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> Jesus. Imagine being so poor and 3rd world that you let a 1k plane ticket come between you and fucking the most perfect woman on planet earth. very sad indeed.

so true, I'd go even to Antarctica for marky
Will marky let Seymour get thrown to the redditor wolves or will she stand up for him, the good friend and confidant who stopped the hoverhand photoshoot from seeing the light of day? I would never ever sit silently and let some fat redditor besmirch the name of a person who has saved my life on multiple occasions.
Yeah this, she never gave a shit about her fans, didn't give a shit about the people who doled out the money for her to buy a damn car only for her to thrash it, why would she give a shit about a random orbiter, as notorious as he might be?
Marky is an ungrateful bitch who never duly thanked him and lowkey despised him. For all the money he wasted on her he deserved a good fuck or at least a blowjob. Instead she made him delete the modeling set that he greatly overpaid. Fuck her.
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i'm also curious about the marky and alice friendship. marky would simp hard for alice prior to their streams together in rhode island. i distinctly remember mir being in the chicken andy stream when alice got hit with a rock by porn actress bobbi dylan. alice had to go to the hospital and got separated from her bf chicken andy. alice was released and stranded without a ride. meantime chicken andy was streaming on the las vegas strip talking to homeless people. at the time i didn't know mir was marky of 4chan/sam hyde fame. but she stood out because she kept spamming the chat calling chicken andy a terrible person for not picking up alice. no one else in chat gave a fuck. i don't remember seeing marky in any IP2 streams other than ones with alice.

this and marky's behavior towards alice during their streams together, such as giving alice her anime dress, makes me think it was marky that sought out alice.

i've tried reaching out to alice to get more information about their relationship, such as why they had a falling out, but alice never responded. she doesn't stream anymore so i guess this bit of marky lore will remain a mystery to me.
Marky is an attention whore who idolizes micro internet celebrities. Thats how she ended up getting assfucked and beaten by Sammy Boy.

She viewed alice as a peer and a potential "friend" because she was equally low IQ, unfunny and edgy as marky. Like all of marky's attempted friendships they are probably mortal enemies now.
ironic she's talking about sorority girls sucking cock for their cars and how she wishes they'd crash. um honey you crashed and totalled two cars in a month and you received donations from fans of your online whoring.

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