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Lmaooooo is this the new cope now? She was "high", it was all an accident my dear simp I was highhh I promise I don't like big dicks or dominant men I like nice guys with small penises like youu! that cyanide guy just got me when I was high!!! Fucking losers. And no I'm not cyanide, I'm a neutral observer in all this not a "friend" or "hater" but damn you guys are dense, she's clearly very submissive and prefers certain types of men, you don't have a chance with her.

I just hate how they try to cope for why she was so quick to jump on his cock with "she was high and shieeeet" like the jealous little faggots that they are, she's not attracted to dweebs. She's very submissive (she scored 100% degradee ffs) and Cyanide just so happened to be first dominant man to interact with her, while her simpy orbiters don't make her feel submissive enough, they are taking the submissive position by being simps and respecting her TOO much, cyanide degraded her and took control but was still respectful and caring, it's easy to see why she liked him, it only fell apart cause he's a fucking retard.
Who? I'm probably the most active user on this board and follow all the top e-girls, I'm not interested in dating any of 'em, not like I have a chance with any anyway. But yeah keep coping retard.

I think you're the one who should close the tab, nigga. This board is for meta discussion of e-girls and you've spent the past several threads trying to derail whatever actual discussion has been happening in cewl's threads which usually filled with retarded spam. And stop pretending you're board staff you fucking tard.

Thank god, you are the most obnoxious and least self-aware sperg I've ever seen in my life, just go work on your little shitty coding projects and shut the fuck up you microdicked faggot.
That's what all the fun is about on this board. Gossip is fun, and it's better than orbiting which can be very emotionally taxing, it's good to maintain a safe distance.

You won't control any of this. I'd make Cewl reply to you herself just for fun, but she's sleeping right now, can you wait?
You can observe all you want but I know who you are and I will put you in your place.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? You are insane man. You are accusing me of being some vengeful past "reject" just cause I'm saying that cewl was into this Cyanide guy and her orbiters need to accept reality (that they have no chance with her and should respect the fact that she has preferences and stop being jelly), I'm not trying to harm cewl if anything I'm defending her.

Uhh I don't think there's a "secret bf", I believe she was either referring to "Tal" who seems to be her closest friend or her "friends" in general, she didn't want anyone to be jelly over this Cyanide guy, which is my main point here, her fans need to accept reality and stop trying to get in the way.

You somehow convinced her that you're the reason the hate stopped and the poor girl now thinks she owes you something. You are a manipulative narcissist with no self-awareness and a dick smaller than my pinky.

Damn it you cuck. You know I like my lore hotline Miami style. Segmented, and completely out of order, telling multiple stories at once but still remaining mostly coherent and all leading to one significant point/event.
You just posted the first half or our conversation and did it in reverse...

What you just did completely violates the integrity of our relationship and I'm never letting you watch me cum again </3

Also, share the rest, please. Y'know the part where I pointed out I became aware of what was really going on a while ago, have a vague idea of who you are, and laughed at how you fucked up any possibility(If you really believed there was one) of anything coming out of this other than epic hilarity that I actually really enjoyed with your actions.

Also, if a simp actually offed himself over all this, lol, lmao even.

Cyanide tranny you are fucking retarded, you take everything too literally man. Delatard wasn't the one you were talking to, he's lying to you you fucktard. And no, no simp killed himself that's also a larp. Go back into your cage now.

I swear this discord drama is the most tranny thing I've ever seen, why don't these people have any self-awareness? This delastelle guy thinks he's a fucking cartoon villain or some shit trying to convince us that Cewl didn't want Cyaniggers cock.

I deleted it. I feel our private interactions were at a pretty note to end on.
I just dropped in for a reunion, see how the boys were doin and saying hi before heading out. Goodnight.
I'm like a autistic savant. I take everything too seriously on purpose and can count how many straws fall to the ground if you drop a container of them
> nobody killed themselves
Damn. We'll get em next time bois

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> larping
i wish i was larping, i havent left the home in weeks for anything social and i didnt go to GIST, a whole istanbul con i could make friends in because i want to play ffxiv. i just hate talking to anyone and even touching my self looking at myself i hate everythinf rn i need to need until classes start on 30th 

also question: do i have serial killer handwriting? also isnt it the least girliest handwriting youve seen? im just so tired of writing by hand for these internship shit, i swear my handwriting is better normally i will show you on my ipad. oh maybe thats it im just used to digital handwriting rather than pen and paper because i know it feels different somehow when drawing. IDK give me youe opinions

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Ok, so i wasn't going to address this one, but fuck it. I guess I've grown to like you faggots and your constant abuse and your lust for my thick juicy man meat...

Eric never existed, this is all a pretty bad LARP, those court docs are obviously fake. Well written, but unofficial.
In the event that I'm reading things wrong and I really did tell a child she's a useless retard who should just get on disability because she's clearly mentally deficient enough to do so and loves the idea of being a parasite over the fact that she lied to me, than well I really dun goofed and consequences will never be the same. I've acknowledged that my behavior was inappropriate, I genuinely felt really bad, and the gaslighting after the fact really wasn't fun, but it kinda became a lot more enjoyable as things unfolded and i saw the bigger picture. You people are the best kind of human scum, really.

I like to blur the lines and so do you lot.
> not going to sweep the pedro accusations under the rug
I've come to terms with this.
> you're calculated and smart
You're the first person to ever say that to me. Thank you... I'm actually in tears over that statement.
> Trying to downplay the accusation looks bad
Idk man, being a pedro is one of those crimes that you're guilty until proven innocent and are likely still guilty even after being proved innocent. It's not unreasonable to not want to be called one.
> you have criminal convictions
No, I'm a good boy and I ain't do nuffin. If I ever get shot by the police it's cause they racist assholes that just wanna kill a nigga well he's out spreading the word of the lord
> the rest
usually inmates lie about the fact they didn't do it. If they "don't want to talk about it" it's usually moreso because they did something that inmates usually don't fare well in prison for.

Idk, I'm happy to continue this little lolcow dance but there does need to be a line, and I'd like some form of compensation, it was fun, but teh lulz only go so far.

I'm sure I'll get bored in the future and come back for more eventually, maybe post a video of me lumbering behind some kids swing set, like you know, the camera man turns the corner and you just see my face and that jumpscare violin sting effect plays as I disappear.
I mean... If I get really bored and want attention again.
You don't have any chance with her. She only wanted me because I am literal perfection. I am hyper intelligent, have a sexy dad bod, my personality is exhilarating, and well I seem like a soulless monster I'm actually a really nice guy 1 on 1, Pic related

btu what if they calculated it and the friction is the same in the paper-like screen like as an example do you think the same exact friction would make it "feel" the same (for this example think of sensitivity to friction and speed/force is the same in both cases) and the material is a4 paper and ballpoint pen lets say but the mechanical properties are equal to a imagined display tablet and pen

Hmmm, I guess if they could somehow get the resistance JUST right yeah, but I have a hard time seeing them putting in the effort to get it anything but just kind of close. But then on the other hand, the pressure you exert on the paper has a big impact too, ranging from leaving an imprint in the paper with much pressure down to just the ink being on the paper with little pressure. I don't know how they could replicate something like that

so even the friction and force is in our thought experiment could be the same but the material causes a different inertia with another "feel" or rather the range  of the pressure in inertia and such. thaknk you sager

The most bloated fucking e girl on this board, holy shit. She has 0 lore, 0 interest, no looks, below mediocre body, no interesting hobbies, and yet, has only 4 boards less than Marky. So gross and gay to see. She looks gross and dirty, I’m convinced anyone who simps for her is an actual fucking loser with no hope in life. Her nudes are fucking retarded just watch porn

Agree 100%. Checking her threads is 80% bloat in the form of self-posts and reactions to them and the remaining 20% is a mix of people telling her to fuck off.  Her 1 or 2 simps will bump her thread (when she's not self bumping) because they seethe at people discussing other girls and not this ugly bitch.

He mentioned Marky because she's a institution among egirls and even after having been gone from the public eye for a year and a half people discuss her daily and her threads get pinned, unlike other tranny looking whores who have to self post to bloat their own threads like a pajeet

Yeah, I understand Marky being an institution, but the guy still came off as retarded. At the same time, how much of that fame is her, and how much of that is being the minor Sam Hyde fucked. I mean honestly NONE of the girls that interact seem to have anything but bloat/hate threads, this whole thread is a bit of a pit

Cewl has no lore because she lives in the middle of no where and never meets up with her orbitors, if she starts meeting up with people or goes to live in US she is going to have actual drama instead of discord texts. Who cares if she sent nudes to a fat retard? she is a camwhore and posts nudes daily its  her hobby. But if they meet up and have actual sex and take selfies then yeah it would be real drama content for orbitors to get mad about. Cewl is bad at making ragebait drama

True, but then are we interested because they have a bunch of lore, or because they are "beautiful" like that other anon said. Every time this guy rags on Cewl, he brings up the quality of the woman, not the quality of the lore. All these women would be horrible to interact with for any length in person, even Marky. Seems like there are two camps for Marky, the simps and the lore enjoyers

> but then are we interested because they have a bunch of lore, or because they are "beautiful"
literally both, even if cewl was beautiful she would be forgotten since her lore sucks ass and she is boring, she has to be interesting and have the looks too.
Boring forced + ugly = lolcow
Interesting (fucked up) + ugly = lolcow
Boring forced + pretty = meh
Interesting (fucked up) + pretty = an actual e-girl
Interesting ( fucked up) + mid = ok

> Ludicrous that you think this impoverished Serb is going to come to the states to make drama.
excuse me but she LITERALLY wanted to go to the states to be on fishtank I don't have the screenshots anymore but she DM'd sam hyde and he ghosted her

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> Who are some other big names?
To be honest if you are going to ask about the CURRENT ones I think that Tinker and Bee are the best e-girls 
> Bee lived with sosa and might or not had a kid with him
> Bee made sunny draw anti-fanart of her and sosa
> Bee kinda looks like ciara 
> Both Bee and Tinker are tomboys 
> Both look like jewish girls 
> Tinker has some wild lore going on
> Both have beautiful blue eyes
> Both are skinny and look good in alt fashion
> These two girls are most likely to end up in some sort of drama because one is a carefree traveler that meets up with many internet strangers all the time and the other one is tied to a literal criminal
I know these chicks hate each other but I personally find them the most interesting and good to look at

bruh if you want drama go watch a movie or something.
> but duude ciara fucked this guy! and marky this other one!
who gives a shit, it's pathetic. 
> b-but it's part of e-girl cultur-ACK
the only dramatic thing was the death of the whores, you know who.

im sorry but that doesnt work irl at least when ur not in USA. noone even notices me or sits next to me in public transport they either smell me from far or just see how awkward and scared from people i am
holy shit i just checked that out idk if i can do that by myself tho i need to push my legs lol

i like to pronounce it as kyuul/cool but with more squished lips, but i didnt come up with it like that. i didnt know it was used as cewl i think lol
> haven't had any intimate or sensual talk with a woman for a year.

I'd fuck you, almost all of the guys here would too, so chill.
Sorry to hear about the hypermobilty, my sister struggles with it.
I'm the sager that you were discussing your real paper handwriting with. 
Your handwriting is nice and girly, better than on real paper at least.
Dude, finger banging is fingering your pussy.
Huh, I've been pronouncing it like Soo-El

I'm gonna be real with you cewl, you are pretty, petite, in shape, nice, and smart enough that I'd marry you in a heartbeat, but being a smelly heroin addict slut drops you down to fuckable friend territory

On a break between classes is studying? I don't remember NEET having any minimum time as NEET to qualify, faggot. She literally said further up the thread that she hasn't left the house in weeks, you absolute fucking buffoon. Maybe once your mom finishes polishing my cock, she can teach you to read

> no job, doesn't leave house, waiting for school to start
Fine I'll concede that she's a cunt hair from being a neet, but not a neet yet, asshole. But if she drops out because of her addiction you can go fuck yourself

> her jelly bfs suicide
he's not her bf. just a really dumb guy who doesn't get the hint that she's not into him. he's very possessive over her even though she's not his gf, in his mind he thinks he has a chance.

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couldnt find the pic i saw but in kpoptwt this dance studios weight height chart was trending and i was heavier than chubby for my height. picrel is more normal than that pic but still im not skinny enough ;-; i wish i was as skinny as before. im the heaviest i hve ever been in my life, its taken a toll on me
however ive been strict dieting for a couple days and am starting to see a difference even though i still have chub amd squishy stomach (proof uploaded in discord but OP is sleeping rn someone else has to repost)
so i am very suicidal about this but you guys really make life worth living because you tell me im pretty, no matter my weight :3 thank you a lot

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yeah but ill get a prize for developing a non withdrawal opiate and will win it. or save the world some other genetic way, whatever i study ill make sure im good at it.
also yes, i love fate, i am a convicted FGO addict to the point i had to quit because my mom told me i was asking for too much mony
i used to love arjuna x karna and douman the most, oh and jalter and jeanne are my waifus

It's the other way around. The world slave comes from slav, because we used to be the main source of slaves in the early middle ages. 
I think before slav(e)s the word "servus". 
I'm a slav myself. With slave fantasies. 
Anyway, please answer my question!

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i dont care, she can get her bag. also what they gonna do with her ip ddos her ? nah
im alwayus here to support her if she ever wants to talk to me. as much shes freakier than me and is a sex haver, i support a fellow nude sharer for the fucks of it. donut chan ftw!
and yes, my opinion changed, its normal. it changed once she got in my dc server. problem?

She is sort of like a extroverted femcel that is motivated to make friends and go to social activities, she also isn't ugly so isn't mistreated by others. However she only has like 2 friends and they're all femcel-y type girls that are into otaku culture and hard drugs.

Cewl pretends to be an autistic virgin who posts nudes but never even kissed a man but she literally goes to university, goes clubbing and has friends. So no she is not a virgin and even has a roastie pussy

For some reason she has this "pure whore" persona she has crafted, might be ego, might be trying to attract a certain kind of simp.
You think a girl who gives out blowjobs and does hard drugs isn't getting violently railed out?
No idea, sympathy? A shield of "innocence" to hide behind? Can't be much money since she still comes on here to interact. Hell, maybe she just enjoys see retard moids tearing each other apart over her bullshit

men on 4chan hate non virgin women but they love whores at the same time so if a virgin is a whore for them only they like it, that's why they hate iris she had sex but is a "prude" who never posted nudes and that's why they love cewl she is a pure virgin who posts nudes and sexy audios for them

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hey bro if u wanna assume things about me fine but how am i supposed to prove anything i say. like i could say anything but i prefer to show my true self to you guys. taking pictures with people at a con doesnt mean i fucked them or thought they weee attractive, i just liked the fact they cosplayed tf2 because i like it. wtf. i didnt have sex with people while doing drugs because i had money for drugs and girls sexed men only for drugs but i didnt need to do that and knew i wanted real love since a young age so i kept my body to myself. also i never had any crushes. idk why im telling you this because you wont believe anything i say even though it happened to me and we both know you werent there. if you anon, believe Anonymous about my life over me, no comment

> i kept my body to myself.
but you posted your body for millions of men to jerk off online and it's permanent what you post online is there forever so if a dude dates iris for example he is less cucked than dating you because you posted nudes while iris never did it

Women also sex men on drugs because they're high as shit and suddenly anything goes, I fw girls who do coke and its the same deal, oh I'm a good girl blah blah blah, then they get a little powder up their nose and off come their clothes
You're saying things that don't line up with reality, if a girl gets high on hard shit, and a male druggie is present, he's going to be trying to fuck her

I know only me and other 15 other autists post on agatha2 but there are at least 500 lurkers per day at any time and she also posted nudes on 4chan in the past, r9k has like 1000+ lurkers per hour so at least 1500 guys have seen her nudes

Lurkers are always a much larger group than active posters, that's true of most boards but probably particularly here. Though that's not to say they're necessarily primarily lurking this thread in particular.
Those are only the number of users with 'realtime' enabled. This feature is disabled by default, no one uses it. Except for a few newfags who don't understand what it is.

you retards completely missed my point. im saying on internet there is nothing i can do to prove i am a virgin or not. idk what to do i already posted my hymen 😭
like if i said i had sex same people would say "noone would fug dis ugli stinky neet femcel looool xD she didnt hab segs" and it would be the same discussion on the opposite topic. like idk what to do these people will always exist. i can only hope someone will believe me because they have nothing to lose by lying while i have my whole self like lying would be a bad point for me while im trying to be an egirl so why would i do that 0_o

don't want to see the inside of your vagina dude.
I don't think I've seen anyone on here talking shit about a girl NOT getting laid, cope
You wouldn't lie because it'd be a bad look? Injecting drugs into your foot is a bad look for an egirl too, didn't stop you tho

yes because im honest about myself. i could lie and say ive never done drugs etc but overcoming my addiction and sharing it with you guys was a big part of me overcoming it. what i dont like the most is being called a liar other than anything else.
i had every reason to lie yet i didnt. idk where ur coming from or idk what you mean im not sure i understand
> chubby hooters
w wym.. i am not chubby..

yes :D i drew this morning (my WoL)
dude this isnt darkweb. its just a .onion link to a clearweb website. calm your tits. and all girls have their own thread, if they are different girls they are on different threads probably.


yeah i used to bleach my hair first year i was an egirl (i think 2021?) in that sunmer i had blonde hair for 3 months or 5 then i used a soft brown then i went jet black nd ive been rocking that since a long time. 
why are you still saginf when its 500+ replies and youre clearly interested in me though?

Lol at this dumb ugly delusional whore thinking she's an egirl when if you go to r9k and post any marky or ciara or any proper egirl's pic hundreds will immediately know who they are and engage in discussion, whereas if you post any of the million pics of this slavshit subhuman nobody will know who the fuck she is lmao

My proposition would have looked like this: posting the photo and the drawing here (or another board). I can't reward you with any commission, except with gratitude. Creating OC on the chans is voluntary. No reason to add other medium.
If this isn't suitable that's okay.

You stick out like a sore thumb donut, remember when your new thread got nuked?
I do hate you. You know when you look at someone and see part of your warped self in them? Its kind of like that. But its okay I like you too

After a little snooping around I take back what I said about donut chick. She's doing "porn" and can't even take care of those tits. Those nipples gonna make contact with her belly button when she turns 35 and seeing her from behind is disappointing. She may really work at Dunkin so she's dumb too. "Goth" lol

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im a person! im the person that is in the first image of this thread
youre talking about the girl donut, probably lol.
i have black hair, flat chest and a small figure. you can see it in this thread probably.
well, i hate donut with how she was 2faced since the ip got revealed. shes so pitiful, idk what to say. imagine being a sex haver and still having to stoop this low for more attention. lol

I got most of that. I love first world drama. Just don't see how someone like Donut would be an egirl. Maybe I have a different understanding of what it means. I doubt Donut could even beat Super Mario 64. You can't be an ethot gagging on dick AND working at a donut shop.

I don't think I can explain it properly but a Donut definitely isn't one. I never really thought about this. Seems like being an egirl is the new aspiration like being an "influencer" was.

Cewl I remember it as dreamcast was going after 64. I wanted one so bad. I had Nintendo, snes, Genesis (the one with the bit switch), gamegear, 64, short stint on pc, xbox, then mobile till now. Most memorable games zelda (golden cartridge), mega man, hated sonic, loved tails, super metroid before came out as a chick, and perfect dark. Still think I played perfect dark more than any other game ever.

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> zelda (golden cartridge)
classic zelda :D was it on gamecube or n64? what is your favorite zelda game? im asking because it is my favorite franchise.
> did you pimp a turk?
lolwut? no. i have had turk friends from doing drugs etc. didnt get to make friends in campus really.
> Why do you read this?
good question. some sort of self sabotage, because people are generally mean, and some sort of longing for friendship. i want to talk to people. i also love attention, and erotic attention at that. but this fucked with my brain after doing it too much, so i try not to share new nudes. i also have a discord server where i share new pics, and talk to people n stuffs.
ask any questions you like, im sure you hhave a lot since youre new to all this

Personality? Perhaps it has a skeptical kind of expression. Like
> are you kidding me?!
If you wish you can check the thread I linked above to get an idea what are getting posted there (start at the end of the thread, many images are missing from the front). They are rather "playful" I think.

Cewl I just skimmed through and got the impression that you were accused of being with some guy, sort of admitted meeting him, he got you a pc, maybe there was a pic of you with his nut on your eyes/mouth. I don't think I'm mixing up profiles. Got over drugs, I'm guessing pills or something hard like H. And Zelda for Nintendo lol I was always years behind on consoles. I played up to ocarina of time on 64 but lost in on the lore afterwards. I'll still mainly pick Link when my brothers get me to play Smash Bros when I see them. Don't self sabotage. Now you remind me of this girl I was with. I wasn't serious and didn't care about her chatting where we met, underanime I think it was, and it fucked her up. Not that I turned out stellar.

i got my pc from my parents.
there is not a pic with someone elses nut on me, i wish
yeah i get accused of being a guy on the regular idk why probably because of my interests.
> rest
aww yeah :D thats so cool. i hope youre playing smash with friends etc. :D
hes just normie, be nice

I'm not getting egirl vibes from any of the threads. Some are good thirst traps until they dialog. Maybe 1 or 2 are half ass in a game using cheat bots. cewl may be the only one I can see has some interest in a few games. I think it's mostly chick rivalry with insecure guys cheerleading.

I never heard of someone shooting up ketamine. This girl can't be from the west coast. Please confirm she's from Russia, balkans, or something like that where people get high off ketamine.

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I dont think its a healthy environment to make friends. It's unequal, with simps and haters orbiting you and begging for crumbs of attention (positive or negative). Maybe you enjoy it, since you get a bit of attention from lots of people. But i think you'd be healthier if instead of coming here, you spent that time with long-term friends, where you invest in the relationship and each person has the other's undivided attention. Becuase here, once you close the site, you're left with nothing to show for it.

not Cewl, but real life friends are annoying, boring, and you can't insult them or be honest with them. what's the point? even having an anon calling you a nigger and asking you to commit suicide is more satisfying

That's sensible but this is the internet. She turns to these forums because feels more interest in getting gagged out by this dick than than hearing what normal humans think and feel. Plus she using drugs. You can begin to reason but every time you fold and shoot up, all progress is reset. Show us your butt hole cewl 98125 you too

How often these discount ethots come on here? I may be able to come on daily for a few days to give some of them a little of the mistreatment they so desire. Just trying to do my part.

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