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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/64928/

Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar [2016]
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip [2016]
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z [2018]

 >>/34653/ mirh [2010 - 2013]
 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies [2013 - 2018]

 >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/34653/ haiselnet [2019 - 2020]  >>/34556/ mirlodie [2020 - 2022]
 >>/34727/ mir_png / mirinoru / tain_pudding [2021 - 2022]
 >>/34619/ mircolat [2021]  >>/33249/ purintain [2022]

 >>/43027/ mir_png [2021 - 2022]

Twitch clips
 >>/29342/ haisel [2017 - 2018]
 >>/29337/ mirmeat [2022 (?)]

Youtube channels
 >>/24626/ mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA] - autobio vid [2015]
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA] [2016 - 2023]
 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw] [2023]
Last Youtube streams from May 2023
 >>/29663/ read description +  >>/33644/ chat log (screenshots)
 >>/28090/ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i +  >>/28092/ chat log
Marky's appearances on Alice's Room ( >>/7552/) IRL streams in 2021 + select videos from mirrr channel:
While girls like Boxxy or Rose are the ancient founding deities of e-girls, Marky, Agatha, Ciara, Erica, Ashley, Ken, Audrey and Sunny are the pillars of the e-girl canon. Other minor but significant e-girls like Bianca, Asteriaa, Tahlia, and even Brooke rank beneath them but benefitted from standing on the shoulders of giants by coinciding around the peak of e-girl culture.

she is historic, the mother or big sis of the ewhores. so many that looked up to her and were influenced by her either directly or indirectly.
how did he stalk her from brazil? i think that's a joke and they met the some way she has meet so many people. he followed her content she posted online and made contact with her somehow, and then they hit it off. not unlike what she did with sam hyde

they looked very happy together in all of their pictures. it seemed as if she really enjoyed herself in Brazil. She was so distraught the time that she visited the US and her loyalty for Roberto faltered. But she declared how important he was to her and she went back to Brazil to be with him. Even after marky tried to destroy his reputation for things they did together in those 3 years, he continued to show compassion and empathy because he deeply understood the underlying psychology behind her behaviors. When people sought him out looking for dirt he defended marky, complimented her and even bent the truth a bit in her favour. This is a man labeled by her a pedro and abuser. With nothing to lose, and most likely with a mountain of dirt on her he still chose the high road. I admire the wisdom, kindness and maturity he has maintained throughout the entire ordeal.

they looked cute with each other what went wrong in the relationship initially? 
He was pretty much the person that dated Marky for the longest so he knows her better than we do, thats why he has empathy. However her accusing him of being a pedro while she was okay with it the whole time seems hypocrital and a low iq move from her part

I think marky is a ship adrift at sea. this is her default state and where she feels comfortable. blown around by the winds, fighting to survive on the rough waters, suffering and not knowing what will come next and where she will find dry land. Roberto was a hell of an anchor for her but keeping her there for 3 years was like caging a wild animal. things probably grew worse and worse as he tried to 'tame" her until she snapped and completely destroyed the anchor tethering her to the solid ground that makes her so uncomfortable and ready to self implode.

Tldr: marky is a ship and an animal

this nature of hers is of course at odds with her delusion that she wants to be some basado tardwife like they talk about on 4chan /pol/. nuclear brain melting cognitive dissonance at play leading to desperate acts of self harm and public humiliation, dissociation

lol. yeah what a kind, wise man, who lied to her about being wealthy, who lied about being lead developer for a huge gaming company (it was just him and one other guy working on some shitty game) , on top of being a child lover admin on masterchan. what a swell individual

ChatGPT-generated response but I agree lmao. Remind me, why did she try to ruin his reputation in the first place again? I don't ever recall him being salty that she left or anything that might have warranted Marky acting like she did.

I think what happened was she told Ken, Ekat manipulated Ken into sending her the dms because at the time Ekat and the russian guy were conspiring to pit Ken and Marky against each other with lies for fun, and Ekat leaked them.

he probably just said he started or wanted to start a game dev company and her imagination ran away and she started planning some grand future with the rich game developer.

Anyone above room temp iq when met with a claim that someone was a rich game dev would google the company or expect to see examples of work they've done. none of the claims she made against Roberto stand up to the least bit of srutiny

It’s just part of the cycles she goes through. Up and down. Drag people along. I will say she’s very fucking lucky that Roberto doesn’t leak anything himself and stays out of everything. Probably out of fear of being exposed more for his pedrophilia, but still, very lucky.

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then ken was the person that ruined marky x roberto since she leaked that stuff even if she was manipulated she should have been more mature and respect marky's privacy. It's a shame because Ken and Marky could have just hang out and be friends but discordfags ruined everything between them just for some drama.

It seems obvious why. One, Marky is lonely and he was still more attractive and stable than anyone else she had been with. Two, he had his own house and she moved in with him in another country, so not only did she have secured shelter but the sunk cost fallacy was also in action since she didn’t want to go through having to move all the way back to america. She tried to make it work. Three, most shitty relationships take two to tango and shitty people deserve each other and get attached no matter how shitty it is. I believe everything Marky has said about Roberto but I also believe she was playing into it and had her own set of insane things for him to deal with too.

they were together and he was the victim of a similar smear campaign as Roberto, where he was made out to be some devious groomer and mastermind with multiple secret identities. after marky cheated on him.
she is too good for marky. why would she ever associate with someone that would drag her into so much sketchy bs?

Are you new? His name is Andrei. Little is known about him because he was a compulsive liar who told both Marky and Ken completely different life stories about himself. He tried to fuck them both but only was able to fuck Marky. He pitted them against each other to try to make them jealous but it didn’t work on Ken, and Ken realized something was going on then busted him with Marky. 

I agree. Ken isn’t very socially bright, which is probably why she was targeted. Huge history of being manipulated actually. Ken and Andrei were in Marky’s old artfag discord server and that’s how they met. If you’ve ever seen Ken talk with other people you realize very fucking quickly that she is very fucking gullible and naive. But she was still the only one to ever publicly address Andrei and rip him to shreds lmao. I’m glad her and Marky were able to realize what was happening and make amends, but it’s sad that they seemingly stopped being good friends. I think Ken would be a good influence.

I am admittedly relatively ignorant about Marky lore, but even still, how do we know about the whole Russian thing? How did people find out about him, his name, etc? Is it all hearsay? Because if there's no socials, no screencaps, no nothing other than hearsay then how did anyone know about him in the first place? We have mountains of evidence of all the other guys she's been with like photos and message caps and stuff, but it's sus at best that nothing is known about the guy other than he said she said bs
Not trying to rewrtie history here, just trying to understand this part of Marky's lore.

I don’t know how you can call it a smear campaign. It wasn’t even Marky who exposed him, it was Ken doing it on Marky’s behalf. She definitely told Ken that he fucked her and lied to her about everything and this must’ve triggered Ken’s OCD or something kek, she posted some list of his lies once. I think it’s cute how much Ken was trying to look out for her once they both realized what was going on. Also I think the “cheating” is probably a meme, from the pieces of the timeline we have confirmed there’s no way to tell if Marky and Andrei were actually together by the time she fucked the guy in the shed on acid. Not that I wouldn’t believe it.

Andrei and his friend Ekat would leak info to a lot of random people who would spread it. Eventually someone asked Ken about it and she confirmed it was them and that they were telling her and Marky both completely different things about themselves every single day. I don’t have the screens but can try to find them later or someone else can. On top of that, the best friend of the guy Marky fucked in the shed on acid came in here once confirming it along with a lot more things, corroborating the whole Andrei arc then freaking out because he felt bad for leaking info about his friend.

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> must’ve triggered Ken’s OCD
ken hates pedros so she probably leaked marky's infos out of spite of marky and because she started to hate on roberto (Ken is very moral) so when they order ken to talk to marky they already KNEW that ken was going to leak infos because she hates pedrophilia and it triggers her. It's some 4d chess type of thing, the plan went as the faggots wanted to

oh, thats rich. kennedi has morals now? shes fucked as many dudes as marky, she does more drugs than marky, shes liberal as fuck and probably a baby killer. she has no morals, dont kid yourself. as far as hating pedros, thats really crazy because she was friends with sosa and seymour and others sheep village guys. ken is like every other fake ass bitch, always accusing other girls of the very shits she does herself

wasn't there two side by side screencaps from when she cheated on roberto and andrei in a previous thread? that's where the whole weak and vulnerable need to be held meme comes from because she used that same tactic both times she cheated

how and why did marky and ken even link up? 
was that one of those e-girl friendships where they seek each other out and when you ask them about it they go something like "oh i just relate to her bc of the shared pain of being stalked by internet orbiters" kind of bullshit?

it's useless. you are probably talking to the schizophrenic brazilian. 
ken always has been friends with pedros and her first boyfriend was literally a decade older hebe who took multiple other girls' virginities before her and whom she met off facebook grooming groups.

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> shes fucked as many dudes as marky
and? all women have sex marky is not a saint, even if ken had as much sex as marky or more sex than marky ken is a better human being 
> always accusing other girls of the very shits she does herself
Ken was against pedrophilia she didnt live with a pedro for 3 fucking years like marky did, yeah sure ken talked to weirdos on discord but she never lived with them or dated them.
You can say ken is a leftist sjw pretencious /mu/fag but you can not call her a pedro disgusting human being because she is not one. Ken is like the most sane girl but she should have acted more mature when marky told her those things

Literally nothing you said is true. Ken's had two boyfriends, only did psychedelics as a teenager, and hates liberals (because she's so far left). She was never friends with Sosa either, he blackmailed her with the threat of doxxing into talking to him. As for Seymour, lmao, they were absolutely never friends. Her life is good and stable now, she won. Has everything Marky wishes she had.

ken is a moralfag and feminist so of course she sided with marky the poor defenseless girl and took everything she told her as fact regardless of marky's truthworthiness. the actual truth is probably closer to ken got caught in the middle of two mentally disturbed individuals and their disfunctional relationship and she was manipulated by both of them.

> She was never friends with Sosa either, he blackmailed her with the threat of doxxing into talking to him
Where did you get that from? I don't remember ever hearing this anywhere, from what I've seen she was quite friendly with him at one point, it didn't seem like it was against her will at all. She was even sending him drawings she did of him, recordings of her singing, etc. And it was known they were talking on telegram so there was probably a lot more.

can you stop posting that frog faced bitch and your schizo fanfiction fucking everywhere? thank you

I have proof of everything I say. 10 March 2017 is exact day she lost her virginity. 
I don't give a shit to convince your delusional schizo ass anyway, kennedi knows I'm right. now you can fuck off too your containment thread. this is a marky thread.

is there any proof he lied to pit marky against ken like actual screenshots or is ken just repeating the explanation marky gave her after shit went down? it's not like marky is going to say "yeah I threatened you and my friend katelynn was reaching out to your ex boyfriend for dirt because I was jealous and manic and hated you"

Being sexually active =/= having just as much sex with people as Marky. They're grown women, I doubt anyone sane cares that they aren't virgins at this point. Ken's slept with two or three people, Marky around ten to twelve I'd guess. We're just here for a show, so no need to get your panties in a twist. 
I was also able to figure out that date through her rateyourmusic, tumblr, and that old r9k screenshot.

so he cared for her and genuinely wanted to help her become independent and stable but he lied about some personal details and is playing that part up a bit. I don't see any proof he manipulated marky into turning mean girl on kennedi.

the 2 Broads Detective Agency busting the kgb asset master manipulator is the gayest fanfic i've read on this board by far. putting together the pieces it sounds like marky cheated on andrei and started shit talking him to ken and they bonded over hating him. ken was happy to have a former enemy as an ally and one less psycho trying to give her grief. women 101 avoiding accountability.
> everything bad i've done was actually a man's fault somehow

Do we even know who this ekat guy is? If we have seen Andrei's picture already, there's no doubt ekat's face is out there somewhere. So far we know he was Andrei's friend who used to roleplay as a underaged girl for manipulation purpuses. Also he's Pro-Ukraine given his Reddit and Twitter account.

Plus, if Topper is telling the truth abouth him, we also know he fucked Marky. So, if Marky knew about his real identity all along, why lie to Ken saying it was just Andrei's burner account to manipulate both girls? Why didn't Marky expose Ekat too if he played a huge part on this drama? That's something I don't understand about Marky's thinking process. Andrei is the huge Russian mastermind but ekat's identity is protected thanks to her. 

And obviously there's no way Ken knew ekat is actually a guy before all of this leaked. So it's dumb of Ken to side with Marky when, in reality, Marky lied all along.

there's a lot of weird things that happened during this period. the katelynn/nekoshelf and ken drama, marky befriending ken and bianca who were also being manipulated or groomed by her boyfriend's larper friend Ekat

Yeah, that's my exact point. Ekat seems to be a trickster agent, not thinking of the real consequences his actions have in people's lifes. Was Marky stupid enough to think he was her true and honest friend despite what happened during 2019-2020? If she had the power to ruin her "friend" like she has done with Andrei, the Brazilian and multiple other people, why did she spare ekat?

About Bianca...Do we know more of her friendship with ekat? We just saw a couple screenshots. I don't particularly think ekat is fully responsible for what happened. No one knew about Brandon's pyschopathy but, it's like ekat wanted to start some drama with Bianca, Donatello and Brandon. Maybe he didn't know it would escalate like this, which is unfortunate. Also, he's been quiet lately so the whole murder probably teached him a huge life lesson.

I keked when ekat showed up in the true crime doc.

I don't think there's a single victim in all of this. just a circle of shitty people being catty, playing mental games and backstabbing each other. it's like Game of Thrones for discord trannies

the reason i cant tear myself away from all this is because, if you study her past, you see that she has dated her orbiters and discord mods (roberto, andrei) and she dated a pimple faced fat little gook when she was a 10/10 in her prime, so theres that piece of you deep inside that says to yourself in earnest, "yes, even i have a chance"

Andrei is the most normal/slightly above average looking guy she e-dated. Roberto looked alright too when he was younger (like early 20s) but when Marky lived with him he was a disgusting fat freak. Do you think she ever fantazised about young Roberto fucking her instead of the greasy, unkept old pedrophile she was actually living with?

I think that her normie ex highschool classmate bf was even more normal and handsome, but girls like marky can't have relationships with normal people. Those are destined to fall apart.
To deal with mentally ill women you need a certain mental attitude  that robert had or he wouldn't have made it that far.

Im still just amazed at this new photo we got of her. Shes never looked more beautiful. the fact that this stone cold masterpiece has been locked away and hidden from us for YEARS just makes you wonder how many other buried treasures are out there? i bet there are soo many incredible pictures of her that will never see the light of day, and thats a real tragedy.

> I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.
She just HAD to do this, huh?

Sweet, sweet angel Kennedi, please never change. I just love reading your silly thoughts.

The way she was so eager to prove she never had sex with either of them is straight adorable.

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> Be me

> walk past a girl with long brown hair and an orange baseball cap

> wait a moment.jpg 

> brain activation.png 

> is that really... I need to make sure

> move to the other side of the street not to look like a creep and go back to take a better look at her face

> tfw it wasn't marky and I wasted 3 minutes of my life

Do you ever mistake random girls for Marky?

It’s scar tissue from biting skin off her lips and eating it. She used to freak out because people would call it herpes. She’s always had it but it’s more noticeable in some lighting and when she drinks wine.

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Let's see how many oldfags are amogus.
Someone should have these images:

You will never get to take her to a dusty old mom and pop used bookstore and hunt for old vintage sci fi like Bradbury and Heinlein and read them to her the next day as she makes you coffee in her underwear and you chain smoke together and discuss the symbolism in Fahrenheit 451

i think ekat was one of andrei's friends, some azov nazi lunatic who became interested in marky because they saw them as le epic hyde girl. i assume ekat/andrei shared accounts extensively, or he just took over entirely at some point. hard to tell. she vc'd a few instances with a clearly slavic female voice, but after a while started refusing completely and became cagey, eventually embracing telling everyone on discord they are male (despite still refusing to VC). if you want to actually get under ekat's skin, mention katya lischina lol

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❌️ a humble little home deep in the woods
❌️ either Canada or Switzerland (iceland if i hit the big bucks)
❌️ 3 or 4 bedrooms
❌️ a pergola covered in ivy and vines
❌️ dried herbs from the garden hanging in the kitchen
❌️ chipped tiles
✅️ solid hardwood floors covered with persian rugs
❌️ a fireplace and wood stove
❌️ no labels.. everything is stored in glass jars, bottles, and containers
❌️ baskets holding copious woolen blankets
❌️ gas lamps, chandeliers, and natural light
✅️ more books than I know what to do with, and comfy chairs to read them in
❌️ colossal windows looking out onto a large backyard with overgrown gardens, encased with either a fence or rock wall.

2 done, 11 more to go

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> MG_20170411_131957_171.jpg
It was too obvious as only searchable name on desuarchive.
> c7c44ec51f0ecb8834ff4735acefc1d4-imagejpeg.jpg
But wait, hash doesn't seem to match anything?
> imgur name
> uploaded April 30 2018
Rare inasmuch as this one is not cropped and contains some interesting details in the surrounding interior. How did it end up on imgur, and do you have more? Is there an implication it's one of the images I asked for, perhaps an upload  from one of 4chan archives that uses Imgur as image host? I'd like to have a firm connection with it's original filename then, thank you.

> clearly slavic female voice on vc
> older threads show a single picture of a blonde slav girl on desuarchive by the name of ekat/ekaterina, posted by donatello
> no other pictures of this person are public
> marky and bianca dramas happen
> inmediatly tell everyone on discord you're actually a guy
> go radio silent

what if a woman was actually involved on all of this. what if there's three people after all? ekat (male), the woman that used ekat's account for drama and andrei? all of them working together.  
or he could be catfishing and using a voice filter, i don't even know. it's a weird thing to do.

> katya lischina
what's the deal with her?

Let’s be real here. No one knows “her” identity, different stories were told about who she was to both Ken and Marky, she and Andrei prided themselves in their anonymous trolling mind games, and it’s obvious that Donatello was a little obsessed with her/who she pretended to be to him. Based on everything we know, do you really think Ekat would have given anyone a real picture of herself, especially someone like Donatello who she was clearly fucking with?

where would ekat find such obscure picture? obscure enough it doesnt show up in yandex or other search engines when u reverse search it. she probably got it from a friend of hers, but that's just my theory.

the donatello pic was fake, ekat has posted many similar non-searchable pics and larped as them, both boys and girls. ekat definitely was a girl at one point, since they vc'd as a female, and overall interacted on discord in ways guys don't. you could definitely tell it was a girl posting, at least a year ago

there's really not much known about ekat despite the huge amount of interaction anyone can have with him/her on discord. they are clearly well educated, probably late 20s/early 30s, have a liking to early internet and azov tier politics. she will mess with people but generally hasn't caused irl drama since the marky stuff

> katya lischina

mentioning katya will generally make her silently stop responding in a convo. you can test it out. bonus if you suggest katya isn't white lol. it's just something weird i noticed while trying to figure out the ekat account

she is extremely smart in an academic sense, that's probably why. even for a male they would be at the top of what you usually see online. they've been able to speak to me about un-googleable aspects of my field, which was really surprising. otherwise yeah, they mostly exist to lurk/larp/get jealous of other girls. the mythology posts about her are cringey considering anyone can talk to them

ekat is this based chick that used to fuck with ewhores like ken, marky and bianca on discord to the point they've seethe for years and mythologized her as the ebully ghost of kyiv

donatello is the smart ninja turtle who wears the purple eyemask and used a staff

Wish she would let me buy her games so I can watch her play visual novels or final fantasy or warcraft, anything really. why cant she grant us that one simple thing? Its not asking a lot is it?

yeah but why do you think she no longer enjoys them and what is she doing instead? if she quit publicly posting online, VNs and MMOs then what is she doing with all of that free time? she wasn't drawing anymore so those things were pretty much her whole life before she went dark.

Sorry to break it to you but ekat is/was a male larping as a girl for trolling. Marky knew about his gender a long time ago since they met irl ( Remember how Topper recognized him on pictures Boss On Here/glowgerl/Hanna took with ekat, since Marky showed him pictures where she was with ekat, althought he didn't know it was ekat himself at first). If you have ever talked to Hanna on discord or at least are on a server where she's active, you'll notice she won't shut up about him. They e-dated during 2022-2023, it's not a state secret, just old discord drama.
Idk who the girl on  >>/80174/ is but it is definitely not ekat.

if she won't shut up about ekat and both her and marky have pictures of ekat why has no pic of ekat ever been posted here or found anywhere else? a little sus that only topper knows this. why would marky lie to ken and everyone else about knowing ekat when they were comparing info trying to expose andrei?

easy. ekat is very anonymous, and hanna wouldn't want to break his trust like that. sure, she has shown pictures of him to her friends but she will never do that on a huge server so creepy people on an imagine board dox her ex

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Depends on when she sent it to you and by what means. Archived images offloaded to imgur through 4archive or randomarchive tend to have views in the hundreds, from passing by gawkers and search engine spiders. It must have been uploaded to imgur by a person and shared privately for total view count to be so low, file name also never uploaded to 4chan.

What does the "Modified date" on your file say, did you receive it back in April 2018? And post more full res rares, please.

Early cropped version appears in June. Another picture in same dress (and likely same building) appears in May. Both could have been sourced from Instagram (naikonu). We won't have confirmation until one of you fags coughs up a full archive.

Additionally, does anyone find this random 9-digit filename oddly familiar? I've seen something similar elsewhere - it's not a unix time:
> 466211313.jpg

Left isn't a pic of Andrei. I don't know where that image came from, but Andrei has a much more white nigger slav face than that, no beard, paler. Marky sent some pics around once, but I no longer have them. But that's not him.

Source: I was in a discord with some schizo spammer who had a pic of Andrei and Marky. He was wearing a faggy ass black cheap ushanka that made him look like he was larping as Russian. Very dark eyebrows, dark hair, dark eyes. Clean shaven. Looked autistic but chadlite.

Let me guess, you conveniently didn't save the photo, or it's also conveniently stored away in an old HDD you can't get access to right now, so you can't post the photo sadly. Either that or you're full of shit.

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Charlie was 26/27 in 2016, he was born in 1988 or 1989, this makes nearly 35/36 now. His real name is Charles Shintaro Maxwell and he lived in NC before moving to Japan during COVID. He is the typical dysgenic WMAF offspring and is like 5'5" 220 pounds now. All he does is sit on discord to groom underage girls and 100%'s games now. He lives off Bitcoin he bought early on but last time I heard he was running out dry and only had ~$20K USD left. His parents however are very rich, rich to the point that his white dad (whom he hates) has donated millions to the University of North Carolina and helped Charlie get his degree when he was 30+ kek. Charlie himself could be a lolcow if he put himself more out there but he's terrified of Marky and what she has on him

here is his steam

what about the stories that he used to beat his mother? if someone does that, i feel like he would also be physically abusive toward marky. did he ever lay  hand on her? makes me angry just thinking about it. imagine some fat little manlet gook raisng his hand to marky and hitting her angelic face

Yup he actually beat his mom and fought Marky (sat on her.) his mom is a 4'9" old Japanese lady so it wasn't hard for him to beat her. He really hates his mom and used to post about how much he hated being half asian on puahate just like Elliot Rodger. He also said his dad would treat him well but he hated him more because he dad was racist towards asian men. I wish I could find the screenshots from the Skype days

Also this post from Donatello. 2017.
> I have nothing against her. She even recorded a few private accordion songs for me. I wish her nothing but peace and happiness. I valued our conversations and calls regardless. I've never been an IRC rat, I can't force myself to care, so this is all I have.

Damn that's nuts. But how did they even meet? Was Charlie in Alaska when he met Marky or what? 
And what dirt could she possibly have on him? Is he a pedro? 

Only image I remember of the guy was him and Marky at a Mickey D's and the dude was opening a fucking Happy Meal lmao. He looked quite young, like a teenager, definitely not late 20s.

> And what dirt could she possibly have on him? Is he a pedro? 

brooooooo wtf? you really dont know this? are you serious right now? shit yes hes a pedro. and also he was selling markys sex tape with sam on the dark web and making mad money off it. i think theres a screenshot of marky talking about it, threatening to get a lawyer if charlie wouldnt stop selling it

Yeah I'm kind of a noob on Marky lore despite being an OG who was in that very first thread on /b/ that fateful Christmas Day 2013. I legit lost track of her til I lurked the original /agatha/ sometime around 2018 and found out she was still around online and was in fucking Brazil of all places. Since then I've just collected some info here and there but damn this bitch is a mess. 

All these girls can and should be judges by the kind of men they get with. I wonder what attracted her to a dude like Charlie lmao. How'd they even meet? 
It's also insane how she wouldn't report Sam Hyde to the cops when he pretty much commited statutory rape, or this Charlie guy when he's selling her sextape and she allegedly has proof of it

"ekat" is a
A. mentally ill woman
B. andrei
C. different male we don't know of
D. KGB psyop to make us westerners seethe and keep investigating on this person/organization
E. marky (secret answer)
F. topper


A for sure. There is genuinely no other explanation for people to lie so much and fuck up people's lives on purpose for fun, for years and years. You have to be lifeless and very bored, on top of lonely and at least somewhat asocial and sociopathic.

> notice how it all stopped when bianca died
What? That's not true. Ekat and Andrei didn't even know Ken when Bianca died. Around half a year after Bianca's death is when they started pitting Marky and Ken against each other. You're full of shit.

when did Andrei and Marky break up? I thought she cheated on him in the shed end of 2019 and was already out of the apartment he paid for at that point. her and shed guy were dating by Christmas 2019 and he was reporting to his leaky friend with the long hair about it. When exactly did ken become friends with andrei and ekat? it seems like they were friends for a while, talked a lot and andrei even visited ken irl

did ken actually give a timeline of when she was involved with ekat and andrei or is it being assumed it was 2020 because she made her statement about it at the end of 2020? I was under the impression this all took place before the shed incident in 2019. 

If andrei was pitting ken and marky against each other in 2020 after he had been cheated on I guess that makes more sense.

second half of 2019 sounds crazy. andrei is dating marky and paying for apartment. andrei is trying to fuck ken and marky is fucking shed guy. at some point ken and marky are fighting and maybe katelynn and kennedi too according to an old post here?

was andrei hoping to make ken his payback for the shed but it backfired and she sided with marky?

> was andrei hoping to make ken his payback for the shed but it backfired and she sided with marky?
I think so, which would explain why he apparently started lying even more to and abouther after she rejected him. He thought he had it guaranteed but got insulted by the rejection. 

Bingo. At this point, this is definitely what happened. You can tell from reading her archived posts about it that she was STILL being way too naive and gullible even after Andrei and Ekat exposed themselves as untrustworthy frauds that were using her.

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Marky's friend / old roommate Violet doesn't speak to her anymore and basically cut all contact with her sometimes in 2021, I wonder what happened between them because Violet used to take Marky out to parties and events. She introduced Marky to a bunch of new art friends. It was the reason Marky was posting so much during 2019-2020 on her social media, even after Marky had moved away from Violet, they would still hang out, go to bars, clubs, museums etc 

I feel like Marky did something that caused their friendship to fall apart...

my guess is, when they took the infamous hovermale nudes and got naked in front of each other, vioilet was witness to marky's 10/10 body and perfect tits , and felt eternally mogged into oblivion and felt so jealous and angry afterward that she had no choice but to cut all contact with marky.

Marky boring? You must be on crack m8, she's anything but. 

Most boring girl on the board in no particular order are: iris, empathchan, cewl, vore, etc.
Actually all the uninteresting shitters NOT named Marky, Audrey, Kenni, even Ciara, are pretty boring. These girls I just mentioned are the legacy egirls for a reason.

> Marky's friend / old roommate Violet doesn't speak to her anymore and basically cut all contact with her sometimes in 2021
> even after Marky had moved away from Violet, they would still hang out, go to bars, clubs, museums etc
> She introduced Marky to a bunch of new art friends.
> It was the reason Marky was posting so much during 2019-2020 on her social media
she had been posting like that for the entire spring and summer before  Violet came into the picture in the fall.
do you make things up to deliberately disinfo or are you genuinely delusional?

What's the story with the two cars she totaled in the span of like 2 weeks? How did she come out of it unscathed?Was she drunk? What caused it?
And most importantly, is it true one of those cars was bought with orbiter money? Surely that can't be true

yeah this is a real sore spot with me because i was one of those orbiters... she gave a lot of sob stories that she needed a car so she could get back n forth to her new job doing food prep. a lot of us donated to her and helped her. then she wrecked it within a week. and what made me the maddest was her attitude about the whole thing. she posted on social media something like "i saw an icy street and knew i had to step on the gas and see how fast i could go around the corner ..ended up spinning out on the icy road into a ditch. car is totalled but damn what a rush, lol". like she didnt even care or feel bad or show any remorse that she just totalled the second car that others helped her buy. fucking monster

> "i saw an icy street and knew i had to step on the gas and see how fast i could go around the corner ..ended up spinning out on the icy road into a ditch. car is totalled but damn what a rush, lol"
lmao where the hell did she post that

Fookin 'ell that's harsh but also kinda funny. Guess it was a hard lesson to learn that you shouldn't ever help people who only see you as an ATM and emotional tampon rather than as another human.

Did she ever remotely apologize or address the incident with the people who donated? Or did she just post how fun totaling the car was and never even mentioned it again?

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Marky made her entire facebook profile private. You can't even look at her images background anymore or anyone who liked profile picture changed. You use to be able to see when you were logged in.. She is 100% active and online


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funny how marky could've been one of those average joe low-mid level no name runway models with 50k-100k followers on insta if she was like 1-2 inches taller and starved her. She would've made decent money like 100k-200k a year and would've been allowed to travel around the world for free lol

The entitlement of you all to think marky owes you any kind of apology or explanation for what she chooses to do with her own vehicles, or for anything else she does in her private life for that matter. She has been gone for over a year near now and is doing well for herself, so maybe give it up and work on your own lives instead. ✌️

She owes an explanation, an apology, and most importantly a reimbursement to the people who gave her the money to buy the car. She embarrassingly begged like a panhandling gypsy for people to "donate" to her paypal to buy a car because she's just too much of a fucking princess to take the bus to work after she crashed and totaled her previous car, and after she got enough cash she crashed it within a week and the whole thing was a joyride to her. And she quit her job anyway.

some nights when i lay in bed i hold my phone and wish really hard that i'll get a money request from her cashapp. i want to be her magical piggy bank to rescue her in times of need. yeah i said it, idgaf

her instagram posts asking for donations specified this. her weekend with alice was right after her first car crash and all of the donations probably went to them ubering to get around and allegedly the towing costs

> she seems to have a history of simping for other egirls and seeking them out to be "friends"
Literally ALL egirls do this. For some reason they seek each other out, whether it is blatantly or discreetly by just following them and liking their posts. It's like they know people elevated them to egirl status and they form their egirl cliques. 

I actually asked Marky, Kennedi, Tahlia, Ciara and Audrey at different times why do they do this shit and ALL of them gave me the exact same response, albeit with different wording: they wanted to reach out to these other girls because they "had gone through the same experience" and somehow that made them bond with eachother automatically.

i think it's sort of a self assurance "yeah I'm not just any old whore I'm part of this special group, I'm an eceleb". unifying with other ewhores solidifies this group identity. and they can whine to each other about all the trauma from that one time some incel didn't simp for them.

I think also they see other girls getting attention and subconsciously they desire access to that untapped pool of clout and adoration.

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Funny how you guys keep calling her this name. Posters in this thread have been continuously showing their absolute lack of absolute basic knowledge or just straight up making shit up, on span of more than a dozen threads (whole year basically), and overflowing into neighboring ones poisoning their narratives too. This girl's online handle is Violet, but her real name is Valerie. Being super super cute on par with Marky, she reminds me of this English actress, Imogen Poots, albeit her nose is not graciously long enough, to qualify as exact doppelganger.

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it's funny realizing markys old roommate is a giant leftist artist who has a lot of friends, has dated soundcloud rappers and has a pretty successful social and work life while marky is on 4chan watching gay porn/tranny rekt webms on /gif/ and drinking herself to death.

I remember Marky saying her roommate would always try to get her to go out so she wouldn't be lonely. I wonder what would've happened if Marky and her stayed friends.. maybe Marky would be a little more happy

honestly, id choose misery over being anything remotely like this nasty libtard coalburning bitch. god bless marky for being a mentally ill loser, because it prevented her from turning out like this monstrosity.

im sorry but ive said this before and ill say it again, objectively speaking, the fact that a greasy, pimple faced pudgy asian manlet can score a girl like marky, and a handsome 6'1 white man with a good job CANNOT get a girl like her, is the most soul crushing thing in the world. if i dwell on it too much, i become suicidal.

personality goes a long way too. there must have been something special about him that made marky love him. she didn't pick him for no reason right? But a handsome 6'1" man with a good job should be able a land a girl much more attractive and mentally sound than marky as long as he's not socially crippled, and maybe even then he could still do better.

that was weird lmao so anyone got violet's insta im tryna shoot my shot before she hits the wall too. saw the picture of them pale ass cheeks and was like yup imma need me some

the rest of them seem pretty normal and her brother appears to have turned out okay, though some would argue not because he joined the military. she probably just lost the genetics lottery and then fried her mind on the internet. I bet she does suffer from a bit of princess syndrome and was doted on by her parents and grandparents too much, never properly held accountable. you can't be an underage egirl without some level of parental neglect. See also: bianca. if Bianca's mom came down on her like a parent should she might still be alive

idk, sometimes when im depressed and i hate my life, i go online and look at those rankings of "best cities to move to in the u.s." in case i get the courage to up and move and start a new life. Providence, RI, is always up near the top. if i mved there would marky have coffee with me maybe?

why can't a nigga have her goddamn nude photoshoot already? idgaf about anything else anymore, she's more dead than bianca at this point 

(also i always wondered why there are so many south americans simping for american e celebs and changirls, they're more than half of the orbiters)

Spic orbiters have always been a thing but it's a pretty even distribution. I'd say it's 55/40/5 (white/latino/asian). E-girls have pretty much all gotten BEAN'D at some point too, so they also have a taste for taco.

Channing did too much damage. unless marky decides to come out and run an all out campaign to prove what happened and go on the record with gory details then nothing will ever come of it.

It's also unknown what the status is between Marky and Sam. For all we know they've made peace.

he didn't hit her but he did take the ane and they had a full blown relationship. they almost got back together when she was 21 or 22 and had just returned from 3 years living in brazil. she never tried to pursue any kind of legal action against him and supposedly would not cooperate back then when her mother wanted to. Channing Creager is the main force online that has been pushing the marky thing, most likely against marky's will.

The guy she was living with. Idk any of those people im not a lore follower

I have another one but it has too much info about whoever the guy is to post

How do we stop women from destroying themselves because of oneitis retardation?

No she hates me and always has, she hates everyone especially herself and only confided with me because im trustworthy

Who cares if shes angry she should get a life, treating her like a micro celebrity is a flattery. 

Since egirls died out and morphed into onlyfans porn I think its more fun to stir up the boomer marky community than just delete them

Ur bait of "post more to prove it" is why you get so little like in tits for christmas thread 7 months ago. Only like 5 people are even in these threads. You niggers are why marky groups me in with you guys and why shes alone and miserable all the time

How does that not sound like marky? She was writing the same kind of stuff on her Twitter the summer before this. crying over missing some guy and writing a bunch of angsty doomer posts

oh i dont know, do you have any idea how humiliating and embarrassing it might be to have your name dragged through the mud in national media ? and to have all of his rabid brain dead fans coming after you , and be known as the girl who got fucked in the butt by sam hyde? and to tesify in court to all this stuff? im sure she just wants to let it all die at this point.

Its the resident autist. The same guy responsible for marky never being around.

Reading through the actual logs shes actually really likable but I don't wanna search for hinged posts, the unhinged ones are funny

Even people who never talked to her can tell it's fake.

Come on, just look at this shit lmfao.

At least change posting style. people can recognize all your post. 3/10 troll

interesting...did she confide in you and then stop talking to you at random or did something happen there? does she often come back to speak with you when she's having trouble and do you think she will again? if she has always hated you why do you think she still speaks with you and trusts you with personal information?

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Its funny she spoke to me more formally with punctuation and stuff, most previous cycles she was egirl informal

afaik I'm her most decent permaorbiter so she feels comfortable venting her pent up bitching at me

uhh probably the 2022 one, I think she moved in and was a leach off like multiple guys in past few years. Either multiple or one/two with like breakups in between. +I guess the brazil guy counts also

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> because of the burns I have incured from sheet pans out of the oven
Well memed, my friend. However, you missed one detail. The time those scars appear in her photos. No way, 3 years later kitchen management still have not figured out they need to provide longer mittens to their employees, otherwise this is ridiculous.

this larp is so retarded that even ekat would be insulted. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it looks like someone is impersonating marky to you

marky did obsess over that tranny faggot neet, but unless she had an aneurism and somehow became even more retarded than before, she never talked this way

> be ekat
> doing your daily google search of yourself
> see your name in endchan thread
> how can i derail this?
> impersonate marky
> take a fat steaming shit with your tried-and-true screenshot dumps
> watch as people make 1000 posts about gorillion year old drama
> repeat

some schizo that calls every post made about marky fake and "corrects" people with false information to throw them off. He has been known as dct at least since the time he tried to convince everyone it wasn't marky that posted all of those rare selfies here around the time of her drunk stream.

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btw here is some context she was talking about sorority girls she had to be around in her summer job last year

Shes quite a character. I wish I could be in her town and enjoy seeing her beauty around town with that bright smile on her face

can you show me one example , from her twitter or discord screenshots or insta dms or anywhere? Then i might at least entertain the idea. but she doesnt type in all caps and she never types shit like "i want their brains to be splattered all over the road like lasagna"

I dont mean this to be cruel to her, but those messages are from someone more intelligent, coherent, and emotional than she ever has been. she types things like "suck muh ballz they bigger than urs"

> Jesus. Imagine being so poor and 3rd world that you let a 1k plane ticket come between you and fucking the most perfect woman on planet earth. very sad indeed.

so true, I'd go even to Antarctica for marky

Will marky let Seymour get thrown to the redditor wolves or will she stand up for him, the good friend and confidant who stopped the hoverhand photoshoot from seeing the light of day? I would never ever sit silently and let some fat redditor besmirch the name of a person who has saved my life on multiple occasions.

Yeah this, she never gave a shit about her fans, didn't give a shit about the people who doled out the money for her to buy a damn car only for her to thrash it, why would she give a shit about a random orbiter, as notorious as he might be?

Marky is an ungrateful bitch who never duly thanked him and lowkey despised him. For all the money he wasted on her he deserved a good fuck or at least a blowjob. Instead she made him delete the modeling set that he greatly overpaid. Fuck her.

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i'm also curious about the marky and alice friendship. marky would simp hard for alice prior to their streams together in rhode island. i distinctly remember mir being in the chicken andy stream when alice got hit with a rock by porn actress bobbi dylan. alice had to go to the hospital and got separated from her bf chicken andy. alice was released and stranded without a ride. meantime chicken andy was streaming on the las vegas strip talking to homeless people. at the time i didn't know mir was marky of 4chan/sam hyde fame. but she stood out because she kept spamming the chat calling chicken andy a terrible person for not picking up alice. no one else in chat gave a fuck. i don't remember seeing marky in any IP2 streams other than ones with alice.

this and marky's behavior towards alice during their streams together, such as giving alice her anime dress, makes me think it was marky that sought out alice.

i've tried reaching out to alice to get more information about their relationship, such as why they had a falling out, but alice never responded. she doesn't stream anymore so i guess this bit of marky lore will remain a mystery to me.

Marky is an attention whore who idolizes micro internet celebrities. Thats how she ended up getting assfucked and beaten by Sammy Boy.

She viewed alice as a peer and a potential "friend" because she was equally low IQ, unfunny and edgy as marky. Like all of marky's attempted friendships they are probably mortal enemies now.

ironic she's talking about sorority girls sucking cock for their cars and how she wishes they'd crash. um honey you crashed and totalled two cars in a month and you received donations from fans of your online whoring.

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