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Kennedi Cotarelo, slender and bright,
Dances through cinema’s flickering light.
In literature’s realms and music’s sweet song,
Her spirit finds where dreams belong.

With poetry’s grace, her soul takes flight,
In every word, she captures the night.
A name that sings of beauty and grace,
A vibrant life in time and space.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@kennedicotarelo
Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/heartbeat/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/flowerco
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/194172735@N06/
Tumblr: https://throbbinggristle.tumblr.com/
Fragrantica: https://www.fragrantica.com/member/1299311 (inactive)
Blogspot:' https://lovesickloveletters.blogspot.com/ (inactive)
RYM: https://rateyourmusic.com/~lovesick (inactive)

Previous thread:  >>/60841/

munch, ken is not and will never be your looksmatch. she looks and acts like a normie now. her face completely changed for the better. she upped her style game. and you just know she smells heavenly while you probably haven’t showered in a week. it’s over for you.

I don't think I've seen single a photo of her with a person of color. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but as a Ken fan and a BIPOC individual myself it's extremely disappointing nonetheless and it really does make you wonder.

She has brown friends and some asian ones, it's safe to assume she has some black ones too. But even if she only had white friends, think about it like this. Does the small town she's from in the south have anything but whites, and a few black people sprinkled in who definitely wouldn't like her in the first place? And does San Francisco have like ANY fucking black people? She's a goddamn weirdo who found it hard enough to befriend other nerdy whites for most of her life.

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Seething over her letterboxd is the weirdest shit, and I've noticed that only ESL Brazilians do it. The deepfake AI anon claims to not be from the southern hemisphere but revealed himself as being a Braziltard with a letterboxd screenshot and his broken english in an r9k thread the other day. Why? What's the point in refreshing her account for weird movies every day if you hate the movies and just end up spastically seething over the fact that she likes them? I genuinely don't get it. 

She's been demoted from egirl to mostly offline normie for like three years now and people are still trying working themselves into fits over her existence. Are these autists secretly obsessed with her but trying to cope with her unattainability by replacing the sadness with rage? There's no other explanation I can think of to intentionally seek out more of someone you hate, unless you actually secretly love them. What do they actually want and hope to gain from these behaviors? They're just making themselves more obsessed, not less. It has no effect on her and only has a negative effect on them.

Another thing these same few anons do is repeatedly post pictures of her as an ugly duckling from a decade ago and call her a tranny, just to turn around and get very unsettled if anyone agrees a little too much, which makes them start posting more recent photos where she looks normal and pretty and healthy, but with negative comments about things other than her appearance, usually calling her a pretentious whore. A case study in mental illness. I'm not sure if any other girl has had orbiters as retarded as she does, at least not anyone who never scammed, was never a junkie, never participated in the community, never had nudes leaked.

the people who have periodic meltdowns over ken are here to hate women, and since she doesn't engage in any behavior that is plain and straightforward grist for the misogyny mill (being slutty, spreading gossip, the list goes on) they have to find other areas to attack, such as her pratenshus taste in art, her utterly self-absorbed privacy, her being a filthy "commie", long treatises on the Trve Nature of Savcy Witches, you name it. of course, this rather watery soup only serves to heighten their irritation, to the point where mr. seven-figure cryptolord simply HAS to weigh in on this girl who has been underground for like five years at this point...but he's certainly not obsessed or anything

weird, but then you have to be a very special kind of person to use this board for your impotent serial killer schizo scribbling, let alone be aware of it in the first place

> given how old her parents must be
Does anyone even know a thing about her folks? I feel like compared to other girls her origins are a bit more obscure, but im not a kehead so I might just be ignorant about that sort of thing

she is 100% anglo, just happens to be one of those Mr. Bean type anglos who are native briton, she is even has short limbs like the forrest dwellers of England did before Normans civilized them

Her REAL dad was adopted by a catholic spic family (probably italians shitskins). She grew up with her step father and mother which is why all her brothers have different last names. SHe is also the only brown eyed person in her family

she tweeted about it before, she is 0% spic but enjoys her name because it makes her stand out kek

> she grew up with her biological mother and her step father and step brothers
Did they get divorced or did her dad die or what? Is she on good terms with the guy if he's still around (lol as if any woman on earth wasn't plagued with daddy issues)

Only some of what you’re saying is true. She lived with both her dad and mom for a while when she was a kid but they divorced when she was still in elementary school. She wasn’t adopted by a spic either, it was an actual Spaniard from Spain, so, white adoptive family. 

These are the most retarded questions I have ever fucking read here. 
1. Why is ANYONE adopted? Why would anyone here know the reasons why her dad’s birth mother gave him up for adoption and why some guy from Spain wanted to adopt a baby? 
2. Ken isn’t adopted. She used to post about spending weekends with her dad as a young teen. Her parents divorced when she was still in elementary school. 

She’s gone out of her way to avoid posting any kind of information about her dad for a long time, so no idea what it’s like now. Based on some old tumblr posts, it seemed like she loves him but he’s severely mentally ill with a history of violence.

Someone should just compile every post her old best friend made from the last thread. He described her as sweet, anxious, moral, and answered a lot of questions. Guy is a dad now and provided timestamps and everything.

ken is planets away from that discord community shitshow. she dmd off and on with michael like six years ago according to seymour but since it’s michael you know she definitely got out of that as soon as she could once realizing what a fucking freak he is. he would randomly dm less socially aware egirls and slowly gain trust. she wouldn’t have known who he was either. michael would leave out any part of a story that makes him look bad anyway, and ken would never talk about it publicly, but there’s not a single girl whose willingly stayed in contact with him except bee. and there’s no way she has any idea who the fuck marc is lmao. being up in arms about this dysgenic autistic art ho talking to michael years ago seems pointlesa considering we have someone like bee on this board who literally lives with him and pretends to be a child to satisfy his pedrophilia, even after the recent reveal that he diddled his own little sister.

the cp threads aren't exclusively spammed on this board retard. should endchan be abandoned because spam exists? if a person or a bot spams a board is that a reflection on every poster? if everyone was as simple as you it would be a lot easier to kill an image board

> look mom! i posted the decade old pic of her again because i know she’s too beautiful in le current year! 
She’s still cute there btw. Cheeky girl. I think she went overkill on the eyebrow makeup and did the snarl back then because she actually was so vulnerable and trying to have an outer layer that protected her more. Sad it didn’t work, she’s always been way too vulnerable and naive.

After a quick search it seems that this person is a tranny, so they’re definitely just some tranny skinwalker. This person has tons of twitter followers but based on the dates of their reviews they got into perfume way after Ken did but seem like they made a small career out of it from locked substack articles. Imagine what Ken could be doing if not for her paranoia.

So did anyone ever find out why ken and parish had a falling out? they must’ve been pretty close considering there were pics of him on her Flickr and they’d been friends for years

It seems like the older she gets the more austere and obscure she becomes. I can’t get a proper read on her anymore with how little she shares, even though she still writes publicly about film and perfume. From her tumblr it seems she’s really into poetry, which shows in her fragrantica reviews. 

I would sacrifice a newborn calf to be able to read her private writing now that she has matured so much and experienced the world. If only she knew the power she has. Why won’t she take advantage of it?

To me it seems obvious his girlfriend was involved. She definitely started copying Ken out of insecurity and jealousy, so there was probably already tension there to begin with. What the breaking point was is a mystery but I would bet money on Parish’s girlfriend making him get rid of Ken to make herself feel better. That, or he tried to fuck Ken. That seems less likely though because anyone sane would break up after that.

cringiest website ever. all the articles seem written by the same brownoid admin https://egirl.wiki/User:Razor_Blade  with gpt lol.
the deets are also wrong and kennedi has no legacy.



I don't even simp for her you absolute niggerbrain, but the only ones who call her a literally who are you newfaggot vermin who always coincidentially simp for dogshit like cewl/donut/whatever new ugly whore pops up that are permaseething at legacy egirls like her, ken or marky who have had a solid base of fans for years. Kill yourself immediately.

> cewltards are so mentally ill they seethe at other girls in another entirely different girl's thread
The 2 of you infect all other threads with your contrived faggotry. This is Ken's thread. Kindly fuck off back to your respective shitholes.

She's had threads made about her since early 2018 you newfag tranny lmao
Something your irrelevant transexual alien looking junkie whore seethes eternally about
And yeah this is Kenni's thread, feel free to seethe more elsewhere

Woah wild how Ken's had sex (unproven) yet still is eternally purer and more classy that a cheap slav junkie whore who takes nudes daily to please fat trannys on discord who totally believe her totally honest claims of never having gotten fucked (why would she lie on the internet lol)

In case you haven't noticed (you haven't because you have no self-awareness) you're the one who's obsessively posting about Cewl in this thread. You are more obsessed with her than anyone on this board. You also brought up Audrey in this thread that's completely unrelated to her and now won't shut up about her.
> The 2 of you infect all other threads with your contrived faggotry
This is literally audreyfags, except instead of 2 it's 1, and that 1 is (you). Stop projecting and just SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.

Jesus fuck guy, why are you seething so hard lmao
All the sages are you because you just wont shut the fuck up about your ugly whore in ken's thread, go back to your echo chamber of 2 or better yet kill yourself asap

She’s very obviously not trans even in these old pics. Why you insist on staying ITT where you only get angry instead of just sticking to whatever girl you actually do admire is beyond me. Must have way too much time on your hands. Something definitely must’ve happened to make you this obsessed with her.

big eyes, pink pouty lips, big cheeks, tiny chin, proportional nose. the only thing off about this pic is how she filled in her eyebrows lol. this image is from 2016 anyway ffs. that’s how desperate you are, scavenging for crumbs from nearly a decade ago and she’s still cute. you watch too much tranny porn if you think anything about her face is tranny coded. 

or maybe you’re a jealous tumblr twitter tranny trying to convince yourself that you have anything at all in common with her. crazy how you post here more than even her most dedicated fans.

Imagine talking this way about a grown ass woman of 25. It would be weird if she WAS a virgin who hadn’t done any sort of substances. Holy fuck. She is not a 16 year old shut-in anymore. I cannot believe after all these years it’s still the same exact song and dance from autists having melties because a girl they’ll never even see or speak to has had a boyfriend that wasn’t them. There is a difference between being in long term relationships and being an actual whore. Are you guys 16 yourselves or something? Have you ever had any fucking real friends, ever?

ken mogs every other girl here on looks and life. they are all pathetic trash and one of them is jealously trying to smear sweet ken as a tranny. If it were so easy to tear down a great girl like kennedi you would have already succeeded and wouldn't be considered bottom tier trash no one cares about, whereas ken disappears yet is still loved and respected by all.

Notice how the only two insults the seething transexuals coming here to diss Ken ever use are calling Ken a tranny, or trying to frame her as a whore because she's had sex. It gives me second hand embarrassment especially after knowing they simp for literal bottom of the barrel gutter shit like bee or cewl or whatever new random druggie slut.

What the fuck are you even on, you schizo turbofaggot? The only reason I mentioned her and the other whore is because COINCIDENTIALLY every time Ken is harassed is by you absolute transexual subhumans who simp for those bitches, not sus at all. Case in point: your retarded ass feeling called out.

ill choose intersex, explains the androgyny in her youth as well as her male digit ratio, lack of subcutaneous fat as well as other xx expressions
bit more dubious but her obviously contrived front of hyper femininity by constantly dressing in victorian cottagecore with her little hairbow which is supposed to invoke innocence and girlyness doesnt help it for me

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I think you're just pretending to hate we-know-who so that the we-know-who thread has bumps and also to justify spamming her in the other threads. But if you really hate her you should stop doing that, just ignore her.
AT LEAST she's a million times prettier than Ken I know but there's no reason to be mad about that. 
It's obvious that Discord's attention isn't enough for her and if it weren't for you her threads would barely have any bumps, and honestly I'll also stop bumping her because she isn't even posting nudes anymore. Fuck her

> Ken is harassed
Ken doesn't live here and doesn't read any posts.
Ken is completely removed from all of this.
It is factually impossible to harass Ken in this thread.

t. anon who wants to fuck both cewl (hard and violently) and Ken (hard, but tenderly).

yeah wonder what happened there? couldn't have been her talking to marky's boyfriend and him flying out to meet and try to fuck ken. if marky really contacted ken's ex-boyfriend or threatened to post her address I almost don't blame her

marky is the living embodiment of this board. she is the protypical ewhore. without her influence this board wouldn't exist and neither would the egirls who followed in her footsteps, including the latest batch of discord druggie ewhores.

Kennedi is too good for this place. barely an egirl and not a whore.

this. that one bitch in particualr is especially annoying with how she starts shit with everyone because she seethes at how everyone likes the real e-girls and still no one likes her or takes her seriously. even her thread is filled with anons telling her to kys herself or fuck off.

smalltown NC -> SF is quite a step up for a weird sheltered egirl with no education/qualifications. if she actually does reside there, what does she do for a living? isn't SF one of the most expensive cities in the country? and how does she find the time to watch multiple feature-length films every day?

surely she isn't just exercising fully automated luxury communism on some poor desperate tech bro's dime?

Modern politics is too idealistic and has become a replacement for religion for people living in a very tech oriented world. Essentially just like the religion of old, no one actually practices what is preached and the laws of nature will always be supreme.

again, you have actual autism. you wasted time making this which tells me you have no job and did not go to university which as a man means you live with your parents. so you spend all your time refreshing this board hoping for another (you) so you can feel like you’re apart of something again like you felt back in grade school. 

now, how about post an image that isn’t her as a deeply anorexic teenager with painted on exaggerated eyebrows? you can’t. which is why you only post the same couple of pics (which are still cute btw)

Lmao, another pic from 2016. The fact that you’re angry that she is now beautiful and celebrated as being beautiful tells me you’re either a jealous woman, a tranny, an orbiter or another girl angry that Ken is more beloved without any of the same baggage, or someone who used to be obsessed with her. Which one is it?

Posting like this in a Ken thread is pointless and stupid. Ken threads aren’t like any other thread on this site about ewhore junkie of the week #342. Ken has been orbited longer than almost every other girl with an active thread here, yet she’s the only one who hasn’t permanently tarnished her image by ruining her life. She has only gotten prettier, smarter, healthier, and happier, while every other egirl rots a slow death. Posting negatively does nothing to change any of this, it only reinforces how much she’s grown and how well she’s doing. She has not fallen from grace. Kenbros are above you.

> Ken threads aren’t like any other thread on this site about ewhore junkie of the week #342
> Ken has been orbited longer than almost every other girl with an active thread here
> she’s the only one who hasn’t permanently tarnished her image by ruining her life. 
> She has only gotten prettier, smarter, healthier, and happier, while every other egirl rots a slow death.
This absolutely kills cewltrannies and makes them seethe to oblivion because they can't cope with this fact

It all boils down to their actions. Ken's been nothing but polite, kind, and thoughtful even when she's done some admittedly dumb things like talking to certain characters but it never went past that. 
As for other girls like Marky and as big a following as she has, what sort of positive discussion can you really expect when the only reason she made a name for herself was for flashing her underaged tits on /b/ on Christmas day? Add to that the whole Sam Hyde fiasco and that she's made retarded after retarded decision for the whole of her adult life, with the cherry on top being scamming her own "supporters" (permasimps) out of their neetbux to buy cars she ended up crashing within a week, or getting drunk on stream while begging her viewers to insult her for the lulz. Ken would never in a million years do anything remotely as stupid as what's common to girls like Marky, let alone other minor irrelevant nu-whores. Similarly girls like Audrey also have mostly negative discussion around them because she was also exposed as a degenerate piece of shit. Aggie is similar to Ken in the treatment she got post e-fame, but she sadly trooned out but that doesn't seem to have affected the image held by her fans.

> tl;dr people will react to their favorite egirls actions accordingly

solid take on things. even after trooning out agatha still doesn't get anywhere near the level of vitriol you see in marky threads. the comments she gets on the subject seem to be more disappointment than hate. marky gets judgement for making one colossally stupid decision after the other and seems to have personally aggrieved many people that have had dealings with her, giving rise to more leaks and expositions, kind of like we have seen with Audrey on a smaller scale.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. And let us not forget how many times bitter schizos have tried to smear Ken’s name and humiliate her and leak deets about her life in hopes that everyone would hate her too. It never worked.

> marky gets judgement for making one colossally stupid decision after the other and seems to have personally aggrieved many people that have had dealings with her, giving rise to more leaks and expositions, kind of like we have seen with Audrey on a smaller scale.
Just gonna comment as an Audreybro here to confirm this because its perfectly on point. She was very well liked before her ex exposed her which led to other people joining in and sharing stuff no one would have thought she'd do for how gross and unlike her they were so folks felt betrayed big time, and like you mentioned some were personally aggrieved which only made the snowball bigger. 

Now compare that to girls like Ken or Agatha... I don't think I've ever heard Ken curse, let alone admit to having done hard drugs, 4chan hookups or other degen sexual shit. Not to be a puritan trad chudcel but little things like that will obviously project a very different aura and they speak loudly to what kind of people they really are and hence why they remain very well liked

Well, Ken hasn't really done anything to really warrant any real hatred other than literal jealousy from the aforementioned nu-whores for the positive engagement she has. Notice how the most spiteful comments against her in her threads solely focus on her looks because they don't have anything on her character and even less so on her actual deeds and actions to try and humiliate her because it's just not there. And that can't be said about Marky, Audrey or the nu-whores who have mountains of real life stuff they've actually DONE that's questionable at best.
What are you gonna make people hate Ken for? Watching boring movies or writing perfume reviews? Liking old underground music? Having talked to Marky or Ciara once many years ago and then not wanting to have anything to do with them? Wow such massive crimes, almost on a par with modding CP imageboards, fingering and pegging incels met on 4chan, doing heroin and taking nudes for discord losers' aproval, camwhoring, and a long laundry list of wonderful things most other girls here have done.
Better question would be, why would anyone spew so much vitriol at her? I truly can't think of a reason why anyone would attack Ken other than jealousy bred by mental illness.

she is an insect before ken. it would be beneath Ken to even acknowledge her existence. ken is too good to interact with her, even to be served by her since you know she doesn't indulge in slop like dunkin donuts, made by fat retards that play around in their assholes in between customers.

Based Seymour being the voice of reason
If anyone needs to be "put in place" it's that fat abortion aficionado whore. Crazy bitches like her or the other junkie whore think they're hot shit for having a thread on endchan.

kennedi will return and cleanse all unclean and impure things from this board. she will root out all imitators and selfposters and drive them from the board. she will purify all bpdemons with holy flame until only good or ash remain. a new perfect board made in gods image will be born that day with one perfect thread, kennedi thread ♾️ 


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Empath never masturbated at work. I think empath is a loser that larps as a dominatrix meangirl  and does evil shit like spitting on people for attention but at least she makes money of selling nudes while donut posts nudes on 4chan while she is at work and also fingers her asshole WHILE serving donuts I think she is more unhinged and crazy than empath I don't know how she has a job. But to be fair donut has a prettier face than empath, but ranks as more "degenerate low tier" than her.

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I hope ken is happy she seems to be going to the " e-girl good ending" route and I hope the hate she gets here does not affect her so her haters keep seething and Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile commits unalive himself and his e-whore orbitors continue shitting their pants

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She's living her best life while Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile stays a loser. Reminder that Bee is responsible for introducing Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile to discord. She invited him to her server when he was spamming these threads about the poetry book he published about Ken.

Also, if it wasn't already obvious, that pic was edited by his new underage grooming victim of the week with an ageplay fetish who calls herself Puppie. Bee has negative karma by this point. She knew what she was doing. All these evil discord hoes want the attention from him that Ken got at age 11.

he can be wise and very loyal too. for example, he has gone to bat for marky many times despite her being a poor friend to him and disparaging his name. He has shown much maturity and restraint, contrary to the image painted by his naysayers.

Every account that can be made private by her has been made private. I doubt it’s insecurity considering the stuff she’s posted on tumblr and (formerly) instagram. She used to post excerpts from pdfs and pics of physical pages all the time.

> 5 stars and heart emoji for Chadffalo 66
Goddamit, Ken. Chadsexual as ever.

You know that Vincent Gallo have lost all his marbles and is a weird Trump supporter now? But I guess it's nothing new, seeing as your beloved Maus ended up the same.

After all, what are some political abstractions when you have a story about a traumatized Chad sadboy kidnapping some fat Beccy to be his bride? Oh so romantic! Lovers against the World!

I know you can't change yourself, no one can. But I sure wish you could.

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She's 5'3". BMI probably around 17-18, putting her in the range of mid 90s-lower 100s. At the lowest, maybe BMI 16? She is not skelly, which is how small girls tend to look if they get too skinny. She's vegan, too. 

From her Reddit:
> Yeah, I lived off almost exclusively snacks and frozen foods for like 2 years. It can be done with healthy food but it's easy to gravitate towards garbage. Back then I was eating a lot of raisins from boxes, plastic bags of apple slices, frozen meals, bagged build-your-own salads. It relieved all of the stress involved in not knowing exact calories without a scale.

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Did anyone ever archive the threads where Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile first came here to apologize to Ken and admit his wrongdoing? Hopefully someone did. I'd also like to see the thread where everyone uncovered his 8chan spam, him getting doxxed by /baphomet/, then getting fired from his job for being a pedrophile. 

The peak of his public harassment of Ken was between 2015 and 2016, after she blocked him. He spammed her name everywhere pretending to be her, but this post in particular catches my eye because G*lbert's main shtick is pretending to be an innocent shota child at heart who knows nothing about sex and doesn't like little girls sexually (LOL). This is an eroguro hentai game. You know it's G*lbert because literally only he was pretending to be Ken, he's using a Bleach cosplay as his profile pic at a time where Ken was posting noise music on tumblr and didn't give a fuck about weebshit, and his stupid fucking TwT emote he still uses every day. 


The more I think about it the worse he seems. Him being into loli gore hentai is just the icing on top of the already massive shit pile. I remember the thread he was spamming with his poetry and confessions two years ago making him seem guilty of even more than we already know, too. I cannot believe this faggot met Ken when she was 11 and still obsesses over her 14 years later and tells all the 15 year olds on discord about how much she "hurt" him.

Duh? She's not only an artsy leftist but she's also an actual autist with other issues. The guy she's with is rich and probably has some busy tech or finance job so she spends a lot of her time watching movies with friends based on her letterboxd mutuals diaries. She mentions going to the theater with friends. I've noticed a lot of the movies she watches are short though, like a few minutes.


The point is that she was supporting the policies with her idealistic bullshit that lead to the authoritarian takeover and then later the camps. That's not on the same level as being outright tankie, I'll concede that, but it leads to similar outcomes

A 15 year old with painted on eyebrows who ditched the habit and turned beautiful. Most girls get uglier with age. Ken has only gotten better. This makes you seethe with jealousy and resentment so you resort to pretending she's still 15.

Its been 10 years.

Ken's allure comes from her penchant for film and philosophy, along with her cuteness and almost total absence from social media. No TikTok girl could ever replace her. What does this girl even do? Just 15-second brainslop like every other zoomerfag on TikTok.

fucking donutchan kek i knew it smelled funky in here with this shilling. she’s doing anything she can to try to divert attention from based angel ken. all because people trashed her taste and said ken’s was better. it’s been weeks now

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it's been over 2 years since kennedi kino lore was dropped by the insider, will he/she ever come back? I wonder if kennedi vetted some her close friends after this


It's her old schizo nazi stalker who used to spam every chan with delusions about her. I figure he found it by searching key words associated with Ken on reddit to find her. He would go out of his way to fabricate pretty intricate stories about her and is the main reason she stopped using social media. Would always pretend to know more than he was letting on, claimed to see her IRL, kept insisting she was a closeted nazi and that she was in love with him.

Her reddit archive was boring if anything. The only real reveals were that shes been raped, she has a problem with starving herself and she found out her ex was a porn addict and that took a toll on her after the rape thing. The rest of it was just about her weird fixations but it was weirdly impersonal at the same time, because I guess she was still trying to not be too identifiable, even though she mentioned things only she cares about. The only reason the anon shared the reddit archive was to try to reveal that Ken was a whore because she wasnt a virgin.

lol he didn't find her reddit that way, one of kens friends gave it to him ages ago and it lead to a huge fiasco in her old friend group. I also promise you that he knows a lot more about ken than you realize, it's big reason why he posted never before seen screenshots from discord pms ken had. That's all I'm going say for now.

How do you know all this? In any case isn't all of that info from years ago? It has nothing to do with her current adult life. So it seems like he gave up on his obsession by now. A lot of what he was saying back then was pretty schizo and easily proven wrong, but he also had real info too, so his goal was always unclear. Did he just want to humiliate her enough that she would go into hiding? Or was it about wanting to have any effect on her life as a disconnected orbiter?

there’s no point in ken threads anymore. she’s moved on, she doesn’t want them, and nobody here but jon munch wants them to keep getting made. ken threads are just the same few things getting argued over which clogs the catalog even more and bumps down actually needed threads. my feelings are mixed though because i do always wonder if she’ll come back fully and then we can party itt. but that probably won’t ever happen. she is dead set on avoiding everything except letterboxd

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