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Ken's allure comes from her penchant for film and philosophy, along with her cuteness and almost total absence from social media. No TikTok girl could ever replace her. What does this girl even do? Just 15-second brainslop like every other zoomerfag on TikTok.
fucking donutchan kek i knew it smelled funky in here with this shilling. she’s doing anything she can to try to divert attention from based angel ken. all because people trashed her taste and said ken’s was better. it’s been weeks now
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it's been over 2 years since kennedi kino lore was dropped by the insider, will he/she ever come back? I wonder if kennedi vetted some her close friends after this

It's her old schizo nazi stalker who used to spam every chan with delusions about her. I figure he found it by searching key words associated with Ken on reddit to find her. He would go out of his way to fabricate pretty intricate stories about her and is the main reason she stopped using social media. Would always pretend to know more than he was letting on, claimed to see her IRL, kept insisting she was a closeted nazi and that she was in love with him.

Her reddit archive was boring if anything. The only real reveals were that shes been raped, she has a problem with starving herself and she found out her ex was a porn addict and that took a toll on her after the rape thing. The rest of it was just about her weird fixations but it was weirdly impersonal at the same time, because I guess she was still trying to not be too identifiable, even though she mentioned things only she cares about. The only reason the anon shared the reddit archive was to try to reveal that Ken was a whore because she wasnt a virgin.
lol he didn't find her reddit that way, one of kens friends gave it to him ages ago and it lead to a huge fiasco in her old friend group. I also promise you that he knows a lot more about ken than you realize, it's big reason why he posted never before seen screenshots from discord pms ken had. That's all I'm going say for now.
How do you know all this? In any case isn't all of that info from years ago? It has nothing to do with her current adult life. So it seems like he gave up on his obsession by now. A lot of what he was saying back then was pretty schizo and easily proven wrong, but he also had real info too, so his goal was always unclear. Did he just want to humiliate her enough that she would go into hiding? Or was it about wanting to have any effect on her life as a disconnected orbiter?
there’s no point in ken threads anymore. she’s moved on, she doesn’t want them, and nobody here but jon munch wants them to keep getting made. ken threads are just the same few things getting argued over which clogs the catalog even more and bumps down actually needed threads. my feelings are mixed though because i do always wonder if she’ll come back fully and then we can party itt. but that probably won’t ever happen. she is dead set on avoiding everything except letterboxd

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