tho! i may use it on my cheeks and under eyes before makeup because those areas are so dry even makeup primer doesnt help, it looks so cakey ;-;
no we jsut have e sex on vc. wtf?
yeah cuz instead of my own brain and thoughts there is shit i read in 2014 and movie transcripts. tf?

> i dont want to become big on youtube or streaming i just want to hang out with you guys and make you happy
"im not interesting enough to have decent following so i shoot up heroine and post my roast beef on imageboards for attention!"

>  im not some blown out sex doll. people send nudes to their boyfriends. i talk to people on here and my server all day and send nudes to them just like that.
idk man sounds like a blown up sex doll to me

> deliver
I'm not a dumb junkie slut e-girl like you tho, so I have no obligation to deliver to anyone lmao. only narcissistic whores like you feel the need to deliver because of some imaginary need for validation from strangers on the internet lmao. imagine being that fucking stupid.

She's a good waifu. It'd be nice if the chans were actually moderated but the psyops from various trash countries and discord communities "Coincidentally" don't fall under janitorial duties.

Of course that's not her. I doubt it ever has been. It's all a slew of trannies shitposting. All of the secondary chans are. At best. Or Honeypot trash from glownigger scum trying to justify their salary. Hint: They can't, except to 75 IQ boomer white trash that made it a little too far by being literal psychopaths.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't lovingly lick her anus while she tells me about her day before I fill her full of children.

This bitch seemed to have gained a bit of traction when she was btfo by an audrey impersonator on twitter a couple of weeks back lmao but before that only like 2 or 3 simps were bumping her threads while 90% of the posts were calling her an ugly cunt who should kys herself. I took a look at her discord the other day and holy shit, she calls herself "princess" there lmfao, and again, it's 2 gigasimps at most the ones who are terminally online and replying to her every post. Embarrassing.

the larpers developed lately he only caught up now after 12 threads he diesnt know me to think my best thing is to get byllied by audrey as if my nudes didnt achieve bump limit r9k. that sager myst be one of the old guys audrey fucks

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its not a cosplay its just a jirai kei outfit i boyght from aliexpress but thats not the top i bought. it was fromm... february? would love to if just wearing shit wasnt sweaty.
ill shower today so mayhaps
satanic trips kun youre so closeee, thats what they call me sometimes. not my name rho ;)

i cant stop going on temu theyre so cute ahh

also a photocard i decorated


jesus christ -_- how many times will you type the same sentence in different formations?
we get it youre obsessively hate me. you dont even sage. fine im a junkie. you know how everyone hated ciara until she died? do you want a similar case? thankfully i dont junk anymore and overcame my crazy opiate addiction. i bought twice and its been months from my last time.
the videos i made junking the oxy precipitate didnt really make me high, i have high tolerance, and dont get high off opiates easily.
im doing everything to do my best. ijust because i was offline during my peak junkie, i feel like youre mad you couldnt bully me in real time. whats your end goal?

and what is this about me lying? yeah i dont wanna give out my government name like many girls here. whats the point? how do you know what is the truth or not?

that doxxfag guy was some retard who met me and realized i was a gamer and probably sperged out after realizing i do shit like this. he probably thought he had a chance with me and realized he doesnt and splurged some shit out to defame me.

> how many times will you type the same sentence in different formations?
lets see: 1.junkie 2.attention whore 3. liar and i forgot roastie so that means 4!=24 different formations

> sperged out after realizing i do shit like this
dodged a fucking cannonball it seems

he was disabled im pretty sure. i was doing charity work. he just lied prob cause he wanted to do something his sociopathy told him
ahahah thank u i wanted to put some effort cause i havent in a good while hope you guys like it ❤️ my friend who studies fashion helped me

guys please stop bullying me because of this specific reason. just because i look like lanza and have pale skin doesnt make me an extraterrestrial. please stop calling me "greyie". its a real slur to the real extraterrestrial. please. we may get in real contact sometime and im sure they wouldnt like all this.
i did not get sodomized by aliens. it was just my poop. stop making me feel bad about this its not funny at all
i beg of you, for the betterment of our earth

watch as this gets banned prolly because this is fatsaturn ver 7373627362

you can hide the thread for free. do you not have any feelings other than hatred?

your woman hate levels are insane. its evident you dont even talk to your mom like a human, while she still cares for you the same as you were 5 years old dude. get a life, please. 
> junkie when i do other drugs
> normie pothead when i smoke weed


please refer to  >>/79852/
stop calling me an alien, i have red blood youc an see from the vids i shared whjile shooting up.
i may have autism face and the camera of course distorts but you dont probably take pictures of yourself cause you cant stand looking at yourself but thats what cameras do.

because i just want to share my daily life with people, i dont really care if i look good, put any filters or such. i just wanna do what friends do and maybe a little more eheh. im sorry i dont curate myself to be the angel you normally see 24/7.
same case with the people who think they "pwn" me after sharing a picture i took in psych ward/rehab. i mean YEAH, i was not doing good, i wont look good, no makeup is allowed and more.

like wtf do you expect. its either
> hurr durr makeup changes you so much its not even you wymen who do makeup are lying to us
> wow shes so ugly she cant even do makeup to hide it haha

how about you attempt to grow a beard? or do you not have enought testosterone for more facial hair other than a neckbeard? come on now, isnt facial hair a mans makeup?

maybe youre just shit about looking after yourself.

sorry all the blood rushed to my dick and i sounded deranged i never saw much of ur pics before and honestly i am worried about ur mental health since u are still around four cham for like four years but reading through these threads kinda got me a ecrush on u please stay safe qt

i dont feel bad for cewl since im smart enough to not shoot up but despite all of that and especially since the fact she carries anarexia like a princess i would date her if she was willing to overlook the possibility i have aides and in the event i do take aides medicine if we ever fuck and she contracts tbe virus
if i have aides it could be prevented if i take enough to get my viral load down to untransmittable levels but cewl would have to accept the very real risk that our lovemaking could infect her with a chronic condition
and im a virgin too if i got the aides it would be probably due to my anarexic ex doxxing my address and my hater breaking in and injected me with tainted needles (long story but i had a rash on my taint a few weeks ago and im concerned but i need a job and an income before i want to be identified by my state as infected and get tested since it will require expenses but im not selfish about it since im a virgin so i wont be transmitting aides to anyone (such as cewl) before getting tested)

I feel so bad for cewl tbh. She's like 25 and still pandering to pedros on an orbitting board. Mods honestly need to ban her for her own good because her threads are just 60% her talking and replying anyways. Not that she'd have anyone to talk to though because her server is dead. I really do feel bad for her and hope she gets her act together, maybe a nice boyfriend who will help fix her.

oh ive been on basket weaving forum since like 12.
I spent a lot of time being a gamergate alt right pipeline victim, but i feel being a radical can push you to many extreme things, still valid for me. I like 4chan because it is one of the only place (and forums alike) people talk about actual things they think about. not stupid small talk or whatever. just thought exchange.
then, i answered a tits or gtfo for real real and saw how everyone liked it.
> i dont shoot up
so you chase the dragon and your teeth are shit.
> i have aids
how did you get aids without needles?

prime junkie here guys, im a normie junkie compared to him

i wish to find love, hope you can too, but im sure it is not me. love is found in real life. we just have fun here. youre welcome to worship me and spread the word of our cult and become an orbit
dont care about what? i love you guys, like i said the internet is where i have my friends and can be my real self.
yeah im used to mean people but i just dont understand how they are so obsessed they probably fantasize about hatefucking me. like wtf just hide the thread
i always think about that tyler tweet when someone tries to be mean. i dont get sad because bullies but sometimes i get sad because its true, i cant express myself well in short form and stuff, i hate myself and the mean comments validate that, but im glad theres more people that actually like me that make me feel good about myself.
i love dressing up now, even though i dont go out with very attentive outfits, i like to dress like that and take pics. like the dress i wore as a blouse outside but i sent the server how the dress actually looks. i hope you like it guys <3
wtf? there are literal children here and their groomers call me a angel when im 22 and have a babyface with huge cheeks. I HAVE FREE WILL IVE BEEN HERE AS A CHILD ONLY BECAME AN EGIRL AS AN ADULT

backseat gaming my fucking life ffs
I accept your apology if youre actually elliot. But i can't forgive you mostly. you literally posted CP of a dead girl and would always annex convos by starting to talk about lolis or ciara and tried to make me look bad when i just like loli aesthetic but you masturbate to it and go towards extreme loli porn rather than me who just likes the otaku culture part, cute girls, and drawings.
you were talking about REAL children.
i dont want an fbi agent on my server. i hope you get rehabilitation or find a gf that is an adult and see how retarded liking children is

no I did not. The first time I posted pics was in a thread I created about UTIs. I had blond hair then. They didn't believe I was a woman, hence tits or gtfo.
I posted more and more after they told me I had estrogen tits and still wasn't a girl.
Noone really shares those because I was anon then.
then, I became ket-chan after doing ketamine and postng nudes
Keep in mind I didnt have the name cewl or my face posted.
Then I got banned from r9k for camwhoring and shared 1-2 pics on soc but it isnt as fun to talk about robots <3
Then I became cewl, around august, then someone leaked my face and I started posting my fac ecause it was an ugly pic xD


I have been on many boards before becoming an egirl but I was on soc only that one time because the people there are retarded. I used to be on s4s way more than r9k before I became an egirl >>/80144/

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theyre one of my closest friends and they see the same nudes everyone sees.
its your choice if you want to interact with me more. im currently making a time for all of us to do soemthing together like gartic or a movie ! 
yes i know, i gained a lot of weight after rehab. but you may notice i never shared my ass then bc it was non existent. i now have more volumptious thighs
i have an eating disorder, i wish i was as thin as that time, but now that im more sober than i used to be and use more medicine its way more harder to lose weight. but hey, my boobies grew a lil and my ass is big with thick thighs.
i am still sexy :3
i changed , but thats life, its normal.

no i will leave. i will post more the more i become the worlds #1 girl and with all orbiters on their knees arranged like a nude model in an art class studying the model, i will make the best poses for you guys!

> i will make the best poses for you guys!
who the fuck is "you guys"? Nobody is even asking for it, you don't even have a following and all your retarded threads are bumped by a couple of terminally online simps. Literally everybody wants you dead or at least gone, you're annoying and extremely retarded.
Nigger nosed alien looking whore.

lmao this bitch talking about her "cult" and how she's a real egirl making people happy by being a whore. peak delusion.

imagine the embarrassment of this being your daughter. and cewl says she's looking for love like anyone wants to love a retard that whores herself online and behaves like a complete lolcow.

> lmao this bitch talking about her "cult" and how she's a real egirl making people happy
Just checked and saw that her first thread was made all the way back in september of 2022 and was literally dead. Nobody bumped the thing for over 10 months lmao. Then from october of last year til now she's got like 11 more threads made, of which 90% of the replies are samefags, the whore herself, and her 2 discord gigasimps. She has no lore, nothing interesting about her, no organic following or even drama, she just forced herself as an e-girl and thinks posting her roastie cunt and pathetic tits is "making you guys happy" somehow when everybody wants her gone or don't even know who this bitch is. Even Brooke wasn't as annoying or retarded as her.

no i dont i just type wtf
close but i became "cewl" in 2022. before that it was ket chan or completely anonymous but i posted tits...
smh noone knows the full lore...

i want someone to post the pics i just posted to the discord server becaus ei feel like id be flaunting ehehe

maybe you're just useless and boring then? and what you're doing makes you a whore without question.
yes but how many of them spammed their nudes seeking approval on an egirl gossip forum and begged to be called an egirl? there's no mystique there and no reason for anyone to orbit her. we've seen all she has to offer already, mentally and physically, and it's meh.

dude you reply to me instantly. and im on here all day.
hence anon is right. stop with this

i said i think my hater broke into my parents house and injected me with needles since my ana ex doxxed me im not a junkie and ive never done drugs other than kratom
ok well just know u can come back from a shitty deal and fix ur life and be happy even without ur youth or drugs or lots of simps (ur still really beautiful though)

why is cewl a whore on the internet instead of being a wholesome gf for some robot? posting nudes publicly is so weird, one thing is to get your nudes leaked like Tahlia Kasper etc where you are a victim of betrayal, other thing is to spam your OWN nudes that's Roz behaviour

you're so narcisisstic and stupid you can't fathom people actually thinking you're an annoying cunt so you come up with the most retarded copes like when you seethed so hard you got owned by an audrey catfish you're still seething about it to this day

I think people would like her more if she went for the wholesome route. But if she posted her boobs once and left anons begging for more it would be a good technique however she is kinda average looking, if you leave your house you see women beautiful as cewl or more beautiful. Her body is kinda bland as well at least for me but DFCfags probably enjoy it. Her personality comes off as tryhard tho
that's niggerish behaviour

she seems kinda fake I don't know if she is genuine  at all. Her "haha everyone that does not like me is a woman, a faggot or the same anon samefagging" thing is a cope. Does cewl have friends ? how is her server even like?

egirl psychology is simple, they never got attention until they posted themselves online and became addicted to that feeling. Most of them have done nudes, marky first started by doing nudes and kept doing it because it was addicting, which she then excused as being "manic" behavior to justify it kek.

yeah she is average at best to anyone that touches grass, and even for the terminally online neet there is more T&A on the net than they could look at in a lifetime, most of it better looking. cewl is too dimwitted to understand the factors that made the egirls of yesteryear popular, despite being relatively avg themselves, and the ways they kept people interested + looking for more.

There wasn't anything that made the egirls of yesteryear special though, at least not if you were around when they were active, they did the same shit just posting their dumb faces on the internet and lonely anons giving them free attention, most egirl threads were mainly hating on them until they died which is when they started simping and pretending like they aren't just dumb fucking attention whores with severe mental health problems.

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I don't want to sound like a motherfucking hater but objectively cewl DOES NOT fit in with the aesthic of the previous e-girls. She does not give a mysterious hiki autistic girl vibe she just looks like a normie to me, and also looks mid next to the other girls. Cewl looks like a normie larping as an autist

no they weren't special but they were better at pretending they were special and at gatekeeping their nudes to maintain some intrigue and desire.
marky's only widely distributed nudes were selfmade cp. it gave her popularity and the limited nature of her illegal nudes created more interest, as did the tease of the potential for more (and legal) nudes to come. it also contributed to the whole "poor victim i can save her" delusion so many orbiters had.

She just looks a little bit more jewish than those other girls but I'd say she fits the image. 
Also all those girls were full blown normies IRL, they partied, they did hook ups, they have partners, friends, etc.. They just pretended they didn't in order to appeal to you, every time it was leaked that they were doing drugs and having hook ups with trannies in sheds everyone turned against them. At least cewl will tell us if she does.
You are just a dumb annoying faggot and I don't care to argue about whatever nonsense you're spewing, there is no intrigue or desire to these mentally ill women, you just need retarded excuses to hate on cewl.

> how is her server even like?
a couple of european faggots, one named jurgen and another whose name i dont remember, kissing her ass nonstop and circlejerking ad infinitum. they also bump this thread all the time. the junkie roastie goes by "princess" there and her lap dogs call her that too lmao.

> no intrigue or desire
yet they didn't have to post constant nudes to have the tons of orbiters they did while cewl keeps posting her nude shots and can't scrape together more than a couple sad simps here or in her discord server

maybe she'll figure it out one day 😉

im black african nigger and pictures of the beautiful goddess cewl adorn the walls of my hut. every morning upon waking and every night before rest i chant in her name ugu mudu laka magani cewl cewl lakana igomi naté!

i doubt the real cewl even posts here

if you're the real cewl post a photo with timestamp, shoe on head and sharpie in the pooper. then maybe we can consider calling you a real egirl

Is that the real you?
I'm so happy to see you.

Not that I like foreigners in the first place.
But you have a face the Japanese like.
I'm crazy about you.

Even if you are a jirai kei (地雷系女子),
I don't care if you are a yandere(病んデレ).

If I don't quit being your fan, I will invite you to Japan in about 6 months.

Japan is having a hard time coming up with funds due to the weak yen.

Crazy that these dumb faggots think anyone who talks shit of this whore can only be one guy lmao. Especially when it's a couple of simp niggers forcing this ugly mutt on the board but you're right. These bitches thrive on attention and pull drama out of their ass to get traction somehow.

yes i had some blue highlights
yes it is me!
I am happy to hear this.
I have been loving japanese culture since I was a kid. My first love was Hatsune Miku.
Thank you for telling me that! I don't like myself but it makes me happy to hear!

I think I am complete menhera....

Oh! I would love to, but I am a student. And trusting is an issue. It can be scary

I buy figures due to weak yen, I bought Ame-chan.

You can come to our discord server.
QyFuFmrh paste this to the (+) you see on discord.
im not larping 😭
i will post what im eating rn in a sec bcs the endchan on movile is weird

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hey guys...
big thing...

> Mousou Express cover

other singing and proof i didnt use a voice changer i just opened youtube and obs and did 1 take lol
> yap and range showcase
> alto copa cabana not my best range

i think its mega cringe but i wanted to make content for u guys so.. i hope u enjoy.
if you guys like it i can sing more!

you give it to me. we will see what i can do in my lab.
AHNNN senpai~~~ 
hes a real life pedro like pedro for 3d girls and was posting ciaras CP bro and hes so annoying like were having a discussion and he just posts a picture of ciara with her period blood like he doesnt know how to converse and was bothersome and a total bully. then when i confronted him, made a backhanded joke like he always does then he CRIED so hard and i had to push him further and he snapped. i dont wanna deal with him again because it feels like he will just do the same thing.

i purged a lot of ppl a while ago when i got paranoid/when some retard tried to dox vore, but i only banned some kid going through a hard pol phase and elliot


elliot, you werent even nice 1 time asking me to unban you. you know i wouldnt do it. you act like a child without an ipad when you dont get exactly what you want and what you want is impossible. we are not your spoiling enabling parents. go throw a toddler tantrum to them

guess i do sometimes. but sometimes i love being girly. the woke got me thinking im nonbinary but i just dont care about gender really. im my own being. i identify as eldritch horror creature
im actually paul dano thank you for listening to my band mook guys actually i may be niel cicerega lemon demon tally hall miracle musical aswell
yeah like i said i was paul dano for a while and niel cicerega to make music

guys i just had short hair. and
> be me
> larp as a guy since 12 on forchunge because girls arent allowed
> embrace tumblr aswell
> i want to be a guy
> they can get away with laziness and being mean because boys wll be boys
> i have to be girly sit proper and clean and all that jazz
idk society got me woek idk
i lvoe my tomboy look and i love my short hair, i grew it out this year but couldnt handle it so cut again with the minimum amount of backhair length enough to make me a girlpassing
but i didnt mind getting called a boy and stuff, the worst thing in my hs years is wether i was tomboy or wearing school uniform with skirt and had a bob i was called a dyke -_- 

idk the greentext isnt ALL my thoughts but compressed so i dont rant and bore you guys again

i mean my frieren costume is in customs rn hopefully it arrive soon :D
i mean thats true, and i dont have sex but what makes me feel like a woman is to share nudes and hear you guys compliments
i used to talk about this but on r9k so it got lost easily and i wouldnt get as much yous then
i mean a lot of older egirls are still getting attraction. all of us have our most popular and least popular times. its no biggie. i dont know much about tinker but shes really pretty. i wouldnt say shes "taking away my spotlight" cause this board is for all of the girls. i like her and want to make friends with every other egirl but some experiences started to scare me lol

yeah ... but some are so kind hearted like iris and ika i love them 
no she doesnt :/ show proof if she does. she always says she doesnt hate me when ppl mention me abojt her. maybe she has some bad opinions about me posting nudes but thats no means of ending a relationship
i want to be friends with girls. i like my roommates, and when you still get bullied in classes at this age i just want to make friends with girls
im trying. i want to become a vtuber one day. i streamed minecraft today :) it was pretty fun even with just a handful of you guys. i keep daydreaming about making everyone laugh for my silly actions
idk, i dont like my hair and face and lighting. i have nic eboos tho
i think there ar ebetter ones

what the fuck is happening 

steamworks go byebye always on drm

> they'll just sabotage you and drag you into their fucked up dramas
This is exactly what she treid to do with "Audrey" tho. Bitch made a huge ass pathetic drama out of literally nothing. Comes to show whores like cewl live for the drama and if there isn-t one they'll gladly create it out of thin air.

Who said I simped for her? Holy shit, figures cewl simps have nigger tier IQ just like her if you don't grasp basic reading comprehension. The point was that she lives for the drama, as seen when she pulled a huge bitch fit drama out of her ugly ass where there wasn't any in the first place, because someone larping as Audrey hurt her feefees because they said "she" didn't want anything to do with her.

oh wow okay she looks adorable in that pic. I think the blue + this hair cut  >>/77605/ is what I don't really like. But if she takes better care of it dark suits her as well as the blonde. Does anyone have more cewl pics like that one? that's a wholesome pic

toduay update:
> cooked for the first time in a week at 10 pm
> trying to not get into eating disorder but i only drink liquids until i smoke at night + my sleep meds cause they give me munchies
> steeamed minecraft (vod is on we found a pink sheep!)
> did NOT stay in bed all day
> now its ipad time.. and theres a new lssq video yay

yes i am all the time. with the news going on in turkey and the amount of syrian males makes me scared.
like i understand theres a war and they are valid refugees, but the men should stay in war just like how turkish troops are enlisted to military, i understand children and women but the amount of men is making me mad and racist.
not to say, they dont even like turkey. the population of syrians in sweden is crazy. and that news that a lesbian at a lesbian bar was harassed and beaten by a group of syrians. they come from a violent place, AND theres war, so ofc they have violence embedded in them. ugh. its so though being a woman. not even just this, turkish men are insane too. there was news about a woman getting stalked and stabbed over 10 times in broad daylight and a doner shop camera caught the action. he didnt care
oh and i can not begin the fact that they get like jailtime as if its a vacation bro. 
not to say, out of 100 rape victims, 25~ are reported. , and maybe 10 are convicted. and the jailtime, again.
people love to make sensationalism out of rape and how it is a very convoluted subject and how people now assume that a woman lies about rape. if she does, she would be insane in other regards and it would be obvious and is a rare case. most cases women arent even attempting or finding the courage to speak up because of the reaction; like saying shes a slut, why was she wearing that, why was she there at night (very common in turkey) and they may say "dont report it, you will ruin his future" as if he did not chose to ruin it himself.
idk. its very dark and mskes me have a panic attack like almost every time i go outside. thats why i dont like to dress up most of the time especially if im alone
i think it was because you were posting cp. i sent you nitro as a gift did you get it lol?

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