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Funny how she sees herself as a good girlfriend when she does that kind of thing when she in turn treated a lot of people like shit that would have done for her the exact same things she claims to have always wanted.
Why does she always try and put up her cutesy fake act? She will share that she did those kinda things and behind closed doors she'll be literally pegging and taking cumshots to the throat from guys she met off telegram and 4chan.
You might not know this but she's penned quite a few other poems before and sent them to other boys.
Some of which she's handwritten too and sent to these folks.
Of course this bitch might deny it but since I know she and the cuck currently fucking her now are reading this, I'll just say that Moss says hello, whore.
Not even -the- ex but I know you well enough to say that you were sucking cock and inserting those same fingers you're holding that letter with into other people's assholes, you might even know who I am and I don't give the slightest shit bitch, you deserve to be harrassed forever for the absolute cum gargling slut that you are, and you and everyone else you know will be reminded of it
Yeah as if it's something new, guess what, you know that index finger of hers that's missing a tip? Yeah well that's been inside multiple men's assholes and this aint even an exaggeration or drama baiting, this is actual literal truth and she knows this
> Someone should interview the members of the prim group chat she ruined
Nta but did you miss Moss calling her out in front of literally everybody in that group? It was pretty based. The guy even confirmed later that Audrey wanted to get it on with him but the guy didn't want to spend the 300 bucks or so to fly out to Florida for a lay (he's from Idaho)
Oh and also Moss even had some sort of pen pal thingy with Audrey too hence why her whole "making a handwritten letter" act is so funny especially when in some of those letters she'd mention how much she longed for his cock
I wonder if she still keeps the strap on. Maybe she has it under her bed or something. I doubt her ex took it with him when he gathered his shit and left her house tho it's really funny to imagine him leaving her home carrying a box like they do in the movies when they get fired, and a big juicy strap on just hanging sadly off it

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