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Thread for the general posting of miscellaneous e-girls and/or cute girls of any kind, especially ones who do not need or deserve their own dedicated threads.
Do not make new threads for non-established e-girls if you're going to contribute nothing more than an OP. Do not make threads for girls that you have one photo of, no information, and that are unlikely to generate any significant interest. Low content threads like these will be deleted. Such posts should be made in this thread instead.
This thread enables the posting and some discussion of lesser known e-girls. If they attract enough interest here it may be possible that they will eventually require their own thread.

Previous:  >>/59736/

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her name is booger-chan. she's a cosplayer and a massive otaku with 150+ days on mal. she posted her pics on a smaller imageboard ( https://uboachan.net/warc/res/1728.html ), where she is still a janny. she's now 30 years old and an elementary school teacher.

her current active social media

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Real talk
Why is this pinned huh
I remember getting too many pinned threads and it just being a pain in the ass to go through just to get to the real meat of the board
I learned 2 pinned threads are good enough, an extra (only for a while) if something new or breaking is going on, or even something you deem as absolutely important
But not for too long 
But hey, to each their own huh

Thanks for the info 🙏 I do appreciate it.
I saved those couple pics nearly a decade ago but never looked to deep into them.
Cute and dorky girl who seems like a genuinely sweet and kind person as well, that's nice to see.
That's a cool little imageboard too that I had no idea existed before now, might poke around it a bit more.

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Well how lovely it's to read everything you write, but Luc, NO!
Being thoughtful is not for e-girls, you should be pretty and post pics for us, for the sake of your own well being.

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Nah, it's true but because you are worthy of more.
Just to mention, you already have eyes that go beyond being beautiful, I highly doubt that what remains is less than that. 
Anyway, the only thing I would like from you is to read anything you have to say.

 >>/90258/ I haven't e whored while having a bf wdym. My first post was literally about how I stopped ewhoreing after I got a bf and how getting into a better mental state helped with alot of things. 

And if you're referencing my interactions on this board then I truly don't understand how participating in relevant conversation is ewhoreing

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So cute but strange that my thinking is almost diametrically opposed to that of all of you and normal faggots too.
And how curious as it is funny, always hearing the same story that having a girlfriend is like the beginning of your "straightening" as a person, as happened to me, but in reverse. It make me feel like a real black sheep
Kys boring and cheap moralfag

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That what mental health or feeling good is, is the true schizo state that always ruins things and believing the opposite of what is common is a real success because no matter what path everyone follows, there is something terribly bad in everything, which is born from exist in itself. 
Nah I'm just jealous, I wish your boyfriend died or something and somehow you came back as an e-girl because I need and love you so much.

Your a cunt for nuturing orbiters, if your boyfriend approves he's just naive and your taking advantage of him. Look at the fucking place you're in, look at where photos of you are in, look at this dumb gooner bitch you're talking to >>/90279/

Stop being disgusting, either leave or full whore out, I hate when people act innocent about this shit

I understand what you mean but despite the kind of attention that I have unfortunatley dug up I'm here because I just genuinly have a weird fascination about the egirl phenomenon.

But I have never claimed to feign "innocence" on the topic of how degenerate this board can be. I'm here cause this is the kind of drama I normally follow.


You're only infatuated with the idealistic interpretation of me that you have in your head. I'm only as alluring because there's less known about me so you can fill in as many details as you want. If I was ever truly known I assure you the facade would crumble infront of your eyes and you'd realize I'm no different/ not special from any other person in general

Atleast have the sanity to admit that you are in love with a character that you've created for yourself

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> I would for sure dissapoint you anon
I infinitely believe the opposite, I am definitely schizo with you, even if you were the whore of whores I would love you the same and with the same intensity. I know that in such a scenario I would become the most pathetic cuck 'cause we don't even know each other in person but I wouldn't care. I would also say that I would love to meet you and marry you, but I think relationships are so fucking gay. I would just like to hear you, feel your existence bcs your absence is fucking frustrating and painful, I think. Basically I need you something like a drug, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable either, I'm content knowing that you... exist

the environment and the imagination that lead to the rise of egirls as we know them is indeed dead. there will always be attention whores but that time is gone forever and everyone has seen the reality of what those girls really were back then and what they became. the magic is gone. now you have ugly normie tiktok sluts posting themselves here trying to be an egirl.

she was one of the few girls ive known that was a genuine trad girl. she was the real thing. super catholic. worked at a catholic kids school after graduating christian college or whatever. never sent nudes. had a long term bf she was planning on marrying. just a super sweet person.

Previous reply wasn't me for what it's worth. It's good to hear she had a good thing going, it makes me feel rotten for even asking. Thank you again though, I hope she finds peace and you manage to break this board habit. This is where I get off.

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