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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/78618/

Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar [2016]
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip [2016]
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z [2018]

 >>/34653/ mirh [2010 - 2013]
 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies [2013 - 2018]

 >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/34653/ haiselnet [2019 - 2020]  >>/34556/ mirlodie [2020 - 2022]
 >>/34727/ mir_png / mirinoru / tain_pudding [2021 - 2022]
 >>/34619/ mircolat [2021]  >>/33249/ purintain [2022]

 >>/43027/ mir_png [2021 - 2022]

Twitch clips
 >>/29342/ haisel [2017 - 2018]
 >>/29337/ mirmeat [2022 (?)]

Youtube channels
 >>/24626/ mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA] - autobio vid [2015]
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA] [2016 - 2023]
 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw] [2023]
Last Youtube streams from May 2023
 >>/29663/ read description +  >>/33644/ chat log (screenshots)
 >>/28090/ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i +  >>/28092/ chat log
Marky's appearances on Alice's Room ( >>/7552/) IRL streams in 2021 + select videos from mirrr channel:

literally how does a girl with marky's looks, resources and safety nets end up a crazy fucked up mess who doesn't give a shit? like what sort of specific conditions have to be met for a life as privileged as hers become a catastrophe?

she is a white woman with blue eyes and pale skin. She is at the top of the privilege pyramid. She grew up in a upper middle class family who owned a farm and multiple homes, she went to a private and charter school and got a full ride to a university in Alaska. She had everything handed to her yet still failed. JFL

she still has a few years left in terms of the looks department, even until shes 40, if she stays skinny and uses skin products she will still look decent enough to find herself some betabux guy of any race to fund her neet lifestyle, she can probably even cheat on him or get him to agree to an open relationship

marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist
marky j thompson does not exist

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Tragic news for the marky community.
This morning I found out marky passed away from Carbon Monoxide poisoning in May.

She was repeatedly told to replace the battery in the detector in her apartment but she said that 9V battery prices were "bullshit" and insisted the landlord should pay for them

if it is real then she did it on purpose to bait and show she's reading the thread. Or anon was having fun with photo editor or inspect element. 

It is funny to think of her logging into that last.fm account after seeing it posted itt and then accidentally scrobbling an embedded video  >>/85306/ to it tho

ok where the FUCK was this taken? thats not her dog, thats not her room or her floor. who did you move in with marky? what state or country did you fly to this time to run away from your problems and start a new life again? are you somewhere in europe now, or back in south america? russia? whose cocksleeve are you now huh? answer me you motherfucker

I was just scrolling through YouTube and upon not seeing any of her nightcore videos, I realized how much I miss her...
Please, Marky-chan, come back. Living without you is a torture...

> le trauma
or maybe she enjoyed her time with sam? it seems that way to me
could be she just thinks they're cute and she likes the element of innocence lost or she likes drawing subjects that appear timid and embarassed like they just pooped their diaper

Its not fair. I've been patient for many years, only wishing for a chance to win her heart with genuine love and kindness, so I could right all the wrongs in her life. But I was never given that chance. It was all in vain. If I ever see you on the street Marky I'm knocking your ass out.

ok? and nothing in the post even remotely sexualized her, but rather it was praising the vitality and innocence of her youth. but YOU sexualized it in your head and tried to project it onto us, so who really needs help here?

Yeah this is what she'd probably do. Never forget how she begged anons online for money to buy ANOTHER car after she totaled the one she used to get to work, only to fucking total AGAIN in the span of a week lmao.  Then proceeded to teehee shit happens XD and never apologize to the donors.

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I cant stop tormenting myself with this pic. I printed it out and put it on the fridge so im forced to look at it every morning as I prepare my coffee. Where did they go? Where di she and tinder chad spend the day? did they go hiking in the woods, or perhaps some spontaneous romantic trip to a lighthouse on the beach, the two of them holding hands and the wind gusting through marky's hair as she smiles? I have only my imagination to fill in the blanks of how they spent that entire afternoon together. My mind cannot leave a puzzle incomplete, I must put all the pieces in place and have a full picture.

weird that now that marky seems to be completely gone she has turned into some sort of underground internet meme/inside joke. there are people trolling sam IRL with it now

Incomplete list of games marky played:

Age of Empires II (2013)
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal-
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Aselia the Eternal -The Spirit of Eternity Sword-
BERSERK and the Band of the Hawk
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Conan Exiles
DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Don't Starve Together
Doom II
Draw Puzzle
EverQuest Free-to-Play
Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone
Frio- Lost in old town
Garry's Mod
Hakoniwa Explorer Plus
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.2 Watanagashi
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.3 Tatarigoroshi
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.4 Himatsubushi
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 2
Lethal League
Love at First Sight
MELTY BLOOD Actress Again Current Code
MapleStory 2
Narcissu 1st & 2nd
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel
Path of Exile
planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
Princess Maker 2 Refine
Ragnarok Clicker
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs
Super Star
TH06 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
The Chaos Engine
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Fruit of Grisaia
The House in Fata Morgana
The Song of Saya
Tree of Savior (English Ver.)
Umihara Kawase
Umineko When They Cry - Answer Arcs
Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Wonderful Everyday Down the Rabbit-Hole
Yohjo Simulator
Ys I
Ys Origin
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

since we are all sharing tonight, here is one of my poems I wrote for marky:

When all the lolis are gone and there is nothing more to draw
I pray theyre hiding in your dreams, the ones you never saw
Our words and pictures float atop the trees
Perhaps we always had the same disease
Our pasts unearthed can never be re-buried
So the artist starts again, words and drawings married

When the lolis are gone and the light has left your eyes
Remember the one inside you, the one that never dies
Your innocence was stolen and youve forged it into art
a silent storm of bloodied canvas, it never fell apart
for we glimpsed a sacred loli dancing in the rain
art is born of heaven , her name is marky jane

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One day a Death shall come for me,
Come, bearing your own eyes.
A hollow shadow of my own,
From dusk till dawn in empty dream,
Gray bubbling stream of empty TV screen,
Is it a vice or not?

Eyes pause on empty word,
A muted shout in the sea of painful silent noise.
It's what one sees in early morning,
Engazed in muddy mirror on the door.
Day seems to end up soon, goodnight.

To them, death looks almost the same:
A scythe, a skull, a skeleton in robe -
I say it is not true, an absurd, made-up lie!
Nay - Death, I know, the day she comes,
Shall stare at me with your two eyes.

And as she steps out of the cupboard,
On stuffy, warm late August day,
And looks around: chair, desk, bed.
I struggle up under five blankets,
Try reach and look up in her eyes.
To see your eyes, and burst in tears,
For I have never lived this life,
Never lived this life!

Old weebs do, and Marky is old. Not saying that as an insult either, she’s like 28 by now and so am I. Just a lot older than the current gen of weebs who are happy with chinese produced slop. Back in the day everyone was into Higurashi and other similar vns that tiktok kids would find obscure.

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Whoa there laddie, I half-expected locals to be uncultured amerimutt swines, but not to such a degree, come on, you are kidding - are you not? You didn't recognize famous modernist authors whose fragments I used in my poem? Aww, fuck off. Go watch another negro rap song video or something.

Those dark spots under her eyes are called 'namida bukuro' (涙袋) in Japan, and are a minor fashion trend in recent years. Notice how all the relevant girls on this board have them, not from accidental insomnia, but permanent. I wonder is there is an explanation and why they seem attractive to some men like us.

cope that was her ranting like a maniac. and she dresses like a boy and wears many layers to obscure her looks now
she doesn't even compete with girls her own age anymore. It's over, she knows this and the knowledge has consumed her. she says she doesn't care but she obviously does.

Very not cool posting multiple photos of marky's underaged breasts. that is just WRONG. don't make her pay for mistakes she made as a child. Next you'll be posting videos of her getting fucked in the ass by sam Hyde or something. Smh it's not funny

Marky is the nigger of e-girls
Don't believe me? Let's take a look at the evidence:
> asks for gibs
> squanders it on booze and cars she wrecks
> can't hold down a job
> too lazy to work
> too dumb to go to college
> types like a baboon on texts and social media posts

And where's the proof of this? Unless you're her doing damage control, him self-posting, or an orbiter doing the whole fantasy thing all over again. The guy she hooked up with in the shed is a confirmed /jp/ crossdresser with tranny friends, so I'm skeptical of your claims. 

It's not a Marky specific thing to be hypocritical. It's how women work. Women's politics are like this. Once upon a time Marky was putting up flyers that said "white lives matter" and posting them on instagram. This is despite the fact that she's fucked multiple non white men and has never tried having kids with anyone anyway, white or not. If you point this out to her like topper did you get ridiculed without her ever addressing what you say. Women. They can only act like petulant little babies.

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there is not one of you here that wouldn't dream of transforming yourself into marky's favorite anime character and wife Urabe Mikoto

For those that aren't familiar with mysterious girlfriend x here is a brief synopsis from Wikipedia:
> The series follows the relationship of Akira Tsubaki and Mikoto Urabe. Urabe is a transfer student who recently came to Tsubaki's school. After a series of strange events, Tsubaki finds himself addicted to Urabe's drool. Once she claims the addiction as love sickness, the relationship slowly progresses, focusing on the odd bond that comes out of the drool attachment.
> As the story progresses, the relationship between the two deepens into genuine love. The manga strongly foreshadows that they will never break up, but rather will stay together for life

you will never be the /jp/ otaku/tranny that marky fantasizes as her wife, whom she is addicted and forever attached to. marky's life was forever transformed in that shed.

nta but she never had sex with Seymour and I don't think they've ever met. she only responds to seymour when she needs something (ie nude photos hidden, donations for a car) as far as I can gather.

shedguy she had a relationship with but we don't know anything about how or when it ended. I haven't seen any proof of their current status other than she still listens to his music and they appear to have an overlapping group of online friends (as of last year). based on the recent conversation leaks that came from around the time of her final steeam she was talking about being impossibly in love with some neet. whether it was due to magic drool  >>/93157/ we may never know but given the timing it might have to do with her poor mental state and suicide threats.

marky doesn't even talk to you and probably never has but go ahead and keep pretending you know anything. I bet you don't even know who she was deprrssed over and tweeting about summer 2022. you would probably say no one, or that wasn't her or some other faggot response. Boooooring

Ok am I schizo or does this porn star look like a pudgier Marky 


keep in mind most people wouldn't last days let alone years under such conditions. marky suffered day after day watching child pornography, moderating child pornography on masterchan and dressing up as whatever camwhores that psychopath Roberto de Brazil demanded of her. marky is basically a human trafficking victim returned back to society and told "good luck" and then we are surprised when she has problems and we mock her for not being able to live a normal life.

Funny memes and all, but is she really that fucking stupid to think anything some shady guy she met thru some shitty ass MMORPG in Brazil offered her would be better than anything she got going back here in America? What'd he offer her anyway to lure her down there lmao, a chance at designing a videogame? Because she'd have gotten that and much more with millions of guys back home, so why him? And once she realized she wasn't walking into the next Valve but instead some guy lazily developing a fanmade 2D , why didn't she just go back home? Why stay for 3 FUCKING YEARS? 

Jesus there's just so many questions because it all seems so fucking dumb I simply cannot comprehend it, but maybe she just has a retard-tier IQ that she just went with it without any thought and came back once she got bored.

I don't think she was tricked about the game or cuckberto. that was just something she came up with later. they worked on the game as a couple's passion project then she tried to retcon it like she moved out there to be a game developer rather than to date a brazilian she met on some mmo and have her needs taken care of.
> retard tier IQ got bored
pretty much this

as far as what she got out of it: escaping her life to another country, likely having all expenses paid, having no responsibilities, living with someone who she at the time loved and shared MANY interests with. if you give the game thing any thought at all it's obviously just retarded cope trying to whitewash what happened. she didn't move out there to work on a game and she didn't spend her 3 years slaving away on a game. she had a relationship with a pedrophile.

This all happened a long time ago. I think it's for the best that we all just move on and stop rehashing the past. People make mistakes, they have lapses in judgement and morals. Marky is not the same person she was in 2016, whatever may have happened then. What's important is that she learned from her mistakes, grew as a person and is in a better place here now in 2024.

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marky is a fucking weirdo, she lacks any empathy whatsoever. she was laughing at dead iraqi children in 2021/2022 with zabujard (that weird 35 year old faggot who collects piss bottles and brags about not showering). Marky would've been 24/25 when she was doing this, so enough about this maturity thing. Marky has always been terrible who not only uses people but damages them at the same time. 

As stated thoughm she is genuinely a bad person and has no concert ideology she follows, she will just go with the flow. She also clearly has bpd and the sex addiction / porn addiction that comes with judging by how she goes manic and sleeps with literal whos she meets online or goons to gay male porn

I am pretty sure Violet (markys roommate) tried to help her by taking her out to do stuff. Marky was more active on Instagram because of this and Drawing more. She even got a job. You can see Marky was on her way into normie art-girldom

Something must've happened to where Violet cut off Marky

Can we all stop pretending to believe that BS story about Sam Hyde raping Marky? He never raped her, it was all consensual and the whole bloody nose thing was just something she liked doing to be edgy, she faked the whole thing for attention. She begged Sam Hyde to fuck her and she very much consented to it.

yeah, most likely he had sex with marky and "dated" her, he probably broke up with her and she told her mom and her mom told the police, thus promoting sam hyde to never actual talk about what happened in order for himself to not incriminate himself over something so petty.

Sam was just thinking with his dick, he is still a freak for being 29 and driving to another state for some mid 16 year old girl but in Europe that happens all the time.

She is definitely mostly driven to seek attention but I also think that her laughing at dead kids is genuine, she has some slight traits of sociopathy and her consuming gore content alone in her room isn't just attention seeking behavior.
Cluster B = sociopathy, narcissism/histrionic and borderline. Typically when one has a personality disorder they will have mostly traits of one condition but will also have traits of others within the same cluster.

Mania is bipolar disorder not borderline. People with cluster B typically have dampened emotions/empathy and a feeling of internal emptiness which they try to compensate for by chasing highs, sex/masturbation addiction can develop in such individuals since cumming is a high. Consuming gore or hurting other people is also a high since the feeling of power is sometimes humans enjoy. What cluster B condition an individual has mainly comes from which high they prefer. Power = sociopathy, Attention = Histrionic, Status = Narcissism, Borderline = Love (by others)

thanks for the explanation anon, with what you know. I have a question... Marky is 27, her looks will fade if she doesn't take care of herself (she has maybe 10-15 years left due to her getting lucky with her genes if she does take care of herself)

what do you think the future holds for her given her undiagnosed conditions? she could still be a successful streamer?? she could gain a following because she has a quirky look especially when she has short hair so she could garner a loyal audience to pay her even if she is a small time streamer with 500-1k viewers..  that's like 1k-3k USD a week just from twitch ads alone

it possible btw i.e. older female streams alinity who became famous at 34 without selling nudes, she sells them now though

she broke up with him, maybe because her mom found out, I can't remember. there's pictures of the ripped up letter sam wrote her. people that white knight and pretend she was raped also leave out how she reestablished contact with Sam when she got back from Brazil and was planning a future with him including marriage. she was like 22 when that happened.
bpdniggers are an all consuming void. whether mania is a defining feature or not my professional opinion is she definitely has manic episodes. she totalled two cars in a month lol

I don't think Marky really ever planned to become a successful streamer. I'm going to say something positive about Marky here, I think with her streaming her main intent is to express herself creatively and to create content for her fans. I don't think she wants to be a popular streamer because that would mean she'd have to pander to normies which would damage her ego. Marky has the soul of an artist and she doesn't really want money but to be appreciated, she wants a cult following and not to be some twitch thot.

maybe they just grew apart but given marky's track record I would say she said or did something to destroy the friendship or violet had to cut her off because she's a normie and couldn't be associated with the types of people and things marky is

Violet isn't really a normie, she is an artist and likes a bunch obscure leftist books and music like Kennedi. 

Violet even had a RYM link in her bio in 2019 but its deleted now

I think Violet was just authentic and Marky was fake so maybe there was a clash of sorts

all leftists are normies, they are all normie faggots who go to parties and do drugs and worship faggots and trannies. only exception are classical socialists but modern leftists are just normie = good, non-normie = bad/incel.

I mean a normie like relatively mentally stable, can hold a job, pursues hobbies and interests besides internet memeslop, maintains healthy friendships and relationships, doesn't behave erratically and dangerously, presumably doesn't pal around with and fuck pedros she meets on the internet or want those sort of people stalking her via association with marky. marky is the exact sort of person you cut out of your life for your own good.

To be precise she was supposed to be a pixel artist in his game project and yeah I wouldn't blindly trust marky's account. She lies about all her exbfs. I've found his doxx and most of his social media and he looks like a normal dude who posts normal stuff and has normie friends in his friend list. That dude even has a degree and is/was studying to get a second one. His family must be well off thanks to the euro being a much stronger currency - they moved to brazil when he was young.

> people that white knight and pretend she was raped also leave out how she reestablished contact with Sam when she got back from Brazil and was planning a future with him including marriage
That is fuckin bananas, Marky herself said he even offered her to set her up for life and purchase farmland and animals to live out her trad dream life yet for some reason it all suddenly stopped. I think she said the guy wised up and ghosted her to avoid dealing with any issues that might have arised from being with her and having fucked her when she was a minor. 

Thing is you're right, she's insane and loves the guy and if she could she'd be with him right now and I wouldn't be surprised at all if she's tried to reestablish contact in this long ass year and a half she's been MIA.

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Why did Marky pretend to read Kant and be into Paganism? I asked her on stream once about something Kant said and she had no idea despite claiming to read his work. Look at her google drive, she also had Kant bookmarked on her browser before. I wish someone can post all her old streams where she is sharing her screen

I feel like she does a lot of things for aesthetic and to look "smart".

Sbe's just a dumb larper. Plus many egirls share a fascination with the occult and cult like parapsychology. See Audrey and her retarded fixation with esotericism and Jung even tho she, like Marky, don't really know shit about it.

Yeah, I mean. Men and women seem to have evolved to focus on very opposite things in order to elevate their status with the opposite sex. what I mean by that is that men tend to be more practical/logical while women are more aesthetic/creative, men evolved to focus on practical hobbies and to have a stronger logical intelligence because developing skills and being good at logic helps you secure the most resources which elevates your status with women. As for women they tend to mostly focus on appealing to the male gaze, which tends to prefer women who fit into a specific aesthetic a lot more than woman who have developed any sort of skill. Like men who say they like "gamer girls" for example don't really give a shit how good a woman is at games so long as she has a general interest in gaming and the better she is at games doesn't make her more attractive, rather being pretty and having a collection of video games would fit better into the gamer girls aesthetic compared to an ugly girl that is really good at games, so essentially women just focus on fitting into the aesthetic of what the men they want to appeal to like.

By what metric? All her life choices are retarded. Academically she isn't above average. Emotionally, goes without saying but we all know what a monumental wreck she is. She didn't even use her looks to her advantage and I don't even mean in a roastie paypig-looking thot kind of way, but to at least take advantage of the fact that she is, at worst, a good looking, non disabled, white, American female aka she won the genetic and societal life lottery yet everything she does is beyond stupid that it all indicates a profound retardation.

i hope one day there is an actual marky exhibit at a museum.all the art shes inspired, the writings shes inspired, the music ppl have made about her, the sculpture ppl have made. all in one place for the world to behold. itl be called "from the hyde bed to the tranny shed: the marky experience"

Posting this here (please share) in hopes.
Marky and Sam it's Ryan, or Zephro, I've messaged ya and worked with ya.
Did art of ya Marky, worked on a game for ya Sam (for money tytyty).

Truth about Ryan James McKay, from Palmerston North / Fielding, in New Zealand.

As in ryanmcnz (my old Gmail I emailed Sam from), and zephroelectro (I think this was my email I spoke to Marky from, did a huge pic of her with like a scientist mage vibe).

A very fucked up cult in palmy lied about me, paraded me around in the streets of palmy like I'm Jesus, and ruined my life.

Jesus is not even my name!
I'm Ryan James McKay.
And the only nickname I have is Zephro (my own I made up). Zephro Electro!

They've really messed up my life badly.
Ive been a slave.
Worked without pay. And even they tried to get me to do things on my one day off, trying to force me to when I needed rest.

Cult name: Victory Christian Church.

Cults leaders:
Joel Miller and Jamie Miller.
Dan Vanos and Maleane Vanos.
James Kelly and Florence Kelly.

The cult has tried to lure people in to indoctrination and slavery, and has done so weekly (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) from in the College St Normal School Hall in palmy (this was when they had enslaved me). I just Googled and it says they've changed now to the St James School Hall, (304 Albert st).

I first ran in to them in the streets of palmy sometime like 2014 maybe? I can't remember the exact date of it.

The cult goes by the name Victory Christian Church.

They pretend to be new here from America, but they're clearly not and have been around here all along. They own houses, and farms. Not like a traveller who would just have luggage.
For example Joel Miller has a second house out past Shannon, with a farm on it.

They've spoken to me like they know about things in this land as I would from when I was little one. They aren't new from America, it's a lie. Like knowing a local buildings entire selection of businesses it's been over time.

One day they spoke sounding like they're new from America, a next, like they aren't.
As in, both accents instead of just one, and words changing.

It looks like there's been others like them elsewhere in the world doing this.
Like one big cult disguised as something like a bunch of many separate things.

I didn't know they were a cult.
I got tricked. I just haven't had a dad, and not the greatest shot at life.
They took advantage of me.

I broke away from this cult, but have not had anywhere to live for years.
Five years. Cult victim, not "homeless".
Suffered the devil.

More recently I've been just bludging government money to eat.
Like spending $400 a week at a gas station because it was close to where I've been around.
This gas station now has over $4000 from me like this, in just a short time.

I'd be lucky if I spent a few hundred at one before, at most, across ever.

I've starved a lot, and suffered a lot.
This is destroying me.

The food has only let me survive hell, not live and have energy. Not have heaven.

Please save me.
Please at least spread the word.
A cult has been sewing dark in these lands, big time. Never felt such dark before.

I don't have the file anymore :(
Tho I gave her it. Maybe she still has it.

We're speaking 2013 lol.

I was posting on a blogspot.

Nothing archived it.

It's a scientist mage with moon eyes, a hood cloak, two staffs with an oscilloscope in the middle, and a green pear choker (reference lol).
I like drew her face based on her pics. But had to use 3D for the body lmao.

My name for it was Entropy Maiden Redux. Don't think I shared that before.

I was about to scold this latvian nigger for his inane cuckposting on public forum, and then open up a tirade on newfags pouring in from Sam Hyde debacle. However, there is a positive side to this all. It could speed up precipitation of past orbiters who might have extra rare old content still saved. I think it's win. Accelerate.

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rofl that lativan guy has been posting about marky since 2015 skype days, look through desuarchive. Reminder that r9k and /int/ are crossover boards, you also have the schizo argie post marky threads on int. There is also an austrian flag and french flag who have been posting Marky since 2016.

Pretty sure Marky herself used /int/ or was in some int skype chat back in the day back when that board was good prior to the mass adoption of discord

Anyone who's ever been around her in any capacity could tell you she's very antisocial. It's weird. Very, very unempathetic and self absorbed. I agree about the lack of empathy and sex addiction, its classic cluster B stuff but in Marky there's such a detachment to it. She would say the most cruel shit about random people unprompted. I dont think she sees other people as being human most of the time. You have to "prove" it to her, I've noticed. If you succeed, she either envies you and starts hating you for being a better person, or she idolizes you and uses you.

these threads are just people posting the same garbage and rambling about the same tired things over and over in a loop. can't forget the schizos either. marky is over, move on

> suck my balls they're bigger than yours are
lmao does she love cunning psychopaths or something? because she has ranted about every ex in such a manner, giving a laundry list of wild accusations yet in all cases seemed to be happy and in love while in the relationship.

how does marky feel that to this day she is influencing young girls to ruin their lives and reputations like she did?  >>/93621/ does she feel any inner turmoil over this or does she feel flattered and appreciate the attention it brings her when young aspiring egirls wish to follow on her footsteps?

what is it about marky that catches the focus of schizo characters like our Latvian friend? did he encounter her in the past, even in some fleeting moment, and get touched with her madness or was the obsession entirely born from a distance within the confines of his own mind?


what would marky be like in kennedi's new perfect world if she were smelted in god's furnace, forged into something good, true and honest? the miracle girl they would call her

her "trolling" always has a bit of truth to it. Especially when she self deprecates. Anyhow, Marky is confirmed gooner tbh so she's probably gooned to blacked and stuff worse than blacked like aggressive male-male porn and gore

also.. i believe this was from a private server, judging by the way the other pfps and names were blurred out. I wish some of these guys who hand convos with Marky could just speak up

guys, im thinking of doing something that would probably benefit each and every ones of us. what if i pay an admin two hundred dollars to remove all marky threads past present and future? then we could all get over this crippling mental illness we have. the first few weeks would be really difficult, I know that. but we would emerge as stronger people in the end, and we'd finally be free.

> old windows layout
> old donation bar for a 1080
> listening to aphex twin
> books on her bedside desk
> bed itself looks neat
> charming eye bags complenting her translucent but not dried out skin
its a vibe

if marky threads were removed here someone would just make a thread elsewhere or make a whole marky board.

i wonder if she would remove all marky threads in existence if it also meant removing all simping spaces and archives of her exploits. the old marky i don't think would do that in a million years and was very concerned with people knowing who she was and with being considered an internet celebrity. she seemed oddly captivated by her own story, both the good and bad. maybe she really has changed in her old age.

The moment she fucked Sam, any chance of a normal life was lost. At least, that's how I see it. She was always mentally fucked up before that, but that just put her on the path to no return.

Girls at her point in her life, in the situation she's in, don't find long term partners and get married. There was a point in her life where she could have salvaged something approaching a normal life, but that ship sailed long ago.

i think it would have happened anyway just quieter. if it wasn't sam it would have some other older man she was fucking as a teenager. him being somewhat famous and how public it became didn't help but she was already known and doxxed for posting her tits on /b/ before anyone really knew about the sam stuff. she was already mentally fucked before sam and made one bad decision after the other after. replacing sam wouldn't change her mental situation or life trajectory much in my opinion

Marky was the best that sammy boy ever had. She could have been the one, if he didn't fuck it up they could still be together by now living a married life. I feel like ever since she left Sam her life has been kind of in a downward spiral, uncertain of what to make of herself. I wonder she's at right now though.

Being a pedro is a non-issue since Marky was the one who messaged him first, women don't care about pedrophilia they just pretend to care out of jealously over the younger girls. If Sam wasn't a retard he would have married her on the spot, he fucked up. Marky also most likely wishes he'd get his shit together since he's the highest value man she's ever been able to attain, oh well.

the good ending for them was marky and sam getting married, marky making small background appearances in mde type content, fishtank basement crew personality etc while working on her art and other projects at their home. channing is an agent of chaos that doomed their fateful reunion by spending years upon years spamming that sam raped and beat marky. even if marky and sam could have reconciled she made sam would not want anything to do with marky. thus one woman derailed fate itself.

whoever leaked the picture of marky and sam really fucked things up for them too. the whole thing about marky and sam would have had no legs but instead it became a meme that follows them everywhere and strains their relations

since they lived together, im going to guess that at some point, violet probably saw marky naked. upon glimpsing perfection, im sure violet felt incredibly jealous, and inferior, and thought about giving up on life completely once she realized that as long as she was around marky, no man would even look in her direction. indeed , she would be invisible in markys presence to the eyes of all onlookers.

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Marky was born into an upper-middle class WASP family that was full of college graduates but somehow she's failed @ life..

Her parents had 2 homes, she went to a private charter school that helped her get a full ride scholarship to a uni.. Everything was set for her

It's funny how she pinned the blame of having whored out at 15 on /b/ on her "meds" and her shrink at the time instead of owning up to it, admitting it was a stupid mistake, and moving on quietly with her life, away from the attention she got. 
You can pinpoint that specific incident as the start of the shitshow. So what did she do? Double down and actively become an imageboard icon going as far as reaching out and having underaged sex with a massive meme culture personality like Sam Hyde. Won't even get into the rest of her dumbass life choices but my point is that she simply is pretty stupid. No matter the massive advantages she always had from the get go she was always gonna fuck it up. Not much more to it.

marky has been gone long enough and i think it's time we finally let her go and let her live her life in peace without any obsession or hate following her. free her or forgive her. it's been real everyone but this is goodbye for me.

i doubt marky loves the man who took advantage of her at 16 years old. if she feels anything towards shinobazooka i can only imagine it's pity that she reproduced with that man twice. none of you know the first thing about marky or what caused her mental break in 2023 so you grasp at the few straws available to you.
she doesn't follow sam. she was watching because her name was being mentioned and then posters here tried to portray that as her being obsessed with sam.

Marky loves cute Oriental things. she probably lowkey simps for shino and I wouldn't blame her. she looks very adorable and down to earth. 
I envy Sam for seeing what those DSLs can do
they just fill in gaps with whatever fanfiction is convenient to them like
> oh she scrobbled intimate gay sex so the only conclusion is she was masturbating to it
it's all bad faith

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Hello Sir/Madam,

Please I want you to exercise some patience reading through this
mail enable you have good understanding, meanwhile I will appreciate
youto ignore and delete this mail from your mail box if you are not
interested beeing my partner for the investment project in your country,
meanwhile I got your email contact from Google data base while I was
searching for a reliable and honest person that will partner with me for
the investment project to whose ever it may concern country


My names are Aisha Gaddafi, 37, years the only biological daughter
of late Libya president Gaddafi, I want to use this opportunity to
inform you that I need a very honest and reliable person that can help
me look for a profitable business/ company to invest into there in your
country then you let me know, and provide account where I can transfer
the sum of$ usD for the investment in your country

Note you will have 30% of the total funds after the transfer of the
funds to your account while I will further the process of the investment
with remaining balance Please I will like to hear from you about the
nature of the business to invest the money with and your experience,
even if you are not interested in the business if you can assure me that
my funds will be save once it is transferred into your account then
you will still have the 30% of the total funds the sum $

About me and the reason why I am now in Burkina Faso as you can read
more in the linked below Please inter the link to read and know more
about me and the reason why I contacted you


I am currently residing in one of the African Countries,
unfortunately as a refugee. At the meantime,my family is the target of
Western nations led by Nato who wants to destroy my father at all costs
and with all he has labored for me. Our investments and bank accounts in
several countries are their targets to freeze as some have been already
temperd with.

I have been commissioned to contact an interested foreign
investor/partner who will be able to take absolute control of part of
the vast cash available to private account with my late brother who was
killed by NATO air strike, for a possible investment in your country.

If this transaction interest you, you don’t have to disclose it to
any body because of what is going on with my entire family, if the
united nation happens to know this account,they will freezing it as they
freeze others,

so keep this transaction for yourself only until wefinalize it.I want to
transfer this money into your account immediately
for onward investment in your country because I don’t want the united
nation to know about this account that deposited in my account here in
burkina faso which the sum is($27.2) Millions US Dollars!

My dear one i feel you are only one who can help me in this problem.

Therefore if you are capable of running an establishment and can
maintain the high level of secrecy required in this project, kindly
respond to me as soon as possible so we can proceed further because i
need to come over to your country with my children for safety.

I will be waiting to hear from you.

Yours .Aisha Gaddafi,

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> I think he shouldn't share until the 2019 twitch streams hoarder does the same
Let's hope he takes this as a sign to unhoard. I'm the guy who was unwittingly hoarding the 1.5GB collection and I asked someone who's more familiar with the board culture here to verify whether they were actually rare and post them. I'm very happy it's been well received. 

On that note, here are more videos from the late 2014-early 2015 era that I wish to find, especially "art history", which was my favorite alongside "Bedroom". I want to believe that if I held onto these videos for this long then some other Markyfag MUST have them.

I want more angry marky posts like her big balls rant or arguing with that guy on discord or her jokerposting about college girls. something about her trying to puff up and act all tough is just adorable like a little puppy trying to be a big guard dog but you just want to give it head pats. I can almost picture her red in the face with fists clenched stamping her feet so cute. imagine pushing marky's buttons until she pounces and attacks. you do this every day so she can get her energies out and act normal

she would never wear a conventional wedding dress. too mainstream and stacey. maybe an old dusty relic from a great grandmother. she doesn't strike me as someone that would have a real wedding anyway. i see her as someone that gets impulsively married in a government building wearing old smelly street clothes and then has the honeymoon drinking and taking drugs, watching anime in her mom's basement. maybe they would rent a hotel room and order doordash for the special occasion.

She's never been tomboyish, the fuck are you on about? I think Ashley and Audrey are the only ones who could ever be labeled as tomboys 
Marky dresses like shit and it only got worse during her last year or so of her public appearances with her horrid granny glasses and annoying orange hat.

she had sex with sam hyde before being put on meds and posting her tits on /b/

sam hyde incident was late 2012 to early 2013. /b/ incident was xmas 2013. Sam Hyde breaking up with her was she was put on meds

the first pic makes me seethe. marky is the only one who didnt wear a dress or put any effort into her appearance for this special occasion. its a WEDDING marky. you dont show up in a hoody and converse you retard. this is a prime example of her laziness and selfishness. shes apparently too high and mighty to put on a nice dress for her own familys wedding.

I know exactly what you mean and I initially thought the same, but in all fairness and coinsidering how the woman at the other end of the photo is also dressed as if attending her local rodeo, I'd say the dress code was purposefully lax. 

That doesn't really mean she couldn't at least put in some effort and dress up to the ocassion, but oh well.

its really criminal that a high value girl like marky is trying on walmart and target tier clothing. her tastes should be more refined. id get her the finest silk dresses and cashmere sweaters

I think pic #4 , the denim zip-front vest, is the vest she was wearing on one of the videos where she was dancing to techno with the glowsticks and wearing sunglasses. or am i misremembering. that vest looks so familiar

> high value
Being attracted to someone doesnt make them high value. High value traits in women are
> practices self-care
> respectful
> stable, is your sanctuary not your source of stress
> keeps self in shape
> compassion
> soothing
> ambitious
> maintains healthy relationships
> modest
Marky is none of these.

high value has nothing to do with looks for either gender. nowhere in any community do people define HVM HVF on that basis. obviously you have to be fucking attracted to someone to date them dumbass. that’s the baseline requirement. what comes after is an assessment of their character and how things will be in the long term. marky destroys everything in her path.

 she didn’t attain sam, he pumped and dumped her because she was stupid and young enough to think he’d actually spend his life with her. they were never even boyfriend and girlfriend. they fucked and that’s it. a decade ago. her looks are fading more and more by the day. unless she has a real wake up call or wants to settle for a $14 an hour retail worker for a husband she’ll inevitably cheat on, she will be in for a lonely life. i hope that isn’t the case.

NTA but sam literally used marky and she is WAYYYY prettier than him, how the fuck is that jewish fatso pedro high valuable, by being an "internet famous micro celebrity " ?  Don't get me wrong she is pretty and has nice genes but as he mentioned she couldn't get sam, the reason is not her looks but sam hyde is a trashy fuckboy coomer and marky was too naive to understand she was going to get used

she tried to get back with him after Brazil and wished to marry him but he ended up ghosting her and she still follows his content
she squandered her high value days then, trying to be an internet celebrity. Her looks peaked in 2019. Since then the value has plummeted, even she says so.

High value is just whatever is considered high status by the opposite sex, so basically whatever the opposite sex demands the most. Men typically demand beauty and women typically demand success. Although nowadays women have their own careers so the expectations on men have shifted to emphasize looks a bit more too. However Marky has no career of her own and as you can see based on her dating history she wants a man that can take care of her and let her live her neet fantasies, Sam was the most successful man she ever dated.
Sam fucked that one up, Marky was probably the prettiest girl he's ever been with but he always thought he could do better so he treated her like shit and just continued being a fuckboy like always, now the best he can get is that shinobazooka gookette.

this man is right. i remember him being exposed and it coming to light that he actually had to borrow money just so he could buy a plane ticket to the u.s. to come visit marky/kennedi. all russians are scammers, never forget this.

> russians scam
This is the 100% truth, these fuckers have lied about EVERYTHJING for the last hundred years. Fucking Soviets claimed they had thousands of nuke missiles when they had a handful of bombs. Russia is a third world country devoid of whites, remember that

he came to the US to see her multiple times, dated her and was paying for her apartment. they most assuredly fucked multiple times. he's not like you suckers buying a car for nothing in return, not even a sliver of gratitude.

wow you own stock in A COMPANY? that sounds really official and important.  why isn't marky dating you mr successful?

oh boy, where to start with this one. 

1. he came to the u.s. one time. not multiple times. only one.

2. there is zero evidence of him paying for her apartment. in fact there are posts from marky at that time saying she was working a full time office job to pay her own rent, and also her parents were helping her.

3. stop the larp , stop pretending you know anything. I literally talk to andrei's current gf daily and have known her for like 6 years from various discord servers. They are relatively poor, by u.s. standards

it’s andrei who told everyone he was wealthy and paid marky’s rent and so on lol can’t blame people for taking others at their word, blame the liars. you’re seething over people choosing to believe not everyone is psycho enough to lie so much. his gf, assuming you haven’t been lying either, is definitely just as bad as him if not more so

> wow you own stock in A COMPANY? that sounds really official and important. why isn't marky dating you mr successful?

keep coping you retarded nigger. You got exposed for being a poor retarded russian faggot and are seething now. That slavshit barely had any money for a flight to america

lmao andrei makes you seethe so hard i wonder why? must be a sore spot for you knowing he flew into the US,  made love to your princess, called her his gf and it was all so easy

it sounds a little personal between you and andrei for you to be in such denial, but he most assuredly fucked marky. she was depressed for a long time after they broke up too. He must have been very dear to her. she'll never care about you that much. I doubt she's ever spoken to you since you know so little of her life.

lol there are screenshots posted in earlier threads where marky implies fucking him (the god wants sperm back post). if anything he is the only person with clear evidence from her besides sam.

tldr stfu ekat troll

any actual evidence? i found her youtube videos kind of interesting and she was/is relatively normal compared to that junkie ciara. i've come across some of her posts in the archive and she was genuinely mad. 
maybe i'm a simp but this is a simp board so sue me

I'm scanning this thread because I don't care about Marky, but if it's stickied something must have happened. But I think the mods just stickied it for a laugh. 

methy marky was always the most boring girl. She always looks lost and confused in all her vids.

Listen, kids, you should really not try to expose this kind of stuff. You're all young, playful; things are all easy for you. But this is different. This is not some Snowden thing, nor even intelligence agencies files. You better stay out of this. I mean really, anyone of you would regret it. Simply drop it, and forget what's been written. Now I totally understand that this message shall raise additional interest to this, but I want to warn the most inquisitive of you — STOP. The rest just won't discover it.

>  I mean really, anyone of you would regret it.
what exactly are doing that is wrong? no one here has harassed Marky in any way. 

The only person who is scared of all this is Sam Hyde, which is understandable because he would look like a hypocrite since he pretends to be anti-pedro and anti-degeneracy

thread was pinned when anon said he'd post a bunch of rares if it was pinned, also probably because it's funny and saves room. 
ciara was more normal and more intelligent than marky without question. marky has just been lucky and survived all the bad decisions she's made, just with some close calls.

marky totalled 2 cars in a month, flipping one of them. she almost drank herself to death on stream and had to be rushed to the ER by her mother, she moved to shithole brazil with some guy random pedro she met on an MMO. that is probably only the top of the iceberg for her and she's been lucky she hasn't khs with dumb decisions. Imo Ciara displayed more intelligence and self awareness than marky could ever dream of. Marky at the very least has luck on her side to not have become another ciara or bianca.

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referring to someone as "another ciara" isn't exactly a compliment for both people. i've seen her tripfagging when i had too much free time browsing through desuarchive but i can only describe her posts as 100% deranged. marky might also be unhinged but at least her artistic talents aren't 0 and she's still alive. crazy, right? breathing. air too spicey for ciara.

anyone have markys old streams where she talks for long periods of times about random things while playing games? really wish I could watch those. i used to watch her twitch vods back in 2018 when I couldn't sleep and her voice would put me to sleep lol. Also I know she talks a lot in her streams with Alice but I can't stand alice and find her to be insufferable 

Marky by herself would've been a great streamer to watch with a nice loyal fanbase. Such a shame..

PS: if anyone can post them it would be greatly appreciated it. I can even give you a $10 steam giftcard I have if you want to just give them to me directly, I won't share them.

Someone is definitely hoarding them, but I feel like most people are stingy with sharing these days since the only people still orbiting her are bitter oldfags. 

t. bitter oldfag with nothing to share sadly.

ekat was just another retarded bpd girl on these discord servers like marky and bianca. the stuff about her being a mastermind helping to pit marky and ken against each other and acting like it's her fault bianca got murdered is all just spillover drama from marky and andrei's rocky relationship and eventual break up. it's not that deep, just mentally ill people colliding.

now thats an interesting question! personally i consider someone an egirl if: theyre in the chan communities (2) they have some sort of popularity or e-fame (3) theyve had nudes leaked at some point (4)she has lore. i think she meets all those criteria

when you're generous and caring there are those who will take advantage of it. don't let it get you down or change your kind heart. Seymour, the world needs people like you.

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I wonder why sosa, marc, jt, rene and the other e-boys never got to date or meet up irl with marky only sam hyde did that, why didnt they  try to rizz marky on discord? marc was the most sucessfull dude and he meet kasper , ciara, bianca, lily (?). He fucked almost all the important girls except marky

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“A true E-Girl must combine the seductive wiles of a courtesan with the untouchable majesty of a virgin goddess, holding these attributes in tension so long as the powers of her youth endure. For when youth and beauty have gone, she will find that the place-between, once occupied by tension, has become a well-spring of cunning and resourcefulness.”

then why didn't she date seymour? he is rich and always gave her money. It seems marky does not like e-boys only that specific internet comedian and random men and that one brazilian pedro (who was a fat man and not e-boy tier)
so marky lowkey has an ugly bastard fetish

and no seymour isn't an ugly bastard even if he looks like a grandpa he was too handsome and beautiful in his prime, he is a retired schizochad unlike sam and the brazilian pedro wo were fat bastards in their late 20s

> so marky lowkey has an ugly bastard fetish
There could be truth to this, I think women who want a male provider do seem to go for men who are uglier than them. The reasoning behind this is probably that they want someone who is "safe", because if a man provides then he has a lot of power within the relationship and could easily cheat and get away with it but if she's significantly prettier than him then he wouldn't have any reason to cheat since attracting a prettier woman than her would be hard and he doesn't want to lose her.

eh. less attractive men are more encouraged to chase the bag because they can’t rely on looks. plus women care less about appearance and more about security in the long term do they’re willing to be with someone ugly over someone poor a lot of the time.

I think it's kind of fucked up she never gave seymour a chance but moved to brazil for roberto and was willing to take sam hyde back. she hooked up with some /mu/ tranny accused of being a pedro or some shit and still overlooked seymour and ghosts him. it's like she doesn't want to be happy or something.

marky said marc was ugly. which is true, marc looks sub5 irl and in his mugshot. He's just tall for brownoid, he is like 5'11/6ft. Marky would probably date an ugly guy though if he was into the same interests as her. She seems to be different than other women, but marc was clearly just not her type and a boring druggie

face/looks = height > body > "personality"

Some gold in here, but also a lot of creepy shit from her manic period a couple years ago. 
> painting with her own blood from a cut as evidenced by the bandages and ointment
> pics of what seems to be three different cars she crashed within weeks, not just two
> figures from lolicon anime on her desk
> self portrait of her driving while angrily smoking
> huge amounts of ammunition 
> even more of the weird sexual drawings of little girls than usual

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Not those, this one. It's from Popotan, an oldfag harem anime based on a hentai VN. This character she seems obsessed with is only 11 years old and most of the H scenes in the game are with her. She's hypersexual and fucks the male player and the older women in the game.

There’s absolutely nothing interesting or revealing that was said in that server, not even after her car wrecks. From its founding in early August 2021 to when she abandoned it it June 2022, she kept her correspondence extremely curt and sometimes spent weeks away from her community. That zip is the best encapsulation of that period of her life she could have gave and the screenshot of her giving someone art advice was probably the most articulate she spoke in that server.

It’s not that deep. It’s pretty mundane.
She was having fun changing bandages
She crashed just two cars: the solara and the camry
It’s moe, she’s wasn’t getting off and the drawings she was posting then are super tame compared to what she was doing as a 15 year old. 
She probably thought the ammo potpourri was appealing like RE4 inventory asmr or how she kept all those old books and computer pets in her childhood room.

Full HD version of Markys story video. It's in 1080p. The retard on mir archive channel uploaded a low quality version of it. Make sure you niggas save it and upload it somewhere. 


Something about her voice and her whole presence really just pisses me off. I'm positive it's the fact that she acts this teehee le cutesy innocent bullshit persona after fucking Sam Hyde in the ass, flashing her tits to /b/, and making a fool of herself and bragging about it online for years and acting smug about it. Makes my blood boil. Any other unknown girl makes that video and it's adorable; Marky does it and it makes me want to punch her face in, the tone of her voice, everything about it and her rubs me the wrong way.

watch it with a clear mind, as if youd never seen this girl before. thats how we should view it. with no remembrance of the past. because the past is only a figment of our imagination, a host of thought distortions with varying degrees of reality. at the time of filming, the only thing that is provably real and true was the present moment. and in that moment, she was an adorable and innocent farm girl full of wonder and happiness

In those same thread archives they’d see that Roberto watched cp with Marky and that he was admin of Masterchan/Enrive/Ccluster which was notorious for only being used by pesos since it was extremely lax with cp.

Is there much known about Marky's father? From her mother's blog, I found that she was a single mother and that she's originally Texan; I thought Marky was a thoroughbred WASP.

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Why do you force yourself so much ? marky probably would ignore kai, she is just a boring telegram wannabe tradthot who has nothing to do with marky but wants to cling to her since she is the only old e-girl who is still alive and relevant (sam hyde drama). We know you don't actually like her or have a lesbian crush on marky just stop.

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for a 500k USD (houses around but more inland go for 2.5 mln bananabux) house that's a damn crappy wardrobe closet: laminated particle board, door hinges already out of alignment
Nice wooden window frames and stained glass tho, very classy compared to what his neighbors have
And there is ocean, public park and a nice restaurant all 20 footsteps away from backyard

Another bit of trivia: story and qna videos are recorded in second location, a high rise condo also with an ocean view, a pic of Marky looking like an 90's office lady was taken there, in the living room

> time travel back to xmas 2013
> see thread on /b/ posted by a girl named marky
> see the most perfect and voluptuous and fuckable body i have ever seen in my life

whatever age she was , thats what the age of consent should be. period

> The average age to start birth control is 16 years old. This is because most young women have established a menstrual cycle by this age, which allows them to start birth control without disrupting their cycle. 
> Teens take birth control for a variety of reasons, including preventing pregnancy, menstrual cramps, menstrual flow, regular periods, and acne control.

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you idiots have the timeline mixed up. My autism and my knowledge of Marky lore is getting to me so here we go.

SHE was sodomized by Sam in the summer of 2013 and most likely began talking to him on facebook maybe WEEKS/MONTHS before in early April of 2013. She found Sam Hyde / MDE in 2012 according to what she has said in the past - it lines up with her goals for the year post on listopgraphy(finding a love interest). This was when MDE was popular with liberals and when 4chan and the internet was less political, Sam himself was a "progressive" at the time.

Summer 2013 -> Sodomized by Sam (dated for 3-4 months). Threesomes with an older girl (who was 20) and Sam recording their sex. Marky claims Sam drove to her work the first time they met and basically groped her but she was okay with it. Marky probably quit her job, lied to her mom and was hooking up with Sam instead of working that summer.

Late Summer to early Autumn 2013 -> Sam breaks up with her, mom "kicks" her out, she is put on SSRI's

Late Autumn to Winter 2013 -> she go on to discover 4chan, uses /b/ for months to troll, later on xmas day, all alone, while pretty much "high" on SSRi's she just does something impulsive for attention, she shows her tits, she even self doxes by holding up her school ID

2014 -> she becomes fully immersed in chan culture, you can tell by her art style change, her music taste changing, her love for obscure anime and visual novels grows 

also pic related is a screenshot i took in 2016, it's one of her old streams.. a long one... if anyone has some of these long Marky streams archived from 2016-2018, I will give you $500.. I am probably one of the few markyfags left from 2014 era. I was actually in the infamous /b/ thread however I didn't care for Marky at the time. It changed when I met her in a Skype group chat a few months later sometime in May 2014.. Marky is like a drug for me, I love to observe her behavior, lifestyle and her lore. I enjoy documenting everything in my mind. This is better than most films. Her story is one of a kind and I hope it continues. I have a feeling she may become a successful streamer due to her authenticity compared to these modern day egirls

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also; an old friend of mine who Marky used to share porn with told me Marky was an avid coomer back in 2016 (even while with Charlie).. maybe this correlated with her love for Hentai and gay porn, it was proven that she goes on /gif/ to watch real porn. I know she was a big fan of RocksyLight who was a cosplayer/pateron girl who sold nudes. 

Anyhow.. back in 2016/2017/2018 she used to openly like Hentai and Loli stuff on Twitter. It must turn her on or something. Pic related is some of the crazy stuff she was liking on twitter, maybe she was touching herself to these images? 

What do you guys think?

I was born in foster care so I am the same as you brother, I'm actually a year younger than Marky, I met her when I was 15 turning 16 in that Skype chat. 

Unlike most of these guys who want to see stalk Marky or see her crash and burn, I am just here to observe her. I am sure you're the same way right?

> I was actually in the infamous /b/ thread
I was there too, witnessing it all unfold in real time. However I didn't hear from Marky at all again until around 2017 when I find out to my surprise that not only did she not flee from the internet after her self dox and underaged nudes fiasco, but she had actually become a minor internet celeb and was living in fucking Brazil lmao. Wild times. It always amazed me how stupid she was and instead of doing the logical thing and removing herself from the public eye after such a humiliating episode she on the contrary embraced the whole chan culture. It always made me want to punch her in the face when she acted all butthurt and uppity when reminded of her Xmas 2013 thing, as if that wasn't the whole reason anyone even knew her in the first place.

her being used and abused by sam hyde would've made her a minor eceleb regardless because she was put on SSRI's and exposed to chan culture right afterwards. She probably was lonely and wanted attention after being dumped by Sam and her mother kicking her out. This lead her to post her tits and subsequently (later) having her life spiral out of control. It all leads back to Sam Hyde but ultimately it was her decision to let a man twice her age to drive 1 hour to her while she was working. That should've been a red flag right away, even a child can recognize that.

Nothing "lead her" to anything, she did it all out of her own volition. She can blame her meds, sam hyde, her mom, the holy spirit or what have you, but the truth is no one forced her to post her 15 year old tits to thousands of people online and nobody forced her to stay online and hang out/embrace/appeal to that same crowd she loves to point the finger at to blame for her retarded life decisions. I'd respect her more if she was ever honest with herself and said she loved every single second of the attention it got her instead of acting the offended puritan whenever you brought it up to her.

in one of my only conversations with marky, she said she liked the book 'snow falling on cedars'. we should all read it and discuss. we can have a reading group and read and discuss all her fav literary works

I don't remember that much about it. I mean, it's not bad, I enjoyed it somewhat but I don't think there's anything very much notable about it; it's random middlebrow fiction from the '90s. It's kind of strange to me that this would be one of her favorite books. It's probably just something she read for school, which is the same reason I read it. Doesn't seem like something she'd pick up on her own. Honestly though, if this is one of someone's favorite books it's probably just because they haven't read very many. I can't think of anything specific from it that should appeal to her sensibilities in particular. If I remember correctly there is an underaged sex-scene or two, but that's not, like, a large part or focal point of the book or anything...

I advise to hold this poster's words in dubiety. First, your picture is from 4archive capture, I know for sure because it has the same hash.
( https://4archive.org/board/r9k/thread/29037184#p29054978 )
Second, none of what you say is candid info, all is public gossip overposted on 4chan and elsewhere. Some of which could be disputed by other publicly available evidence. And by "evidence" I don't mean inane shit you go on about circularly in these threads since 2021, actual photo with distinct details.

Now, that you mention 2016 streams, I give you a chance to redeem your reputation. Sure, you could have posted this pic long ago, a random crop. But can you actually recall which stream your screenshot is from, and what was the name of her twitch channel at the time?

dont even bother with that post. as soon as I read "sam broke up with her" , I know the rest of the post is probably bullshit. anyone who was around at the time knows she broke up with sam, not the other way around

i wonder how many times since then she's reached out to him and if he ever responds. does he feel regret things didn't work out between them when he seems the shambles her life fell into or does he feel relief he's clean of it other than a few memes?

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some guy did a 1+ hour long deep dive on Sam Hyde and Marky situation as it's picking steam, this nigga even mapped out Sam's apartment to disprove Sam Hyde shills and included archive links of every single possible to debooonk them, it's an enormous mountain of proof. Due to Sam Hydes new found popularity, this might escalate and we might get Marky to make an official statement soon. Sam Hyde has been scared shitless since he banned Marky TTS messages on fishtank live. He also was apparently shaking irl when those 2 kids confronted him with the infamous bloodied nose Marky pic w Sam Hyde.

Strap in boys. Marky season is upon us once again. Maybe she will finally have justice

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None of her old webcam pics are mirrored, and this one would only look like her room if it was mirrored, bed and bunch of drawers moved, stacks of books put into closet recess (where baseboard goes up). Wall is too gray, not a yellowish-green. Perhaps it's in basement.
I'm not a TV-brained millenial fr, is there a tl;dw text version of this which any literate person could finish reading in under 10 minutes? Wonder if he found this place tho, would be sick.

he will get fucked in some way, I have a feeling in my gut telling me. This guys video was very detailed, the hyde shills can't really do anything except try to report it. All it would take is for some semi big youtuber to react to it, then tiktok videos etc etc
nah there isn't a tldr video because this nigga is autistic and he was using various different examples to prove each point. He was hammering the point home so sam can't plausible deniability.

that video is a masterpiece, he got every little detail right, even used university of fairbanks instagram pictures that were posted. The one where Marky is moving into her dorm in 2015
he's most likely a markybro who wanted to do justice. We can't hate on him for posting our rares

good for him he got in at her peak before it all went downhill. he wasn't even an orbiter or an internet weirdo, just some normie  who was fucking marky and seemingly oblivious to all the drama swirling around her. must be a bit of a novelty now like "yeah i blew loads in this egirl lolcow chick that was big on 4chan once upon a time. me and Sam Hyde are eskimo bros"

does he include the screen cap of marky talking to kennedi post-brazil about how sam and her were talking about marriage, living together, helping her pursue legal action against her molester before ghosting her? this is always left out of the timeline by marky white knights perhaps because it makes the narrative more complicated than them dating when she was 16, breaking up, her speaking out about it, the end

He gets to the point around 40th minute. According to his version, naked photos were taken in April 2014, he compares Sam's hair cut, and color across time to prove. Winter coats outdoors - should be winter months prior. This evidence is solid. Sam Hyde happened after Christmas, not before. Marky was 16, she said it herself. Update your lore.

Another piece was misinterpreted by LtCorbis in her video, twitter posts and ruminated on in her thread would from this lolcow farm thread:
> Day 1 (April 11th-12th): I'm shattered. I stayed awake more or less from 8:40PM when I read your email until now, which is 9:56AM, with maybe two hours of sleep. I dreamt about you, dreamt we were communicating using some secret chat program that your mom didn't know about. I am sorry I can't just give you up.
> Maybe I will move to Fairbanks and get a job as a a janitor for the school.
Further down he mentions a boy that Marky is in process of "saving", could it be Charlie?

I'm not sure where to date the letter then, and why does he talk about these intimate details (her future university) like they had a conversation about them prior, yet Marky dumped him already?

Nah, he reveals himself as old time hydefag and outsider. His archive snapshots are from November, right about when Marky threads were getting steady posting last year. At 53rd minute he mentions a steam game gift to Charls :skull:. Props to his autismo infograph skills though, deciphering location from two iron bars in background is what should have been done back in 2015.

my personal theory is that marky is not coming back and will never speak on sam again because after the story exploded again with fishtank season 1 and she had her breakdown her and sam reached some kind of agreement, perhaps with financial compensation, so that she will remain silent and keep a low profile. he is sitting comfortable knowing it will never go anywhere beyond schizo youtube videos and posts on boards like the chans or KF.

how much could marky's silence cost? A couple g's like she was asking for her youtube channel?

> how much could marky's silence cost? A couple g's like she was asking for her youtube channel?
I doubt he spent a single cent for her silence. She's still obsessed with the guy and he knows it, so I guarantee a simple reaching out exchange asking her to be quiet to stay on good terms would suffice.

Hey guys.
Was gonna post here but the char limit sucks.

Here's some more.
Wonder if someone will suggest paying money again after I post this, to censor all marky posts, like after I posted before?

Sams World peace was just an ad for my death on the cross. Sams news 17 video is word for word me irl.
Like, I dressed like that at school. Feilding Intermediate School.
And was gonna confront princepal do-nothing about me being bullied.
And I'm tall hehe.

Btw, me gots the holy spirit. Guess that makes me thee guy.


Why is so much American themed crap all over the earth.

FUCKING thing looks like Egypt 2.0 - America edition.

Hope America gets nuked.
Seriously, every FUCKING song playing at the gas station is American.

Every FUCKING song.
Wanna kill all you yanks so much. Fuck America.
Pharohic land of everything trash.

Die soon by many plagues, you thee 666.

 the guy who told Sam to include on his "bomb the us" book cover, the little detail of that the bomb fuse is lit.

Sam did it btw lol.

Was trying to sign my post with that last bit.

Bomb the US.

Hey marky, wanna have some sex?
Let's rape a 7yo girl together.
Your Tumblr and pixiv searches for loli rape....mmmmm.
All that cp you love.
What a nasty girl.
Gotta love hacking you so much.
Seeing you masterbate to CP.

Sams threatened everyone with death lol. Did it to me.
Sam, Nick and Charls are literally robbers. Mobsters.

Btw his co host, nick, is on video admitting that his wife's wedding ring is from Nick robbing someone.
It's in one of those Nick and Jet clips, the house reviews.

What losers lol.

To those who are pure, all is pure.
Just reminding you that if a plague of fornicators is how someone innocent breaks away from slavery, to see images of child rape (which is still pure btw), than those fornicators were more useful than any "christian-TM".

Most "christians" are like a loaded gun when pointed at one who is truly innocent.

If you truly are a badass, don't have sex unless it's to make children. Ready to be a family. Thee sacrecy. Thee thing.

Wedding is just like getting on your bike after buying it. But you don't try the big thing, a flip, until you're ready.

I am perfect.
Me no sex. Couldn't afford to have kids, can't even afford myself....both in money and water of life.

Now, non risky pleasure, that's another thing hehe.

My time I wished for sex the most, my gf was almost drunk, and I was sleeping in some randoms fuckig garage.

Like, those randoms fornicating in the same room as me, as I watched cp and listened to t.A.T.u.

Imagine the dumpawr fire of a life it's be if I'd had children from that.

I couldn't even afford beans.

Btw still can't afford beans.
I'm 36 soon.
I have $13 to my name.

My gf did touch my pee pee tho when I was sleeping so that's cool 8)

Btw my lying abusive "mother" just showed up where I am and violently swiped my food away.

Hope their hands burn and shrivel and become disfigured 5ever.

Their names Chrissy Salter of Feilding, NZ.

May the devil, Satan, 666, burn them forever in the lake of fire...please, and thanks! <3

you guys are funny, clinging to old scraps and acting as if you know the first thing about marky. you stalk a child through archives and know nothing of the adult she became. you try in futility to pin her down to being that young naive girl that flashed her tits in 2013, trap her in your little cage. you failed.

that was the child marky that only exists in the past. she's matured, stopped posting, holds down a job, got married, and takes care of her mental and physical health now. you guys can talk about ancient history and obsess over image hashes and other schizo stuff but you don't know the first thing about the person marky is today other than a brief peek during a bad mental breakdown. which again, you know nothing about the causes that lead to said breakdown, just bore witness to the carnage. the real markybros are happy she has grown up and grown out of her egirl phase.

> "you don't know the first thing about the person marky is today other than a brief peek during a bad mental breakdown"
> simp anon actually believes it was an exception to the rule and not a glimpse into the logical conclusion of what her life decisions led her to
nice fairytale headcanon bro

> she's matured, stopped posting, holds down a job, got married, and takes care of her mental and physical health now. 
Proof? Or you're just talking out of your ass and speculating like the rest of the people in the thread you madly feel holier than thou?

there was no wedding ceremony, no event and therefore no pictures. unless someone from the small group of people marky still talks to betrays her trust and posts a screencap with her talking about it you might as well just consider it another piece of schizo fanfiction.

what was the richter8 shedguy beef anyway? they were supposedly friends but why wasn't he supportive of his friend getting to fuck marky? he kind of exposed them and then seemed to be having fun trolling in the aftermath. was he a troll all along or a jealous friend?

I don't think that's it because the things he was telling kennedi in those leaks alluded to shed guy and marky being together for many months at that point. she either left andrei for shed guy or settled for him after she cheated and ruined her relationship with andrei.

shed guy knew about andrei hence the "no funny business" and offer from marky to fly them to visit richter on andrei's dime. shed guy was probably whispering in her ear about andrei that like lotr wormtongue nigga and that mf actually pulled it off

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is TenaciousTurnip here? the guy who did the video on Sam Hyde and Marky? he used one of my screenshots, it was a convo I had Marky that an old friend of mine posted on either here or r9k. I have the full uncensored thing alongside a handful of other screenshots. I can gladly share the full uncensored screenshots with TenaciousTurnip if he wants it, proving they're real words Marky said. Marky herself went into detail telling others and I what Sam did, all of stories pretty much match up. Marky, underage, was working, Sam messaged her FIRST, Sam DROVE to her, Sam did FEEL HER UP in his car the second he met her, he also did a handful of other nasty things to her. I hope all of this comes to light. Fuck that faggot Sam Hyde

I actually sent you a friend request on the discord TenaciousTurnip, my name starts with an E, feel free to accept/or message me back.

> believing liars
marky is a proven liar who twists past events to make herself look better or more of a victim while smearing the other person. sam without a doubt fucked her in the ass and made her his girlfriend but the finer details that paint her as some naive girl and sam some stalker who aggressively pursued her I would take would a grain of salt unless it can be corroborated beyond her words. A naive innocent girl doesn't offer up her asshole and take pictures bleeding from the nose after looking like it's her birthday and christmas all wrapped into one. sam didn't ruin marky, she was already ruined. when she told sam she would do anything she knew exactly what she was telling him. I think it's pretty unethical but sam legally fucked a crazy hypersexual 16 year old girl. it's overblown by people who hate sam for other reasons.

once you're familiar with her lying style it's pretty easy to spot. for example she words it as he lured her to the car and then felt her up while she sat there but more likely what happened is that it was flirtatious between them in messages and in person, he asked her if she wanted to go outside, she happily obliged and they fooled around a bit. once again, the girl who gave up her asshole and posted those seductive pics on 4chan wasn't naive and didn't just sit there paralyzed while the old creepy man fondled her.

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marky tried to portray sam similarly to kennedi despite being the one missing their relationship and seeking him out after living in brazil. he was so desperate to be with her yet ghosted her, curious isn't it? it's her own face-saving narrative not a reliable recounting of events

She describes it like he showed up under false pretenses (autograph), asked her to go out to the car and felt her up. She describes it like there was no participation on her part and sam just did it to her. You'd have to be dumb to believe that.
That entire wall of text she wrote to ken is drenched in face-saving cope. She hit sam up and he was desperate for her but then he ghosted her, but if he didn't do that she would have come to her senses anyway. All her justification for crawling back to sam using religion, family, community and other things she doesn't actually care about . you'd have to be the world's biggest retard simp to believe her gold medal mental gymnastics. That might just be you if you're still mad at sam for giving her the anal fucking she begged for a decade ago.

> before everything went wrong
> sam, competitively wasn't that bad
> where did it go wrong and how can I go back?
at age 22 marky saw being with Sam as the "good" part of her life before it all went wrong. really sounds like someone that was forced and abused KEK. 

she just has reality warping mental illness so when sam became bad to her for a period of time so did everything that occured between them despite her loving it at the time. she hated Sam, then when she left Brazil and needed a paypig she went back to Sam is good, then he ghosted her and she went back to villianizing him and portraying him as desperately pursuing her. no doubt she was into it the entire time and sending all the DTF vibes she could to daddy Sam. no doubt she enjoyed the degen sex, the lesbo action and everything else she later complained about, just like the child pornography she admitted to watching with cuckberto. she's a liar and much worse.

I think she still cares for Sam deeply though and while she lied in the past to some discord fags to make herself feel empowered or above it all, the resilient victim, she won't take those lies public to any youtuber or media jew in an effort to take Sam down. she just wanted to wave her big balls around to her orbiters, pivot from whore to victim, and maybe catch daddy's attention with the few times she's lashed out.

No one ever stops to think about all  the lies and injustice that poor Sam has suffered just because he had anal sex with a horny legal teen. Just goes to show that even if you do everything the right and respectful way it's just not enough for some folks. When you're a famous internet comedian some people just want to see you fail.

yeah I feel like not nearly enough attention has been paid to her and marky lezzing out for Samuel's pleasure. I need the play by play bros... Whatever happened I think it caused marky to repress her attraction to women. I do get the impression she likes girls. big lezzie vibes with her and Alice. not to mention her love for loli and orbiting other egirls.

yes pretty obvious it was staged and channing still works for sam or is just in on the joke. it is a long running bit and Sam doesn't care about the rage and attempts to take him down. that is all entirely the point. in his mind he is some sort of andy kaufman character

the boston ross thing was well played. doing that sketch referencing background story for the marky bit they were building, the appearance of bragging about such a horrible act... not just bragging but having the audacity to make it into a comedy sketch. masterfully crafted by Sam and co

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the middle part with tucked sides was copied from creepychan, maybe just varied slightly. marky was quite literally obsessed with older egirls. having an original hair style isn't exactly a big flex anyway is it? Younger egirls seem to care about and copy bianca now. I don't see anyone trying to be like marky other than maybe bee

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