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Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ImperialGermanFan67

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/apocallisto

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCusvnZAXhVSoaaYwWUsjknA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riflehound

(for the keks)

tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/riflehound




> Is it true her ex stuffed veggies and eggs up his ass?
Yeah he admitted to that in thread 7 I think it was. Apparently Audrey and maybe a cuck thought it was a big own against the guy, but imo it only makes her looks worse.

> Is it true he's a slut for futa?
Other than Audrey accusing him of liking futa on her callout post I've seen no evidence for that, but it's not hard to believe. If she aired it out to humiliate him then lol because she likes faggot smut herself as someone posted last thread.

Oh I agree, but what I mean is that she is anything but original/organic in her tastes. Her interests are alright, but as her ex and others have said before she goes through fashion styles, tastes in books and games, political opinions, entire philosophies even, faster than a hooker through a condom pack

The take away is the anglemaxxing she does taking pictures of her fucking feet, toes, pits, and other nasty smelly shit is for a reason. If you continue to coom over audrey after the nvke, it's just joever maybe even before it began. She was already too manly looking even for le tomboy appeal +  she can't keep her weight down(and she's a whore.junkie.etc) I don't even know what to make of the threads now. I mean I only contributed to a few but fuuuuccck I'm so blackpilled. My time wasted.

Could anyone make me make sense of why most of her bfs/lays have been several years younger than her? 
Not asking this in bad faith. I really do want to know what causes her to act this way because it's so unnatural and fucked up I can't make any sense of it, and it's vlearly just not some freak coincidence when it's been happening for years now.

She has an internal fantasy of wanting to get some sort of revenge against men for the sexual abuse that she experienced. So she wants to be the "rapist", she finds weak and vulnerable men to do so, this also explains her whorishness.

> great throat game
Jesus fucking christ this makes me feel like shit. Why? 
I think I know why anyway. So much time caring for her just for her to go suck dick whenever she feels like it. She looks down on "normie" girls for being easy whores when she quite literally gets dick on command from her incel communities she's in who wouldn't give her the time of day if she didn't advertise to hell and back her condition as a woman. She's no different. She's even worse.

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Because there's no going around the fact that she's old and promiscuous(blown out) now. I'm here for the good show and making sense of everything (shes just going through a post-fat derangement disorder  meltdown. dangerous stuff to be around)

That's an edgy midwit teenager take, though. The world's a mixed bag of good and bad shit, beautiful and ugly shit, kind, decent people and then people like Audrey, and so on. Not so much that you gotta pick your cope, but to condemn the whole world in absolutes is retarded.

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why is it retarded? i think the opposite.
everything is fucking ugly except maybe audrey.
it's actually the opposite of edgy, because in general i think that no one should suffer any physical pain and the only remedy for that is to die. 
good is a meme because the simple fact that living beings are alive already implies inevitable and immeasurable physical pain (everything is bad). 
but it doesn't matter, everyone will die anyway, the universe is on my side.
riffy would agree with me

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> yeah man the world is bad and evil and everything and everyone fucking sucks lmao
> oh but audrey? the girl notorious to fuck people over and treat them like shit, meetup and bang with dudes from isntagram and telegram and 4chan, peg and indulge in ultra degenerate sexual shit not even pornstars would engage in, lies and is a hypocrite with double standards that enjoys taking advantage of people, drinks and does drugs routinely and likes to operate vehicles while fucked up, likes to torture and kill small animals under the guise of survivalism, and who proudly makes public her sexual attraction to child murderers and school shooters? 
> oh she's the only thing that doesn't suck in the world lol

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jokes on you too.
every action that audrey or any being in general does is already evil due to the simple fact of the physical pain inherent in every living being. it's unavoidable for the beings being evil, is riffy evil, then? yeah but..
... i reiterate, she's the only beautiful thing in the universe and keep coping about that, nigger

How can a girl who's done all that questionable at best shit AND who isn't even as cute or physically attractive as she once was the only beautiful thing in the world? 

You're on the same brand of copium as the guys who have been with her even after knowing the shit she's done because used up pussy like Audrey's is the only thing available (and even then she's the one who has to basically beg and give them free housing for them to give it a go)

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Real talk, I can speak as much shit as I want but I'll never actually talk about what ever anyone has confined in me
If you know me well enough you ought to know I would never do that 

Have fun but if you ask specifics I won't tell
As you'd hope I'd do the same for you, I do for everyone

Hope you respect that as I respect others
If not, it is what it is

What else would you like to ask

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Somewhere around there
Again can't really say
But hey anything else that isn't too in on any girl that I can actually speak about 

If you wanna know this, yes I've spoken to more than a few of these e-whores
And yes I'm actually happy with a girl atm and have no interest in anyone else
Not like I did to begin with, as I've said before, never really cared for orbiting, found it lowly of man
But nonetheless I did get to speak to alot of girlies thanks to the name and the board 
I wasn't same player or anything, I was just myself, not putting you on either 
I really didn't care, just cuz they were a girl doesn't mean I need to cum in my pants
Have fun, enjoy yourself like talking to anyone else, cuz they were, I didn't know them, they didn't know me other than oh you're Franz from that weird Orbiting place
Sure it's an in, but hey I could care less
Over all I'm happy where I am, I'm only here again cuz I was curious the like I am once or twice a year but this time I was bored
I've been trying to write something and I'm stuck, just weird timing

Over all I don't want anything from here but I'm willing to give 
SO again if there's anything have anything to ask ball
Just remember I will not let anyone know about anyone I've spoken too in confidence
I try and help alot of people where I can, whether they accept it or not, guy or girl

Oh I see. Yeah I agree with most of what you say and that's also quite a bit of info I didn't know about. Oh well. Just to satiate my curiosity and as a final question, did you reach out to her or did she reach out to you? If you reached out, how did she take it, like was she receptive or creeped out? And if she reached out, what were her intentions in doing that?

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Idk if this is something she'd care to express but she reached out to me
But we had a mutual friend that mentioned he spoke to me
From what I could tell she just wanted to say hi, she knew me as the BO of /agatha/ and was curious 
She heard alot about me and wanted to talk
That's all, we talked for a while even if she was a real speedy Gonzales some times (That's for you Audi)
But either way we had good conversations and eventually just faded away, life
Shit happens

Fitting. That's around the time Audrey only liked fat fucks. Funny how after she decided she was raped by one she now likes twink looking guys that are younger than her. It's like she subconsciously wanted to be in control and do the raping now herself.

Holy projection, nigger. How can anything I said be taken as being apologist of her actions? It's simply a logical conclusion which I never condoned or justified. 
> gets "raped" by a fat fuck
> suddenly she stops liking fat fucks and immediately starts fucking smaller, leaner, younger guys even she can overpower and manipulate
Doesn't take fucking Carl Jung to explain what happened there.

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As post above mine mentions, you could pinpoint the root of these girls' actions on mental illness. Niggers here hating on Audrey's looks calling her mid (false) and that that's the reason she fucks the kind of men she fucks forget that even girls with model tier looks like Marky fucked the most physically and mentally wretched specimens you could think of. Nothing you can do about it because they take pride in their putrid mental state derived from all sorts of mental illnesses, because they think it makes them le quirky and not normie, which is what they abhor the most. Mix that with a bit of real trauma, natural predisposition to be shitty to others and lie, and not exactly having had the best people to look up with when they were kids to develop a somewhat solid moral compass and bam, you get girls like Audrey.

> riffy did it, many times in fact
> many times in fact
we only have her ex's word of her having eaten ass so it's not like there's multiple accounts of it happening. but on the other hand she does love anything anal and knowing her she's had plenty of messed up sex with other guys too so it's possible shes also tried it with another guy before or after him. idk, much to consider.

No you moron, this is audreys 'evan'. hapa edgy dude from colorado she flew out to meet up with, do drugs with and get freaky with. she later decided she got molested and sued his ass and got a restraining order against him. deets are a bit blurry but apparently the guy got her to drop some charges after presenting the judge with photos of audrey's nazi flags and other edgy shit.

Fucking kekaroo m8 loling at the thought of her family thinking anything of that. As if her father wasn't used to that kind of shit with Audrey's sisters who are all equally whorish, even her half sisters. Goddamn even her dad himself is a manwhore psycho. I dunno much about her mom but from what i've gathered she was a chainsmoking rave freak in the drug riddled post-reunification Berlin underground party scene. So one can only imagine the amount of dick drugs and sluts going around in that family.

Yeah I think so too. She's a textbook endomorph so no matter how many extra pounds she drops by toiling away at the treadmill she'll put them back on almost overnight. It seems like it's gotten worse with age, look how she looks normal sized in some recent pics and in some others from roughly the same period she looks chubby as hell.

bruh there's a LOT of edgy degen smut i've been wanting to share here in audrey threads but haven't because i just KNOW she's sick and degen enough herself to think it's hot and get bothered and try it out with whoever she's fucking this week, so i don't

I know I don't speak for everyone here but the reason I shit on her is because I'm hurt and resentful about her actions. It hurts me on such a deep level that the only outlet I have is to insult things she has no control over. It's jealousy and bitterness intertwined with regret and disgust. She's smarter than most of you give her credit for, but that comes as no consolation. If anything it serves as a reminder of wasted potential for the both of us and as a sad and everpresent reminder of
Fuck this, I don't even feel like giving out a full sentence. I don't even feel like she deserves it at this point.

I don't think the thing is that it was all a lie, but more like she could keep up the based sweet girl facade while sodomising assholes at the same time. SOme other dude said it best in another thread but the reason a lot of people turned on her was because of this deception since she was so differnet and yeah better than other  girls posted to this shithole, till it was revealed that she wasn't

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For all of you cringe drunk fucks here's your "based survivalist strong" whore letting an almost literal kid several years younger """letting""" her or not do shit. Never forget she let and lets kids like these have access to her phone lmao and interact with people on her behalf. Imagine a teenager having a grown ass graduate tied up on a leash. That's what Audrey is. Not even human, the fucking slut. But knowing her that turns her on more than anything, the fucking ped0. Talk about power imbalances. 

Funny how you were never thinking of that when a nearly 30 year old guy was making out with you and you were sucking on his dick on your own bed back in Colorado from that shithole diner you were waiting tables at kek but of course you were never gonna mention that, were you, whore? lmao

You guys are really really REALLY fucking stupid to think Audrey's got just one or two niggas obssessing over her
Drunkanon is just another guy of many who came forward and said his piece because fuck it, this bitch makes it clear with every new bit of info about her that comes out that she's not worth dying or living for

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okek but
please, PLEASE tell me one of you, NIGGERsaved the mylovemylovemylove video...
or at least someone knew the name of the song?
fuck this shit, i was just planning to download it a few days ago but you know what?
it wouldn't allow me to download it at more than 240p

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> Jonathan Devries
God faggot, i know you're lurking around here, re-upload the video or post it here.
please, i loved that video. 
I feel like it'so over if he doesn't post/reupload it because apparently it's not possible to recover a deleted YouTube video.
I already reviewed all the previous threads (except for the first 4 that were deleted) and of the 4 (?) videos on that faggot's channel, only the 2 related ones survived, the most retarded and least important literally + the pic of the video i'm talking about.
I'm so fucking disappointed in all of you, i hope you all rot in hell and Riffy rejoices in heaven for this.

> i didn't know i appreciated the video so much until now
Yeah but why lol. The original video is right there and you can see her in motion without any weird filter and actually listen to her formerly sweet voice

Not that im against edits whatsoever, in fact more people should make more Audrey fan edits

> Don't any of you find this even just a tad bit weird
Nothing wrong with archiving and if you think there is you're on the wrong board. 

That said that edit is a bit creepy but on account of the music coupled with the weird effects that somehow narrow her face and also the slowmo, shit looks like a legit fever dream. But I just see it as a quirky autist video from an audrey enjoyer

As I said it's obsessive
It's queer, weird, odd, it's off
It's fun to screw around make fun video, but come now my friend
Recognize the departure from such joy and realize the infantile irreproachably given by it's gesture of celebrity
To make an idol from anyone
It's weird

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> it's obsessive
Boo fucking hoo bitch, why are you bitching about people making fan edits of egirls on the egirl discussion board

> It's queer, weird, odd, it's off
It's just a bit strange because of the music and effects, are you that much of a pussy?

> Recognize the departure from such joy and realize the infantile irreproachably given by it's gesture of celebrity
> To make an idol from anyone
Meaningless gibberish attempting to sound profound. People like this girl, some people make edits of her content, big deal.

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People like who they like for a number of reasons and especially in places like these with girls with a multitude of different personality, physical and character traits, not because they just feel the need to coom to whoever slut shows their rancid pussy like you do with the tranny tier single digit IQ drug addicted bitch you simp for, but hey at least you perfectly illustrated what level the kind of nigger who simps for her are lmao

here we see this nigger seething after getting massively called out and not knowing how to cope

> people should just exclusively like people for their tits and ass XD
you say this shit yet you most likely simp for some drug addicted whore with the body of an MtF dude kek

As we've seen countless times in other threads, it's always better to not even interact with cewltards flinging shit like apes and let them go back to their shithole containment thread

I don't remember if he mentioned any names but her ex did mention that she'd play games almost daily with some previous ex, which 1000% is that guy. so not only was she playing vidya and vcing and being buddies with an ex but she did it while being with another guy, imagine that

Unlike pretty much every other human on Earth, Audrey literally doesn't see a problem with having tons of male friends and being that level of intimate with exes even when she's with other guys. Her ex said that she'd go out for days to visit "friends" (all male btw) and that she'd act skittish and annoyed when questioned about it, on top of this playing viddya and voice chatting with her ex every day bullshit, so he was certain beyond any doubt that she was getting dicked on the side.
He coped by saying he at least got to live at her place rent free and coom inside her every hole at will basically, so getting a little cucked/emasculated wasn't a big deal.

Wdym by bait? Cause in that video she's seen being way too close with a guy her ex said is a previous ex, so I see no lie there
Maybe he knew she was like that from day one but it's still extremely shitty to be cucked like that

That video is years old and she was secretive and of her other relationships which is probably why her ex got so mad when he did find out, not to take sides but that makes more sense than there being this cuck aspect

> That video is years old
And you know this how?
And I don't see how it changes a thing since he said she was still doing that almost every day even when they were living together on top of her going to visit her guy friends all the time

> she was secretive and of her other relationships
Literally fake news lol. The guy told us she sometimes wouldn't shut up about her previous exes and compare him to them. She even admitted to this partly on her callout post. This is why she had no qualms about mingling like ol good buddies with that hunter guy who she fucked too. What she was indeed secretive about tho was her meetups with her "friends".

True lol. Tho he also got cucked himself with those other dudes. I don't understand the mentality of guys like Hunter, I mean obviously he was hoping to get the chance to creampie her again and thus acted as if he was okay with her fucking other guys and remaining friends, but was her pussy that good, or was she the only girl he'd possibly get? 

Now that I think about it she's got other obsessive guys acting like that over her even tho they didnt fuck her like he did

Funny how she sees herself as a good girlfriend when she does that kind of thing when she in turn treated a lot of people like shit that would have done for her the exact same things she claims to have always wanted.

Why does she always try and put up her cutesy fake act? She will share that she did those kinda things and behind closed doors she'll be literally pegging and taking cumshots to the throat from guys she met off telegram and 4chan.

You might not know this but she's penned quite a few other poems before and sent them to other boys.
Some of which she's handwritten too and sent to these folks.
Of course this bitch might deny it but since I know she and the cuck currently fucking her now are reading this, I'll just say that Moss says hello, whore.

Not even -the- ex but I know you well enough to say that you were sucking cock and inserting those same fingers you're holding that letter with into other people's assholes, you might even know who I am and I don't give the slightest shit bitch, you deserve to be harrassed forever for the absolute cum gargling slut that you are, and you and everyone else you know will be reminded of it

Yeah as if it's something new, guess what, you know that index finger of hers that's missing a tip? Yeah well that's been inside multiple men's assholes and this aint even an exaggeration or drama baiting, this is actual literal truth and she knows this

> Someone should interview the members of the prim group chat she ruined
Nta but did you miss Moss calling her out in front of literally everybody in that group? It was pretty based. The guy even confirmed later that Audrey wanted to get it on with him but the guy didn't want to spend the 300 bucks or so to fly out to Florida for a lay (he's from Idaho)

Oh and also Moss even had some sort of pen pal thingy with Audrey too hence why her whole "making a handwritten letter" act is so funny especially when in some of those letters she'd mention how much she longed for his cock

I wonder if she still keeps the strap on. Maybe she has it under her bed or something. I doubt her ex took it with him when he gathered his shit and left her house tho it's really funny to imagine him leaving her home carrying a box like they do in the movies when they get fired, and a big juicy strap on just hanging sadly off it

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