/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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She doesn't look half Asian. She never has. Its just eyeliner tricking you. 
She lied because she knew being white (italian) wasn't special and needed something to be loved for. She was just a weeb looking for attention from Asian fetishists. She lied about being other races too. She had identity issues to the max.
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hey, yeah i’m the person from this, it was marc who sent me these files and pictures. i want to clear up there were no photos or snippets of their sextape, the only concerning thing on there was a long ass letter about him and her running away and how she was caught and him getting arrested or something along those lines. He deleted the files before I could save anything. 
Regardless, Antimone used me to get any and all information I had on Bianca because I was mutuals with her friends, briefly knew her, I was really stupid I was like 16-17 here and believed she was actually going to serve anything positive towards Bianca’s case.

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