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yes pretty obvious it was staged and channing still works for sam or is just in on the joke. it is a long running bit and Sam doesn't care about the rage and attempts to take him down. that is all entirely the point. in his mind he is some sort of andy kaufman character
the boston ross thing was well played. doing that sketch referencing background story for the marky bit they were building, the appearance of bragging about such a horrible act... not just bragging but having the audacity to make it into a comedy sketch. masterfully crafted by Sam and co
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the middle part with tucked sides was copied from creepychan, maybe just varied slightly. marky was quite literally obsessed with older egirls. having an original hair style isn't exactly a big flex anyway is it? Younger egirls seem to care about and copy bianca now. I don't see anyone trying to be like marky other than maybe bee

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